Newmarket Era , November 18, 1910, p. 3

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AT tl OH EH ft Commencement Thy program will start rtclock Ticket holders jailed public are time as the seated while rendered The New market Military Band will a At Home in the Town Hall Wednesday evening Band rau- iron to followed by dancing kinds of games The Band asks he cooperation of the citizens to mate it a success The special car to tea- meeting was packed with Newmarket people last Monday night The sup per was a great success and Newmar ket side came out best in the debate Christian Church Next Sunday will be Members Ral ly Day The pastor hopes to see all the members of the church at the morning service He will speak upon the following themes old art thou p m Christ wounded in the house of his friends Airs Hughes Bargains In Millinery for the next two weeks Valuable Property for Sale two Stores occupied by Martin Co an Investment Rent payable Lease over years to run to Mr Geo to Co looking for SOLO The Song IDA GEORGE ELLIOTT 3 MR OWEN A SMILY will Entertain Wind Spross The Time to Woo Rose in the Bud IDA GEORGE ELLIOTT MR OWEN A SMILY will Entertain Nightingale IDA GEORGE ELLIOTT Foster Batten PART 1 CHORUS Under the Flag House Sold Mr Jas Gibson moved into his new house on Raglan Street on Thursday of last week- sold his old Ralph of Midland a house in Orillia the picked up the Era and seeing how things were booming here he decided locate in Newmarket 2 THE SCHOOL SMILY Entertain tain J Gerald Lane MR OWEN A SOLO Selected IDA GEORGE ELLIOTT MR OWEN A SMILY will Entertain COMEDY Our Aunt From California SIX SCHOOL GIRLS GOD SAVE E K I high Class Poultry McCaffrey has been investing a prize poultry received week a pen of White Orpingtons Golden Wedding what is considered to be the On Friday Nov flock in Canada He also pur- Mr James Clark Street I gotten took place at the i abased a Regal White Wyandotte Newmarket was the scene of a hap- J Curtis on Sunday last it Cockrill to head his breeding pen reunion ft from the best White in America A very pleasant gathering and one the home of those social events not soon be- a number of the the celebration of his Convicted on Serious Charge ami relatives of Mr and Mrs j birthday All the members of the to commemorate fiftieth family were present namely Mr and About Mrs Will Curtis and family of Chat- anniversary of their farm Produce Fair market Saturday iV was paid for fresh do- Chickens per resod Geese per ressd Ducks per lb Dressed Turkeys per apples per bskt per Lamb per lb per Potatoes 5065c Onions per 28c to per Carrots 25c for per bunch So Chrysanthemums per Carnations per As high as eggs The lb lb to per bag Dressed Pork per lb Beef per lb Live Chickens per lb Old liens lb Live Ducks lb Geese lb Live Turkeys lb Pigeons per pair 20c Young per pair Hides per lb 78c Call Skins per lb lM2c each Sheepskins 5M0c Tallow per Reduction in Millinery A Mrs M Hughes- the hour- of one oclock the guests ham Mr and Mrs and having arrived all sat down to din- family of Newmarket Mr and Mrs and while old times were re-call- Norman Curtis of Toronto and the present could not well be for- Margaret and MrFrank Curtis gotten in the presence of a table so home After partaking of the many well provided for the occasion- tempting viands prepared the the family those present were Mr Curtis was greatly and Mrs Geo Clark and Mr and Mrs Lewis Teeplc with families from Toronto Mrs I of Vancouver and later Mr and Mrs C Short and son of Philadelphia Others present were Mr and Mrs A hell and Mrs Cook of Toronto cousins of Mrs Clark and Mr and Mrs Ev ans and daughters cousins of Mr Clark Those of the family not pres ent were Mr and Mrs of California Mr and Mrs W and Mr I of P of of Westmin ster and Mrs Mary Baker of Carl ton only sister of Mrs Clark Even distance did not prevent these from being present in spirit as was well shown by the very appropriate gilts of gold coins which accompanied letters of good wishes with similar tokens as all the members of the family chose to honor the occasion A pleasing feature of the afternoon as the receipt oi a telegram from Vest Toronto conveying led being presented with a beaut i- Jul- rocker Miss Toole of Pleasant is I spending a week with her sister Mrs J W The League visit- the Christian Endeavor of the fifth line on Tuesday evening last The sixtysecond annual session of the Grand Division will he helil in the City of Ottawa on Wed nesday Nov 23rd Many from this vicinity took a drive to the Hot Fowl Supper in Newmarket on Wednesday evening and report a good time Whitby Nov a charge of conspiring to abduct an girl Edward and Emma Ocamb both said to come from Toronto were found guilty by Judge and a jury The offence took place in August last when was in troduced to the girl at by one George later called at the home and arrang ed for the girl to meet him in Toron to in charge of Mrs who was a visitor at the home parents she was going to to work for a Mrs Wilkes arrived in Toronto where had rented a room on George street The climax came when came to Whitby with in an auto and went to the Chinese