Newmarket Era , December 23, 1910, p. 5

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J Notary good Security Frank AND lAJiiOTOR Bolton Hewitt House Decorator pgmOSCE Corner Niagara and Tun Dp Clark DENTIST St Dr Wilkinson in Block Newmarket If of MARRIAGE LICENSES At tit Newmarket at residence If NEWMARKET LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Cil A Brief lets Dont leave all your Christmas buying till Saturday night Industrial Home Commissioners meet next Friday to wind up the business for the year Old Santa has lots to do row night Messrs Blizzard and have invested in a Clydesdale Stal lion imported from Scotland to im prove the stock in this locality J fi una way Last Friday morning one of the town delivery horses was feeling his oats and took a lively spin along Church street- Not satisfied with the beaten track he got over on the cement walk but that proved too slippery for his shoes and down he went on his knees Assistance ar rived and the horse was caught be fore damage Christmas Decorations The insurance companies have sent round their customary warnings about the inflammable decorations much used at this time of year The use of this class of decoration in creases the fire hazard and might in validate the policy should a fire oc cur so it is well for merchants and householders to be careful in the choice of decorations for the holiday season Dr S J Boyd Graduate In medicine of Toronto University also Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and of Royal College Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant fa Moorfitlds Eye Hospital and Uni- College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Cor Main and Timothy Newmarket No Consultation Hours My services may be had at any hotfr of the day or night by cabling at the office or phone Time Card GOING NORTH a m Toronto Newmarket ax p Mb SOUTH Ideate Toronto ar MB P A Land Suit Gordon Smith of Whitchurch was the defendant in an action brought against him by Rev John Eis of Hebron Ohio before Justice in the Assize Court on Thursday of last week of the parties owns half of lot Whitchurch Township and a lane divides the two properties The wants an injunction re straining Smith from using the lane claiming it as his exclusive property Smith says that he bought the land on the representation that he was to have the use of the lane The case was adjourned Guilty of Theft According to the Criminal Code any person finding an article and re taining or wearing the same without advertising- it is liable to prosecution the same as if he or she had stolen it On the last Saturday in July a To ronto lady lost a large black Jet Brooch with a womans head on it side face while in Newmarket and advertised it twice in both town pa pers without results Perhaps some one not knowing the law has found it and would like to returnit as it was a keepsake which the owner priz ed very highly and would he most grateful its return to this office Local Option In Newmarket The Stockholders of the Newmar ket Hotel Co were treated to a grand banquet in the magnificent new dining room of the hotel on the even ing of Oct The occasion was the first meeting at which the direc tors statement was presented show ing a very handsome profit for the few months the hotel had been in op eration It is an incredible story for the opponents of Local Option to swallow but the books of the Com pany are corroborated by the audi tors statement and show that though a dividend of only was paid at this meeting the profits for the five months business were very much more and yet the cry is so often heard Hotel keeping cannot be made a financial success without whiskey Newmarket is a very prosperous in dustrial town of some people and is surrounded by the best of agricultural country The excellent farming land about and the tjirifty class of farmers makes the town the marketing centre of the county It is also the educational centre the county outside of Toronto as the new Pickering College and the High School with its new addition now building stand side by side overlook ing the town So it is not to be wondered that many business people of the town feared for its Welfare and all its many and growing indus tries when the question of Local Op tion came up a year ago It was to allay this fear that a few of the sympathizers of temperance formed a Guarantee Committee promising in case Local Option car ried and the liquor license holders shut up their hotels as they promis ed to do and refused to furnish ac commodation to the public to buy and run a welleqipped hotel for the public benefit It was on this prom ise the vote carried and before Lo cal Option is brought on in any place the temperance people should consider well the provision of hotel accommo dation for the public By an overwhelming majority of fit Local Option was carried on the 3rd of January A Joint Stock Company was formed which purchased the Forsyth Hotel and with the advent of Local Option on the first of May commenced business under the very able management of Mr and Mrs Brown Since the first of May large sums have been expended in remodeling and refurnishing the entire building to gether with the erection of