i TWO w On Sunday evening between Niagara Street and Presbyterian Church via Lot and Main Street a Necklace of Gold Beads Will finder please leave same at this office j 3 Engines for Sale Portable Wanted Second hand Clover Mill and Traction En gine Apply to A Second St Newmarket Card of Thanks My wile and I wish to take this opportunity of thanking our neighbors and friends for kindly sympathy and assistance at the time of our dear little daughters death We also wish to thank those who have sent kind letters of sympathy A WINCH Merry I Merry Christ mas I FINE RINGS AT WATSONS WE ALL OUR PATRONS -A- Merry Photo Artist Studio will open on the holiday Ml IJMJiitJMrtliaPMfcllH fc The Christmas season is again upon us and we extend the kindly greeting to all readers of the Era A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Shall we ever grow weary of the cheerful salutation Our dearest friend more pleasure- able offering and the market man in his bower of paper cases the grocery boy stamping with stiffened feet at the area door the cook flushed with responsibility over the tables of her kitchen or the baker or milkman on their rounds pronounce the cheerful salutation with earnest solicitude without thought of ulti mate material gain something akin to spontaneous combustion Oh yes and ere the day dawns in the homes of children parental ears the whispering and tittering of the little folks tiptoeing about in the twilight with outstretched hands feel ing for the bulged stocking to see if old Santa had remembered them- The Christmas of today is not like the anniversary in the long ago Christmas past roused by gentle praise of living made ily feasts made glad the children of the household with gifts and taught elders and deacons to look back and sigh for the merrymaking of the olden time but Christmas present of which Dickens was the great apostle and for whose coming made the way straight is the spirit of unselfish kindness Yes and we think of past too as we grow older of the Failing to open its doors by that time it Trill go into nidation auto matically The Globe of Tuesday publishes a list of the shareholders ot the bank Report has it that the officials of the institution attribute the present state of affairs to the re velations made at the recent trial at Lindsay but whatever the cause it is certain that for some time it has been in financial circles that the Bank was approaching a crisis The manager- thinks that the remarks of the Judge at the Lindsay trial were uncalled for and hastened the temporary suspension A- good many people however have the no tion that the bank did not have suf ficient capital to start with to sup port the burdens it undertook Oar Toronto While walking across the floor at the home of soninlaw Mr Ne ville KC on Ontario street last Sunday Mr Holt was stricken with heart failure and sud denly passed away He was 82 years of age Miss Cane is back- from Mitchell after a successful season Fred Saxton o Toronto was in town last Friday and Saturday Dr Fred Cane postmaster at White Horse Pass BC was in town over Sunday Mayor Pearson went to Brace- bridge yesterday to address a local option meeting Hon A is at Hal ifax this week He addressed the Canadian Club yesterday p Hamilton of Toronto is visiting with her parents Mr and Mrs Miss Haight of Niagara Street has gone to Waterloo to spend the holidays with her brother Miss Beatrice Wesley is home from Westminster College Toronto for Christmas vacation Mr A of the Bank of Montreal staff has got orders to leave for Calgary next week Mrs W was in town yesterday She now resides at Queen Quality TO SAVE comes but once a CROMPTOHS A LA GRACE CORSETS A it comes it brings Good Cheer While the relatives and friends were gathering at oh Sat- IfflooVstW Wwt7Toront5 morning for the funeral of John A Smith his widow Mary who was lying ill in another room passed Mr Haskett baggageman on the dropped off here on Wed nesday to call on old Mr Geo Montgomery and family On Saturday last Karl Hunt ate a Sudburj We to poisonous sweet for tablet in mistake lor Christmas gathering at Mr He was suddenly seized with violent pains in the stomach A Garrett is home from I doctor was summoned who used the Davidson for the Chtistmas stomach pump and saved Hunts life holidays Her father is laid farmers contributed handsomely to a fund of 51800 which friends and dear ones whose greetings just been raised and presented to and Miss made much of Christmas to us but J William Tomlinson senior of the This joyous holiday seasoii is upon us once again with its good wishes and exchange of gift giving Perhaps you are not prepared at this last moment forgot something or Weve made