I THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUGUST 1910 I I 11 I- IT I l l tTit mm- fei mi Quick Relief for an upset stomach hic coughs a sick headache con stipated bowels or a bilious attack is secured by using Sold Everywhere Boxes 35 cents Two Houses for Sale In Good locations in Town Apply K ROBERTSON 14 House FOR RENT OR FOR SALE With all modern conveniences Ap ply to For Brick House rooms domestic cistern- New stable on Apply to Box 146 Newmarket around the Hot j e RELIABLE COR TO i KESWICK FOR SALE Fire Wood in any form to suit the Must be sold The tim ber is on the farm Apply to R ARMSTRONG The held a meeting at the home of Mr Walker on the afternoon of Thursday Aug The meeting opened by singing and scripture reading followed by prayer A splendid paper showing much care ful and earnest preparation on the topic Salvation Souls was read by the president which follows the business part of the meeting Much interest was shown and many sug gestions given About sac down to a sumptuous repast prepared by the young ladies of the circle An excellent program was rendered consisting of solos readings and re citations and all report having had a profitable and very enjoyable time The young people desire to thank Mr and Mrs for having so kind ly opened their home to them on this having so materially as sisted in making the meeting a suc cess The proceeds were Double Drowning at Jackson Point NO ESCAPE NOW CAST I THE LEAST OF THESE The time has passed when i must chase criminals from one n country to another Instead of You Have Always Bought trains has borne the signature of steamers ttiev employ the telegraph Fletcher and has been made under perchance the personal supervision for 07er SO he in the wireless tele- by a path so narrow years Allow no one to deceive you J graph or send over the wires not Such wearisome burdens horc- inthis Counterfeits Imitations and only a description of the man wanted she came with heart but a fairly good portrait of so carder at heavens door that the police of the whole world within a few hours have reliable j She had little of earthly beauty She had loss of earthly lore Justasgood are but Experiments and endanger the health of Children Experience against Experiment What is is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays It cures arid Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency It as similates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep The Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend- The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of evening About last Friday two Toronto young men aged and years respectively and intimate companions met their death in the waters id Lake about yards from shore Their names arc James Grange son of Dr A A Grange principal Ontario College living his pa rents at til Huronstreet and Ivan Beautiful Building of Fred Clarke 1 for Sale On Main- fctreet domestic water Apply to Irwin or to C Newmarket In Use For Over30 Years CCHTAUH COMPth TO For ue on avenue At Splendid location First come choice p cant For Sale Eight Boomed House situated on street Newmarket with first Furnace all modern For further information apply to A J DAVIS Newmarket Brick House for Sale Situate on St Newmar- large lot and good Apply on the premises to Mrs or to W WIDDIFIELD Farm for Sale Vest half lot con King One Hundred Acres more or Jess Fifty Acres under Cultivation House Driv ing House and Modern Warn stone Good Orchard Good and Spring stocked witli Trout Only three mile from Newmarket and convenient to School Church imt Office Mill Suitable growing or mixed will be for low figure for good reasons Apply on be or if by mail 20 the time of the tragedy most of die residents of lie big Summer at the lake resort were at their evening meal and the only eye witness of the drowning were Mrs John of Toronto and her son Harold Hear ing cries for help they looked anil saw an overturned canoe about yards from shore and two youths struggling in the water as wa idled the pair- who were clinging each other sank who although only is champion swimmer and has practiced lifesaving methods at once obtained a boat and rowed out to the spot v here the had gone down The lake was cry rough and the depth over feel and that it would In- to attempt reach the bodies at such a depth Until the dead hoys besides neighbors were hcboolmatcs at Harbor Street Collegiate Institute Grange had- completed his col legiate course and was preparing enter the university but became ill during the matriculation and did not complete them have Summered at Jacksons Herb Red Raspberry This is the hardiest and largest fielder of all lied Raspberries It is known as the in berry It produces three times the quantity of fruit that other Reds do Write to headquarters for prices or for an agency Drown Co Browns Wetland Co iw2 AURORA J The Sunday Schools of the and Disciple Churches held a union picnic at Lake Wilcox on Wed nesday afternoon a very enjoyable afternoon was spent in boating etc The death Mrs George stain took at he family Snowball on Thursday morning Mrs wad the eldest- daughter of Mr Geo Harrow Snowball and was in her year The funeral look place last Saturday at I The interment will be in King City Cemetery said There were hearts of heroes She said There were hands oi might I had only my little children That called me day and I could only soothe their sorrows Their childish hearts make light means of identification ft a descrip tion and a portrait will not be suffi cient they may have a of the criminals own handwriting The modern sleuth is electricity and the wonders it performs are sopietimes