f That Regulates the Body ro J 1 BLOOMIKGTOK The annual entertainment in con nection with the Methodist Sabbath School was held on Friday Dec and was in every sense a pronounced success A delightful program was rendered by the school in a most creditable manner and addresses were delivered by the Superintendent of school and the pastor of the church P A who oc cupied the chair The report of- the years work was read by the Secre tary Miss Gray and showed that most excellent work had been done by officers and teachers alike At the close of the program refresh ments were served by the ladies of the church and an enjoyable evening was brought to a close by the sing- CnxdA expensive and in ling of the National Anthem and localities almost impossible to benediction pronounced by the pastor Is The Only Made of Fruit Juices The Creator in His wonderful economy has always constructed with a purpose He distributed fruit all over the earth and caused them to attire at a time when the solid and car bonaceous foods are not needed the The latter only clog the vital machinery resulting in disease whereas the juicy stimulating properties of keep the vital forces properly balanced and regulated Georgia Unfortunately for those who live in get Bat everyone can obtain the famous tablets made of juices contains There was no charge for admission but the people present responded to funds to carry on the I work of of over A goodly number of of apples oranges figs and lor pruntsandUtherealestcureinthe work of the school with an offering world for all troubles of Stomach Boweli Kidneys Liver and Skin In folk drove out for the en of disease and in preventing is far superior to fresh fruit a box for trial sue At dealers or sent on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa Jos Mitchell is busy delivering cut- Rat He delivered five in the past TWO Houses fa la Good location In Town Apply cows pay J jnard made lbs of butter last week from cows Parisian Sage will stop falling hair In two weeks cure dandruff in the same time and stop scalp itch at once It makes the hair soft silky and luxuriant AS A HAIR DRESSING Parisian Sage is without peer It contains nothing that can harm the hair it Is not sticky oily or greasy and prevents as well as cures diseases of the scalp Women and children by the thour sand use it daily as a dressing and no home is complete without it MONEY BACK IF IT FAILS Druggists and stores everywhere guarantee Parisian Sage and will re fund your money if it fails Ask drug gist J Patterson what he thinks of it He sells it at per large bottle or you can secure it by mail postpaid from Manufacturing Co Fort Erie See that the Girl with the Auburn Hair is on each package Sold and guaranteed by J Patterson HOW TO MAKE CANDY i FOR To Make Butter Scotch Take three pounds quar ter pound of butter half a of cream of tartar and add Ahd every humble hedgerow flower that grows And every little brown bird that doth sing cient water only the someth greater than itself Boil without stirring until Hi ZEPHYR to K ROBERTSON Farm for Lot 3 in the 2nd of East Gwillim- fcury Good buildings Apply to Newmarket Houses for 8ale Frank returned from Van couver last week bringing with him a I bride Frank intends residing here now and we are all pleased to come him back I School meeting Dec Ratepayers are requested to a Mr and Mrs con Brock Miss Walker of Winnipeg and Fred Walker of Zephyr are visiting with their sister Mrs Webster Trie shooting match here on Friday I last was a great success The day was fine and the attendance was good The best score was made by Rich Curl who claimed the silver cup Kester was a close second and Frank and were close on the heels of the winner On the evening of the shooting match while the smell of powder was still in the air and blood eye of the slayer- a- young man whose name is said to he while pass ing the home of A Smith noticed Smiths dog in the yard and thought it better game than a I pigeon he aimed and fired and If to buy call on Real Estate Agent show that the have an interest valued was a thing of he past M the education of the young This raised Smiths curiosity and he Ben has oysters on hand went out to see New House for 8ale now so get a quart and enjoy a treat Frank Cook lies started his teams Timothy Street with furnace hauling logs Frank expects to get also bath and electric wiring connec- in this winter made Possession immediate ly Apply M Box Newmarket his son was a close second Mr and Mrs Herbert return- shot so on seeing Smith took a Longboat jog down the Smith was game and without hat or coat started in hot pursuit The race could hardly be compared to the wicked dash of a sprinter nor yet the Marathon Three of our sportsmen attended the shooting match