splendid pre parations for emergency cases If you are yet undecided what to give come to this store which is brim full of suitable up Widdifield were at home whose voices we shall hear no more road whose house and farm on a large Teacher Wanted For East for Apply stating experience and salary expected to Sharon Teacher Wanted For So King for the year Duties to commence Jan 3rd State qualification experience and fialarv J WELLS 3w4 Sec Temperancevillc on earth We would not to for get them we for while remember them we seem to grow richer in what we fancy we have lost Let us each then make the most of what Christmas means to us rich in the sweet memories of the past joyful in the happy Wednesday evening to buildings were gutted by fire early P one morning some weeks ago and Mrs I Jackson Shaw the man who shot of his cousin Mrs lady waitresses at a restaurant some nee Miss Aggie Wright at time ago was up for examination on yesterday Friday both the waitresses having Mr Perkins Mr Thos Mc- sufficiently to appear in I Mann and Mr of Toronto court Shaw was committed for were shaking hands with old friends Xmas of the present and thankful trial on a charge of shooting with on the market on Wednesday for what the song on plain means to us for the future To our thousands of readers we again wish many happy returns of the Christmas tide and trust the coming year may bring to them much of gladness and prosperity intent John of Calgary was A petition has been presented to telegraphed for this week owing to Premier Whitney asking the Govern- the serious illness of his son on to erect a lasting monument in jj Wesleys farm with stone and bronze near the ment Buildings to commemorate the was guest war of 1M2 and that il be dedicated lhc Parsonage during on- the anniversary of Queen- an j Fop Mother on Daughter Gloves Stockings Collars Dress Goods Furs Slippers Frilling Fop Father or Brother Overcoats Suits Collars Ties Mufflers Gloves Suspenders Slipper Hockey Boots etc Heights A lawyer in Judge Winchester I court last week played a deceptive game in regard to a ring the owner- was in question with Mr and Mrs J j ship of which Thank goodness people jing up one very much like the one appear to have escaped loss in for he asked a witness if that the defunct Farmers hls brothers ring Yes came the reply but the lady who was seeking possession of her nee ion with Hank Mr Neil Morton agent here has bought dence on St Morton of move into town estate a brick Mrs Keswick who will next week We take this opportunity of extending to our many patrons our good wishes A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year or Toronto and York Radial Railway will he the public see a real curiosity VISION Special Christmas and Hew Years Service Saturday Wednesday Dec Saturday December car leaving Newmarket fori Keswick at pm Mr and Mrs A and own baby from Alberta The Packet remarks If rin once declared thats not myi Tuesday to spend the there is one man in town who still ring The Court saw through the winter with Mrs mother thinks is suffering from local dodge and rehuked the deception of Prospect Street option will he please stand and let the lawyer He thought to tangle Miss Mabel of the owner It will he a wonder loon spent a few days- with if Judge Winchester dont have the Mrs J A Wright disciple of hauled over on her way to Preston to spend the the coals the Law Society Christmas and New with rela- Saturday morning at St James lives and friends four young men Reuben Phillips of were oroainen to the priesthood for Oregon formerly of Sharon writes Toronto diocese by Archbishop Somewhere somebody may print a more interesting paper than yours Ralph Gates a young man wfi fc North York was placed on trial Saturday charged with nome thc from the store of P After bearing Mm Morgan ave Gates the benefit of the doubt I Mt and acquitted him dates declared The many friends in town of Mr he had left the Hiding loJoPl Hughes who resides at reside In the city before the robbery Present at Man will re- was committed The other three IK- If you have not already received one of our Calendars for advise us and we will mail you one HUNTER 19 I NEWMARKET As a result of the receni British elections the Government has been sustained and removes the possibili ty of the King create dumm thankful says the London Post that the Crown will not be dragged into the constitutional arena ing being called upon to Montreal Peers The nation is ordained to J Furnitures ST NORTH NEWMARKET All will receive Careful and Prompt AtUnHon A rumor from Ottawa to the effect that Sir Louis fette Chief Just fee of the Superior Court of Quebec will retire soon after the New on full