I A k J I Weeks toeal Hems wan oja tow Business Change Mr I Bowman soM out his catting business to Mr Fred Bowser took possession on Monday We are pleased to know that Mr Bowman does not Intend to town Christian Church Communion next Sabbath Jan at the Christian Church at the service The choir will render Gounods Jesus Incarnate pas tors subjects am The Moral Elevation and Attractive Power of the Church pm The Abiding prosperity of tbe Church UNION STREET Ian 15th to 20th inclusive Re turn limit Jan 23rd Secure tick ets and full informal on from Grand Trunk Agent Newmarket Presbyterian Church Rev Maclean of Churchill will preach here next Sunday the pastor having consented to preach an- 1 sermons at I At the communion service last Sun- da Hie gift of the Willing Workers was greatly appreciated the indivi dual cups being used for the first urn- and the number of communicants befog the largest in the history of the church Ottawa and Return From Newmarket on account or Western Ontario Live Stock and Some people thought that this St Poultry Show Tickets good going j music but not via Grand Trunk Railway System We are having fine sleighing now Everybody seems to be having a touch of the la grippe Mr Hodge spent Sunday at Locust Hill There were a few young people over tie Opera Mouse Mr Drapers evening Elsewhere in todays paper will be and they had a big time found the program which the Toronto The young people of Mrs Gordons Dramatic Club under the manage- class spent an enjoyable evening at of Mr Carl intend to her home last Friday Mrs Gordon present to a Newmarket audience received many individual tokens of next Saturday night It speaks for friendship besides the gift accom- The company intends to put the following address which up a firstclass show and if the effort was read by Miss Edna Micks is appreciated by a good house they and presented by Mr Walter Rose intend to return shortly Seats re- which she briefly replied served at Patterson Drug Store Hillcrest Farm Jan 6 Gordon League Dear Teacher We the scholars of There was a large attendance at the School meeting on Monday evening enjoyed together another even- Oaf Toronto better and we feel that we cannot let by without on Japan by the pastor in some way the we have long felt for the work was in charge of the It took the form of a lee- opportunity pass dure with one hundred beautiful lantern slides The evening was very instructive Jan Christian Endeavor How we got our Bible Mr Miss Hunter Closed a Deal On Monday of this week for a large of Mens HighClass Suits and Overcoats at a very low rate on the dollar at Bargain Prices Only have money to waste can away from this sale you have been doing in our Sabbath I School By your lofty aim and self- i sacrificing efforts as well as your lient forbearance with us at all times you have won our entire con fidence and esteem Further your strength of character and the noble example of your everyday life as lived before us is such as to wield a marked influence for good over all who receive your instructions You are sowing very precious In the Court of Assize on Tuesday last Miss Jean Clifford was awarded In a case against J Jeffries for putting off his proffer of marriage for a peri od of seven years The jury assess ed the damage without leaving the box James Hassey hotelkeeper at fined for keeping liquor for sale He appealed the case but Mr Justice refused to quash the conviction on Tuesday last Orillia is a local option town H KCj will probably be sent as counsel for Toronto in the railway appeal to the Privy Council against the viaduct order Mr R S the newly elected President of the Toronto Board of Trade Mr Charles Blue for the ast four years a member of the Globe stall has left the paper to take up a position on the Hansard reporting staff at Ottawa leaving he was presented with a set of books by his associates Two cars colliding in the Kcele St subway about Tuesday morning gave about passengers of the To ronto Suburban Railway a good shading up and had a narrow escape ZW Jit Mm a mm Mm a mm mm A v- I A STARTS ON FRIDAY 13TH j Off the Track About noon last Friday a car of coal on the weigh freight GTI jumped the track about a quarter of a mile south of Water Street causing while the results of your a block on the line until 5 oclock in he in their has placed same on sale h afford to to Mr P Pearson of Newmarket discouraged 4 W A UNTON the a public nuisance in the way road is equipped managed etc Among other conditions connected from being killed or injured severely North Toronto becoming part At the last regular meeting of Court Prospect No the follow ing officers were elected Hatch Bond J Stevenson- lYeasA Strang Chap