Newmarket Era , December 16, 1910, p. 1

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IP i SURE to our new stock with de tachable handles to 6 WATSONS jewelry The Era gives more home news every week than any two in North York combined and is acknowledged to be the Leading County Paper TERMS per annum paid in advance to the United States No Paper seat outside of North York unless paid advance if JACKSON Editor and Proprietor JACKSON Newmarket Ont Friday Dec 16 No Single Copies each i Oar Toronto Letter A Merry Christmas J to You Picture when put action which brings pleasure to borne and especially joy to the little ones Their hearts long for nice pair skates air snow shoes or toboggan For the grownups you will find many useful articles for mother father brother or sister Carpel Sweeper- Wringer Carving Sets 126 up Tea Trays Berry Spoons Hotter Knives Tel or Coffee Pots Scissors Knives Picks and Cracks Washing Machines The Heat Choppers Heat Forks Raisin Seeders Asbestos Sad Irons Pocket Hooks and Wallets Crumb Tray and Brush 25c Smoking Pipes Mouth Organs to Mechanical and Electric Toys Dolls Carriages and Sleighs Boys Mitts 50c Pair Bath room Fittings Granite Double Roasters 125 up a A PHONE w a NEWMARKET ONT SAVING THE receive Strings of adds Interest to ill twice a year Deposit upwards Safe Convenient Profitable Assets BRANCH FIELD I P W PEARSON Try a Ton of Pea Coal Range ft start quicker and longer than larger 4 OP TRIM ON HAND t South End Lumber Yard or Bowman or J Murphy on partU hind All i teed You Need a Good Overcoat Every Man Does You need it for protection lie aooear- r to wH wear 9 duality and that you will be proud to own MM Vtv tuux given with YOUR TAILOR MAK L- as now to the its During the past week a number of citizens have slipped on the icy pave ments and broken or dislocated their limbs The official figures of the recent re ligious census of the city taken by different Young Mens Bible Classes shows the population to- be in the seven Wards not including the newly annexed districts While in a state of intoxication on Saturday night Lindsay ag ed of Street fell in the slip at the foot of Church Street and had a very narrow escape from drowning He was fished out in the i nick of time by a Workman on one of the barges When taken to the Court Street station he was com pletely exhausted hut after being given som stimulants he revived He was held on a charge of drunken ness An alderman Toronto is a J P by virtue of his office but this is held to mean that he can only exer cise the duties of a J p for the city and not for the judicial County of York One Alderman has been exer cising the duties of as a Coun ty Justice of the Peace and question has to he tried legality A young man showed his hostility to the street cars on Sunday evening by throwing a stone through a car window He was immediately arrested and locked up Torontos complaints against Street Railway order of and other grievances was aired before the Ontario Railway and Commission on Friday A tussle resulted in an order being made to allow passengers on trailers to leave by front door Persons get ting on trailers at front platforms will be liable to Ones as high as but the rule of and also no smoking on cars is to con tinue in force Two claims for damage sustained on the night of the street car trou ble reached the city solicitor this morning One was from the Robert Simpson Company asking for a broken plate glass window and the VA rM Street asking for a broken window and soda water fountain The ruled that the Hebrews may have liquors at their wedding feasts Petitions are in circulation asking for an increase in pay instead of a day oil each for the police Fifty boys while on a treasure hunt last Saturday which had been hidden the day before found the dead body of Hob Crockett near the dam on the Don River not far from Taylors mill There was a gaping wound in the throat to add to the- horror of their find Poor Crockett was a policeman last sum mer at but lost his posi tion through drink Harold who gives his ad dress as York Street Was arrested Sunday by Armstrong charged with the theft of I from Levis Nicholson an employee at the Hospital was employed at the hospital Is alleged to have gone back to Institution Saturday night and the money from room gram China on The Christmas Spirit a 1 e A letter for Jeanie Goodwin brethren ye have done it ucto Me Tfaat encloscd Five minutes went by look- 0 Rath- til towards the village and hen to it is wards the man beneath the elm tree Jeanie tne m at it with wondering She could scarcely break the seal her sell was sitting there she said at last in an awed tone And slowly Doctor she retraced her steps When wilh me a suppressed twinkle in his YEAR From Era Kyle Dec Inasmuch as ye- have done it un to one of the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto Me she reached the tree her childish lips ife were almost colorless so terrible had sat on the old struggle But in heir SUbnanC the letter was as meadow stile in the eyes shone a steady and resolute re- M A man named Hiram Burns diant splendour of the solve