Newmarket Era , December 30, 1910, p. 6

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flBKV ML Telephone OUT- I Selling at Wholesale Prices GROCERIES A for ft lbs Best Granulated Sugar Comfort Soap 25c a Corn Meal Corn Flakes for 30c Corn Starch for a pack- Star Ammonia 4 for 25c Tea regular 30c for 25c regular for Rice regular 5c It for 3c Coffee regular for 30c lb Washing Soda 3 Its for Sulphur regular ft its Pot regular 5c for Jelly Powders regular 10c pack age or for SalU regular 5c lb for Baking Powder regular lor Silent Parlor Matches a box Coal Oil 24c a gallon DRY GOODS Shaker regular Mo for lie reg ular for yard Shirting regular for yard Tea Towelling regular lie for regular for Thread all kinds a spool Table Linen regular 35c for yard Everything in Dry Goods Boots and Shoes Hardware etc at Cost Price FWSMITH Queensville MANAGER HOCKEY A hockey match between Queens and Mount Albert League will be played on the rink here on Wednesday Jan This is the first match in connection with the TriCountv SAVED While Reeve of East was placed to the credit of the Township not one cent of which was levied on the ratepayers viz from York Co from Co and from the Village of Bradford JOHN SMITH felt thanks showing us by this that your heart has been in the work would ask yo to please accept We this cake dish as a token of our love and appreciation Signed on behalf of Hope Methodist Church and Sunday School Mortimer- HOLLAND LANDING i THE MARKET On and after Jan 10th a market fee will be levied on all pro duce as follows on sums of and under 3c on sums over 5c It I is the intention of the market com mittee to improve the market build ing and make things more comfort able for both buyers and sellers MOUNT ALBERT METHODIST CHURCH There was a large congregation at the Methodist Church last Sunday evening The choir rendered a num ber of Christmas anthems in splendid style The hymns were heartily sung by choir and congregation The pas tor preached a brief sermon on The Glorious Birthday and Mr Lewis Toole gave an address on The Mes siahs Mission of Peace BALDWIN In a general sense it has been a Merry Christmas Many of his particular friends contributed to the pleasure of Pie Once deep sense of gratitude is theis re- Ward When a fellow gets a letter wishing him a Merry Christmas and finds a William enclosed he would be a numbskull indeed if he didnt take the hint It looks as though the sender meant what he said Many of our wandering re turned home for Christmas goose Wishing you all a Happy New Year There will be a contest here on Monday next for the The two aspirants are Reeve Thompson and McDonald Now boys get out and work for your man Vote early and often The Council and school trustees were elected by acclamation The following spent Christmas here Miss Miss May Lennox Mr Luck air and Mrs Stanley Messrs Art Lane and Joshua Chapman Miss Chapman Mrs Mr Joseph West and family and several others Mrs and Master of Toronto spent Tuesday last with her mother Mrs M J Mr and Mrs of New market spent Monday with Mrs Marsh Things are booming on the canal The steam shovel is still working away Dick is on the Better Than The trade in Millinery at u baa up to the present exceeded all expectations far surpassing any previous Hiss White Can Please You if anybody can Why wear an old bonnet when everybody getting the latest and the beat And the way the trade in general Is Increasing is proof that we are pleading our customers The pastors sermons next Sunday will he appropriate for New Years Day Morning subject God our Rear guard Evening subject Jim Crow Or a Wonderful Story of Mis sionary Achievement PERSONAL i Messrs E and Arthur of the Bank spent the hol idays at their homes Messrs David Arnold and Rosamond of Sask are Amongst those I saw were Fred TTv S siCk and lor Muskoka Roy re and Condon Ernie Jte tttoVoid No CORNERS Hark did you hear those wedding bells ringing last week One of our fair young lassies of the Seventh was married The new schoolhouse looks fine now They are busy putting the fence around and getting things in shape before the School meeting Mr John has moved on the Sixth where his brother lived Mr preached Sunday night in the Mennonite Church We are having very fine weather now We wish all our r IVY f f I H J 1 4 Friends and Patrons Stouffville Fair T3 rous Mail and Empire Dec 23 annual Christmas Fair Ernie Riddel Porcupine River New Ontario Family reunions