res taurant here where they were foiind by the police The girl Paradis and two Chinamen were more or less dop ed with opium was acquit ted on the conspiracy charge hut the other two were convicted This seasons Stripes Serges and Diagonals are in the lead We have in all shades colors and quali ties and at specially low prices Special inch pure Wool Navy Cashmere with white silk embroidered spots regular 75c for 39c Patent Leather Belts each Buster Brown Belts Jet Hat Pins Papers of Pins Shaker Flannel 5c yard 36 inch Shaker yard Cotton Cashmere pepper it- Pink Salmon 10c Pepper Castor full of Kippered Herring 10c Breakfast Coffee 1 lb tin Preserved- Ginger pot lb White- Castile Soap Shell Brand 20c Bar Dingmans per centPure Lye 8c Boots that wear ace We guarantee every pair- we sell Satis faction is the first consideration Wo have Boots and Shoes and Rubbers made by the best makers in America Fit Quality and Style are absolutely perfect try a pair ou I Store close at 6 oclock pm every night except Saturday or night fore a holiday W A VANDORF Some of the ladies above have suddenly run short of clothes and as dressmakers- arc very scarce also goods to make up they have of late taken to the practice of the Man ly art of showing off their new The result was Gane lost his gate which he thought was secure in the haymow Mr of St Catharines spent Friday of last week with his uncle Mr A Snider Mr Geo Snider is quite ill again Mrs Ready formerly of Van who has been visiting at Miss for a couple of weeks returned to Toronto on Monday Miss Jennie Preston has gone to re side near Mr was enter- at Petchville on Sunday KING CITY Sealskin Takes Big Jump Close Season for Five Years New York who wants a Nov lf The woman fine new sealskin coat Very Commendable this age of hustle and The Club of King City has held its annual oratorical contest Tor medal donated by this winter will have to pay about KC on Thursday evening per cent more than last winter The of last week The contest was held sealskin market has taken a big jump in Hall before an audience upward largely because the taking of which filled the building to overflow- seals is prohibited for five years after Mr Aylesworth May I next Lion row he Lodge of which lhc sixties remarked a he is a member In the WtaM Chairman and the judges local furrier that the taking of nine those who had to Of the oratory wen J W Curry K seals was prohibited for ten to their homes did so leaving with Herb KCand John But you can depend upon it there are their host and hostess wishes for Jennings not going to be the accumulations four speakers Victor now there were then by reason of melius McCahe Joseph this exemption period and it is very many returns of the day The There were and grandchildren all remained j A Hall Cot to make a longer visit when ev- seems to be intent on money- Methodist Church and enjoyment it looks on he surface that the better nature of and the kindly feeling of one to mother in the journey through life is r in the background if not absent il together Cynics and pessimists have us believe that charity is in unknown quantity and that all actions have a selfish motive Recently in our own town have an instance giving the direct lie such theories An employee of a was taken sick with a disease and after suffering months died During all his he was paid his wages and all lis medical and funeral expenses were by his employers amounting to hundred dollars Now this as done from no motive of publicity because no one knows except those and Ivan All except likely that the prices are up to stay the last speaker took the Liberal In addition to the seal other furs icy in Canadian politics as their sub- j are much higher Mink one of the for oratory Mr prefer- popular furs has advanced twoniV- The pastor delivered two most to talk on farming sermons last Sunday to large phe judges awarded the and appreciative congregations The the first speaker Mr Hall morning discourse was an exposition j that there I on institution of Sabbath general rally of farmers with creation and an able defence of families at the Farmers Institute to the Lords Day Alliance even- in Crossieys Hall on Why sermon was a strong evangelistic The afternoon JmUHkrat medal will and five per cent and the or if you please brown marten as the trade puts it has even advanced a per cent Both oi these furs by the way are very popular in appeal to accept the salvation of Jesus Christ which is unchangeable I worldwide and for all time Mr Simpson always gives good sermons I hut the ones last Sunday were the best yet The Mens Own held their meeting at the residence of Mr It Irwin last Saturday evening There a fair attendance Rev it I Simpson presided- The fol lowing officers were elected Hon Rev It J- Simpson the plain old the kind von used to throw meeting commences at oclock and evening meeting at The speak ers are Mr Andrew of Gait and Mr ftobt Murphy of Very Important subjects will dis cussed Music is expected at the evening session and seats reserved for ladies I very body welcome and everything free Bernhardt at Tony immediately interested There was if legal or moral