Newmarket Era , November 18, 1910, p. 4

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v 5 i S 5i r i papers Intimated that went last Friday to inspect the fish hatcheries there Spawn is being put in this fall for the renewal of the fish in the lakes next summer Cottagers and tourists who usually visit Orchard Beach Jacksons Point and other re sorts on the shores of Lake wont utter a single word of com plaint if Yorks will in terest himself by seeing to It that the waters of Lake Simcoe are replenish ed For some reason both black Graniteville I was passing and maskinonge are far from be- throughtheCliangeoflifeaiidsuffered as plentiful as they were five from nervousness years ago Time was when a per- of Life says Mrs Chas Barclay fel tr could take a boat and secure symptoms and can truly say that Vegetable Com- wmsz Vegetable Compound lias done for me daring this trying period Complete restoration to health means so much to me that for the sake of other suffer ing women I am willing to make my trouble public so you may publish this letter Mrs Barclay liFDfGraniteville other medicine for womans ills has received such widespread and un qualified endorsement No other mi we know of has such a record of cures of female ills as has Vegetable Compound For more than years it has been curing female complaints such as inflammation ulceration local weak nesses fibroid tumors irregularities periodic pains backache indigestion and nervous prostration and it is unequalled for carrying women safely through the period of change of life It costs but little to try Vegetable Compound and is worth moun tains of gold to suffering women- number of fish opposite either of the above resorts but it is not so now There must be some cause and that cause is not from the number of fish worth mountains taken by hook and line- The matter of gold to me as it of sufficient public interest to restored my health and strength I never forget to tell my friends what I mand an inquiry fit a THE NEW Of the Central Business Col lege of Toronto contains some guarantees very great inter est to students who desire to attend a firstclass reliable School You are invited to write for it Address Shaw President Toronto ft Q T Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a p Toronto 545 Newmarket 217 GOING SOUTH Leave Newmarket Toronto p 1010 Hi fi At Quebec Sectionalism As a Conservative To ronto News is to or its outspoken utterances respect nig th3 attitude of Liberals in regard to the race question and the Bourassa Nationalists and is in marked con- to many of its confrers Mr at the close of the election de clared that the verdict was not to be accepted as antiBritish in its character hut a perusal of the speeches delivered during the cam paign by his lieutenants Tail nost to justify his assertion Mr the Conservative for is reported with hav ing stated at public meeting at St Louis de that the Eng lish have never done anything for the FrenchCanadians We owe them- nothing The FrenchCana dians do not want to bother them selves about what may be said or done in the other provinces on this question of the navy Those who cut to pieces your fathers on the Plains of Abraham ask you today to go and get yourselves killed for them It was this of Nationalist harangue that eventuat ed in the return of the candidate in the above recent ion language that must ho class ed as very little short of political The attitude of the Toronto News however we are pleas ed to note is in wide contradistinc tion to that of the appeal to race prejudice I he New says It cannot be shown that the Lib erals have made any greater ef fort a solid Quebec than the Conservatives have made io secure a solid Ontario and the fact that the have been able to appeal as suc cessfully as they have done to race prejudices in Quebec and that in this nefarious work they have been fought by the Liberals rather than by the Conservatives is pretty conclusive evidence that the Linen party has not made any unfair appeal to the electors of that province This commendation of the attitude of Liberals is in striking contrast to the Conservative part organs have hern hailing the election result as If they with the plan of campaign Recent from Ottawa to the efiYcl that no change is contem plated on Hie part of the Premier or his Administration on the navy question In this connection it is gratifying to to slate that sir Wilfrid political stands out clearly as decidedly If bo we would ask you to enquire amongst your friends fclio value of for this ailment I You cannot but meet with some one who has proved how excellent it is Mr E Hill of SheTlin Man writes I suffered a long time with and tried numerous remedies but imhoct effect Having tried a and being encouraged by result I persevere using two It like and a complete cure in a short lime Mr James Ruddy of Killaloe Ont I from piles pain t froin them will 7as unbearable I tried first one remedy and then another but nil Then I heard about and determined to five won derful balm a trial I obtained a supply and commenced with the treatment and to ray great joy perseverance with I obtained permanent relief from the agonizing pain of the pile Having been cured by I heartily the balm to all sufferers also cures Inflamed sore eczema sore ulcere chaprcd cut4 burns and all sVq and A and sell at box or free from Co Toronto for and Imitations in to the speech from the at the opening ot next session of Parliament -Mr- Earnest will second it Among the last lis of