astounding A short time ago a bank was missing Investigation And she bowed head in silence of his sbowed that he was j She rxd her face in shame short in his accounts many out from a blaze glory and dollars Certain circumstan- A form majestic came led to the conclusion that he had taken passage on a steamer sailing to a Southern port with the intention of there heart that has self forgotten the Mediterranean A description That never its own has sought was wired and the vessel he was sup- j Who the weak from falling posed to be on was communicated j the King hath jewels brought- with by wireless The ship answered Lo what thou hast done for the And sweeter than all heavens music Lo someone called her name children For the Lord himself hast wrought Womans Journal o YOU THINK that he was aboard and when I he landed he was arrested In the mean time Mediterranean ports had been communicated with and his chance of escape cut off in that direction In this case a comparatively small sum of money expended in electricity ac complished more than a dozen old- fashioned sleuths could have dene if the cast ago While in this country we j developed the telegraph and the wire- I less to a poinl in commercial efficien cy surpassed by that of- no other country nations excel us in the transmission of poutraits and signatures European- su periority in these respects may be due to government ownership and promotion Vet it is quite probable people at home is not only more that as soon Police depart- ladylike but more refined demand such accessories our company manners telegraph and cable companies will That to judge anybody by his -per- show greater enterprise in Hies appearance stamps you as not lections Unless they do there is only ignorant but vulgar great probability thai government I Thai to and talk and talk influences will be brought bear up- That a kind word put out at brings hack an enormous percent- had occurred years age of love and appreciation That though n loving thought may not seem to he appreciated it has yet made you better and braver be cause of it That acts of kindness and thoughtfulness day by are really greater than one immense act of good ness once a year that to be always polite to the is on OOB the is Farm for Sale TKNDKR acres Lot North Owiiiimhury J mi It from Sut ton miles from lackfioiis Point Two of orchard- apples pluni8and bush clay soil nine rooms outbuilding The higher or any tender when one not nweitfftrily Tcubri will be received unOS Kept 1st J GRAHAM Farms for Sale Enquire from HUGHES Agent for A Co Toronto Terns Free Trip 9 FOR IT Wanting lor years and young Orange accepted the invitation of- his mate Clark to join them at their Cottage The pair went in the canoe shortly before six oclock and the wa ter very rough apparently cap sized in the trough of the waves Clark va an expert swimmer bid Orange not swim at all Clark should irave had no difficulty it is surmised that be endeavored to save his friend and that lie perished in at tempt the place where hap pened water is about An alarm was once raiMMJ and a young man to the jumped into i boat and rescue but he had only a few oar broke and had to return the shore out and attempted r the bodies but were iinniicceful Box Sutton West tl lgn of the moor but lie bodies- ff ere not recovered till- Saturday alien they were found in ft of waCer found arm worp the others neck and I the drovring was sent lo the families who Were extremely Immediate in the city and likewise the Point the tit the family bad been summering Cranc and Clarke behind for a few after the meto- bad left for the city The young men were out canoeing at the time the accident happened and as as known there were wily two eye wltncftjieii Mrs We and her little n The young men were at either end of the Canoe and In their effort to steady It the frail Craft both into the water range at once and in to him was dragged under and did not again Come to he surface- Mr Clark father one of Che victims is member of the tailoring firm of Clark Lee form erly located at recently removed to An other son Bruce Clark is lecturer in French at Toronto CnlverMly but For Sale That valuable property on Huron known as The A beautiful borne grand situation rich Urge garden fruit Flu with shade Jtedj5fc3 Flowing well Furnace Had Stable A Home for any Person Particulars J Executors of Estate or LIVE I do for you alright jisat present travelling in Italy Hats always A NUMBER OF AND LOTS FOR SALE to Loan on first M Hughes Agent Era till TfMi movement in favor of rule for Scotland with regard to its purely is gaining strength The Scottish National Com- which In composed of a num ber of the leading Scottish bis a striking manifesto UNION STREET The harvest is nearly over of the machine again heard Mr Win Henderson of Toronto has been visiting sister Mrs Angus floag Master Ralph was Visiting With his aunt Mrs at Mark- barn Miss Daly spent last week with friend In Toronto Quite i number attended garden party at Holland Landing Thursday evening School has attain The pupils glad see the smiling of Mr Ryan again Mrs Win Henry has been laid up with rheumatism Miss Mary of Keswick spent Sunday wiln Barbara Voting Mr and Mrs and family of spenl it- weekend with Mrs a aw v ml Mini M Aurora spent a few days with her sister Mis Win Henry Leslie to keeping late hours hut course lr is a long way from Jacksons Point Quite a number the excur sion to Park on Prevent and Relieve Headache It me pleasure to be refer to Miles AntiPain best rem edy we have yet in our house for the prevention- and cure of headache My wife who has been a constant for a number of years with above complaint