Newmarket Era , September 23, 1910, p. 6

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THE J Albert Telephone fern K5vfiS J Tt i i Imperial Pint Wine Quarts 66c Imperial Quarts 70c doz Wine Half Gal doz x- MANAGER CARD- OF THANKS Mr and Mrs J Hamilton and Mrs A Jones wish to thank the friends of Mount Albert for their kindness since the and death of Mr Hamiltons baby When you need shoes us a call we have tome lines we are clearing way below cost Spices Marked down to a EPWORTH LEAGUE The weekly meeting of the League will be held Friday evening tonight at pm The topic will be taken by Mr Jonn Hopkins Mr Crone will take the devotional exercises A report of the Convention will also be given Mrs Crosby will contribute a solo All arc cordially invited to attend Aurora- who filled it most A high board fence surrounds the old school and chanticleer roams abroad under the maples where school children were wont to play in days gone by Mr Herbert Wright is utilizing his newly acquired pro perty as a chickenfarm WEST FRANKLIN BALDWIN BREEZES Gordon Smith a school boy was struck on the head by a baseball while good un playing ball at school on Thursday We are sincerely delighted to be able to report that Grandma has quite recovered from her recent ill ness Her old family physician Dr Noble sr put hoc on her feet again Doc Reports are that our exteacher Miss Phillips is teaching way out on the prairie near She was a and we all love her mem- Johnny Canuck and Smocks They are fully guaranteed FWSMITH Queensvi SUCCESSOR TO SMITH and rendered unconscious Miss Leek rendered first aid to injured and he was taken home No ill effects were experienced Mr Nelson Draper fell over a box at Mr Robert Wilsons blacksmith shop on Saturday and cut a bad gash in his knee by its coining in contact with a paring knife Mr Boll of bridge will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist Church on Sunday evening next Messrs Steeper Dunn will hold Fall Millinery Opening on Tues day next Miss Sills is the Childrens Day will be observed in the Presbyterian Church next Sabbath in lieu the regular morning service The Sabbath School choir will have charge of the musical part of the service and an interesting program will be presented A Social under the auspices of the Guild will be held Our new teacher Mr Black is a worker I believe From what I hear he has good methods and will be pop ular David Galbraith had an extensive auction sale of farm stock on Monday He is retiring from farming and pur poses we understand preparing for the practice of the cure of diseases by the kneading and anointing process I dont know the technical name His sister Miss Sadie and bro ther Mr Will are now practicing in Toronto Theyd better have a care or theyll come in con flict with the Powers that be e the law courts Coon hunters have poor luck Theyre too many Coony is a Quaker He loves quietude Master Aimer Foster trapped one the easiest thing in the world to do- Theyre awfully simple walk right in a trap Just try Mr Fox is a cute cuss or Elder of Newmarket will DV preach in the Christian Church here next Sunday evening at Mr Geo Hammett spent a couple of days in Toronto Miss Mae Cook spent day last week in Stouffville The Toronto Fishing Club are mak ing some fine improvements to their summer residence here Mr Malnpri7e left for the West sometime ago and reports it a fine country Mrs C Crone was visiting one day this We are pleased to learn that Mrs Cook is still improving Mr J took in the Toronto Exhibition Miss Laura Cook has gone to To ronto where has secured a first- class position Success Laura Mr Geo Hammett and Mr Geo Love attended prayer meeting at Mr Smiths Mrs J Longhurst was visiting in Toronto last week Threshing is the order of the day around here FUZZY Mrs Charlie Smith of Franklin is visiting at her sisterinlaws Mrs John Croutch for a few days ROSEBUD ZEPHYR The annual business meeting of the was held in the Presbyter ian Church Zephyr Wed Sept eighteen members being present The following officers were elected President Mrs Lockie A Thompson 2nd ViccPres Mrs Pickering A Low Miss L Crosby Treasurer Mrs G Superintendents were appointed for different departments of the work Delegates were appointed for the Convention which is to be in A collection was taken amounting to The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Lawrie on the 5th Con of Scott on Wednesday Oct at 3 pm All ladies invit ed ooo on Wednesday night October better a wolverine