KCs so honored by the Whitney Government is Davis a colored gentle man residing at where he practices his legal profession Mr Davis is more than six feet tall and built in proportion He is said to have a fine voice is humorous and is a good speaker He was called to the bar in and is the only color ed KC in Ontario The Government Ontario has de cided to take action against the London and Stanley Electric Railway for operating its system on Sunday contrary to the Ontario Railway Act and Lords Day Act The Government however do not want this action to be regarded as a for other Applications to the Province to bear the expense of prosecuting other charges which may hereafter arise Post Office Department A press despatch from Ottawa dat ed Nov refers to the annua re port of the Post Office Department and gives some particulars of general interest It states that the total number of letters books packets etc received at the deadletter office was Most readers will be i amazed to learn that more than two A despatch dated Washington Nov intimates that better times arc in sight for the man who takes an upper berth in Pullman Co sleep ing cars Reductions are contem plated in the charge upon the ratio of SI for an upper as against S2 for a lower berth Recent agitation in the American and Canadian press to have reduced charges for upper berths has led the Company to intimate the contemplated change I The report of the PostmasterGen eral for the fiscal year ending of March shows a surplus of During the year there has been an increase of 1124 miles in the extent of mail service of railway in creasing the cost of the postal de partment by over the previous year The total net revenue for fiscal year amounted to and the expenditure J 592386 In creased service but no deficit under Liberal management The Times rises to re mark that So far as we arc aware the Conservative party never claimed a solid Quebec as the salvation of the country Perhaps not since Confederation but for a couple of general elections before a solid Quebec kept the Conservatives in power when Sir John A only had a beggars dozen support ing the MacdonaldCarticr Govern ment from Upper Canada now Onta rio The Times has possibly forgot- million and a half letters packages ten the Tact etc went astray in Hie Dominion during one short year but when we us hi ess these days especial I lily is increased The report goes on to say that the total included letters containing money amounting to and 3119 letters contain ing cheques to the value of while letters contained drafts to the face value of 2093 let ters had enclosed express orders to the extent of and let ters containing postoffice money or ders to the value of 13699 Some of the contents of the postal parcels which found their way to the deadletter office were curious enough lo make the officials smile all over For instance included in the lot were suits baby clothes blouses 251 cakes packages of chewing gum 21 packages of cigarettes marriage contract corsets ear drum 2 gramophones parcels of half A press despatch from Ottawa states that Mr for Ottawa will move the an assault resulting in Hor- death and sentenced to six months in the Central Prison Fiftythree new Kings Counsel were created by Ontario Government last week and now authorized to wear silk gowns in court also to attack K after their names but nary a one for North York or South Simcoe A Grain Standard Board for the To ronto district has been appointed This beats the Jews Park Com missioner Wilson was asked for a relative to drunkenness at the Toronto Exhibition and his figures showed an increase in Hut he added there were as many empty flasks found the womens as there were in the irons It begins to look as if the Hebrews of this city were going to take a leaf from by pledging all candi dates for the city Council to an anti- pork platform The outfit of the as follows silk gown SCO coat and vest red bag and letters patent view of the large numbers recently appointed KCs by the Whitney Government in the generous stock previously on hand people are suspicious that the political bosses in Queens Park have had a private conversation with some silk manufacturer or tailor looking to a rakeoff Hon Dr Minister o Pub lic Works went to on Friday to inspect the fish hatcheries Spawn is being put in this fall for the renewal of the fish supply in the lakes next summer Fred Pyke the city diver employ ed on the dredge working at the mouth of the intake pipe almost lost his life last week He was at the bottom of the lake 65 feet below the surface attaching a rope to a log The water became rough and the men on the dredge signalled for him to come up He was busy and didnt notice the signal The men began to haul away and in doing so tangled the rope which was around the log The men managed however to haul up Pykc and the log together but he was almost wrenched to pieces by the diverging forces of the waters and was unconscious when the helmet was removed The closedin rear platforms of the new palace street cars are greatly appreciated by smokers coming down town these cold mornings About fiftv Hebrews met at Mall on Sunday afternoon and form- ally organized an Independent Politi cal League the object of which is to increase Hebrew influence in munici pal and party politics Mr Justice has given his decision that old Michael of Midland is of sound mind and cap able of managing his own affairs He is reputed to he worth JSO000 and this decision renders his marriage with Miss