were held at Jos King Esq Virginia Wm Thomp son the solid lbs man of Riw avenue Mrs Johnston Cry- Aunt Sally her broth- was held on Wednesday Dec 21st and was attended by greater success than ever before both in point of entries and visitors Three thousand people viewed the array of farm pro duce assembled the district The directors are well pleased with Master Mechanic Peter their third annual fair and kept busy repairing the believe the attendance would have Pullman sleepers etc I mean to been greater had the weather been a say the sleepers the steam shovel little milder and the snow not so travels on Hie Tree and Entertainment I Option hasnt hurt Friday evening last was largely either Shields is Monday immense We all wish them success on their tour in South Africa and hope to see them return again next Mrs Walter Evans of The cantata Santas Little Roy given the Presbyterian a large audience was most enjoyable Douglas- Far land as Freddie a voucher that the goodies were fine They pooped owers begin to School last Thursday evening before down and gathered in our friend Mrs and is lavs And now Im r lather Mr JasKvansWs curiosity everything and prise surprise a Cameron n fartmcll spent at home the other parts were well sustained ffi oeowSh fluent ri mil I school for the hoi days the fames and postcard girls I Miss Ethel and Grantham are costumed the family Thomas Coomer New Year J NSVILLE met with a sad in town Mr Eugene and family spent a J Christmas with friends in the citv am rain fall during the evening saturated the snow home most interesting and every part of Miss Clover intends taking a program showed careful training frj her a part of those in charge journey Mr of Toronto Hello How is Union Street was home on Christmas Day Mr and Mrs Power who arc coming up Answer through the iousc is doing CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVED AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS THE PUBLIC TOTAL ASSETS 00 Branches and Agencies throughout Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current Rates of Interest Allowed MOUNT ALBERT TERRY spending the winter came to the village on Tuesday for part of the Christmas season W Shields Miss Clara Walton business is at the home of her parents in town a new Sunday furlined evening to Miss McLean of Toronto is visit ing at the home of Mrs John a Store and it COLE Miss Jessie of Sudbury is spending her vacation at her old home in town Mr Love of Stratford is in town for the holiday Mr and Mrs Lapp of Cedar n l c fttabfes Of Grove spent Christmas with friends f f thing can be done to rebuild in town I Springtime Mr M and famih of William and of to are visiting relatives town Michigan are visiting Mr Milton Well wood Bridge is spending days with his parents at the age Mr of Toronto flon believe me that peaches at dispense with forget the Carnival Miss Amy Edwards of Calgary a pates which are a very materia night Victoria College student is spending Mr Richard Shields has been ill for her vacation with Miss Ratty j building of such proportions The thc I oss is very heavy estimated at be- nice J tveen three and our hundred dollars are ho injury was done to any of liPnM towr Western Michigan of Iron relatives and old tinn the parts Mr engaged in j fruit culture lie I you dont believe me also visiting his relatives at the par- from the free are a hundred limes nicer than what you get from middlemen and huckster past nicely The Tree was a huge success and was largely attended The chief Mr Trover of Toronto at Mr I Fred and Mr Sydney Albert oh Satur day with their feature of the program was a come- spent Christmas Day dy entitled Arabellas Poor liela- Arabella Cousin Joshua Marsh Mary Taylor Miss Ella Milne were in Ml Ivan Mussel man day spending the May McCarnan aunt Mrs j Mr peach and other I Kj can tell you if Mr and Mrs Egbert Caldwell and SUTTON For Shropshire Rams Choice Breed- Cog Ewes Berkshire Roar Sows Bred to Imported Roar also Cows trA J Metropolitan Car stops at Farm SCOTT SCHOOL NO A time was spent at the above mentioned school afternoon of last week A sociable brotherly letter our old schoolmate A from on Thursday Tory Hill contributed much to our I enjoyment of the holiday season A lengthy program consisting oh prods up our memory re old school recitations dialogues etc was given days and then sets us to mourning by the children Mr very ably the duties that old