Stark Johns Hv Geo Brernner Austin Bain Installation will take place on Thursday inst will and as he was waiting on the car to deliver orders he undertook to re move the coal but the carters had a bit job The car was badly smashed but Mr Pearson lost about three tons of coal Death of Mrs Edgar Lund Though she has been a great but natural The Master re pealed one of His crowning attri butes of His nature by looking for the results of His labor when His heart was crushed in agony At such times we would that you be comfort ed with the admonition and promise Cast thy bread upon thy waters for thou find it after many days We request you to accept this Judge Winchester will hold a re count in the Scarboro Township elec tion of the first deputy reeve Mr B Law was only three votes behind his opponent is asking for the recount The votes polled by each of the city is one requiring the street railway system to lie extended to that corporation at the single fare and that North Toronto and Deer Park be united into one Ward A bogus Count from the old candidate were W Patterson 137 Country who operated here about a Standard Patterns W CLUNDY The Ladies Store Newmarket Bargains in Hosiery I for many years the death of Mrs trivial though it may be as a I lust Sunday afternoon slight token of the regard with which was very sudden Seven years ago VOU held by us- Our earnest her husband only son of Mr and prayer is that you may continue to Mrs passed away and j be our teacher until such time she has been declining in health ever Heavenly Father may call you since Deceased was the daughter of j to a higher duty in life the late Joseph Randall of Whit- Signed on behalf of your class and Law and the recount will be held today About COO women gathered Monday afternoon in the Metropolitan Metho dist Church and heard a practical ad dress by Miss Stafford Miller who emphasized the necessity of Bible study as a means to spiritual growth The books and some of the office furniture is about all thats left of the Farmers Hank Lots of farmers got stuck on a name Commissioner and Mrs the new Salvation Army commanders are expected in Toronto next week Com yoar ago by passing bogus cheques was arrested for a like offence at Brighton England agd got a scn tehee of five years The Ontario Legislature has been summoned for business on the of this month A rumor is current around the City Hall that the temperance Aldermen will move in Council to reduce the number of shop licenses from to and to curtail the hours of selling in both hotels and shops Mr R R Davis and Dr John No- The Stock- Taking Sale Big Reductions in all Winter Goods were rival candidates for a seat succeeds Com Coombs A re- Im the Board of Education The re ception of the new Commanders will turning officer gave the seal to Dr be given them on the inst Refreshments jchuich The funeral obsequies were I- served All members are re- conducted by Iter J Simpson to attend were largely attended on day afternoon friends with best wishes for many happy returns of the New Year A young man was nearly crushed to death on Street last Monday evening Crossing the street in front of an approaching car the icy road Miss Marjory Huntley spent a week caused him to slip and fail Only for In sympathizing Miss Gertie Smith Mrs Jane Will The will of Mrs Jane Srigley of fe Newmarket who died at the hospital Fell Down Cellar Last Saturday morning just after Mr Win Willis left his home on Park Toronto on Dec 1910 left an hiB To the estate valued at up of Mr Wm Willis left bis home on Park it tank household Ave to go to tile market bis Mr Being a reader of the will made in Miss Willis accidentally Newmarket I noticed some art corner of the street whisked a black fell down the cellar stairs and was Iclos under the heading of mask cash The En which the following bequests are made Gold rings the largest Jane to her brother Johns grandchildren Twentyfive dollars to Newmarket Cemetery Co to be used In keeping my lot neat and tidy Forty dollars for a monument with the three names thereon The balance of the proceeds of es tate to John Hales Mineral Wis Certain articles Of furniture and household are given to Mrs Hannah Reynold of Whitchurch township Mrs Hill of fact that the fender worked promptly the man would have been crushed to death A youth Of twelve summers was of the Newmarket discovered in the act or pilfering a grocery Seeing his danger ed through a window he jump around the know to he absolutely so much talk and I volunteered to explain why your write and try very nearly killed which As Miss Clara of Van- true a was visiting her she was hurry ing to get the work done up She had both hands full and started to go