joins me in the hope that they may fall into tjie hands of all sufferers JOHN HUSH Watcrvlcit Me Used Them Four Years Dr Miles AntiPain Pills are the best I ever tried for the relief of headache I have used them for nearly four years and they never fail to give mc relief I have many other but have never found any better JOSEPH Aw Detroit Mich There is no remedy that will more quickly relieve any form of headache than Dr Miles AntiPain Pills The best feature of this re markable remedy is the fact that it does not derange the stomach or leave any disagreeable after effects r to for DR MILKS ME Children FOR FLETCHERS VTA TO WESTERN CANADA LOW ROUND TRIP RATES GOING DATES Apr 519 3 31 Sep I THROUGH TORONTO WINNIPEG AND WEST Leave Toronto p to on above Through nod Second Cofiebea about yourself ami your belongings is very tiresome fur the people who lis ten Our Afternoon- REASONS Twenty cogent or writ Toronto ASK ATKINSON Agent Newmarket v fiitn Curt of Spavin Cure n hi far Mtir bona win iuK Our On It all a Urn Jill aIH VL L reasons for opposing lie liquor trallic and banishing the bar are given follows 1 It never builds up manhood but tears it down- It never beautifies the home but often wrecks it i ft never Increases ones useful ness but lessens it never allays the passions but inflames them newer stills flic tongue of slan der but loosens It never promotes purity of though I hut poisons it 7 never empties almshouses and prisons but them It never protects the but defiles it It never makes happy families but miserable ones in never prompts right doing in but f wrong It never prepares one for heaven but for hell 12 It never laves with all its revenues increases litem It never renders the Sabbath quiet bill desecrates it It never protects our property nor I safely but endangers them Ft never helps one to get a Insurance policy on his life but mili tates against it Hi ft never creates ambition and but invites laziness probacy poverty idleness ami crime never builds up the but peoples the station prisons and is never refines character nor Christian but is a de stroyer of the soul I ID It never teaches honesty find up- but invites the incendiary to apply the mldnfghl torch 20 If never promotes a robs him of money happiness his good name and endearments I Method his family his hope life Free Pelf i5o your Ho you If ho not tornurd prepaid CO Toronto many of om No two a Ho ill you How and If nd upon your WEWyOFK DENTISTS if- TORONTO Tune My Maryland t By Rev Miller The foe is great but ye arc strong Temperance Men Brave Temper ance Men The fight and mayhe long Temperance Men Temper- Men Remember Haddocks dust I Remember incisive thrust Remember all the just Temperance Men I Brave Temper ance Men ijthwmiu I strike For Oct For many years I suffered from severe Rheumatism and the attacks very distressing and prevented me from doing my ordinary work I tried man remedies and physicians treatments but nothing seemed to do me mm and was becoming very anxious for fear would become cripple from the disease I tried and this medicine has entirely cured roe and honestly believe it is the greatest Rheumatism cure in the world of Rheumatism In the goodness of his heart he wrote the above letter in that sufferers in all parts of Canada would know that there is one remedy actually does cure Rheumatism This testimonial was entirely unsolicited on our part not know that Mr Mills was taking until the above letter It is a case like Mr Mills that proves the marvellous is the greatest Rheumatism cure known to modem science 50c a box 6 for or trial box Sold by all dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa -J9- THE UPTODATE GROCERS OF Ladies and Childrens and Other Shoes We are going to Clear them all Out TIIK QUAMTY AT PRICKS Remember our Phone No Have on Hand a Large of White Pine Norway Hemlock etc to Order Special Sizes Cut a Sash Flooring Moulding AH Kinds of Inside work Ash and Georgia Pine Run to Order Dressing Sticking Turning and All Such Work Temperance Men Men y life or death for weal or woe Seize now the sword of truth and show Your courage gainst the deadly foe Temperance Men Brave Temper ance Men i Brave Temper Come to thine own heroic throng That stales with liberty And ring this dauntless slogan song Hum shall yes shall go From Patriotic No j go Cheaper to Clean or Dye Than Buy prove the economy of haTluy hi elf or your jool plumes embroidery Our Preach completely fabrics of toInelrbrlKhteitandfretbett The cost ud we par ex way on orden write for our New Book It le Hi all and free with all your Brave Temper- MY VALET FOUNTAIN THB Adelaide West Toronto strike the foes soul Temperance Men Men must not yield to his control Temperance Men Brave Temper ance Men I A martyrs fate you may receive better souls to receive Than rum should live souls to de ceive Temperance Men I Brave Temper ance Men I sec your courage in your eye Temperance Men I Brave Temper ance Men I Though mock youre not afraid to die A prisoner named Wells I hear the distant thunder hum near for horsestealing Temperance Men Brave Temper- escaped from the constable while Men Jng driven to jail Wo soon shall banish wine and rum Only of the Government Men I Brave Temper- appropriation of a million Men the protection of railway has been spent i Headaches nausea Indigestion muddy complexion pimples bad these are some of the effects of con stipation The mild sensible reliable remedy is a A f 1 They contain the discovered and best which empties the bowels the slightest discomfort and without turbine the rest of Constantly increased doses axe not necessary a Km CKamkal Coupjiay of ML I ARCHIVES OF fc