things yes even the Of school ho use have passed all things become new Our away j Bit en for bout boat family at root of by purifying blood It wasted strengthens bright U6c4 Liver Disorders Bo euro you Native In box portrait of fcab Money eat old and memory has done Id performed chairman One of the most important parts of J stood the test as it ever the program was a debate on the where old times are concerned subject Resolved that Country Life appreciate more such epistles Preferable to City Life Willie other Stoke Carrie Harrison and Howard are epidemic Brooks spoke for the afllnnaUve and young folks purpose holding run Harrison Martha Rain and week and you may depend i Fred franklin for the negative The being a genuine time judge Mr Stiver Mr L Our Canadian Misses found considerable one who hears the respons ibility of the power vote on Jan 2nd should hear what the busi ness men of think of Local Option Mr II Hale and Mr R I Smith will tell what it has done for their town on Friday Dec in the Town Hall Come and hear them Mr Win Legate of Owen Sound real estate agent writes In the last live years properly in general arid Mr difficulty In arriving at a decision owing to the of the sides However after carefully considering and Chris file are con tributing much to public entertain ment by their eloquent songs They are decidedly Improving in voice and the strength of the points given and style and a little more practice in the of they decided in harmony and smooth blending of notes mm i favor of the affirmative of presents from mas tree then took place a a The Christ I he AHARON annual tea and ill make them hard to Their delightful rendering of Tip would send a rale of in fits of rapture A load of our young people enjoyed hospitality of Mr and Mrs Will Morton point one night last week A and Albert Morning Miss Ida of are in town for the holiday week Miss Turner of Toronto is at her home in the village for the Christmas Mr and Mrs Dunham of Au rora spent Christmas Day with the parents Mr and Mrs Henry St raster Mr Wight of Toronto calling oil Old friends iiilowniil Mr Ross Defiuerre Toronto spent Tuesday In town the guest of his aunt Mrs A MacKenle Miss teaching in Trowbridge Is vacation Miss in charge of School came on Saturday for the Messrs Frank of Togo houses a year is now and Frank Wright of iifider construction a large I and lack of factory and four stories are among high and every prospect getting a old hoys dry dock in the lo cost about festive season million dollars- I Miss of Is at And then they try to ay that Lo- home of her brother Mr skill Mrs Potter little son of Mono are visiting Mrs McNeill at the parsonage Class HI Smith M J Maries Pearson A Milne t5- 66 V Hill 33 1 Milne 36 DIVISION Senior II Walter Hill Stephens Wright Wright 61 P Wat- Bon Watson Junior Hill Odl- Kt Moore 6 P 60 Hill O McNeil PL Wat son A Smith R C Arglea A Miller Miller JSmith Wright K J ROfis A Smith 37 ASa Hill A Wedde Rhinehart 16 Tablet Class Smith Jean McNeil I HELPING HIM OUT My dear friend I must ask you end nic a sovereign at once have left my purse at home ami havent a farthing in my pocket i cant lend you a sovereign just now hut can put you in the way of getting the money at once You are extreme ly kind home on purse Heres twopence the tram and fetch ride your NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Card of Thanks Mrs M Cain desires to thank her friends and neighbors for their kindly assistance and sympathy in connection with death and funer al of her mother Mrs Dec who is home on from has increased per cent I can prove this by the sales have that time until now Sound has built over one it they I to lay Option lias killed Owen Sound When fl man freely gives up his valuable time to further a cause it must be because he is convinced that It Ik a good thing The gentlemen from who will speak in the Town IAll Sutton on Friday Dec la interests of Local Op tion arc coming at great personal In- or other lie the Lin- and given by the people of Hope went long Ive told convenience simply for the good ol Church last evening was Sutton one which proved a decided success bating and hockey rfnk is Bill are out announcing And ft by no means a part need- announcing and lliat anyone of of Consideration that anyone attended did not feel well entertain ed The program was mainly ol the little children each one having taken their part splendidly A great leal Of