leeks is oil friends Church The Alex of the Christian Church will preach in the corning and the pastor the eve- Good Success The disagreeable weather had no perceptible effect upon the Talent Sale of the Willing Workers in the Presbyterian Church last Friday af ternoon Between the sale and tbe tea everything was cleaned up and proceeds were nearly The Chosen Friends are planning for a Hoi Social in the Lodge Room Monday evening and to Aurora Lodge tended S Talent Sale in the Meth odist School room this afternoon Presbyterian Church The congregations were pleased to see the pastor in the pulpit last Sun day alter a severe attack of la the services were greatly enjoy ed as well as the excellent music by the choir A to tee the Sharon Temple is promised the children Imported Stock List week MrOiU Mann receiv ed three fine horses Michigan for breeding purposes They arrived in good condition an invita- been ex- The regular monthly meeting of the will be held on Tuesday of Feb in the home of Miss Walsh on Street at 3 pm Full attendance is requested r Quite a Loss On Thursday night of one of Mr Stickwoods work horses showed signs of illness Next morning indications pointed to in flammation The vet worked with it but within 24 hours of the first sign of sickness the horse was dead The way horseflesh is selling he cannot replace it for I he Sunday School this afternoon the church at oclock Something Special The Salvation Army is making a bold dash for prominence next Sat urday and Sunday when special ser vices will he conducted by Singing from Toronto At oclock on Saturday night there will be a special musical in Hall Another special meeting in the SA will be held at oclock on Sunday morning The meetings on Sunday afternoon and evening will be in the Town Hall At oclock His Worship the May or will preside There will be a musical program as well as a lecture on Work and Life in Ireland Great Salvation Meeting in the Town Hall at ft oclock Select music Special addresses The public are invited to partici pate in all these special services Silver collection to defray expenses Police Court Last Friday a dogpoisoning case from East was heard before Col Lloyd Information was laid by Paul against Israel for putting poisoned bait in his field Mr declared that he drew a dead pig in the swamp but knew nothing about poison The case was dismissed for want of evi dence- The dog poisoned was a bound returning home from the chase Since the- investigation a portion of the stomach has been sent to Toronto for analysis On Saturday afternoon a of grossly insulting language was dismissed by the Colonel for want of evidence Employ Benefit Soiy We are requested to publish annual report of the O Mfg Co Employees Benefit Society as the cause is a worthy one and deserves great credit No doubt there are very few people in the Town who are aware that such a Society Since organization in October 1010 sixtyfive cheques have been issued for benefits amouutingto There is now about to the credit of the Society and no doubt within the next few months there will be suf ficient surplus to reduce the present rate of per cent to per cent which is a very low assessment for a benefit of this kind The officers and committee for the ensuing year are as follows H Secretary A A Smith Treasurer Schmidt Committee J Smith A Pep A LaSale- BLOOMINGTON Mrs Patterson is spending a few weeks with her son in Newmarket Mrs Paisley is visiting rela tives in the city for a few days Jos Lemon spent a couple of days in Toronto Mr and Mrs Morgasbn of Good wood were guests at Mrl Wra Stor- rvs Mr of Stouffville in town on Sunday Mr Ward who has been on the sick list for a few days is recovering I KETTLEBY A Relic Mr H Haines East brought to this office a few days ago a receipted account found among the late Israel Haines pa pers It explains itself and is as follows hi Piano Recital A unusual opportunity is r af- Era Office Newmarket April Mr Israel Haines To Porter To one years subscription to the New Era 2nd Vol in advance commence No Payment Geo S Porter This receipt was given just two months before Mr Jackson came to Newmarket Eloquence and Wit The cheapest and best entertain ment of the season is the lecture an- the people of by to be given in the Methodist the coining of Miss Jessie to Church next night by give a Piano Recital at Pickering Johnston of Toronto under the College this Friday evening Miss Minns is reckoned to be the most brilliant pianist that ever grad uated at the Toronto Conservatory of Music and being a thorough Cana dian she has won distinction for her native land in England Germany and Austria She is probably the great est pianist in America and while people may think the price of admission is a little high for Newmarket we predict that within the next three years Miss will Dot be heard in public at less than ticket and then only the cities From what we have heard we can the people of Newmarket that Mi- is a musical marvel and all evening It is a a town who attend tin- Recital this never regret the outlay chance that seldom cornea to this size Tickets are limit ed secure them at tons Drug Store before they are all gone Newmarket Hoard of Trade After a lap of 21 years the New- mar kef Board of Trade reorgan last Friday evening with the of being a lively factor in the future progress of town The Treasurer Mr A Br union the leading spirit in putting the torpid organization Into motion and was