i IJV V geeks Items KB Egyptian Darkness The street lights were out- on the NEWMARKET ERA Methodist Church pastors subject on Sunday ev- be A Fatal Post- Annual Meeting There was a small at the west side of the town on Tuesday meeting of shareholders of Newmarket night last citizens were given to Curling Rink last Friday evening J understand why people carried lanVjThe treasurer presented a very satis- terns years ago A wire broke factory report showing a balance on after the current had been turned on band of about in the evening Engineer OHollaren All last years officers were re-elect- had the line repaired next day A discussion took place on the Ad- One hundred anil FiftySix Different styles of at Drug Store Christmas Entertainment Im Sunday School of the Christian Church will give a Entertain ment on Friday evening Dec 23 in h Church There will be- a Chris Tree in connection with the rO- Town Council I Stove Snaps at Inns fio South side of the rink as the ice has unsatisfactory there lor each 3 Coal Feeders at and the cost the Managing power to- proceed with the work A Surrogate Court roof will probably be required William Phillips of Whitchurch i another year and the Directors do York County died on July not want to exhaus the treasury leaving an estate valued at SHOO Of this is in household effects in farming implements in horses in cattle in farm produce and in a farm of 60 acres All the property is left to his wife Elizabeth Phillips College Skating Rink t weather is this the contractor expects to Co the frame for the new Skating The announcement has been made Rink on Pickering College grounds of the formation of a new company The design framing is something j for the purpose of contracting and tor this section of the country manufacturing parts and Your Christmas Gifts Early at Watsons Have th laid aside new he root being semicircular When it will be a fine building lad being covered with metal will fireproof Willi detachable handles A Christmas Gift at Jewelry Store hand- Watsons another Step Forward We arc fully persuaded that a vast majority of Newmarket citizens be pleased to see the Hank and Garden Decoration among the early forward introduced in connection our Public and High Schools thereby eacouraging thrift economy sod industry It makes a boy or feel they are somebody When they boast of a bank account engines as well as jigs tools and special machinery for all raanufactur- I purposes The name of the com- will be the Morgan Co with head office and factory in Toronto Mr is wellknown in Toronto and has had years of ex perience in the building of special ma- chinery as well as automobile and motor boat engines and accessories and in 1900 Mr joined forces with Mr and formed the well known firm of Holden Machine Co Ltd Mr Philip has been connected with the Of fice Specialty Mfg Co of Newmar ket for the past eleven years as a mechanical expert and designing of tools jigs and special machinery for interchangeable parts and devices The new factory will be equipped with the very best machines from the leading makers and will be the finest machine shop in the coun- try for precision work The com pany will locate in temporary prem ises at No Pearl Street until i spring when they will build a the table factory Mr Morgans family com- 1 will remain in Newmarket for a few Town Fire Alarm Signals In case of Fire go to the nearest Alarm Box and Ring the Bell No Location Signal Corner of Huron Second Cor Main Huron Cor Main Ontario Cor Main Lot Cor Main Waterworks Davis Tannery Huron Cor Prospect Queen Gotham as Farmers institute Every farmer in this vicinity well as his sons past school should attend the Institute in he Town Hall Newmarket at oclock this afternoon weeks The speakers are Mr Andrew I of Gait and Mr Murphy of Beautiful Dressing Cases They are practical farm- I For Ladies and Gentlemen us and are in a position to discuss to at Watsons Jewelry Store methods of agriculture They will be pleased to assist in b Electric Car difficulties and give the benefit of experience While on his way home from a At the evening meeting to com- Church service Wednesday night at Mr Elliott will Near a farm hand was struck by speak on Agriculture in Public I northbound car on the and Mr Murphys subject i 3 5 Regular meeting last Monday even ing- Members all present Following bills passed Express on meter H Phillips broken brick Starr Stationary 60 Express on valve 30 Electric lamps Express on same J Murphy cartage- Pjiy Sheet- 10215 Jones bill board 300 Application water on Raglan St referred to Cook Applications for electric current granted to P- Huron St J Lome Ave J Murphy Millard Ave as Gibson Raglan St C Hughes Main st Communication from Fire Under