glutton ifl for Biles stands for beet boat family medicine Biles Native Herbs strikes at the root of disease by puri the bloody It restores wasted Hi strengthens every organ I A tablet at night I next morning reeling bright Faithfully used will banish Rheumatism Constipation Dyspep sia Kidney and Liver Disorder Be sure you the genuine Bliss Native Herbs In a yellow box bearing the portrait of Further particulars will be given la ter The Guild will hold its first meeting since vacation next Wednesday even ing The members of Hie pack ed their annual bale of clothing for the missions among the Indians on Tuesday of this week The bale was the best ever sent out by this Auxili ary Most of the clothing was new and an exceedingly cautious estimate placed the value of it 5127 Mr and Mrs Baker of Baker Hill spent Sunday here the guests of Mr J A number of our citizens took in the chickenpie supper at the Metho dist Church on Monday They report delicious and program excellent O Bliss tablets Money back If not Ask the Bliss agent Chas AGENT KESWICK 1 to say Mr It Mann is recovering very fast from the up received from being thrown from Mr wagon Also that Mr Frank who a kick from horse his was necessarily taken Wed nesday to specialist in Urn My Mis Mary who has been at fcVjre for the past year and a has accepted a position in office at Georgetown with October Dont forget to the millinery V next week Miss knows just how the latest styles THEY ACTUALLY CURE Pills It he the the to claim to cure It Is quite another to do it Gin Pills bear out every claim make for they not a favorite prescription or a marvellous discovery or a won derful secret preparation They arc- simply a comntoasense scientific combination of medicines that have proved their value in and Troubles and of the Liver Jul have lytcn d A thin bid I COtild work A tended me and to to the hospital but all of good a friend me to try I Lad after a few boxes I aim tun J no why lit he aay Crocs If e and cured Why doot fox cure r let free A of Gin Pills be il the Co ft Messrs Vim and Jacob Smith have gone to the North West for two months They were accom panied by A and family as far as Rev l Davidson returned Mis sionary from India- will preach in the Presbyterian Church at clock next Sun day morning and at Mt Pleasant church at in the afternoon Large are anticipated Mr J Power is at present in taking a course In Manual Training at Mrs Power leave shortly to spend the in also Florence- Cain of Aurora i3 spending this week with her Miss Cain of the Public School staff Thos Leonard of Kettlehy Was in town calling on former parishion ers last Friday Mrs J Terry has returned from a weeks visit with her nephew in London Mrs Win of Toronto visvv her sister Mrs A this week Miss Ida has been with her brother Mr i herd in Winnipeg for a has from the west and will with Mrs J or winter Mr J Karl and was In city a couple of days last week fall and winter which are now being placed In Ids store Mr J has bought Mrs Jas house formerly own ed by Mr Geo Fogg hut will not com to the village till spring A telephone was installed In the par sonage this is the genera Mr A Whittle who has ably the pastor In the Methodist church services a nunVber of this year has gone to Buffalo for a days visit after he will act as junior pastor on Circuit Next Sunday wilt Sunday School Rail Day In the Methodist Church as In all churches In the I service which is especially for the children and those Interested In the Sunday School work but to everyone Is cordially Invited Will at half past ten In the morning and will bo conducted by A SortatyAve new chairs in the basement of church ted greatly the appearance of room The League responsible for procuring this new and order with Carcajou animal that is not much known of late years but that foils the efforts of the most trap per whom they annoy by robbing their traps Mrs Tommy had Miss Clara of Sutton as a ono day last week Miss is one of those young ladies whom Sub- ton delights to honor Tidy Tommy is doing more tidy work and rcinodclling his farm fences Henry King has been following his example His premises are much im proved thereby Victoria OBriens home is getting a fine new nightcap Lyme Miller is putting it on Bertie Camerons housebuilding Is progressing favorably Grandma Cameron is proud of her clever grand son We hope cold weather may find enjoying solid comfort in her new home Pringle is doing an immense trade at present I calculate Id best call around on my many