She put her hand In her Marshland had left September afternoon the money a pretty cottage was tanking a Sabbatb P the morning when her father dollars and go home she said sat in the cottage door I The man pushed up the bandage his great on his knees from his eyes and looked at her the sacred word to his he cried in surprise It had been a bright summer aside her extended hand No morn and the very scent of the roses and lavender and the busy hum of with reading land grounds and something over six thousand dollars in cash to Goodwin a little girl living at cottage some two miles from Berry ville said Good win having given him two dollars to pay his way to Marshland some You must It is my very own when she found him the bees seemed t come back r her J earned it I was go- ill and pen- It was her fathers custom to re- to buy a big dolly but Hiram Burns desiring quite and her little sister Dot her voice choking Id rather give to repeat a verse when he bad finish- the money to you Wo say exclainied clasping reading That morning verse was Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto Me What does that Jeania had asked And papa had said mean papa our prayers tonight Dot and if I left you sitting here She forced the money into his hand Whats your name he asked Where do you live Goodwins my name I live across yoniler at cot tage Goodbye Why my dear it means this The last few words ended with a you were to a poor beggar sit- and darted away to hide ting by the wayside and gave him the tears she could not keep back food and drink or shelter the great ot we wont grieve will we Lord would regard your kindness just she whispered that night clasping her hands Oh the doctor look ing up Now theres luck young woman Youll he able to pay my bill you see Ive written back to and if you say so Ill take you down to Marshland and sec that youre not cheated And now a merry Christmas to you Some weeks later as soon as her mother was able to make the journey they went down to live in the pretty cottage at Marshland and not many Simpson Trent have an advertise ment this week headed Shall we all go up in a balloon this Christmas Dr J J Hunter and Donald are having a newspaper tussel over the approaching municipal elec tions Prof lecture to he en at the annual meeting of the Society is entitled Recent Im provements in Agriculture Stiles James Jno Terry and Geo Stokes are mentioned as likely candidates tor municipal honors next January in East Rev Dr Burns of Toronto lec tures before the Mechanics Institute this evening The next meeting of North York Sabbath School Union is to be held at Holland Landing Arthur Mar ling is to be principal speaker 25 YEARS AGO From Era Dec Him- her little sister as nestled alter married Doctor to Him We blue eyes she glanced over wont fret about the big Dot in the direction of the course answered Dot where her father obligingly and the rag dog is just the same as if bestowed upon in the same bed Only This was the memory that came think Dot tis just the same as if back to Jeanie as she sal on the old the great Lord himself had been sit- stile She repeated the Verse softly the elm trees and to herself and then with tears we gave our money ing to her shoo Id village now as good Childhoods sorrow however J Years went W w of patient shortlived She soon dried tears and incessant toil to the and and began to jingle the two silver her children at cottage dollars in her pocket Two round But their combined efforts failed to silver dollars Oh how hard and keep want from their door Dot was patiently she had worked for thorn almost helpless and the mother berries in the hot for self was frail and at last fell HI the village market The heavy burden of care rested on When they were earned and she Jeame shoulders held him in her little brown hand I One winter afternoon found her sad of heart Her mother was in need worths son I- 1 cried breathlessly I will do with- and the en m A cable bay brought the saddening and mosi fitting out the hat let me buy the doll with the eyes that go to Bleep and the darling little bed to put her in for Dot the dear Oh mamma she has wanted them so long Do just as please Jeanie love worked hard for your money mamma said And now Jfannie was On hci Way to the village to make her purchase Dot was weakly and somewhat de formed poor little mite and could not accompany Jeanie But Jeanie had kissed her When had set out and said Now sit here and be patient and watch for me Dot Ill hurry as fast as ever I can and you shall have the big dolly in your arms the very Utc I get thought of Dot as jingled he two pocket and springing hurried across close to the great that her stood by the wayside she stopped homeless Suddenly she remembered that it was Christmas day there- was no Christmas cheer for them much Christmas gifts Anil yet how she would have liked buy some little trifle for Dot stood In the door and look ed out at the fast falling snow She was a tall slender girl graceful as a young willow with a sweet sad lace and tender resolute eyes but was determined to face the J She had formed a purpose Dot she whispered