a large brick addition The diningroom is deserving of special mention as it is equal with almost any of those met with in the firstclass hotels of tin- larger cities Its large plateglass windows looking out on the main street the massive beamed ceiling and the heavy plate rail the brilli ancy of the electric lights the elab orate and tasty tabic display the varied and dainty menu served with a style to suit the taste of the most fastidious are attractions brought the commercial trade to the hotel to stay On entering the ho tel one finds himself in the midst of a spacious rotunda with handsome and modem decorations the beauty of which dispels the memory of the old hotel entirely Every room in the house is comfortably heated by the new steam heating plant The balance of the stock which was offered for sale at the time of this meeting was over subscribed the business has passed tbeexperi- mental stage and every person is pleased with the accommodation of the hotel and especially pleased with the financial success of the business The chairman of the evening was Hon J Davis and the speakers who responded to the usual toasts were loud in their praises for Local Option and its benefits to the town It was said Local Option would kill Newmarket and the streets of the music They certainly deserve great credit for their efficiency of Ottawa one of the Dominion Live Stock Commit stoners gave the farmers a lot of in formation concerning live stock and a good deal of advice On tario is the breeding ground 6t the Dominion but the best results are only obtainable Districts make a specialty of one of two things Our farmers are not raising quarter enough of horses cattle sheep and swine to supply the demand vHe pointed out the kind of animals that are required and these can only be obtained by keeping books The Secretary Mr Simeon Lemon of Kettleby explained the objects of the Institute and made a strong j peal for farmers to join Last year there were 311 members in North York and there should be at least 700 The Institute is doing a great work in educating the farmers and if it was not for the profits of the ex- HARDWARE ORE be town would with grass That such is not the case is admitted by tlic statement which was recently signed by nearly every business man of the town There have been more houses built in Newmarket this year than ever be fore in the same time besides there is a considerable reduction in the town taxes The Office Specialty Co is at work doubling the capacity of their plant and the David Leather Co are contemplating a large addi tion to their factory The Cane Manufacturing Company has more than doubled their the pre vious year During the past six months of Lo cal Option in Newmarket there has not been a single charge of illegal selling not the suspicion of the ex istence of a single blind pig It a recognized fact that honest in dustry and the sale of intoxicating liquors should be kept as far apart as possible These are the senti ments of the odd stockholders that gave vent to their reelings dur ing the meeting The Directors of the Company are Aubrey Davis Joseph Cody Mayor Pearson D Hunter Eves Widdifield and Dr Wesley President As the quality of the hotel has been raised to such a high standard of excellence the stockholrfcrs de cided to change the name of the house to the King George Hotel and accordingly a large new sign with the Kings picture in oil will be suspended at the front of the hotel covered knee deep cursion to Agricultural- Col lege last year the present free Judging Competition could not have been held Farmers are getting something absolutely less than cost Prof Reynolds the Ontario Ag ricultural College followed in an ex cellent address on farm drainage and its results On Friday the Judging Competi tion in the Market Building was a great success About farmers Mr John Guardhouse of High field gave a practical demon stration of what are good sheep arid the best points of Fat Steers J conducted judging of Dairy Cattle There were sev en head on exhibition and farmers were selected to award their stand ing Then they had to give their reasons when the experts either agreed or disagreed stating why All present were- satisfied that the time was well spent and they know better how to judge live stock You Can Money By Buying From Us Paints Oils Glass Etc A y If a Diamond Is to be your Ninas Gift dont for get that you will get honest value for your money at Atkinsons Farmers Institute Over one hundred men attended the meeting in the Town Hall on Thurs day evening last week and were repaid for their effort Mr J of Whitchurch President of the North York Farm ers Institute occupied the chair The Aurora Orchestra was present and provided an abundance of splen omas Beef On Wednesday thre was a lot of fine beof disposed of to Newmarket buyer Among the choice ones wore ten head brought down from Saskatchewan last fall by Mr Uriah Marsh and nicely fat ted They averaged about lb each and were- purchased by Mr Allan at live and shipped to Toronto Mr also shipped a fine lot Among them wore a pair of purchased from Mr John McMillan They weighed a little over 1300 lbs a and brought 6c live weight FROM NOW I AT THE I Toronto