down cellar but made a misstep land explain why your scribes at the top and fell to the reports do not meet with public Her friend went to her as- It is the general opinion of but finding she was unable the public thai understands the cfr- to speak she ran to the next door for the esteemed young man assistance Reeve Keith went at from who receives so much once and finding Miss Willis still praise in the first part and who has conscious he carried her upstairs disappeared so suddenly is the from hisjpocke and had it over his face before the grocer got round the corner course the mask de- true so many uiMagicvauiu about the falsehoods that were print- have got away only a policeman nap disagreeable comments the grocer and the lad would to perceive Noble by a majority of live Mr Davis demanded a recount before the County Judge This took place on Thursday of last week when his Hon or changed the original count by two voles so that the Dr holds the seat by three votes The old Council held its final meet ing last Friday and doled out the usual taffy to retiring and defeated members of this time however the praises were timely and deserv ing Dont fail to visit this store dur ing our January White Goods Sale and pick up the Bargains t I V I I fc WISHING MANY CUSTOMERS A VERY Happy and Prosperous New Year Of Newmarket Markets Wall Wheat per Oats per bush netted to near the movements of the youngster and parley per bush arrested him He goes to to per bush learn a trade Last Saturday night Inspector Johnson wandered into the Printers Club on Street asked for a glass of beer and paid for Then he telephoned and Miss not given Pauline Harris address from Banker of the last part where he has Fields residence A medical exam- tried to disgrace the church choir as showed that no bores were well as define the characters of two broken there was a had bruise on respectable young men I happen to Look Out for Thieves There seems to or two thieves very busy of late during church service taking whips robes and from church sheds There is one notorious sneak thief surveillance and ere long the authorities hope to lay legal hand- ipiu him and give him a we i rest elsewhere Blankets have taken on horses recently under hrfstian Church during morning service The reme dy now to put doors on all the and give Keys to all members A adherent of the church It is to be very annoying for those attend church to I compelled to their horses up at barn in order to protect their properly fro sneaJcthfeve my lawful method be used to mate example of them her head near a vital spot are pleased to report that the pa tient is getting along nicely and will soon he around again as usual Newmarket Curling Club Competitions to date Davis I up f frf It Doyle Dolan W i Howard J A j Trivet I Doyle fJoyle H w a Brunton A Howard Shield- Co Ltd Canes ft r J Society Town The annual meeting of the The following games arc Agricultural announced far next week and members in Hall various rinks arc requested if at the hour of oji- clock I- on the fee or the past three or four gainer the at annual meet- has not been as large as ought a ably to anticipated it is j Won Lost 1 I 1 1 fi I 0 1 1 I A man toxica ted I was on dates fixed for next Wednesday will make a he farming community owe to as v ell as to ho have an Jan to make a their appreciation of in The annual report and ieiai statement will t adoption officer and rx fortKe current elected I- atedirg efforts ot deserving us hope a number h IK- vs vs McCaffrey vs Howard Doyle Howard Dolan vs vs On Wednesday evening the official of officers of pyramid fJjAtfis conducted in a entertaining manner by Hudson and The L mi a Installed for ensuing term I Andrews A Ben ton Fred A Cornell Bowman he is putting Howe on the A Complete Jewelry Store You dont ever have to pass us by when you are in need of anything we are supposed to sell always complete Goods always that are of the best sort that are stable always your favor much condi tions let them There a variety of reasons why store should get your patron age And we think of one why you should us by If you havent been Coming our way its a gooi to make a start and well guaran tee youll not either CO Jevslfeps and know thai this person reported that he was going to write up something for last week so I hasten to denounce him and to say that I be lieve him to he a fourflusher and a person who does not hesitate to fell falsehoods to try and promote his own social position He is a four- flusher because a giftcdWrffer like he claims to be does not have to advertise work It should ad vertise Itself lie tells falsehoods when be says he saw two of choir hoys full of in Sutton the day preceding lb- has