friends and sample their preserving skill once more is on the menu that makes the sober Owl smile Isnt this delightful weather I toll you Fall is the banner season of the year Theres of- good things to cat Im dreaming with my eyes open of the western penin sula Ksbox with its wealth of lus cious peaches grapes water and musk melons etc etc peninsu la is tolerably good also The old Dame says but then she doesnt always tell truth fell a victim to the widows sweet charms And straightway flopped into her loving arms Widows in some cases are dangerous playthings Courting and courtship are costly Now farmers have got their grain threshed business is humming at the mill Our miller hasnt a leaping frog like Mark Twains hut he has most wonderful leaping pig The old rip thinks nothing of hopping over a four- foot fence and If her honor depended upon it shed skip over a fence five feet high I verily believe Franks pigs are expert swimmers They fre quently swim the river to enjoy a breath of the air of freedom Mr Staff McKcuron oir watch maker is doing quite a business Johnston and his trusty are dying yeoman Busy here today Everybody is in a hustle getting ready for the great Fair at Newmarket Mr Simon Thompson our old and highly respected neighbor returned from Torrance last week after spending the summer with his son Mr A Thompson Mr J Smart returned home from Owen Sound last Mr Teston Hedge of paid a flying visit to friends on Tues day and left Wednesday to attend the great Fair at Newmarket COLLEGE CORNERS axe yeoman scrvlCo In uri- iiW clearing land Mr week Mr Owl is also sticking his bill In as the us donor we believe I firebug Mr Harry Coomer has purchased Frank Kayn ranch acres on avenue for Tony jr lost ft fine ware the other day by the Lowel turning her out for a gO fill up on clover Its almost sure to do this every round lo the ant Tony and learn wisdom If that twolegged who crosses the river on a log to hook Uncle Dons corn vould tumble Into the big swim what a swish be Id go and begbe- Id steal old Im looking for dirty weather Hicks says Im to do so right now THE OWL I Forest fires in Nova Scotia a thousand otvalucbU timber property of We Ores Sometime ago the supposed corres pondent on Union Street or on some side line had a few items in yourt pa per relative to a Personal character and he or she highly succeeded in end- ridiculously It is not the In stinct of mature and cultured indivi duals- to write thus and if they would not go beyond the line or to show their of smart- and stick genuine veracity aj most honored accomplishment will have been gained Stick to the truth after this even if you are in embryo you will lay the foundation of saying what vou mean and not succeed in sjairsffo Mount a- suTsvr Mrs Dan Lepard Toronto form Newmarket visited sister- j inlaw Mrs Morris for a few days last week Mr our postmaster has added a colonial verandah to his which Is a decided improve ment Mr Tom is moving his driv ing house Mr Dunn is the contrac tor Mr and Mrs Alex Rutledge Newmarket spent Sunday with his mother Mr Marvin baby is very ill Sorry to report Mr Tra- is under the doctors care Eva returned to To- teaching school near Peters Cor ners According to reports she is getting along fine and as results show she possesses the characteristics of a good teacher Mr Stanley of Toronto has been rusticating at home for a week or two preparatory to accept- a good position He looks well and everybody wishes him success in whatever venture he undertakes Messrs Young and Ross Rose are now attending the High School at Newmarket A few nights ago some notable thieves in this community broke loose from their haunts and marched single file to Mr J garden Normal stole his watermelons Not con- where she will attend with appeasing their gluttonous and Insatiable instincts they destroy- those which were not ripe In- School BROWN HILL this enlightened community it was not thought that there were such mid Mums Pet Yankee has returned night shysters clothed such impish home alter afew days- visit at his characteristics as that They are known and the Invitation is hat they better renew the attack again Canada a is carries Hill an parents He says good Rats Mr Ira Palmer now between ion The New Street bridge is going ahead but the men have a hard time of it In the water Mr Win was home on a vis it last week Mr Ed Woodcock was calling on a few friends here last week Mr Rose has returned homo after spending the summer at Jacksons Point Miss Eva