approaching her sisters low chair going to sec Doctor I shall not he gone lone fear She left the cottage crossed the f w he Christmas Stocking J AST night I stayed awake to what Santa would bring I heard a noise above me and the merry sleigh bells ring Perhaps it was a reindeers hoof That made the snow fall from thtf roof And then I heard a gentle step I thought that it was he The door was softly opened and my mother peeped to sec If I were sound asleep in bed Or Santa wouldnt come she said I tried to look as if I slept and shut my eyes up tight And when 1 opened them once motje the sun was shining bright He hadnt made a bit of noise Hut filled the stockings full of toys It bulges here it sticks out there and heres a hall I know On top there Is a Teddy bear What can he in the toe think it has nicest feel The whole way down from top to heel I fields with a rapid step the now j beating in her face The old meadow- silver dollars in her attic still stood at the crowing and the Just beyond it the giant elm tree the meadow Whence paused tor breath a minute with tears It sadtim mil a bandage across unexpected news the death fcmalluox at Wei WOO Mrs little dog at his Harold Clark wife of the a forlorn and us to see ho changeless nature Is when the dearest treasures of our hearts seem to he roJU s Jeanie hurried on under the Im gliul its mothers stocking or my socks are very small J Wonder how he knew that I was so and tall For everything he brought sec Looks just as if he thought of me Kcit in Canadian Ma gazine A Strange Statement 1 It has been said by those ivbo In vestigated the matter carefully that although at the age of fully 80 per of men ate established in The demise of Rev who was stationed on the Newmarket and Aurora circuit in the years 185fi to inclusive passed away at his home in on Monday Dr of Toronto conducted services in the Methodist Church last Sunday The tollgate question is agitating the farming community on the York Roads and will influence the ap proaching municipal elections The new Registry Office is occupied this week all the documents being removed there from the old building A movement is on foot to in augurate a oclock closing hour in all the mercantile houses of the town The Ontario Bank is to move into the new premises one door south of the Era office during next week Father Shea of Toronto and Fath er of assisted Fath er- in the special services in St Marys Church last Tuesday oven ing The salary of Mr principal of Newmarket Model School was in creased to for next year A big fire in Sutton on Saturday last which destroyed block occupied by Mr Tre- maync druggist and the adjoining store the property of Mrs Geo Fry The trustees School engaged Mr Terry at a salary of for next year Mr Moses Knight of has purchased a chopping machine for his customers lie will now be able to supply farmers with both lumber and feed pi Mr Clark of the Canadian Presbyte rian Mission there Mr arid Mrs Claris were married here In August and left or China in October SO that they would have reached their destination hardly more than a fort night Jerry Murphy charged as a vag rant and said be an outlook for a disorderly house to the detriment of the police Was sent to the Cen tral for four months The Pri son Farm at will likely he in ri wan In a little I asked Jennie looked on laden branches the elm tree and SPARKLES The minister of a certain parish in Scotland was walking one misty night through a street In the village when he fell into a deep hole There was no holder by which be could make his escape and he began shout for help A laborer passing heard his cries and looked down asked who was The minister told him where upon laborer remarked J Ill J and then oK o selfsame path her childish expenditure at the age of fearer i memorable day y man ah yon blind she Wan way to purchase the big dolly She did not recall the not entirely circumstances other and man Me had a sunstroke and grayer thought filled her mind the light hurt me the village after a Jeanies tender heart was moved walk am made her ft ay to residence J j but a little more than forty years old physicians son a young disciple ago was a financial power in that whatever pursuit lllpy ftPil MO ye up a noise incomes In dt wM ftlorc age of it has Jan this is only Wednesday arc dy- pendent upon their daily earnings or upon their children for support Many no doubt- read the despatch from Detroit which recently appeared in the Canadian papers and which described the condition of man who She drew Mill nearer and patted the little What makes you sit here she asked at last you go home i hut to his address Dr V McCormack of West trying to get there Toronto has been appointed an 1 walking makes my head hurt Coroner for York County Three cases of selling diluted milk were up before the Police Court Sat urday but each dealer swore they sold the article just ft they received it from the farmers and the cases were It was suggested that In future llie dealers should name the farmers from whom they received milk found to be watered and have them dollats hundred thousand that the amount that To