writers recommending certain chan ges in fire system referred Com The Finance Comj reported that the HS Deb were sold to Wood Gundy Co for Report adopted The ByLaw Com was to submit a ByLaw providing for the appointment of an Inspector to inspect the wiring and fixtures in all places where electric current is pro vided the town Council adjourned- BlTTTERIOfi W J FASHION BOOK Witi Delineator a This seasons Stripes Serges and Diagonals are in the lead We have them in alt shades colors and quali ties and at specially low prices inch pure Wool Navy Cashmere with white silk embroidered spots regular Patent Leather Belts 10c each Buster Brown Belts Jet Hat Pins Papers of Pins Shaker Flannel 5c yard 36 inch Shaker yard Cotton Cashmere yard 7- Pink Salmon Pepper Castor full of pepper 5c Kippered Herring Breakfast Coffee lb tin preserved Ginger 25c pot 2 lb White Castile Soap Shell Brand 20c Bar cent Pure Lye Boots and Shoes V- Boots that wear are our hobby We guarantee every pair we Sell Satis- faction is the first consideration have Boots and Shoes and Rubbers made by the best makers in America Fit Quality and Style are absolutely perfect Store night except Saturday or night be- a holiday r A T TON Cor Prospect Cor Prospect Pine AURORA Charged with stealing a horse and buggy from his employer Fred J Atkins of Aurora has been commit ted for trial at the Sessions J I M Walton Sale Register TUESDAY Roy Rose lot 35 con Whitchurch will a sale of Horses Cattle and Implements at oclock months credit on sums over J Kester Auctioneer v Shall our the Farm northbound car on tan Electric near Bond Lake boys and girls remain sustaining injuries from which he died There J is no charge earl- next morning at St Michaels whatever and seats will he reserved I Hospital Toronto for ladies It is hoped for the The victim was nineteen years old of the town that there will be a and had only been Canada three attendance j months having come here from specials are announced for the j and to work on a farm a short meeting Mr will tanc north of Bond Lake an address on the value of MM The accident occurred shortly after Ten farms and Mrs Shaw of oclock Near and two companions will give an address on behalf of were walking along the railway the Womens Institute tracks They were deeply engaged in a conversation and when Near first I noticed the headlight of the Shavers trolleyhe thought the car Something to Interest you Read a standstill It was moving our ad on front page See our J slowly however and just as he was show window Hard- attempting to get clear of it he was ware Cor Office Specialty Works 17 Prospect Pickering Col Cor Queen Niagara Cor Lome Millard Ave Cor Park Victoria Ave Cor John Timothy Cor Eagle Ellen Long Whistle indicates Fire out I The gift of a- Pyrography Set helps to cultivate an artistic talent These are suitable for work on wood or leather See them at Drug Store The Gospel of Thrift Mrs Long and daughter are visit ing her brother Mr Miss Lottie Leonard arrived from the West Saturday Mr Harry Brown had a slight stroke on Monday Miss Ethel Hamilton has returned from a two weeks visit at Milton Mr Fred Steele and uncle of AUis- arc spendiug the week at Mr James Murrays Mr M W Robinson attended the flower and fruit show while in the city last week A few farmers are longing for a few fine days to harvest their turnip crop On Monday evening last the mem bers and friends of Christ Church gave a farewell party at Mr esse Tattons for Mr Ed Williams prior to his leaving for his old home in England on Thursday night After an evenings social pleasure the gath ering was called to order and Mr The people of Newmarket who abiRobt Fox presented Mr Williams WEDNESDAY Nov Thos Sanderson lot 26 eon 5 East will have a sale of Horses Cattle Implements etc at oclock 11 months credit on sums over Kavanagh Auctioneer I Toronto Nov The Rev Dr Shearer has issued another statement in regard to social conditions at Win nipeg According to a Winnipeg des patch on Thursday intense excite ment prevailed as to social vice it which he declared that Winnipeg had the condition of things in regard to social vice that could be found in any city in Canada Live Stock Market The only change in prices of live stock on the Toronto Market this this week is in hogs They have ad vanced Highest price paid cars The price quoted at country points is from to NOVELTIES ON SALE SEE OUR HOSIERY BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE i The Ladies Store Newmarket J 3 sented themselves from the School room of the Methodist Church on Wednesday evening missed an intel lectual treat Mayor Pearson occupied the chair Rev- Thomas led in a brief prayer and then for an hour and a half Dr Samson spoke