I If Never has too many Rings A large assortment to from WATSONS ALARM CLOCKS NORTH INTELLIGENCER liberty to to utter i to to til No Piper outsde of North York unless paid in advance 60 to the United States Million I CtiH Newmarket Out Friday Oct p a J per paid in Oar Toronto Letter If you are it will pay you to drop into our Store and have a abiding on what kind it will be few facts about the chat before would We like to tell you about a HAPPY THOUGHT that really ought to this range a reputation many years standing to recommend it tUntionit is improved right uptodate and in its latest lias no a models embodies features that place it in a class by itself AND BLACKSMITHS HARDWARE PUTTY AMD FURNACES ptUUBlNG AND A INNS THE Deposits to til year Safe Convenient Profitable Assets NEWMARKET- BRANCH FIELD MANAGER J South per Ton With Thanksgiving in sight comes the announcement from poultry deal ers that turkeys are scarce City people dont care lots of them are going out to their country cousins for dinner Consolidation is the order of the day Current report has it that the United Produce Co a million dollar concern has already operations They have taken over the plants of the Toronto Cold Storage Co and the Park Packing Co Two inmates the Queen Street Asylum escaped therefrom on Thurs day but were recaptured after a short chase Dr Hastings has decided that hereafter persons suffering from infantile paralysis in tins city arc to he isolated He does not say the disease is infectious this is a disput ed point hut he does say If we do err it will he on the side of cau tion Rev Dr P McKay Foreign Missionary Secretary Rev F Anderson Secretary of the Laymens Missionary Movement of the Presby terian Church left last week for the West to engage in a twomonths campaign Acting upon instructions from Scott of the Immigration Depart ment at Ottawa the local police ar rested Coleman alias an English actor and Eliza alias for deporta tion as undesirable citizens Coleman and the woman were arrested at their apartments in Alice street He had in cash and three trunks con taining a wardrobe worth about The woman had about worth of diamonds on her fingers Coleman Is said to have left a wife and child in Glasgow Scotland Preliminary steps are being taken looking to the city acquiring the To ronto Street Railway Hon Clifford Sifton Chairman of the Commission on Conservation ad dressed the Empire on Thursday of lait week He said legislation will he introduced next session requiring railway companies to maintain effi cient ore protection all along their lines It is probable that const nun ion work the Jongproposed Canadian Northern line I row Toronto to Ham ilton nay be commenced next yedu As the result of serious illness Rev J Hunter known all over Ontario as copartner with If for twentysix years in conducting evangelical revivals is re tiring from active work Rev Dr speaking of the ac tion of the Conservatives in the eas tern part of City to Introduce machine politics Into Municipal af fairs says it would be the first step towards Tammany rule good Conservative he should do his utmost to prevent his party taking plunge as the city cannot ailord the dip St Andrews College is about to undergo a change from a proprietary Institution to an endowed national school was the announcement made by Head Master last Fri day His Excellency Karl Grey dis tributed the and delivered a short address On Manning avenue on Friday a lit tle four yearold son of A was run down and killed by an car owned by Dr in charge ot chauffeur Ed Jeffries who arretted on a charge of crimunal negligence On Friday morning Sir George W Ross and Sir Edmund Walker were in vested with the Insignia of Knight- Hood House The cere mony conducted by the T Mason of University Avenue was arretted on Saturday on a charge of selling instruments to procure ab ortion They were sold to a domes tic Hymn of Thanksgiving From north to southern bound from east to western ocean Throughout the fair domain of our beloved land Let every grateful heart with rever ent devotion United in glad Thanksgiving for the blessings of Gods hand The heavens as of old tell of His wondrous glory And still the morning stars for joy together sing Obedient to his will Gods earth peats the story And lays her rich oblations at the feet ot Heavens King The carol and the peal beneath the surging billow In adamantine bed of gems of every hue The fragrant breezes that sweep thru palmtrees pine and willow In joyous adoration all their vows to God renew When Springs lifegiving sun salutes the whitepeaked mountains Who in obedience smile and dofi their caps of snow Unbar the frozen gates that lock their pentup fountains And down through rill arid livulet the liquid waters Dow Cheered by their crystal draught the hill and vale and