been giving strong hints that hi would like to get in the choir hut they were not taken So lie tries to cause a writing disgraceful falsehoods to a family pa per thinking he might then a chance a letter was puhlished under the heading of Baldwin In the supposed to he taken from a Woodstock paper which Spoke very highly of this son of Bug- land as a church worker and singer in the choir but over this way his at the actions proved to be so very much to kindly the reverse that it has Caused the public to doubt the origin Of that let ter If this person has respectable parents why does he not respect them and not try to disgrace the sons of people here in v ho are respected by all of whom they are known by If were half a man he would stay and hack up his statements but he has disappeared he has gone to Woodstock such Is the case I sincerely hope that the Woodstock choir will Mm With open arms and then have the fatted calf slain and in this Way demonstrate to him So fully hat Woodstock Is his creature place that nothing will ever persuade film to re- out turn here and write Items for your I same paper under the of A Member of the Choir At the Girls Wanted Clothing Factory Wvinar The annual meeting of Cemetery Company will be held In the On Monday evening January 16 at for election of Officers of A full attendance of lot is requested Lot to attend the Annual obtain blanks for proxy plying to the am Not member of the Club the In spector knew the law had been Violat ed and laid a charge accordingly Next day the Club steward was ask ed to attend a seance at the Police Court where the Magistrate made him understand that ducats and costs three months over the Bon be regarded as an atonement A fake advertisement in a city pa per announcing wanted at Heeds almost caused a riot last evening The police be called to disperse the crowd named while u- In Street 1 last Tuesday evening On a charge of attempting to shoot his wile and her mother with the United States was the sole subject of discussion at the annual meeting of the Ontario Growers Association at the Walker House last Tuesday The Ontario propose to Hell two concessions III Northern Ontario Alice was sent to board over the Don with Governor Chambers for fifteen days on a charge of theft o Wicks in a lunch room He had given her a HO bill and she only gave him back In change Two yearn ago Catherine Stewart had a mink muff stolen from her This week May Scott pleaded guilty to theft In the police this country court and Magistrate Is con sidering Just what to do with her it will he remanded sentence The manager of an Agency stated to a reporter this week thai the majority of men now out of work in Toronto have none but themselves to blame Time and time again during Jhc past hummer men came to me and refused good work at and a week and now when win ter Is Upon them they an- down and Unskilled men want about the pay skilled workmen the election law Frank Brown ii alleged was passing around election cards to aid Mr Sweeneys election arid now an In formation charge is laid against him The trial off next Tuesday Working on the new wing of the parliament Saturday accidentally fell from a and broke the bones of his left foot Well may It be said Wonder nev er Homer Sweeny resides College Street Toronto The per ton Shorts per ton Hay per ton Butter per II lKK do Potatoes per hag Chickens per lb Ducks per lb per lb Turkeys per lb Jan 1011 bush SO SI SO 33 Ml D 80 00 0 26 00 00 22 21 60- 0 I I Toronto Markets Kail Wheat per bush loose Wheat per bus Oats per hush Peas per bush Barley per bush Hay per ton Mutter per lb per do Potatoes per hag Chickens per lb Turkeys per lb per lb Ducks per lb Jan lull in 8J 80 in Of Some attractive prices in our Grocery Department for this week Beaver Oats handsome- premium in every package Large size pkg for Lye tins for Choice Prunes lbs for Malta Vita Long Clear Bacon lb Head Cheese fresh lb The Best Pork Sausage in Town lb Special Values in Oranges and dozen The Bent of Bread in North York 3 lb loaf CROCKERY DEPARTMENT department is full of HighClass Goods An variety to choose from Just the stock to select wedding or other prcHents from We want to Buy 500 Sound Potatoes and Bush White Beans Phone CHOWARD AUK OPEN IM During which time they will sell all A I Nothing Caps and if i t- gram tuyn Bel for for They A year ftgoT while hi Han watch disappeared having been by a Sunday the watch returned to the owner A friend of Mr bad teen the In- the a man in Denver Ah the watch vuk peculi ar It easily identi fied The are now on and an In- in brought the lor maintain- Down the centre of storeat So and Take a look at it I 1 f w 522sb I i Art Overalls Cost Prices