superannuation and will be succeeded by Hon P as Chief Justice Should this rumor prove true it may result in a couple of Ottawa i Wednesday fec Thursday Dec Friday Dec Satur day Dec car leaving Toronto for New market and intermediate points pm as we lion til placing mobile Cabinet changes charged along with Gates were sent to the Central for three months A Canes memory failed him to learn that he met with an accident about six weeks ago which will lay him up for the winter He was assisting a merchant to put a were forming the an order for an last Friday night as he could of vinegar in the cellar when l tell how he got a serious wound over Was broken in two places ane can re- Miss youngest he was daughter of John ft an increase tax from as here- w of Shut- County Clerk Toronto is quickly to in future This knocks streets on his way home At rising to fame as a reader She us all out and will interfere with the j ftnt robbtry had Ken the recited joy riding contemplated next thin he sUted recently mobile comes the announcement that the left eye The last the Ontario Government has ordered member is that about summer up to Orchard Beach and motive but this morning A press despatch from Ottawa Saturday Dec that Hon Mr Fielding Mlli- regular pm car from To of Finance will return from the ronto to Newmarket operate as South to spend Christmas with his as far a Keswick family and to attend a number of meetings before leaving again next no money bad been missed name The the bad eye be has no injury and is published at of the opinion that some boisterous person struck him During thc present year nearly one In Christian Church here but we misunderstood the Grand Sachem Caledonia says The annual entertainment held under the auspices of the Caledonia High School was presented in the Opera Dec and Monday Jan Monday 2nd fate car leaves Toronto and Inter mediate points pm leaves Newmarket for Toronto and intermediate points pm thousand domestics were brought InHouse on Friday evening last For to the province and placed in service years the commencement has been looked forward to as a rare musical to resume with president Taft month and Secretary Knox at Washington J J the negotiations for a trade agree- between Ibis Dominion and the United States Mr Fieldings health lias greatly Improved as a result of his month s rest Commissioner Hi Mr Harris of Toronto in a recent address favored the estab lishment of a farm of three or four hundred acres short distance out- hide I he city for the treatment of Dominion Parliament Dill local option In adopting the Two clauses forming the crux of the measure are a fol- of any Muni cipality may by bylaw determine what shall be local time in fcUCh From and afUr oclock in the morning of th rut those convicted of alcholfsm The would be asked to per mil the pacing of Indeterminate fences by Magistrates 01 men conin victH of drinking They would go to the farm not as A large proportion of these had been assisted by the Provincial Govern- merit Very little difficulty WW fig in collecting the loan and it probable the policy will be next year Magistrate intimated in the Police Court last week that he thought stealing from the big stores by women could be made unpopular by changing the suspended sentence verdict to six months in Mercer May be so The condition of his race Arch bishop is causing considerable alarm among priests and people One hundred and fifty boxes of nil- Toronto last and the program on last more than sustained the fit I high reputation it has Already won Those who had the matter in charge put forth every effort to secure art ists of the highest ability and that their efforts were crowned with suc cess was demonstrated clearly However excellent I he concerts have been in he past Hie commencement of will be remembered exceptional merit Miss TUB CRADLE SCOTT In Newmarket on Deo to Mr and Mrs Jos Scott a daughter In Newmarket on Dec to Mr and Mrs a daughter Newmarket on the Mr Arthur lon a daughter THE ALTAR Dec at Palmers- ton avenue Toronto Rev Alexander Oil ray I I William McCallan of Thornbury Miss Eliza Gordon of Aurora Cot- King on day of December by the Rev James J I Cecil Harry Keys of to Me- of King At the resi dence of the brides grandmother at Vivian by Rev if Thomas on the Inst Mr Samuel La man jr to Miss Lillian Ding- ham Have you bought your Fruits for Christmas yet If not do not overlook us for your Christmas Cake or Pudding as one of If Arleigh of Toronto charmed those May Ellison to Lawrence present by her gracious and winning Cane of Newmarket manner and throughout her numbers on Thursday December 15 by the Rev Canon Walsh Lillian Phil- In April until oclock in the morning of the