Newmarket Era , October 21, 1910, p. 5

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10 W prank Duncan COLLECTOR Tecum Clank DENTIST Wilkinson Newmarket la of LICENSES private residence if NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- CASSIDY A LUESDY Dp J Boyd in medicine of Toronto University Licentiate of the College of Physicians and mem ber of Royal College burgeons England Former clinical assistant Moorfteldi Hospital and Unl- College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital England Office Cor Wain and Timothy Telephone No Consultation may be had at any hoifj the or night by calling at the office or phone PlumWng 3 of Our Specialties See Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS ft OSBORNE SONS to Smiths Grocery New We hare received our Stock of New Fruits Currants Dates Peels Layer Malaga Grapes Oranges etc Also all the NEW CANNED GOODS To Com Peas Salmon etc fro- the Best Canaries OUR assorted and the Best that moliCy can buy OUR BREAD It Weight Fan- Calces of all Every Syne few as good HAM sliced to Joseph Hte Old Stand J HOT OS Return Tickets at Single Fare Via Grand Trunk Railway System on account of Thanksgiving Day be tween all station in Canada also to Niagara Falls and Buffalo New York Detroit and Port Huron Mich Good going Oct 28 30 return lim it Nov Secure tickets from Grand Trunk agents Clubbing Rates for 1 911 Era and Weekly Globe Era and Daily Globe North York only Era and Toronto Star Era and Toronto News Era and Weekly Mail 160 and Toronto Sun Balance of Free- to New Sub- to weeklies paying in ad vance io A cciden t On evening of last week Sir Fred Edwards met id id lit He was hi tig to rpmovfl varnish furniture when the fluid and him badly The was taken hip right hand nun as far as tbje and of left was also badly The burns are not dei but ii will take some lime to a fresh r Ep worth League There was splendid attendance on Monday the President Mr Minns in the chair After the usual routine Miss Nellie and Miss Risebrough gave a very interesting and instructive ac count their visit to last summer for which they were accord ed a very hearty vote thanks Miss Clarice who presided at the piano also contributed splendid in selection VOU have pro bably been in tending to try Red Rose Tea for some time but from force of habit have just kept on usin another tea Break the Habit and buy Red Rose next time s j NEVER SOLD IN BULK Your Grocer It S3 it 2800 50 Still More Homes Messrs Barker Bros contractors arc putting the finishing touches oh three houses they have lour others on the go and have just taken the con tracts for three more new houses to go up and have the roofs on before the actual winter sets in There are two for Mr on Oak street and one for Mr Lyons on Timothy street for the founda tions will probably next week This will iK new houses for this year Social livening The annual Social Evening under the auspices the Womans Christian Temperance Union will be eW at the home of Mrs Cane Queen on Friday the The peo ple of the various churches School and Pickering College are cordially invited to he present A silver collection in aid the Mission Work will be taken up Refreshments at oclock followed by a musical and l program Technical Education The appreciation of technical educa tion for business pursuits as provided for by private enterprise coun try is well illustrated by the success of the Central Business College To ronto its several branches These schools are reported as more largely and widely patronized this term than ever which in is very good proof of the demand for this sort of technical education Our readers arc to the notice found in our advertising column which extend an invitation to all who arc interested to write for the new catalogue of this Wellknown school Town Council Regular meeting last Monday even ing Present Mayor Reeve and Councillors Cane Hunter Rogers Doyle and Eves Following bills passed J Buck drawing gravel P Tnvelt special patrol Duncan destroying dogs etc Telephone Co rent Telephone Co tolls A Thompson repairs freight on wire Electric meters Express on above Toronto General Hospital re Mrs The bill T Lloyd Police Ma gistrate for bearing cases was referred Finance Committee of Street and Pearson Prospect Street for water service granted Applications for electric light grant ed to Brooks Smith w Osborne Communication from High School Board re standpipe for building and hydrant on grounds referred Committee with power to act Communication from Newmarket Hotel Co giving notice that in fu ture a rental of will be charged the Town for each session of court A petition was presented asing for a change in the Early Closing Bylaw which was referred to the ByLaw Committee to report at next meeting Moved by Mr seconded by Mr Doyle this Council furnish the material to repair drain On the east side of Charles Street the property owners on said street to pay the expense of digging out and repair ing said drain Carried Council adjourned murder inquest was adjourned last this time because of the absence of four material witnesses in cluding two members of the family No evidence was taken last night The two Jardines left on Tuesday and went to Hagersville When it was found that they would not return for the inquest Coroner