with elo quence earnestness and captivating interest of the beneficial effects to he derived from instilling in the youth of Canada the doctrine thriftier citizenship The Dr clearly showed that the plan adopted by the Cana dian Government to provide for old age the British Pension Act and similar acts in all other coun tries The British plan educates pauperism by providing pensions fur live from hand with a prayer book accompanied by an address as a slight token of their appreciation of his services in the choir while in this vicinity OQ r Tho Town watermain is being up Court Street as far as the Council meets next Monday I J Wednesday is St Andrews Next Day December comes in next Thursday Guess this must be Indian summer like it Only one month to Christmas Old Santa Glaus is beginning to get ready Nomination Day for next years Councils four weeks from Monday Talent Sale this afternoon In the basement of the Methodist Church Photographer taking views along Main Street on Tuesday last Big crowd at the market last Sat- irday Prices produce on the jpgrade Rev Simpson of the Method Church and of the Pro Church exchange pulpits Sunday morning Business men of Newmarket arc ready for Christmas holidays See columns The Fire and Water Committee Council are issuing a new Fire Alarm Card the improvident who struck on the head and hurled to mouth days in the year spend- against a fence He was rendered ling their earning withoutone thought unconscious I of the morrow The Canadian plan After receiving temporary medical j begins with the youth and educates attention at the railway station at the hoys and girls to lay by even as Bond Head he was placed on the car small a sum as cents weekly so and after- I that when they reach the age of ate ambu- or years they will have an assur ance to the hospital with all possible income that will at least make I haste them independent of the chanty ol At the latter place it was discover- I the world It begets a spirit led that he had sustained a severe pride instead of dependency And the I fracture- at the base of the skull and larger the weekly I just as the surgeons had finished op- Mr and Mrs J Oliver spent Sun day at Mr W Richardsons Mr and Mrs W Graham spent Sunday in Mrs Hacking paid a visit to friends in Lemonville last week Mr and Mrs Walker attended funeral of the late Mr Henry ou Thursday last Mrs Snider has her mother Mrs Mcrtens with her again Quite a number from this way at tended Pine Orchard Church last Sun day night We wonder how the fair- haired girl got there Girls it would he best to save up your coppers to buy popcorn as some have got valuable prizes in the shape of rings Tuesday nights Snow minds us that winter However the Christian Endeavor was well attended and by the looks of the tracks next morning some took the storm re- is coming crating on him life became extinct the young man never regaining con sciousness He had no relatives in this country Seals and Tags Makfi your gilts beautiful Christmas tags and seals jhh Drug Store bony Goods With or Stiver Without Mounts See our rough- Death of Mrs flcasllp We Clip following from the New Speaker a Mr was a native of The Speaker loins with the very large circle of friends in extending the heartfelt sympathy to Mr Joseph of p in the death of his wife which event happened at North Bay on Sat- lay Nov Mrs has been unwell for the several months and tome time ago went to her slaters Mrs Henderson at North Bay where she would be more convenient for medical atten dance The deceaseds health became o bad that a specialist was brought up from Toronto but that a loving husband and relatives could do was of no avail and a very fine woman passed on to her reward In the death ol the man agement of this paper feel that they have lost a warm friend as the de ceased was ever ready to assist us with her frequent newsy budget from her home circle and a hearty wel come always greeted us at the had resided TemlsVa- for the past several years and was a daughter of the late lit Gordon of interment tak- have the finest Stock of Goods ever shown In Newmarket They are Trav ellers Samples for presents They are most suitable and useful The prices are extremely for such high class goods Wo know that a visit to our store will convince you that We offer more and better in ducements- in quality variety and of styles rea sonable prices than you can elsewhere A hearty welcome no mat ter whether you come to tee CO and Opticians Ticket Agents Cana dian Pacific Issuer of Marriage Licenses will be the annuity The plan of the Government provides that no an nuity less than a year can he paid and the highest- sum that any lone can receive is a year It depends upon the persons themselves