ronto la far away is your home Nearly a hundred Ob Oil You surely dont mean walk that Jar cried did hut I cant make much headway how The man laughed SCOUlfully a ball ort laugh localise I havent cent lit- of Just returned from abroad and geUlng ready t step in to father shoes occupied ting com into which Jennie ush ered lie rose his feet politely Inquiring In what Way he could serve her iliank yon but it is old Doctor wish to lev please said In he sweet soft voice And young doctor left the room thinking he had never seen a sadder or a lovelier face I Why bless my soul here pending this year to hold its the city of churches That is the cost of the churches completed dur ing the year of or that arc now well under way in construction Add to this the estimated coat of churches that it In Intended to go on with In the near future and the mounts up well over a million Mr Leslie ledger keeper In the Hank ol Hamilton street Is vnty ill with typhoid fever at his home Mutual street His mother It also 111 with the same disease Another caw of rabies has been dis covered This time it is at port Col- the victim a lad was brought Toronto and placed in the Hie Childrens Hospital where he will he treated He has not as yet disclosed any symptoms of the The dog was killed the head Kent to this city It Is of have been traced head tic one Poor man said Jeanie you hungry Not very I got a on and I had Just ordered my I City who had a palatial home on one of the most fashionable faresp entertained lavishly and to Whom every person high and low was prepared to pay homage the fates were against him lie suf serious financial losses and when he began to go down hill ho found It was properly greased for the occasion His friends deserted him like rats from a sinking ship and now at years ol age after his days labor he wends his to the city with he belli broken old I declare said the housewife dont know what wo arc to do when round steaks costs much as it is Yes mum Agrees the Whats a body going to do this keeps on I would advise you mum that be- hit the case to cat porterhouse are are to come claimed the over elder and see you when ex ile men who have Influence enough to their names on the citys pay appeared Then ill you know in I didnt she other No didnt Ik she ill Yes sir shes been III But youre tired and sick yet a minute or two The rim leaves rustled overhead and the little Af watched with wistful entreating eyes Ho much It take to -car- vau Hut you bo poor rt gjJJ cal aid and If youll only go to for weeks replied sneaking rap idly lest her courage nhould fail her Visitor saw your husband in ho crowd down town today In fact he close that I could have touched him Hostess Thats strange At home hes so close that nobody ran touch him Johnny Docs the hen sit or set Ma dont Know or cat but When she cackles I want to Know whether laying or lying For cleaning all kinds o teapots pit lids of and pans al so enamelled goods nothing can equal wet emery cloth ft splendid also but hire wouldnt allow to to you Kir because because we Bui have roll The moral Is that Out your abun dance thing should he laid aside for polishing tin or zinc basins for declining yearn and Invested where thieves cannot reach It and where one cannot be deprived of It in any possible way This means is af forded you under the Canadian Gov ernment Annuities Act which the Parliament of Canada passed In A Woman Beautiful Hair suddenly Two dollars The recoiled as from a Mow A hot color rushed into her cheeks and her lips quivered She put her hand In her pocket arm the two silver dollars Im sorry for you she said Session of and which received the unanimous support of both sides of the House You may get all sir if anything I Can do formation by applying at the Post any kind of Office hurriedly but go Indeed I must go- started oil her still clutching the money in her pocket she rcjurnw how ever and back and between I verse it unto one least of my Never mind never mind Inter rupted tho doctor well ail that hereafter You should have let me know long ago Come to the fire and warm you didnt walk Yes sir 1 walked hut Im not told and youll be good enough to go at Yes yes boggy will be around 1 minutes I wan Just ana ana vwn MH evy inspirations she repeated for Vol Dec A disastrous mine explosion occurred on Friday night at oclock in the coal mine three miles east Frank hair dressing that will make it luxurious and fascinating lIl teed by Today every uptodate woman has radiant hair Why she is ever on the atert to chase the Dand ruff gorm Hair Tonic carries sure and certain death to the Dandruff germ Is tho reliable remedy that will eradicate ft There Is no reason why any peron should fall to take advantage this offer as we have confidence In this Hair- that we are pto- There were men ion the cost same the and thirtythree of them 0 were killed Fifteen were rescued a I any ont some them having narrow escapes A rescue party and two or more of lost their lives far Send the ERA absent friends ssssH A mone tor cents at Store and your back It it dots pot sMfc L

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