Robertson of to be legal and proper An alleged gambling house was raided in Victoria Street early Sun- day morning and nineteen inmates were arrested Lillian a domestic living on Avenue on Sunday dressed herself in a princess gown and cloak belonging to her mistress and sallied forth upon the streets She had on the stolen clothing when arrested The members of Metho dist Church wiped out of on Sunday last A start was made in the dental campaign for good teeth in Toronto Public Schools The doe- tors supervising the work of Promptly Cured Him Mr Daniel Saunders of Shoal Lake Manitoba is one of the known gentlemen in Canadas great wheat country He lived for years in the West made a success of his farming and his now retired from active business life to enjoy the fruits of his work When a man of snch financial and social landing voluntarily testifies to the great benefits lie has received from taking Pruit-a- lives there can be no doubt but that deserves the confidence of every reader of this paper Shoal Man JONB nth For years I with persistent Dyspepsia Indigestion having severe pains after meal time I tried everything that I could get but the pain In w- stomach became no better summer Mr Oavnay a of my town recommended to use it DANIEL SAUNDERS is the only medicine in the world made of pure fruit juices and will always cure Indigestion Dyspepsia Sour Stomach Biliousness Consti pation and any other disease that comes disordered Stomach Bowels Kidneys or Skin a box for trial size At dealers or tent receipt of price by Limited Ottawa J The illustrations given in Satur days Magazine of the progress tome to particularize public in the new fruitgrowing dis- trust on the South Shore of Lake Hu ron in the neighborhood of is strikingly exemplified It is now believed that in the course of a very few years the whole northern fringe of will be converted into fruit farms During the present sea son it is estimated that fully bushels of apples were on the piers or in cars ready for shipment to va rious points north and west when the photo given was taken The chief points to which the fruit was shipped are to the Sudbury district Manitoba Alberta and Saskatchewan Have on Hand a Large of White Pine Norway to Order etc Special Sizes Cm Doors Sash Flooring Moulding and All Kinds of Inside work Ash and Georgia Pine Run to Order Dressing Sticking Turning and All Such Work IM A FREE TO in favorable to a united Canada NOTICE Is hereby given that Mabel of the City To in thn County of York and Province of Ontario married woman will apply to the Parliament of Can- at he next Sessions thereof for 1 hi actions of the Province is of lo a problem as compared tt ft of in County Pete- with a generation or more ago postcards and 10 in the Province new school of farm management at Toronto in the County a dcnUCm principle In IhCKi Is A statement was given out by Hon Mr Kidding at Ottawa last iveefc in respect to the Canadian and United States trade negotiations The state the condition of the of representatives of teeth is simply alarming countries began on the instant Monday last James Shaw a continued for days aged while infuriated by Minister slates that the whole drink and fancying he bad been I discission was of I he most Irani and suited shot and seriously wounded I friendly nature While no conclusion J two waitresses in the American Res- J I was reached ground was cleared King St The wo a future conference which ill j wounded girls are the Hospital j be held at Washington prolably early is named and the in lahiary Tlje other- Bessie Brooks On Saturday with the strong that an the girls had ordered Shaw out of the can be reached that will restaurant because his drunkenness prove acceptable to people on for fie tried Hi lives Toronto option Two charges of a breach the gistered I A despatch from Alia land Silver Marking Act have been letters addition the mails hand- that I he report of the Royal laid against the Ontario Silver Co led I free Idlers on appointed to Investigate J for contain ment pieces Of the Alberta and than the marked standard matter and I Railway deal has been laid before the delencc is the same as OLD pieces of maple sugar pedigrees l shoes silver watches artificial teeth and J pairs of trousers he people of Canada posted during j sides the boundary With ail expenses from your home in Canada the Old Country anil return and ft liberal allowance for spending money Ik Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal that greatest and best Family and Farm paper on this Continent offers the above prize in a very simple competition Full particulars may be had at this office or by writing lot 1 sam ple copy of that great weekly the price of which is only one- dol lar a year No Home in Can Afford to he Without The Family Herald Weekly Star M I A hi A Treatise on the Horse FREE si I vu Oct mm he Hoik I mw by your 4 tgtbc without 11 I tin Tf1 Is your vjyf yem buy 4 K J my Greenhouses Carnations I jculturjst is the man v ho keeps a debit and credit account along these lines The under op Is credited the yield produced and debited with value of land labor and fertilizer required to keep it In productive condition Chick ens arc credited with their and charged for their keep same rule Is observed In the stockyard For instance the individual cow ac count of a practical farmer showed that seven of his averaged only of butter a year while the other seven gave about lbs each Calculating of keep labor etc he soon realized the first bunch lost