at last steady swing of a Marathon runner COLLINS Mr Curl carried away the hut the breath on the frosty air and the short snort like breathing more like a great double header Brick House for Situate St large lot tod good Apply on the premises to or to Newmarket For Sale Eight Roomed House situated on 1 Huron street Newmarket with first lata Furnace all modern con- vttece For further Information apply to A J DAVIS IMC Newmarket Farm For home- after a short trip to Toron to and other points and were greeted with a reception About 60- guests were present and enjoyed a pleasant evening together after which an oy ster supper was given The music rendered by Mr and Bros wan exceptionally good Herb had to be as did those before was also put through the same noisy ordeal all join in wishing these two newly married couples a long and happy life was on a freight train With their faces to ward Newmarket their eyes like headlights the race promised to be a long one but when the top of hill was reached the cow catcher of engine No made a head- on collision with the rearend of en gine No 1 and a full stop was made upon which Smith impressed upon the necessity of a cash pay ment to which only answered give me a breath will easily break when dropped in water Then pour into a wellbut tered dripping pan and when almost cold cut into small squares If de sired dash of lemon may be added to the mixture before putting on to boil Eight drops wilt be sufficient The English Taffy Ever ton taffy is so called because made primarily in Everton England This is one of the most toothsome all candies and when well made is delicious Take one pound of butter to one pound of sugar Put the but ter in the Pan first and let it molt a little then add the sugar and boil un til the mixture will harden when brought into contact with cold water By taking some chipped cocoanut peanuts almonds or walnuts and Hinging them into either the above mixtures just before taking off the fire one can make some very fine nut I candy Another idea is to cut open figs then pour over them the boiling mixture Some Toothsome Ginger Candy Take one eup of water to one and a half cups of sugar and boil until on applying your finger to the sirup taking little on the tip and quickly dipping it the water it will roll up into a small ball Flavor with essence of ginger or powdered ginger Rub some of the sugar against the sides the pan with a wooden spoon until it turns white then pour into the buttered tins and put into a place Lemon or al mond candy is made in the same way Some Good Chocolate Caramels One and half cups of grated choc olate four cups of brown sugar one and a half cups of cold water egg- sized piece of butter and two tabie- of acid vinegar Boil this mixture on a stove over a brisk fire until it becomes brittle on immersion in water Bo not stir but shake the vessel while boiling When finished pour into a butter and floured dish and divide off into even squares while soft A dash of lemon or vanilla say two tablcspoonfuls gives the Ca ramels dainty flavor Drops Take one pound of cocoa- nut half pound of powdered sugar and the white of an egg Work all together roll into little halls in the hand hake on buttered tins Take two cups of pulverized sugar and a half cup of cream Boil for five minutes and divide into balls while hoi Take as much grated chocolate as is necessary steam over teakettle When soft cover the halls and set them away to and bears A living word to every living thing Though it may hold the message avrnroe EVEN TOftdNTO It was mission- meeting in a dis tant city- Many had come forward for prayer A deaconess who bad been talking to one young lad asked the leader to come to speak to him He comes from Toronto she said Well the Lord can save him wher ever he comes from- the leader most impressively assured her of your should be arid first in importance Get and keep good health and you can work with hope find life worth living rise after nights of restful energy and ambition know content If you are out of health or in poor condition see what Inquiry into labor conditions for women unearths pathetic facts Cost and standard of living considered wo men s pay in at least the lower branches of industry has decreased rather than increased Tenement houses are converted each room into a factory women are made to work at starvation prices and overtime without extra pay fines are exhort ed which in many cases amount to a weeks wages the fines going to the emoluments of tne timekeeper and employer Employers in a smaller way demand any length of at any price and dismiss the employee when she becomes ill or asks for higher wages An eighthour day would be a veritable boon to such sufferers can dp for you Your food will taste right and