Holmes issued warrants to compel their attendance George Tate Blacks KC who had come up from Toronto to conduct the examin ation of witnesses for the went back yesterday afternoon The inquest will not be resumed till Oct 25th It is thought here that the authorities now know who killed Lizzie Anderson in the cellar of the Edwards house 4eo o- Seven Went Down FOR AND Produce Fair market Butter and have an upward tendency Fall were plentiful and lots potatoes in- prices prevailed AT Kkkm Butter Mj lb- per lb 13144 Ducks pir lb BROUGHTONS DRUG STORE St Pierre Oct Thirteen survivors of the schooner St arrived here soday It is believed that the captain and six of the crew were drowned when ves sel sank The St was coming to from the Grand Banks When about miles St Pierre on Tues day night she struck some floating wreckage A great hole was torn in vessel and she sank quickly The thirteen men who escaped were able to launch their dories but after the waters had closed over their vessel they could see no sign of their cap tain or six comrades and it be- Sieved they were drowned The survivors headed for Miquelon hut it took hours of steady row ing to reach the island and when they finally set foot on shore they were nearly exhausted from cold and ex posure Menace to Public Health One of the- most sensational medical developments of recent time says the Literary Digest of Oct is the dis covery that the mysterious disease known as pellagra thought to be practically nonexistent in America has been with us lor years and that thousands of patients in homes hospitals whose troubles had been wrongly diagnosed or were continuing to the physicians are in reali ty its victims The thought is also expressed that although medical opin ion is not united the disease seems to be generally attributed a fungus found in mouldy com Followingup this view the Good Health published at Battle Creek in last months number makes the sugges tion that beer when brewed from cornmalt as it now is may contain this fungus and be responsible in part for the recurrence of the ma lady After referring to the- plague black death which London two years ago and the final discovery of the plague bacillus the editor goes oil to say The revelations relating to pellagra have shown it to be a ma lady fully as fatal in character as the death although less violent in its destructive force One of the most distressing things about pellagra is the fact that it seems to be connected with an important food product the most Important In fact of all food products of the country Investigations seem to point strongly toward the use mouldy and spoiled corn as the cause of this strange and most distressing disorder The editor of rood Health then goes on to say that there is a constant source off pellagra which at the pres ent time seems to have Veen over looked namely beer Most of the beer used in this country is made from and it is reasonable to suppose that miicli corn which might he considered hardly suitable for the making of grits or cprnmcal might be considered good enough for beer It true thai there are at the present Wine many or even more people use of corn In the form of beer than in any other form I A per ha to Pears per iUie Tomatoes Onions Cablagcs to per Carrots per Citrons for Larnb to per So Live Chickens per lb- to Old to bucks per It Live per It- Llve Turkeys per per pair Hif- per Ik Call Skins per each Sheepskins each 4050C Tallow per lb St Petersburg Oct A the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea causing many and of hundreds of lives among the sailors Fishing boats were swept the coast and even large had difficulty mak ing port Can Co Phone Bagage and from trains handled with despatch Howard Vauian the fiveyearold son of H of Weston was instantly killed by a Grand Trunk train bound for Toronto The little boy was playing with some other children around the railroad crossing The fatality occurred on the 15th This is the very latest and Is copied from Saturdays Globe It has ar rived A Toronto man has invented an electric cooker that cannot burn the food entrusted to it Matilda Ann may now neglect the oven and flirt with the policeman on the beat without the fear that the smell burning meat will penetrate to the parlor and dumb mute fell from the attic window accidentally of the Francis Willard home Ontario street last week and had her spine injured A new concrete bridge is now be ing erected over the I lumber river near Weston It is said be a County bridge According to reports from outside points Ontarios losses through Sheldons brokerage operations and defalcations will total about Last- Saturday was quite summer- like The steamer Corona made her last trip across the lake for this season The crowd was equal to midsummer Hon Geo Foster dont like the decision given in his suit against Editor J A McDonald of the Globe staff- His appeal from- the decision is estimated to cost about J Toronto is to have five swift mobiles for the collection of mails Thesp new vehicles will do the work of three times as many horses The case against the Toronto and York Radial Co charged with maintaining a nuisance in their Yonge street road was traversed to the December Punished Child so That it Died Oct As a re sult of the death under suspicious cir