meadow Give thanks arid dawn their dress of daisyspangled green The trees put forth their leaves and the cooling shadow The panting kine a noon rejoice in happiness serene So when the golden grains wave their bright plumes of yellow The purple clusters hang on every vineclad hill The orchard branches bow with fruit age ripe and mellow Awaiting row the harvester his hungry barns to fill Let heart from east to western ocean Throughout the fair domain of our beloved land From holy altars raise with reverent devotion Your voice to God who scattercth the bounties of his hand Q OO England always hard to her children had taken from this boy home and mother that make Thanks giving even as it had taken from the widow all but the wretched frame work of what had once been home House looks like mothers used to after she got so she couldnt get about soliloquized the boy staring at the smokeless chimney Ill bet there aint been nobody near the wil der and Ill bet while Im that she needs somebody Guess find out whats the matter He strode down to tho house and knocked There was no response Only the Crow in the oak tree was disturbed by the unwonted noiso and flew away with a caw of alarm A second knock started the fowl in the barnyard who greeted him with a suppressed chuckle but there was no answer from within Guess I might as well go in he pushed open the crazy door and entered the room which was kitchen and sitting room all one A table stood in the of if covered with a snowy cloth and set as if for supper A tall clock ticked in the corner under tho stairs but its rhythmic beats on ly seemed to make the silence audible- It seems kinder vreepy thats a fact Hope thar aint nothing happened to her Wonder where she is Per haps shes asleep He rapped loudly hen put his ear down to the keyhole listening in tently At first there was no response then he thought he heard a faint quavering voice Its me Jem Hastings Ive conic to see you need anybody Come in The feeble voice Thanksgiving For Two Best Coal Mined in America SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY P PEARSON nam to J J Murphy for Sal CUt- J C1KE ATTEND THE BEST IT PAYS Beat In for Superior I CittlofU Ft Whitchurch Council Council met at Van- Vandorl October Members all present except Councillor il rose MiRUtea of previous meeting read and confirmed Bills were presented by Hart blank forms J Stevenson Medical exam ination Hegue John Baker gravel Forsyth days over- time Statute labor 4 250 Vm Smith reps culvert km at lot The Treawjrer was instructed to pay the bills presented Council adjourned to meet at Vednesday November 23rd HE Widow Wilsons farm had seen better and prosperous days and now was travelling backward It began at Mie lop of Hill where It was bounded by the country road ami straggled down to the Jake shore its hundred acres or so wandering over hills and dipping Into hollows until hey tormina ted at the hay with its rim of while and glistening sand One of the most picturesque spots 61 earth and right in the centre ol it crowning- rounded knoll surrounded with oaks and butternuts equated til its owner was always a difficult spot to reach In winter when the drifting piled high their while billows against lowcaved structure and hid the windows from the outer world But In summer it was t delight this mossbrown dwelling beneath the oaks and at one time had been a home around whose hearthstone gather ed sons and daughters Nov It was desolate The passing stranger would have but aVhd to It Of deserted farms No sign of life visible this bright Thanksgiving morn ing from its wide panelled no curl of smoke invaded the crisp and frosty air the light fall of snow that had the ground the night showed no trace of footsteps lead ing the weather-beaten- door And yet there was a stir of life in the farm yard In the hollow among the trees where the barn tottered ready for its fall There a flock of fowl and turkeys wondered disconsolately in the adjacent stall an old horse stamped for his breakfast and a forlorn cow chafed restlessly at stanchions Except for the old farm was as silent when first its owner carved It from the virgin A rustling of the shrub bery that fringed the stiffranked on the hill beyond the barn told that a visitor was coining to Lonely Farm A human head appeared in sight It was crowned by a woollen cap from beneath which peered a pair black bright eyes Their owner took oft bis cap and moppeil his brow Ho was a rugged country lad of well knit and sturdy with a pair of rutliy cheeks white teeth and lips rosy but droop sadness glcd with a cough then Yes glad youve come I was taken faint yesterday and had strength enough to crawl to bed Perhaps- What an you aint had nothing eat No was the feeble reply Wei if let me try Ill make a cup of tea closed I he door