responsibility call- for such an action but his em- VicePits simply took this way of Secy Wiley their gratitude to a- faithful Maw Much than half what Teacher If A Cornell win done would have fulfilled the ob ligations of rewarding faithful icea The above is surely an instance of brotherly love and interest in the welfare of a fellow man This was stones at from the country bridge when you were a boy that we could buy iu any quantity for ten to twelve cents each are now selling for eighty live cents a pell the raw article at that that the city fur rier could buy iu former seasons for from fifty to seventylive cents are now as high as seven dollars for No skins pelts that were purchased in the market for ten and eleven cents apiece now cost tile fur rier a dollar each Teacher Geo Barker with no motive of ulterior gain being nothing to be gained satisfaction of knowing a A had helped a fellow man in Auditors Messrs J A Wilkinson and If Heck Membership Com It Meek and Social Barker Irwin and La Salic liog- Madame Sarah Bernhardt who is now filling a two weeks engagement in Chicago has returned if anything younger than ever and with the same golden voice which has charmed her admirers for the past forty years notwithstanding she celebrated Bearing Down Pains a mart in sot- row but who will dare to say they Devotional A the end of good such an a S ion has done such instance goes i an long way to refute the claim that Visiting Com Messrs he milk of human kindness is a figure Speech Many similar acts of and kindly love are doubtless that never come to light perhaps on the of ft do not irifjg their reward in tangible shape all of which are bound to return the giver sevenfold Ages Maw Barker NA Cornell and the President tors subjects next Sunday am The Temple of What woman at sometime or other does not experience these dreadful her bearingdown pains Mrs Is Griffiths sixtyseventh birthday at sea only a of Main street Out says few days ago while en route from heavy bearingdown pain had to New York City tied across my hack ami sides The divine Sarah is now making I was often unable to stoop or j what surely will he her last Ilult Straighten myself up Many times each to America and the only opportunity night I would have to leave my bed ever seeing her again will occur at with the irregular and frequent secre tin- Theatre Toronto on of the kidneys andjust as done Friday and Saturday November out In the morning as on retiring I and when she will he seen a s languid three notable characters which have and would have There was a good attendance at thc Methodist Church on Sunday after noon last The pastor Rev Walker preached a Temperance ser mon Next Sunday evening he in tends to preach a sermon to children On Sunday afternoon last Mr Win Phillips passed away Deceased had been acitien of this place for a num ber of years He was in his Tilth year ana up till about a month be fore his death had been a very ac tive man He leaves a wife and six children all of whom are married to mourn their loss His remains were interred iu the Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon The family have thc sympathy of the community League meeting on Fri day evening Thc topic is to bo tak en by Mrs IV Walker All are welcome Mrs Cook has home after spending a few days with her daughter Mrs of Nov la While engaged in working around a cutting box- on his farm near this village this noon Thomas- It received very severe injuries the fingers of one hand being cut off for some dis tance down Berlin Out Nov The Alpha Chemical Companys factory was gut ted by lire early this morning and the damage to the slock and building will amount to The fire is be lieved to be of incendiary origin Those favoring the submission of a local option bylaw by the Council of town had their petition Insufficiently signed to the extent of- two names and the Council took no action thereon Sault Marie Out Nov aged a farmer on thc Garden River two miles from- the is dead as the result of an accidental shooting by his 13- yearold son Alfred who was prac ticing with anew lived but live minutes the hall entering the left breast just above the heart The deceased leaves a family of six child ren besides a widow A shell which bad been put iiito the stuck and it is said the hoy was proceeding to wards his father to have it removed when the weapon was discharged StockTaking I late John Nov of took place here this afternoon and was one the largest ever hed in this f An impressive manorial ser vice at late home sonJuotcd by Rev Cr by three other ideal following which the cortege headed by the Norwood Land with muffled drums the Dead March In Saul proceeded In the following order Norwood The ancient Order Of United Workmen Independent Order of Oddfellows the of the J and Bona Company the Hoard of Education ad jacent Councils Council representatives of County Council members and of Provincial and House Commons thelral a carriage hearing the floral tribute tie mourners and relatives and As the passed through the streets every door closed all suspend- bony Goods or Without Silver dArc a series of characters in of Booths which is