nourish you better your bowels will be regular and your nervous system corrected Your blood will be purer and you will feel cheerful Your whole system will be benefited and you will know why so many thousands have found that Beechams Pills hit the target and Hit Right Every Time Prepared only by Tbomw St Htleot Sold everywhere In CimcU tod America la a g J a I J Written for the Era The Birth of Christ BISHOP TESTIMONY A great work has by wo men missionaries in aiding the a Swain en If you wish to have a vanjlla in high sWVs of la the of East on street milts For further apply on or to Martin I Hit Farm for Sale Con King hundred more or less all tto Brick Modern Good Young Orchard of Winter Good Well At a recent meeting of the Minis terial Association of a resolution of condolence with the widow and of the late was passed- expressing the high esteem in which deceased was held by the members of the As sociation and sympathy with the family in their great loss At the close the prayer meeting Wednesday night a presentation Was made to Mrs and words expressive of appreciation of the spe cial services were made the home of the hides father by the I VanNorman in the presence of a few immediate relatives l Miss Nancy Lehman was united in A very serious accident happened on pond last Friday when Wellington Gilliam a well known school boy of this town was knocked down by some fast skaters lie was unconscious for about two days but is now recovering The Christian Church quite successful flavor add the extract before putting on stove Cream Take one and a half pounds ol gran ulated sugar and the milk from a cocoanut Mix together and- heat slowly until sugar is melted then boll for fiver minutes When boiled finely grated ami the boil for lunger stirring last Sunday were constantly to keep it from burning grosser of When done pour buttered plates educating and women of India to rise to higher plane of life Or Clara the first woman to go to India- as a medical missionary caused great consternation among the Government official and male practitioners by proposing not on ly to practice but to teach the na tive women The native women to go into the- dissecting room Seri ous trouble would be the consequence of such a course and failure was pre dicted Hut Dr Swain was so suc cessful and the movement so popu lar that Lord had the five great medical colleges of India thrown open to these young women There they demonstrated their abili ty in many cases taking the highest honors and so forever disproved the idea of womans incapacity be lieve that nothing has done so much to weaken the force of this medical education and ordinary education- collegiate a ds Services at Newmarket preached very acceptably j and cut into squares This will both morning and evening to large about to harden Cistern ft an ffi l av to School aii WM brother of Only three miles from New- man terms ap- Armadale assisted 9 to J PPy left by PO or on fee premie W moon One had into a The Toronto A Good Pasture Farm FOR SALE on a short honey- day last week a little girl daughter Mr if was endeavoring to a ride- on a sleigh was run over by The Northeast Quarter Lot No- horses and and was consider Con and acres of lot No- ably bruised but not seriously hurt Bast containing The driver Is said to have driven oil acre more or less There are flank about acres second growth Pine acres of second growth balance god Vox particulars apply to Uriel Holt PO or to without inquiring whether the child hurt or not which was not very creditable for him to do The prac tice Indulged in sleighs parents who on by children of riding not he encouraged should make attentive congregations In the morn ing he spoke from Luke and in the evening his subject was Work based on The choir or the King wood Christian Church and the home choir added much to the successful the days services Still When returning from bis appoint ment at Brougham Christian minister at a serious runaway It ran window In Mr Whites butcher shop smashing four lights and cutting ghastly gash in the horses was unhurt Mrs wife ol the Ills minister Methodist church at Markhain had a narrow- es cape drowning on Monday after noon of last week about The pipes to the cistern situated under the floor of kitchen had become Master Reginald Wilson a son had gone out to borrow a gasolene lamp with which to thaw them A over the kitchen had been open- to facilitate the Work and Candy Boil two ounces of dried In a pint and hall of water for hall an hour Strain and add three and a hall pounds of brown sugar Moil over hot lire until sufficiently hard then pour out into wellgreased tins and divide oil into sticks or small squares with a knife as soon as cool enough retain its shape fol low the same directions