Newmarket Era , October 14, 1910, p. 3

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I ay rim Weeks 41 OS I Chattel Mortgage Sale Of exceptionally good Furniture at ffiddifields Storerooms on Wednesday October commencing at o clock pm Ter cash Sew Millinery nice lot of Ladies and Childrens Flats beautiful Feather Mounts Paisley Silks at Mrs C M i 33 AY OCTOBER 1910 Talent Sale the IV M had great success at Talent Sale in the School Room of the Methodist Church last Friday n the home cooking es- four times the amount pro- Tided could have been sold The proceeds were over The ladies tend to hold another one in about low two months and pared next time iiea of will be better pro as they have some what is required Hand Bags and Purses Over Filly to choose from 25c to All Bargains Watsons Store Brieffets There was no quorum at the meet ing of the Public School Board on Tuesday evening Mr Art Richardson has bought the bouse on Main street formerly occu py by the late Mrs Edmund El- ridge An organgrinder paraded the town on Wednesday to the delight of the small fry The charivari crowd went down 10 the theatre by- special car on Wednes day bight Another crowd was out last Friday night Furniture sale next Saturday David of East has a muskmelon growing on a cucumber vine The Charity Ball will take place next Tuesday evening flock of geese flew south over town Wednesday Dont forget the sale of Saturday on Eagle street advertised in this issne Mail and Empire of date Mon day Oct A photo of tbe first pupil of the Newmarket Grammar School together with the inscription on the trowel with which the stone itself Grammar School and is today the oldest resident of Newmarket that is resided her the longest it was ting that she should lay corner stone of the new wing which is being erected at a cost of The was laid numerous photograuhs of inscription on the trowel presented to local buildings of prominence and her is as follows To Mrs views of Newmarket and its various school Buildings also one of the High School Principal the first pupil of the New market Grammar School 1848 from the pupils of on occasion of A copy of 1910 edition of her laying tbe cornerstone of the hew Facts About Canada an autograph technical wing Labor Omnia list of the teachers and pupils as in October 10 1910 Signed attendance at the High School Oct E A Chairman the High 1910 also specimens the School Board coinage of Canada viz a fifty twentyfive ten five and one cent piece bearing each the date 1910 all Be Sure You Of and HON DR Minister of Education Laving the Corner Stone newly minted In introducing the Hon Dr Pyne Minister of Education t address the Jewelry gathering the chairman referred to the fact that his fathers name ap pears on the original document fyled in the Registry Office as a Trustee the first School for higher Bargain lots of Hand Bags Purses to Watsons of tion in Newmarket The Dr referred Between four and five hundred Deo- J with pride to the homefeeling he had pie assembled on the High School in coming to his native Town Two grounds on Monday afternoon to wit- years ago he had the pleasure of the ceremony of laying the Cor- sitting an old Newmarket boy the Stone of the new Technical Wing Hon Sir Wm Mulock in laying the The weather was most delightful and corner stone of the Friends College the function passed off with great sue- adjoining which already gives Seats were provided for ladies dencei of great usefulness and now he and the Military Band entertained the returns to take part in another cere- with a fine classical pro- which indicates that gram previous to the introductory is to become a great Educational remarks of the Chairman of the Centre in the very near future and Mr A who re- congratulated the people of the ferred to letters and telegrams of rejTown upon the progress that is mani- gret from the Hon Minister of Agri- iestod well as congratulated the culture Mr T Lennox and others on the capable manner in which The speakers were cleverly introduc- she laid the cornerstone The and brief addresses were given by Hon Minister then spoke at some His Worship Mayor Pearson Messrs length trie efforts of the Jackson J McKay and J ment to improve educational Minns Principal of the High throughout the Province commencing School Special references were made to the value of education and the pro gress of higher education in Christlan Church The pastor will occupy the pulpit both morning and evening Oct and will speak on the following themes am Constant Companion ship 7 pm A Marriage Proposal Us Show You The Nelson Steel Range six No 9 holes with Reservoir and Hot Closet Takes four lOin pie plates The best stove value today S40 at T The W will make their annual visit to the Industrial Home on Tuesday the 18th of Oct Meet at Mrs Maws on Park avenue at a quarter to three where the bus will be waiting A cordial invita tion is given to all members of the Union and also to any other ladies who would like t accompany them with the increase in teachers sal aries and there is still lack of teachers in the Province because of from the Grammar School of great demand in the Northwest with one master and one pupil in the greatest attention has been given to the development of the Ag ricultural Branch of Technical Educa tion believing that this Is of very oneroom school to the High School of today with fiv teachers and near ly pupils and the for more room necessitating the new importance In