Merchant was the guest of Mrs Harford Riddel one day last The has finished painting the church which looks very nice Miss home on account of bad Hope she will soon recover Mr has purchased the farm here that he formerly lived on The Brown Hill Church is doing all the time More people corning out continually The Ladies Aid has made a very fine quilt It will be offered for sale in a short time The grain market is opened hero but very little on the move Wheat was on Saturday Mr Robert Norris Ifl very busy days gathering up his stock The Village Blacksmith is building a large addition to shop Mr D Dowling was doing some very rapid shooting on Saturday night guess there will be a hot in the old town some night when we both have got to move Glance crowded out till a the i next week SUTTON THE RIDQE Mrs T Skating and little daughter are visit ing at her old home here Mr John Br Quite a pleasant event took place In the school house oh Wednesday even ing last when the people on the Ridge went to choir practice and took the opportunity to present the minister Mr with a of money from the Sunday school Mr Wjlllarn Rye has purchased quite a number of cedar rails and Jb busy hauling them Mr and John and Mrs went out to Mr Thos on to on Prospects arc good for bigger and better Fair than ever The follow ing errors And omissions occur in the prize list Class Canadian Draught Horses Sec Three year old gelding or Filly 1st 2nd prize Class General Purpose or Agri cultural Horses Sec Three old gelding or 1st prize 2nd prize Class 1C Roots and Vegetables Sec 31 Early Potatoes half bushel 1st 2nd Sec Late Potatoes half bushel named 1st 2nd Mass Dairy Produce Sec should read best two Loaves of Bread made from Five Roses Flour special 1st prize half KM Five Roses Flour 2nd prize half Five Roses Flour Mr Howard Morton will have two By A It Is worth a lot to got SATISFACTION i a SUIT SATISFACTION we mean not only service but fit as well satisfactory Suit must be a SUIT the Coat of which FITS NEAT LY the COLLAR A SUIT which DOES NOT WRINKLE and DRAW around the AM holes A SUIT with a PERFECT HANGING Pair of TROUSERS A SUIT with the dozen and one other little FIT POINTS PERFECTED THAT is the kind or a SUIT WE will give you for A TAILORMADE SUIT FROM THE IN SHORT A GENUINE SATISFACTION OTHER LINES AS HIGH AS I AGENT FOR Get our prices for before selling NSVILLE OF CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVED AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS DEPOSITS BY THE PUBLIC 44OCOOOftOO TOTAL ASSETS Branches and Agencies throughout Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current Rates of Interest Allowed MOUNT ALBERT BRANCHS TERRY MANAGER itfuillinoryOpenin TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 2 will be the Fall Opening when there will be exhibited one- of the of Millinery to be any where Miss White is again in and as usual is preparing the latest and best shapes at the most reasonable prices General Store Goods are also fresh uptodate and at Lowest Prices C W COL KESWICK Mason Risen Pianos at Suttos which all lovers of music in spect Orders for piano tuning by a competant man may be left with in charge of exhibit A mass meeting for Geor gia and North the interests of Local Option will be held in the TownliiVl Sutton on Monday the of September Two ses sions will be held one at pm one at pm afternoon meet ing is important as plans lor organ ization for a campaign the be discussed It is necessary that a good these municipalities be present Res secretary of tlw DonAalon Alliance will speak both meetings Music will be provided tor the even ing meeting by the Combined Choirs of Sutton Entertainment to tea will he provided for those tlrea a distance Fear of having a teeth extracted unnoooaoary under our apodal treat ment We often romovo four and five at if at tended by pain ZEPHYR Johnston is ejecting skop for our popular milliner Mr Murphys residence is also im proved NEW YORK ft From Era Sept 21 Going to church is no of good character it docsnt do any injury to the reputation Card of Thanks Henry I of who wan burnt out last June wishes thank the many friends who financial ly assisted him to overcome his loss They always he With gratitude Stray Ducks Came upon lot 30 in the East last June Own er will please identify Ravenshoc For The Newmarket Era Best Home Weekly In County of York and Weekly r Address all orders to Era Office Newmarket rt T f t I i

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