for winter- green candy New Orleans Molasses Candy Take lasses make Wiry ted 10 endeavor to put a stop to it In Wilson not seeing it In tin their tender years children might walked into the opening one cup of New Orleans mo- one cup of sugar a piece butler the size of an egg sweet not Halt and a tablespoon flit vinegar Boll these but do not until the mass hardens when dropped which cold water When done stir in the Mini- leasjioojilul soda and beat well and i four into buttered pans and then cut into sticks It should he to cool Honey Candy Take one pint of white sugar with What are womans needs in that she would supply had she the power First let us it is al ways the wageearner the unfortun ate the aged the afflicted the help less that have the most needs and when women go out from prosperous happy homes to assert their rights to create their own social conditions it is not of themselves they are their less fortunate sis ters The census of shows that there are five million women wage earners in the United States work ing for an average wage of per year In Canada as far back as there were Working wo men the majority of whom support ed or help to support families In there are thousands of wo men working for a mere pittance In Massachusetts the average pay of a woman teacher is onethird that of a man In Canada it is a Any superintendent of schools will admit that the womans work is equally as hard long and efficient as the mans Why should she not re ceive equal pay I The difference must he for sex That was not Christs way In the Kingdom of Clod there shall he neither male nor female Jew nor bond nor I UK Mrs dusk Ml Among the children of the street If flavoring is desired is the work of the teacher the special- added Jus I before pouring 1st The lack of home care and training leaves a wide Held for this kind of missionary effort Where the mother knows nothing of sewing and thus be easily crippled for life Tri- For Sale fhat valuable property Huron street known The Kelman Homestead a home grand situation rich soil large garden reef lirn shade hedges Plowing well Furnace Stable A toy J tt of and fell In- of to the cistern which contained over ft Incomes brittle on being dropped six feet ol water Her water Pour ofl into hut- heard by Mr who was ill inred pans to cool water enough to dissolve It and four I lher needle or thread The held their annual election officers on evening part of the and hi and It resulted as follows Webster A W Shier US J lieId J Joseph I 3rd Arthur Baker Auditors- It it- I ler of R SONS iftrt Anoand who spent the suro- Bask ban returned and will the winter with his mother it- if Webster was In County over attend ing Use fJeral of Mrs sister of the ft Webster Beard Is spending a week her sister Ian regret to report the of Mrs who has been to ber room for a fortnight Maud Shier of spent last the of Bol Mr Mr yUphenson te vlsitfag with the and Mrs a viMtor with the help ol returned a few moments later dilli- rescued tier from her perilous situation Mrs hack and limbs were badly bruised and she Ik still suffering from the shock no serious results are anticipated C ream Cindy one pound of- white sugar spoonful of vinegar one lemon extract and Your Hair Will Grow J 1MB A TONIC THAT TUB HAIR IN AMUN- OK MONKV BACK a time to take care pi your hair Dont wait until it start to thin out If you do It not be long you are bald tons Tonic la the beat remedy known for fJlinf hair It la prepared from the prescription of one of authorities In Canada and Is considered to be the best nourishment for the hair well as a deadly to dandruff We ha firm In tonic that WO refund the price of to any one who Is not aattafled with It two wecr use cents at f sar fiend the W one tcaspoonful teaspoon cream of tartar Add a little wa ter to moisten the then Until brittle The extract should he added just hefore turning the mass quickly out on buttered plates When cool cut In squares Cream Take two pounds of white sugar a teacup of water and boil until it threads Flavor liberally With vanil la extract and then take from the fire and stir until white and creamy Have walnuts prepared make the candy Into small round walnut Into the sides drop In siifiaj and put aside to cooL Dissolve half a pound of white gum arable In one pint water Strain and add half a pMind of fine and place over the fire stirring stantly until th sirup Is dissolved and all Is of the consistency of honey Add gradually the whiten of four eggs beaten Stir the mixture until It becomes somewhat thin and docs not adhere to the Anger Then pour Into a tine slightly dusted with pow dered starch or cornflower and whc cool divide ofl Into small squares a until he found in the the mission sewing school becomes a necessity It Is I lie