how much to provide between the I higher and the lower amounts Once Several- from hero attended the hot fowl supper at Newmarket and report a very enjoyable time Judging from f lateness of the hour some of them reached their homes we think Children FOR FLETCHERS A ST ORIA Toronto Markets I i fr I Fall and Winter Hats both trimmed and cov ering the very latest whims the season take their place on the Bargain Tables at greatly reduced prices Early comers will be plcasantlv rewarded This Is an extraordinary offering PHONE LADIES AND MISSES TAILOR Nov 21 Fall Wheat per hush SO 87 Goose Wheat per bus 0 Oats per bush Peas per bush Barley per bush J Hay per ton Butter per lb Eggs per Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb Turkeys per lb Geese per lb vooo 26 15 13 0 38 17 25 Newmarket Markets Nov Kail Wheat per hush 0eafi Oats per hush i Barley per bush Peas per bush Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hay per ton Butter per lb per Potatoes per Chickens per Ducks per lb Geese per Turkeys per lb bag lb 0 80 2G 00 00 22- 0 0 CO 75 12 0 USE THE PHONE NO 500 lbs PURE CLOVER HONEY Snap for For Spot Cash Buyers Sixty Bags Standard Car Lot for Pound Bag 25 Pound Dark Cooking Sugar for 100 I Look through our Crockery Department a Regiment of Bargains Unpacking Tons of New Goods at Less than City rices Sec our Monday Display Any Article C HOWARD p dark eyes are very person begins to save an account in a 00 money by op- hank the habit becomes so fixed that every payday finds him or her at the post office making the weekly deposit A young man of who saves 10c a day for a year and places it in the Government Annuity Fund can draw every year he lives alter he be comes fears it be never puts another cent Into the fund The Dr fully convinced his audience there is nothing better in the shape of an investment for old age than the Government Annuity Fund He de clared that once men and women are educated to the standard of saving and economy the moral tone of will become higher and purer It is the extravagance and reckless ness our daily lives that is re sponsible for the low state of morals the world over The Dr related many instances of personal experience which emphasized bis remarks At the conclusion of the address a hearty vote of thanks was Rev I Simpson and seconded by Hon J Davis and in present ing the to the regretted that people of the town had not heard it instead of miickly lilt- PINE ORCHARD BANK OP MONT Established CAPITAL ALL PAID UP UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS Hi 12000000 GO at all Important centres In In York Mexico Every a Banking tra4ctet INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS customer Bank Branch will heretofore BRANCH ROSS VIUMr Our hunters are all home again Some have game and some havent The special services being held in lb Disciples Church arc well attend ed and a great deal ol interest is ap parent Mr and Mrs John spent the former part of last week with friends at Out Mrs Prank has returned to her home after spending a week with sister in Toronto Mr Fred Toole of Aurora spent Sunday with his cousin Mr Percy Van Miss Beatrice Lloyd has returned to the city after spending the sum mer at her homo here Miss Annie Swain and Master Hen ry spent Sunday- with friends at Several of the young people took in the Christian Church hot fowl supper and also the High School concert last week and- report a very enjoy able tirno Mr John spent Monday and Tuesday in the city The Sabbath School Convention is to be held at Vandorf Church Thurs day and Friday ot thlB week The- weather being favorable a great many from this vicinity Inteiid going MOO Detroit Mich Nov While the steamer Maine was passing through Lake Superior yesterday Robert Mc- Calij aged the wireless operator Jumped overboard In an to res cue Rose Gardner a passenger who had been swept of the deck by an Immense wave was never seen again and was probably render ed unconscious by being dashed against the boats side Miss Gard ner rescued borne was In Marquette at I rou Going to bo Very Happy this Christmas The Principle One of which is that You are Co The Principle and our Big Showing of Goods for Several dig to Early Every One Will be Pleased Law ScmwHl be Happy because they will be Useful addition to be- High in Quality Manicure Sets Toilet Sets Mirrors Scissors Perfumes Toilet Water Brushes Combs Razors Shaving Brushes Shaving Soaps Briar Pipes Cigars Fountain Pens Knives Cigar Cutters Hot Water Bags Bath Brushes Rubber Sponges Sheep Wool Sponges Invalid Comforts Wo will Welcome you to our Store and wo wJl be delighted to you Wo want you to Know the Satisfaction of Dealing with us See DRUG NEWMARKET ARCHIVES OF ONTARl rrarKnn