Chrysanthemums Floral Designs made on shortest no- J tree Prices reasonable Out Of town solicited A large of Cabbage Celery and Thin Hair A OFFBIt When the hair thins out on the top of the head and the bald spot is get ting ready to appear in public get discouraged or Irritable go to your Druggist and ask to- Sage Tonic He will you 00c for a large bottle iu if it docs not cause lialr where ihc hair Is out nothing on earth will And we want to say to everybody man woman and child that can have your money back if Pakistan apiece each year while good nt the best hair grower hair COWS gave him a profit each Of course he vtry soon disposed of the poor ones and replaced then by animals that secured a profit Such a practical system of conducting farm operations was not thought of thirty or forty years ago but In this day fa becoming quite general evidencing progress and Improvement I saver hair and cure on the market It stops itching scalp and falling hair and makes hair grow thick and abundantly All druggists every where sell Parisian Sage or postpaid from The Mfg Co Fort Brie Sec that the girl with the Au burn hair on every bottle Sold and guaranteed by The Norman I Rogers Co VhTA Cologne Nov The Rhine here is Paris Nov Is reported Ibat above its mean low level tonight and stacks are being made upon the is still rising reports the French garrison In Tripoli and that river at eighteen and at Moselle j It reached twentytwo and feet At MeUtbe river Is the that it been for years The lower parts of the flood- also are of a of towns below by the natives to ib I legislature The was composed of Chief Justice Har vey Justice Heck and Justice Scott In connection despatch says it is rumored that Hon Cross in the Rutherford Government will be asked by Premier enter his cabinet Tills Old Gentlemen Rheumatism By On Box of GIN PILLS Yarmouth I have been bothered with Rheu matism for the year have taken good many different kind of medicine and found no relief for it One day a friend me to try GIN tailing one box of them I felt like a new man I thought I would write you a few lines to let you know how thankful I am for the relief they gave me and would all from Rheumatism to try GIN PI US Cohty Dont bother with liniments and Re called blood purifiers They wont help your kidneys and Rheumatism is caused by weak trained or Irritated kidneys The only possible way to cure Rheumatism la GIN will do thin nothing else will Take NOW and be free from this winter a box for and promptly refunded if yon are not satisfied Order from us If your dealer docs not handle GIN PIMA Sample box wut free on request National and Chemical Co A Toronto J CO Toledo We the undersigned have known Cheney for the last years and believe hftn perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm MARVIN Wholesale druggists Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free eta per bottle Sold by all druggists Take Halls Family Pills for cod- ioo thirty Smallpox is reported in localities In fourteen counties of Michigan Parle Nov- The River Seine Is again In flood The rapidity of current today forced steamboats suspend operations The suburbs of this city in the vicinity of the river arc already slightly inundated All parts of France were suffering from th flood this afternoon If soot Is spilled on the carpet It should nover he wiped up with a cloth it suro to smear over the carpet and make an ugly mark to remove Scatter salt thickly over the place and sweep it and the soot together so do ing the will come up without leaving any mark At all Butler his place on the bench Ibis morning at ten oclock the little court room in the town hall was crowded so that no seating capacity was left for the witnesses This necessitated the clearing of the court room of every spectator to make room for the witnesses who bad been subpoenaed to appear The confinement has not had a the Central Prison appeal of his counsel 1 thr ill Through the I for a medical examination I lie pris oner escaped the lash as the declared him unfit to stand it The jury found guilty of i at tempted assault on the little girl hut the judge said that had it found him guilty of the more serious charge n is no nan a noc- effect upon Tom who WV J J Is char as accessory to the u if years imprisonment as fact He entered the court room i t to be protected nun i ftllf lite with a smile out of the corner of his mouth Edward who is to answer the charge of murder appears to bo laboring under a greater mental strain he has lost in flesh Edward was committed for trial iris ease will come up at Spring- Assizes in March next All the witnesses Including Thomas were bound over to appear type CASTOR I A For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought I Boars Signature of a Headaches nausea muddy complexion pimples- bad breath these are effects of con stipation mild sensible iXTJ lit IS reliable remedy Is They contain 1 and best known which empties bowels without slightest discomfort and without dis turbing tho rest system Constantly Increased doses arc not necessary ft boa If your nd will Drug Ckenilcal Cotnpnx of Canada fccooiw a It t us I your dealer docs not tKiy over me place sweep MAA I JlMMt4 fandleGrN Sample box wut and the soot together so lurblnr the rest of system Constantly increased doses are are tue of of free on it National Drug and Ing the o will up quite clean- 2 flo cent Chemical Co A Toronto without leaving any mark of I A- r MonUL

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