Ontario today providing for Technical Educa tion n Agriculture and Mechanics Previous to the unique ceremony of the laying of the Corner Stone by there are 170000 farmers owning bil lions of property He quoted J J Hill as authority for saying that product the Western state was J Rockwells New Sunny South Co Those of our citizens who patronize the opera house and others who want to see a good colored company will be glad to hear that J Rockwells New Sunny South Company the col ored show that made a hit in our town on its former appearance two seasons ago will appear in the Opera FALL AND WINTER UNDERWEAR For Men Women Boys Children and Infants Starting at and running up to We warrant every garment unshrinkable FLANNELETTE 5000 yards Flannelette from yard upward One- special inch Flannelette yard FLANNELETTE BLANKETS in all sizes qualities and prices Bargains in White Wool Blankets at less than old prices GOLF COATS I FASHION With Mo 7a a These arevery scarce goods We have a full range of them at present but they will not last long and yM j3 Our guarantee of wear in every pair of Boots you buy from us is an as surance of satisfaction We keep on ly solid Leather Shoes of the best make in Canada at the lowest possi ble price Pink Salmon tin Canned Fresh Herring Kippered Herring tin i Castile Soap Shell Brand bar Good Brooms 25c W A UNION Its a Shame To haggle or mutilate that hand some mug of yours with a dull razor when for you can get a Carborun dum Strop that will keep your razor in perfect condition at Change of Time The winter Time Table on the Met ropolitan Ry went into effect on Monday The only change between Newmarket and Toronto is the drop ping out of the car leaving here at am and the one leaving Toronto at pm Cars for the North leave Newmar ket am noon and pm and arrive from the North at and am 350 and pm lb Residence For Sale Suitable for a Doctor or Private Hospital on the corner of Main and Water Streets Apply to Roche Co Newmarket Saturday The following are the results single competition to date Second Round I Field Pi Morgan Fisher A Cross- Clarke Doyle 25 A Sornmerville 18 Martin Second Round Extra P Morgan A Binns Field 20 Third Round Dr Clark 22 25 A 15 Field ford v Lister Morgan 15 Mrs M the first pupil oft bushels of wheat to the acre Newmarket Grammar School and while English farmers obtain 28 mother of Chairman the High els There must be a difference Thomas led method production The Depart- in I iladinsWalker There was a large attendance at St Johns Church at on Tues day morning to witness the nuptials of Miss Walker and Mr Hod gins of Newmarket Rev Father Whitney officiated The bride was dressed in white and looked very Miss Minnie bridesmaid and the grooms Mr Clarence as groomsman Miss Kennedy presided at the organ and a full choir rendered a IhoraJ At the conclusion of th ceremony the guests numbering dual wens added also a copy School Board Rev prayer Following Is a list of contents of the in the Corner Stone which was exceptionally well laid by Mrs provided with a Silver Trowel by the pupils and oxpupils of the School for that purpose suitably engraved and which will no doubt become an heirloom in the family A statement declaring that this stone was laid on Oct in the first year of the reign of His Ma jesty Kin George V Earl Grey GovernorGeneral of the Dominion Sir being Premier Canada Sir P Whitney Premier of Ontario and Hon R A Minister Education and this day here present Hon A Ay lea- worth Minister of Justice being member for North York in the Do minion Parliament and Lennox its representative in the Legislature of Ontario A Sutton West Warden the County of York David Lloyd County Regis trar W Pearson Mayor of New market J Hughe Clerk of the municipality The test included the names of the present Reeve and Al dermen of the Town likewise the names of the members of the Board of High School Trustees- also the name- of the Public and Separate School Trustees The names of the Trustees Pick eting College that of their o the ment of Agriculture started out with six schools in this Province and now there are twelve and everywhere the policy commends itself to the people He claimed that the science Agri- ling October 15th There isnt much j to say about this company save that it is a good strong one composed of twentyfive colored people each and everyone an expert in speciality work who do everything funny that drcies can do so well and keep the audience in a constant state of laughter and excitement from start to finish On culture is more entertaining t If young than any profession The oP- Wlt best and M It the of today are very much largest rf any or many yea r hey greater than even a few years ago and he predicted great future lor the Newmarket High School which would give an inspiration to the whole County of York Applause Proceedings closed with music by the Rand arul the Minister left for the city on the oclock car A of kodaks got snapshots during the proceedings as well as the photographer Schools were dismissed early in the afternoon so that teachers and scholars could participate in the event As Mrs M was for a week the first and only pupil in say it is even better now everything is new modern highclass refined and uptodate to the minute and at on its former appearance it will he found to lie clean to a fault During the entire performance there is not a line nor an action to which exception can be taken The organization is accompanied