prominent through- Pills a out the civilized world and which concluded give her a range to encompass llC would try them masterly art which the ablest critics which I did and of the world say no language can ex- soon found the long sought relief My press her perfection Live Stock Market the this The only change in prices on live stock market in Toronto week is a drop of in hogs was the top paid quoted at country points o jrrn to have the finest Stock Goods ever shown in Newmarket They are Trav ellers Samples for presents They are most suitable and useful prices are extremely low for such high class goods 1 Ve know that a visit to our store will convince you that oiler more and better in ducements In quality variety and newness rea sonable than you can find elsewhere A hearty welcome no mat ter whether you come to tee or A CO Ticket Agents Cana- diao fsluef of Marriage Licenses recent arrival in New York arid its attendant demonstration as also Chicago has never been equalled save by Roosevelts return after his African trip The prices for the Toronto engage ment will be for the lower floor and four rows In the balcony balance of balcony 200 and gallery reserved SI 00 The hale of scats will open the to en- back strengthened and I began feel better and stronger I now my sleep without being disturbed and feel grateful to Booths Kidney Pills for what they did for me Booths Kidney Pills arc a boon to women She- would know less of headaches If she took more of these wonderful pills They are na tures greatest specific for all diseases of the kidneys and bladder AH drug gists box postpaid from The Newmarket Markets Nov 1010 bush JO Kail Wheat per Oats per bush Barley per hush Peas per bush Bran per ton Shorts per ton May per ton Butter per lb per doz Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb Ducks per Hi per Turkeys per lb 00- U 12 0 CO- Sold and guaranteed Norman lagers Co the hope office at the Princess Booth Co Ltd Fort Ire November 22nd at oclock Mall orders filled in order of receipt when by money or office order payable to O Princess Theatre ioo Clubbing Rates for Era and Weekly Globe Bra and Globe North- York only 1 Era and Toronto Star 250 and Toronto News Era and Weekly Mall Era and Toronto Hun Balance of Free to New Sub scribers weeklies paying In ad vance Nov 11 A probably fatal accident occurred at Eden Mills the victim being an old resident of that locality Mr T Mr was with the aid of an as sistant raising a heavy beam to one of the upper sections of barn when the timber fell back on him catching him on the side and pinning him to the floor His chances for recovery were alight as his in Juries wese Interna and ho Is too weak to attempt an operation Christmas for 10 o 0 0 0 83 0 75 0 57- Toronto Markets Nov Fall Wheat per bush t0 I Wheat per bus per bush Peas per bush per bush Hay per ton Butter per lb Eggs per doz Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb Turkeys per It per lb I 0 o 82 CO 30 26 40- It 15 NOVELTIES ON SALE SEE OUR HOSIERY BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE Obi The Ladies Store it s Fall and Winter Hats both trimmed and untrimmed the very latest whims of the season take their place on the Bargain Tables at greatly reduced prices Early comers will be pleasantly rewarded This is alt extraordinary- offering LADIES AND MISSES TAILOR PHONE Established CAPITAL ALL PAID UP UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS 1M32 CO Branches at all Important in Canada and In London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOW ED ON DEPOSITS Former customers the Ontario Bank Branch will be as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS Manager I i Worthy of If our ice CASH PRICES Choice Butter i0 lbs at 23c lb Strictly Eggs at Pure Pork Sausage made by a pork butcher of repute superior ofany sausage ottered In this vicinity 121c Ham Bologna lb Fresh Head Cheese lb lb Cooked Ham mild lb Bottles English Pickles Mixed ChowChow Walnuts The do Brooms to clear at lb Pail Pure Clover Honey Our Crockery Department the best assorted with handsome and useful wedding presents quested to inspect our interesting stock In North York replete You are cordially W HOWARD Windsor Nov While hunting near Jackson Mich yesterday after noon Henry Hall aged eighteen whoso home is at Essex was accidentally shot and killed by a pre mature discharge of his own shotgun Winnipeg Nov Four years the penitentiary was the sentence meted out at the assizes In the cane oi Frank the signal man at Woods Crossing who was found guilty of manslaughter in co- with death as a result of the local going into the ditch on Sept 10 through the carelessness of land IS Children FOR HUNTERS SINGLE FOR ROUND TRIP Daily until November to points in Muakoka Lake Rays Nipissing Districts etc Return limit December except to points reached by steamers Novem ber ARE YOU GOING TO CALIFORNIA MEXICO or FLORIDA YEARS EXPERIENCE This Winter bo consult neatest Trunk Agent regarding rates HADE C mPft tint for liken through A Co ill i Secure Tickets J or a llti it tell I Depot Agent OLD

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