first Sunday in en route to Newark rom Sudbury The Canadian Ex press Company who had charge of but as men having a disease valued It it 75000 and they would haw a of be- Va belonging to coming and useful citizens All butcher ran away on well but why not the day First struck a horse at- in each year the standard system to make drunkards and wagon and both horses were thrown down but Mr Websters horse roe leader of the Opposition at parliament has adjourned for and bis followers profess great Chris ears holidays anxiety just now that the electorate and of the members have re- of the Dominion should have an to their home pronounce on he naval policy of the Government These Mr of has have placed themselves on a bill respecting the sale of food I record as being to vote provides that BO article of food sums for Imperial defence or for adulterated or falsely Ing to the Imperial time shall be one hour in advance ofsae the expense Of the farm the standard time now In use me displayed unusual talent She too was most generous and responded to the applause for encore Ranis- dens Interpretation of an afternoon tea in Toronto was most amusing The artist showed her ability most Strongly In two scenes from Macbeth the one being the temptation scene and the other the sleeping scene Her THE TOME On Dec lath in New market Henry Charles grandson of General late of and son of of the Civil years selected number was Pauline John- the -Hospit- unhurt then ran on and collided with the tongue of another convey ance which pierced its heart killing the animal A number of unruly boys on patriotic poem Canada on or which is packed stored or Government without a referendum inclosed for safe contrary to Pure Act be kept tale Penalties heavy the but now they are asked to make an- New Dec 10 Twelve persons killed two of whom were wo men and over filly persons In jured in a double explosion of ga and day- night last gathered at dynamite in the new electric power street and with snoW halls and Ice house of the NYO railroad at the In make things disagree- Central Station shortly after pelting a passing street car oclock this morning Twenty of conductor stopped the car and the Injured were taken the Flower gave till he ran one or two Of Hospital fifteen to the and si a r ted able by them into the arms of policeman fifteen to the Hospital for I other advance step they want to The fines inflicted made jlte a hole The force of tin- explosion shattered SUlt the people they change hundreds of windows In hc big notion that the Quebec Nationalist Toronto Liberals and Conservatives lels and apartment houses in the the complexion of the Port Arthur wireless and thus help the Tories back telegraph station here is now In full to power Ibis the Working order ft was opeened on milk the cocoaiiut afterioon Mayor Msjtbewsi- to Mayor of The Bank local fc led its the of this of the with steitdm Mm Act ft Its obligation to visions lavs are united In cmdernnlng the action neighborhood fit the ol the Senate In- being a unto I terminal causing themselves and refusing vouchers for among the guests great railroad wave of alarm Its expenditures It wouldnt take much to make reform a prac tical question to the Toronto Star Santa Fund the poor 1 amounted to resntt business- The dynamite blast picked a northbound trolley car lifted It In air and sept It crashing down upon an automobile pass ing along the other side of the street Four of the passengers killed and everyone In the car JUlir Toronto on Monday 1010 Mrs Jane relict of Richard In her 81th year on the Inst Miss Jennie McConnell for merly of the Township of King aged years Interred at Newmarket Cemetery on Friday last THE LEADING Undertaking buy your Cash supply with or Pudding NEW RAISINS NEW CURRANTS NEW PEELS NEW NUTS NEW FIGS NEW DATES Choice Honey in Comb Dottles and Pails and per pail Dont forget to ask for Library Votes Phone No and we will supply your wants in a short time Bread Fresh Every Day Phone Successor to The Norman Rogers Co Ltd AND STOCK OF Pure Drugs and Druggists Sundries Fresh Xmas Stock Chocolates OFFICE undertaking embalming calls at residence John Millard NEXT DOOR TO POST House phono I Ill Fled from Wetland Jail phone Number Friday to ho was last years In Kingston Penitentiary I Judge Wells at Niagara Vails Dec 18One was to to this of troublesome prisoners sorve his tomorrow have had this year escaped this afternoon after finishing in fall he was sent to cell in charge Turnkey Mains When passing along morning from Welland Jail During the early part of twice robbed at and Pr Officer caught him in thu two A iiolug then near an open door where I the trusties was Idled turnkey on the Jaw and y BR