set his gun in a coiner and looked around for the place whore the widow kept her stores The dressers ranged against liie were bright with oldfashioned pewter platters and Here he found a caddy of tea and then set about mak a fire A high fireplace yawned at one side of the room hung with a black iron crane from which a tea kettle The wood pile was near the hack door and brush ing off the snow Jem soon had dry Wood with which he made a roar ing blaze It was not long before lit had the satisfaction ot seeing the kettle send forth a volume- of and few minutes later he tapped at Hie bedroom door wiUi a tray on it a tempting cup tea and two well slices of bread bread had been Intended lor his luncheon the gift of the farmers wife who paid for his In keep New wages Wrapped in a shawl of Canton silk heirloom of a grandmother whoso father once sailed from Salem to lira Indies the widow sank hack in her comfortable armchair with a deep sigh of She closed her eyes sheer weakness while tiptoed about the room setting things to rights and preparing the table for a prospective meal To he sure there was very little In sight but he had faith that there might be something in the cellar and in the cupboards the widow was known in the to have been a good in her days of affluence Through the southern window an advance guard of the out side sunbeams came streaming in one them lighting the gray halt of the woman with a silvery halo Jem thought he had never seen a woman who appeared so ladylike and How young site looked He paused a mom ent to regard her and she opened her eye He retreated a step or two the red staining his honest open face Youve made me very hungry Jem very thankful Well maam Im glad of It Its Thanksgivln What Really Thanksgiving Day Its the first tune Ive forgotten It I must bo growing old Jem grew bolder Theres a turkey out in the barn yard He aint very fat but If you say so Ill help you turkey A snowy cloth over a round table with two seats opposite each other is always an inspiring sight and when topped by a steaming brown turkey with all the fixings of a turkey dinner the feast is one to melt hearts harder than that of the lonely widow and the homesick New England boy It is the happiest Thanksgiving dinner I have had in many a year my boy she to him as he cleared away the dishes and brought out the dessert of quince preserves May God bless you And to think how the dreadful gloomy has been turned to such bright sunshine by your coming Jem turned to the window to hide some tears that would persist in squeezing themselves out of his eyes I wish she be so sentiment al said he to himself quite wrath- fully But to the widow he said Why maam I- aint done nothing great no moren youd done for me Ill bet aint enjoyed dinner so myself since I can remember- I wish I could stay hero all the time A dim light came the womans failed grey eyes born nought that been struggling for expres sion for an hour or more And why cant you stay Jem I could maam if I could come as as partner It was out at last the boys yearn ing for something as his own and the chance he saw upon the widows I arm I could fix things up ho went on and make the chickens lay eggs and the cow give milk and and Jem stopped but the widows re spectful attention led hint on I could earn my hoard in saving things thats going to waste When I your woodlot this morning I noticed cords an cords of dead trees that ought to be rut and made firewood of- And as for timber AGO 11 From Era Oct A report North York Saobath School Convention appears this week presiding The death Mrs Harold pears in the items thfs week Deceased was the eldest daughter of of the rate Dr Paget 0 The Harvest Home Festival at the Christian Church on Wednesday of this week was a pronounced success Mr Joseph and family have removed to Winnipeg The of November is announced as Thanksgiving Day Five welldressed gentleman enter tained crowds of people during the evenings of this week on the Market Square with songs and smart-say- inga and selling a patent-medicine- cureall They were called The Wizard Oil Co King Fall Fair at was very successful Mr Joseph returned this week from a trip over town and Mr Spencer returned from a visit to his son in Buffalo there more Si a YEARS AGO din ner a widow urged no objections and both fascinated at tho prospect a Thanksgiving dinner with themselves as host and hostess the boy trudged out to tbc barn Some sticks of hardwood were soon piled on the firo and by the time Sir Turkey was ready for the oven the widow had peeled the vegetables and dropped them Into the mysterious depths of the steaming kettle Jem looked on with glowing but bashful appreciation hundred dollars worth there thatll all be spoiled if it aint cut and Sold pretty soon The hesitated amazed at his audacity hut the