by a highclass solo concert band and superb orchestra band will head the Koontown parade which will take place at noon The prices of admission have placed at Reserved Rogers- 35 and Seats are Drug Store cents now wiling at Program of Concert in Presbyterian Church Wednesday October Organ Solo DoddsHogaboom At four oclock Wednesday afternoon in St Augustines Church Toronto the marriage took place of Miss Christine Gladys Hogaboorn daughter of the late Geo to Mr Charles Kenneth Tyndall avenue- service was taken by tho rector Rev Frank immediate relatives being pre sent The bride who was given away by her uncle Mr Bingham a travelling suit of pink cloth and black hat willow plumes and she carried a bridal bouquet of and lilies Mis Beatrice was brides maid in rose satin veiled with gray and hat to match Mr lack Dodds brother of the groom was best man Mr and Mrs after the cere mony drove to thc station and left on train for New York On their return they will reside at thc Hampton Apartments Alex Burrows of Sutton has sold out to Mr The disappearance of a broker l Montreal named Sheldon is causing great excitement among investors office was in charge of Mr I when he left m A Corsets See our Ribbed Hose Wool a dandy for The Ladies Store Newmarket Dress Goods for the Women of Quality a f Chiffon Broadcloth fine satin finish all the newest shades and per yard Diagonal Serges in all the newest shades and Wo have the largest stock of 50c Dress Goods to choose from All thc now shades and weaves San Toy Melrose Duchess Serges Panama Cloth and many other lines top numerous to mention Dont fail to visit our Millinery before buying your- Fall Hat LADIES AND MISSES TAILOR PHONE Established CAPITAL ALL PAID UP UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS r f I I Selected about repaied to the home of the bride on street a sumptuous wedding dinner was served The happy couple left on p train of Confetti and the honeymoon they will reside in A to On their return -v- market Annual Charity Calico Hall At the Committee Reeling on Mon day evening arrangements were pretty completed for the annual Charity Calico Ball which will take place Tuesday evening of next week The very anxious to rnako the as large as last year and an- for the- Kale of tickets Many will no doubt be glad to oven they do not Last year the total and the expenses a balance of SI which was distributed ladles are requested to supply its refreshment as year and hem to the Hall not later than on Tuesday afternoon Tickets are on at the Bank of and the Bank of Toronto also procured at the door evening of ball Any who to assist the finances Ify smaller donation than It can Jfeive the same with Miss Nellie treasurer of the Fund The- Council has granted the Hall free of charge recent of Wiat College A of the Report of the Minis ter of Education on Technical Educa tion or a copy of trie Munici pal Statistics of Ontario just published a voters of the Town of Newmarket Era and ExpressHerald date Cot the illustrated supplements of the Toronto World Star and Globe Of the Sat urday and Sunday editions last a copy the Toronto Globe and What Shall I Give Alt Women ftome men and most- children can as successfully as most billed painter Ask about it it A Hardware tirEia till for It is not a hit difficult to Select a suitable Wedding Gift from can buy here at all prices suiting all tastes and purses The selection Of a wed ding gift from an attrac tive stock like ours is an easy matter We furnish the groom favors to those a personal gift to the bride Ve carry In stock the American Tiffany and Eng lish Wedding Rings from to no ft Jevelerc and TtcVotfl MISS EDITH DICKSON Quartette Sweet and Low HAYDN QUARTETTE Solo The Deathless Army MR VERSO Reading Humorous Tommys First Real Trial MISS MAY Solo Soprano My Afn MRS FRED SCORE Piano Wings of Song MISS MAY 1 i School I Mills Mendelssohn Liis i 7 Quartette Sacred Rock of Ages HAYDN QUARTETTE Solo Contralto a An Emblem lust Awearying MRS A Reading Out of the Old House Nancy MISS MAY Solo Tenor- Cairn the Night MR LEONARD Quartette Evening HAYDN QUARTETTE SAVE THE KINO To Commence at pm if Dudley Muck I 9 t I Thompson i Jacob Bond If Newmarket Markets October 1910 Kail Wheat per hush 0 per hush Barley per hush Peas per hush Bran per ton 00 Shorts per ton 118001178 Bracfcea at all Important and la London Eag Not York Chicago Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers Ontario Bank Branch will heretofore ai NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS Hay per ton Mutter per- lb do per hag Chickens per Hi 14 22 13 0 Toronto Markets October IOIOi Fall Wheat per hush 0 8710 88 loose Wheat per bus Oats per bush i Seymour Smith ADMISSION Peas per hush Hurley per bush Hay per ion Butter per lb Eggs per do Potatoes hag Chickens per lb Turkeys per lb 70 20 GO 20- 0 15 20- If you are using our Bread you are Best Loaf in town Baked in one of thc Modern and Improved Bakeries in Canada A Three Pound Loaf full weight the Quality never Varies a Loaf Today Cakes and Buns of Equal Merit Sec our Assortment Test their Excellence Crockery Department Fully Equipped with the Latest Productions of Englands Leading Potteries For Presents wo have a Large Selection to Choose from Our Prices are Right See Our Stock of Crapes Friday Phone W HOWARD I Be Sure and See Them until you are ready J A ARCHIVES OF Iks help hurhariUy i J 5 mm

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