cumstances early on Saturday morn ing of his eightmonthsold baby Sam an Italian laborer was yesterday taken into custody and re moved to Cayuga jail to await the verdict of a coroners jury on Wed nesday is said that the child disturbed sleep on Friday night and he punished it so severely that death ensued on Saturday morning Coroner Br McDonald empanelled a jury which met today and viewed the body adjourning until Wednesday VAN DOR extensive sale of Mr Win Oli ver was very largely attended Many no doubt were attracted by the sale on account of the unusual quality of the goods and stock others to bid them farewell as they were leaving the next day for their new home in California It being the wish of a few of their many friends to leave them some token of their esteem the fol lowing address was quietly handed io Mrs Oliver being true representa tion of the regard of her In Choir League Sundayschool and Ladies Aid and neighbors who knew their true Worth by their generosity and Kindly sympathy Dear Friends We the members and friends of Wesley Church Van- wish to convey to you On the eve of your departure from us some expression of appreciation of kindly interest and practical help in so many Ways in our church work We arc sorry to lose you and you will he mised by many others but we hope wiih you that the change may be a benefit and that your health arid strength may soon be fully re covered You will find in every land some thing to do for tin- Master If you may meet with disappoint ments and discouragements reniein- it would bewell for such persons that your help cories from above to know that in the beer they and Heaven is just as near Call- are running greater risk of taking pellagra than would be invoked in A ffl HARDWARE STORE I I err- I i You Can Save Money By Buying From Us Full Line of- Light Supplies Paints Oils Glass Etc W K T la I VI Toronto Jobbing House IV and with it brings need ol Overcoat and Fall Suit an We have at the present ft full line of the latest New York styles on hand and the most uptodate mate rials on our for your While down town make it a point to call and see them TAILOR PHONE ItiO NEWMARKET MAIN ST it go from us M the ordinary of com If token 5 MORRIS Solid Oak frame polished Oak- adjustable attachment wlty a bra srod and can put In four different positions as desired cushions covered In reversible and well buttoned Wide and most comfortable arms running castors Cut out fcnd mall and by SPECIAL OFFER and full particulars how to tluty Morris Chair Free and our pew Illus trated No showing and more than pic ture low priced prepaid your will not igtla today E CO Loci Box Is to As you you will carry with yon the kindly feeling and I of pellagra has of best wishes those you leave c- materlaPy lessening beer hind Kindly accept this gift as a it may accomplish much good ism All token of our remembrance and the battle against intemperance BAY Montreal Oct A line of steam ers navigating Hudson Bay and es tablishing a new and more Northern Atlantic trade is the of Col a British expert iv ho had come that littler known region on way to England to present his report to British This will he the outcome he thinks of the railway from existing line- in the prairies life coast either at Fort Churchill or The capitalists In the scheme arc heads of fleets of British steamers on the outlook for new fields of enterprise friendship and high esteem Christian Jove Sincerely trusting that this venture may he abundantly blessed of Cod in overruling for your united happi ness and prosperity on behalf the Wends Richardson Win Mrs Snider Minnie Williamson Mrs Mrs Powell son stops couaht curcncoida ibc throat und cento lira till Christmas for THAN POSITIONS London Oct Three years ago female wen very scarce In this country and both educational and municipal authorities took steps to increase the number with the re sult that now there a great over plus Many who cannot secure positions have to seek other means to earn a living An official of the National Union of Elementary Teachers says the Official computations regarding the demand for teachers are criminal ly reckless teachers art be ing turned out every year for many of whom there arc no positions YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLCAGCD MEN Inter ex who in you luririlioo lliUfMirk of aiuI I up In Oilier ioiHOis I tiled various iriJa store iiOdtruiiix Our New Mtihod ium1iU I hs to honied who ar1 Wu rein- for i tjiiM I wo HO jalriit of Wen Mir fr ires I to ny AC I it Oil throughout Canada for over CURABLE CASKS GUARANTEED OR NO i irryi a victim you IlLff Arc you lnt inline to till been yon Our New TreAlment will cum What it litis ioito it will you ComuttAtiun No ha wrlto for Free of Book Free cuj NO NAMES WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT No name on or and Coil of FREE FOR HOME Cor Michigan Ave and St Detroit Mich rHOTIGI All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart ment in Windsor Out If you to see us personally call our institute in Detroit we see treat no patients in our Windsor offices are for Correspondence and laboratory for Canadian business only Address nil letters as follows DRS KENNEDY KENNEDY Windier Ont for our add mi v I ft 9 y i

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