widow nodded her approval Thats true Jem The farm is running down for the lack of someone to oversee out of doors So then it is settled And so this strange partnership be gan The first winter Jem spent in thinning out the SUperflouB wood in tile neglected lots stacking up behind the enough Wcl to satisfy oven the cravings of that yawning lireplace for years to come and selling to the sawnull on the timber for ship plug that Came to- quite An the spring opened he- soon afield continuing the good work and planting lime found the farm with more and earlier labor performed than it had ever be fore experienced In front of the western he threw out a platform protected by a lattice work covering and there the wvlow passed all the spare time she snatch from her Indoor duties It had never occurred to anyone before that farm work might bo made attractive The widow bad only looked upon the beauties farm around her through the kitchen window or during hasty trip to the well or farm yard The latticed porch wan a revelation to her and a haven of rest where she sat and mused during the long twilight of summer I never thought 1 should take such comfort here she said Before you came I was more than willing to give up the farm and go away But now 1U 1 want to live here the rest or my life I would not leave it for the world Thats so maam It would have neon a great mistake to leave the old place Why there aint a prettier view in all the world than this from your- front door If there is then It is right there down In the woods where great trees meet overhead the brook sings a soft song ol rest the hanks stretch down to polid I never traveled any yot hut I dont want to this suits He returned to his work with cheerful whistle that sent a thrill satisfaction through the heart A wonderful change had by the time another year had rolled another Thanksgiving into the calendar The ol tho house no longer leaked the barn had been raised from Its attitude of deep and its mows were crowded to bursting with hay and grain The old horse spent his days in the pasture while a younger and more vigorous horse did the work assisted by a yoke big and oxen The solitary cow now had plenty of company and frisky calves gambolled about her in the summer There was no longer any doubt as to the advisability of any of the fat gobblers for a Thanksgiving dinner Thus the seasons succeeded one another with their measure of content Each found the widow and mora Continued on page From Era Oct 20 Reeve of Bradford resigned his office on account of action of a majority- the Council The dif ference arose the site for a mar ket and hall Martin J gives lengthy rem iniscences of a recent trip to the Old Country A sad accident is recorded this week which resulted fatally to a young man named Cane It occurred at the switch leading to Fords Mill at the depot He fell across the track and both legs were nearly cut off A ball and supper is announced to take place at Hotel Hol land Landing on November Joseph is tax collector for Newmarket this year and North Fall Show was held at Sutton on the The prize takers supply names familiar including David Isaac Howard Angus Watson Wm Henry i was of a over a ol EXACT OBEDIENCE A lady staying in an hotel frightened by a noise like that person running about In a- room the one she occupied In How bo Happy Though the Rev E J Hardy tells the story The noise went on at intervals two nights and then changed as it the occupant on the floor above had gone mad and was skipping about The lady did not believe in ghosts but she was afraid of them so she asked the proprietor- to investigate the mystery It was a sick foreigner obeying the imperfectly understood directions of an English medical man Take the medicine two skip a night 1 nights running then If you cannot trust your friends you cannot ho trusted with friendship Oct Fifty per- sons known have been drowned and a boatload of eighteen others aro miss- Is the report received hero today In connection with the report of the sinking late last night of the British steamship if Iff Logical Remedy for Eczema Many different remedies been tried for Eczema and other skin dis eases But it is now known that the only possible cure is a mild soothing liquid made up of Oil Thymol Glycerine and other ingre dients so carefully compounded each Ingredient has Its proper This compound is now made up in the Prescription Ten years of success and thousands of cures show the merit of this wonderful com pound hut most convincing proof is of the remedy by any ecze ma suflerer D I will prove to you thai you can be cured The vorv first drops will give you instant relief Write the Laboratories N Colborne Toronto for a free trial bottle and prove its wonderful effectiveness For sale by all druggists mm ill is 1 J Am unEC HP ffn-