Jobbing House T Dollars Given Away Every Saturday Night Come and Get Some AGENTS FOR CENTURY CLOTHING AND PRIESTLEYS DRESS GOODS North Yorks Greatest Store FOR LADLES HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS We willingly return your money for any goods returned within a week from date of purchase OUR TOYS ARE IN THE BASEMENT Come and bring the Children Our Store is of the most varied and greatest selected Stock Goods for Gifts ever seen in North York and the prices arc great bar gains Our Store is full of the most varied and greatest selected Stock of Goods for mas Jilts ever seen in forth York and the prices are great bar- gains READ OUR Gome and FOR Indies Coats built HER in Heaver Diagonal Serges ibev lots and Kersey Cloth fancy plain weaves and semiloose fit- styles Prices from J650 Isles specially made that conform to the figure We want to show you a of ten different styles We iuarartfe a perm Prices from Have you our display Of Net and Silk They are trimmed jo the pewit styles all s Prices range We are showing a nice selection Lustre Waists and Prices from in boxes assorted colon frills in bra by the yard all He newest chiffons gold and satin folds all prices Elastic In cream rnvy green black blue with new art gilt Pateit Leather the newest owl colors black and Fancy Collar have a dainty display of Ihesecol- arx to i table for all tastes and are remarkable values to do to til You ftre Always Welcome Never before and fames our Books and is a bargain was there an array of all and every kind of Toys and for the you Keen our our our Horses our Mechanical Toys our our i Come In and take a look around thing is new RAI8IN8 Muscatel j for Raisins in packages Its for Valencia Ibv for Currants lbs for 25c v Paisley Plain Ties silk my others sedate it all valves t to Windsor in spoil checks pjaii etc each Embroidered with lolloped u Handkerchief Our aggregation good it very extensive there something for everybodys taste each Uemstftched flemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs to initial Handkerchiefs a it grain ard other leathers bras fittinxs and Sot everybodys pocket and Come and lake yM choice to pfain and bare all new to Hair brushes weft made and serviceable ebonyand fancy backs Wrapperette WaUts for morning sixes each Childrens op CTffldrens Bear Cloth Coats floods Caps and stole Indies Flannelette Gowns up Alack Underskirts TWO POUNDS OF Vim 20 CKNTS They comprise We have received another shipment of the Filberl Walnuts Almonds and ORANGE8 have tin best oranges in North York A nice Orange for a A large sweet Orange for per do A grand Navel Orange for do A splendid Mexican Orange for a do The finest Navel Orange on the mar ket for a French Drip Coffee and Coffee Pols FOR HIM Money Given Away on Christmas Eve At oclock the clock will be to the holder v ho unveiled lor the last time and the and given In the Store with the nearest time cards At oclock we will give you an Extra Prize to tile customer who hands In the greatest number of time cards A Very Very A Happy and Prosperous New Year Mens nifty Shirts just arrived specially for trade the new- est black and white in all sizes prices SI 00 to Fancy Flannel Shirts in and checks to Ties in silk stripe and fancy effects all nut up in special boxes to that give comfort to your hands and always acceptable as a present in fancy boxes to Mitts in wool mocha and kid sizes 25c to Stickpins in a variety of design each Bands and Garters fancy shot and other silks all in boxes t Mens Braces in fancy boxes all widths and many different styles all great values In fancy boxes to A nice assortment of armlets in boxes and Silk Handkerchiefs plain white fancy bordered and initialed aitf some with monograms- all prices Silk mufflers in a variety of and shapes in fancy boxes to Wool Mufflers in all colors real neckwear 25c to 50c Fancy arm hands and in boxes and 75c 75c toroo ln an A long range of Mens Fancy Vents in all always a gift to Sweaters and Sweater Coats in colors and combinations sizes for every man in town to Christie and soft Hats in a the newest styles all Rives to 1250 I Furlined Caps in great variety to 1125 COMPANY NEWMARKET Fur Caps in Persian Wedge and golf shapes 120 to We have an endless variety of goods that are suitable for but space forbids that we give a complete If yon want any nifty little article to away come right in sec our great big stocks the larg est selection of everything In Town Mens Overcoats of Chesterfield and Vurslty Styles built from good stout tweeds and black Melt on Cloth with close collars 50 Ins long price of these overcoats is to clear we offer hern at Mens Prussian Style Overcoats built from brown and grey diagonal tweeds all sizes regular II J 00 for Mens Chesterfield Overcoats with button through or ly fronts made from broad grey twills and black Melton Cloth worth Sift each To clear Varsity Overcoats with close fitting worth clear then out at Mens All Wool Suits In browiland gCy checks and well- lined and trimmed throughout good values at our price Oft IIS Pairs Mens Tweed and Worsted Pants selling 12 a pair will be cleared pair collars tweed lined iiM

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