thanks de to the larger ones who helped these children in their work Miss Ijuntley the main lead- e Ao welding bells here this year Keep your ears open in the coming ear for one of our- girls has noti fied dad to look but for another cook Cur Christmas market brought out crowd Money Mowed proven On Sunday and bo bail Chas W Sedore WINTER TERM in Central of Toronto Jan The world Is with help If yon possess a a OP l4 graduate from our to place a poton or refund tuition in txtor for lOgM more plan to College V- It for tfce color by will was hy all with her were also Mr Mr Nor man and Mr Hoik At the close of the Miss Hunt ley to forward while Mortimer read the following ad dress Hope Methodist Church 1910- Dear Huntley Another Christ mas festival finds assembled ayain rejoice in Its fclad tiding SO we wist take this opportunity ft show you of your organist and choirleader Ve have always found you willing aid us at ail times ol fhe zeal Which you Wit always helped us In work has made us a Joy to all You attended choir- praAtices jr4ay service dinner SI years ago ft was at f Wilsons lot rear 1 It was ft- good one so goo couldnt eat as Johnnie observed Sharon was present looking after a cook as it after wards proved Root heads the prompt renewals Hes always on time Happy New Year Is next in or der hates to let the to aent under the of the Methodist Church Tan 1st and Rev will preach at the concert will on Monday following officer by on Monday Inst J A Vfi A Blurt ridge Trustees as Hall Trustees- A J P Hoed and J Dent The lojitallatlu will take place the first meeting In January Tho of of held in ftt Thursday very gratifying to the Although the day was exceedingly and quite a number voro present and vero glad of cup tea which served total amount realized at Bale and tea wan about out of this fund we are purposing to build a wood shed at the rear of the Hall Great Is due our and Bibbajd for her untiring efforts to a success Al of all to Dolby had the management of tea And to all who an bravely faced the storm help on our work we tender our thanks On behalf Ladies Aid Mrs of Nelson is spending week with I- n other Mrs VV l0gg llCV Hugh ROSS Mrs Ross and Jean are In The League meeting held after church last Sunday evening was well a tended and very bright and Inter esting Next Sunday the meeting will also be held alter the evening service Report of No King villo for December Form IV Black Webster Rogers V Doan Cutting Harrison Form HI v Cutting Harry Wei ater Form If Cutting fiobiiison Webster ting Webster PI J III Promoted from in to Jr If Black j Br Pottage Webster Cutting I V Promoted to If D l Pottage A Newton IT May Fee Stray Colt A yearling filly strayed from lot in Con of Bast about the 1st of Nov Dark brown with one hind foot and liKlit mark on forehead Information leading to recovery will he liberally rewarded JACOB SMITH School Reports Report of No for December IV J Oldham A Harrison Btokes Harrison A Brooks Bain Ill I Franklin Wain p Brooks Brooks J Cain If Ma prize Johnston Oldham Johnston Br PL Thirsk Bain PROMOTIONS Jr Pt t Br Old hon Mur ray Btokes Marlon hvn and Don ald equal A Corner CI Br I Jr PL Julia I to Br Broad Gladys Comer Gladys Brooks Kenneth Comer CP Stanley Cain CP Roy Teacher Report of public School for Pall Term he the names Indicate the of days each was present out of a total of 73 days DIVISION Claw IVtM D Stephana- VV Hill l t6i ttlA fil Lewis Hi IT DID NOT CURB A certain chemist advertised a pa- tent concoction labelled No more colds No more Certain Cure Price I Id A man who bought the mixture came back In three dayr to complain that he had drunk it all anil was no better Drunk it nil gasped the chemist Why man that was an indiarubber solution to put on the soles of yourjf boots TO TUB ELECTORS East Gwillimbury Tp YOUR VOTE AND INTEREST Is Respect full Solicited lor JAMES FARR AS REEVE FOR 1011 Nomination Day Dec Wood for Sale Lot Con East to be sold in lots to suit purchaser STEPHEN WINCH ENTIRELY NEW IN EVERY LINE Dry Goods Rubbers Winter Underwear Hats and Caps Wool Knit Goods Coat Sweaters Fine Rubbers for Men Ladles and Children Mens Heavy Winter Rub bers Boots Dishes Shoes for Everybody Fancy Designs In Chlnawaro Old Willow Pattern Clover Leaf Plain White Toilet Sets Groceries at Lowest Prices WE SOLICIT YOUR TRADE AND PROMISE TO USE YOU SQUARE NORMAN S YORKE XRY US J

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