same with cooking and other I domestic arts The hoys are as Ig norant of the saw and hammer as they are of Sanskrit Even the Country hoys harmless and necessary becomes In hands his little brother of the alley a wea pon of sinister omen lie carries a knife Is said of one with exactly the same inference with which one would say lie has a revolver or a or it Kit her for good or evil there- arc tremendous forces at work they children is always something doing where they are It might just as well he something good as something had- only the Is always at hand and lbegOOd Is not Lucy Hitler Meyer Of Stockton Cat Dec Williams Principal of the A Children FOR A A Witch and rose water half and hall are for Dip Ansel cal School has Issued an edict that arti ficial curls as worn by the I Ik school must be abolished lie says the curl has grown to such proportions that It Interferes with studies In delivering his ultimatum Mr Williams stated that he had the exchange and bartering of curls girls If the class room and tjiat hands were almost busy patting and arrang ing the adornment when the mind should be to text books When was made go loud cheers were given by male students ThegUls however Ire highly Indignant other birth has ever been So widely kept in memory Such lining loyalty been seen Which has increased each century And will continue more and more The worlds great joy from shore to shore No potentates of earthly distinguished or approved the ancestry or name Was by His subjects so beloved The page of history records No life so pure such such deeds and words As Hes the Saviour of mankind The Son of God from heaven come J Who left His glory ail behind Stooped to be born in Bethlehem Born as a babe a man became Died on the cross man to redeem What dazzling light illumes the place List to the music ravishing The sky is overspread with blaze The heavenly host loud praises sing Glory to God and peace on earth Goodwill to man through birth For unto you is born a child A Saviour who is Christ the Lord Through Whom mankind is reconciled To God revealed His own Word Wherein all may His will discern And of love to mortals learn No birth has eer before or since Received such honor and such gifts Gold silver and frankincense By camels brought oer desert drifts Wise men upon their knees bend low Their homage to the Christ Child show 1 Savans who deemed the time expired When the One prophesied should come The Whom all nations had desired Should in this world find welcome room Led by the star from distant lands They journeyed oer the desert sands Alas No room for Him was found Hut in a stable with dumb brutes The welltrod floor was solid ground And hay Christs mattress constitutes The manger His first cradlebed No other place to- lay 1 1 is head The young and aged all rejoice To mark the years each Christinas day In praise to Jesus lift their voice And gladness ills where hehas sway No other name has power to give Such peace on earth and joy to live e His Gospel thrills the world with joy To all who Will His words believe Will peace impart naught can destroy And will eternal life receive Light the world divinely given To show mankind the way to heaven The islands of the sea will learn Him as the King of kings Their gods of wood and stone will spurn As monstrous crude abnormal things Wll Ding them to the moles and bats And worship Christ in loving acts When Hill His name will echo oer the earth In every will sound Will wider still extend henceforth all the world around rod sin the earth emancipated all His shall celebrate Dec I I MRS I- GRANT relieve and cure Indigestion acidity of the dyspepsia They relnforcc the stomach by supplying the active principle needed for the digestion of all kinds of food Try one each meal a box If your drugglit not stocked them lend ua and we will mail you a box nation Company of Limited MootrL tr v CURE DISEASES OF MEM CANADA FOR 20 YEAR3 DrtK- Ke Am -jh- out clone nets for over ir of Ilidr New Method Treatment- When treat in you know ro ir i find When jotif curaMc ail your worry is for jou Tory euro Oil how trutn to benefit you J no you In Vftlnj to hotter you may up to until a ftttcpirAon i if v Iho clutches of ftny telft your from Ian dare If you inarrfal and tie ft CONSULTATION FREE on Men If to call writ for for HOME TREATMENT Lay your they will tell you If curat YOU CAN PAY WHEW CURED Cur VARICOSE VEINS NERVOUS BLOOD URINARY COMPLA KIDNEY BLADDER I Cor Michigan Ave and St Detroit Mich letters from Canada to our Canadian Correspondence Depart mm In Windsor you mo personally call fit our Medical Institute In Detroit as we see no in our Windsor offices which arc for Corespondent laboratory or Canadian business only Address all letters KENNEDY KENNEDY tor oar fcMrt W