therefore requested to occupy chair On doing so he produced ifcc minute book showing that the meeting was held in March Printed copies of the By- Law and Constitution also the table and the original list was produced a wonderful the personnel of the people compared with today The mating was exceedingly well the Fire Hall being nicely MM A motion to reorganize after discussion as to method of pro- Ar was unanimously carried and following officers duly elected Hon- J auspices of the Adult Bible Classes Mr Johnston is one of the best known lecturers in Canada having filled engagements in all the cities and many of the towns and villages He is a native of King Township and this is rtll the more reason North Yorker are proud of his abili ties Trie subject of his lecture is Wise and Otherwise This is a new one never given in this part be fore We feel a little ashamed to say mat the price of admission is only as it would seem to con vey the impression that it cannot lie much However we can assure the public that is not the case it Is a lecture of real merit and such as people in the City pay and cts to hear but the ladles mid gentle men in charge felt they would rather see the church filled at a Small price than only a handful at the usual charge of So tome out and enjoy Candlemas Day Yesterday Feb 2nd was Candle mas Day Haydns Dictionary of Dales tells us it kept in the church in memory of the purification of the Virgin Mary who submitting to the law under which she lived presented the infant Jesus In the Temple Owing to the number of candles lit it is said in memory of Simeons song Luke 2nd verse a light to lighten the Gentiles etc this festival was called Candlemas County High School Grant That ours has become the County High School par excellence is evi denced by the increased County grant for When in Sept the chairman of the Board had to appear before the Town Council and request a supple mentary appropriation of some in order at the requirement of Edu cational Department to provide for the engagement of a fifth teacher ami tho fitting up of temporary teaching quarters he at that timei assured the Council that within possibly three years time the County grant would approach an equality of that annually asked from the town With a total enrollment of 188 dur ing the past year we find that I0i per cent are Town pupils and the remaining 53 per cent are County pupils Thus on the basis of at tendance required by law in readjust ment of County grant we will re ceive for The County grant for was for and in At this rate we may look for a County grant of at least two thou sand dollars in If the Government is to provide Agricultural Instruction in this Coun ty these figures must show where they can reach the greatest number of pupils the County or agri cultural districts The policy of keeping the school tip to the standard and ample for the accommodation of all County pupils who may desire to avail themselves of the superior advantages to be de rived from attendance at the largest and most thoroughly equipped school in the County when the County has to pay its full share per pupil for school maintenance certainly works decidedly to the advantage of the Town ratepayers Miss Dolly has accepted a position in Toronto Mr and Mrs Mathesonof King Creek are visiting Mrs Mount Mrs of is spend ing a week with her son Mr Rankin Miss Nelson of Aurora and Mr Hughey spent Sunday at Mr On Friday evening last the worth League gave a surprise party to Miss Dolly at her home here prior to her leaving for the city STARTS ON FRIDAY THE 13TH Zi A A County Council Mr has returned to after spending a couple of weeks vacation with his- parents Miss Ruby is at Jacksons Point for a few weeks Mrs Manning of British Columbia is visiting her mother Mrs Peter son for a time Mr S has had the tele phone installed Who Mr Hamilton of Toronto was the guest of Mr 1 Brooks a few days last week One of our young men had a run away this week No damage done Mrs Chas McQuain and sister were the guests of their sister Mrs J Peterson of Aurora last week Miss Merle of Tuxford Sask is spending a few weeks with relatives and friends here It is a pleasure to see her familiar face again Messrs Atkinson and Ward called on Mr A Robinson last Sun- da v Quite a number journeyed to Mt Albert rink last Saturday night A jolly good time is reported Wonder why one cutter was so far behind the rest Miss Edith Bene visited at Pine View one afternoon last week Miss Brooks is spending a few days with friends in and Pleased to report Bashful Boh is improving After last Sunday night hopes are entertained for a complete recovery The Central Grocery is doing a running business FROSTY of cattle by way of York Ra dial RR from here to Toronto on Tuesday Standard Patterns W The Ladies Store Newmarket A CORSETS are the best 1 A Pre UrvK run ton Robertson as well as the purification gin is ascribed by to In fifth century of lighting the Churchy Its prac- special committee appointed York County Council to deal with the good roads project spent most of Tuesday working out plans and dis cussing the question of the appoint ment of one or more commissioners to cooperate with the city in the in auguration of the system It is an ticipated that at least one practical roadbuilding expert will have a place on the commission At the morning session the follow ing trustees were appointed to repre sent the various high school districts Weston p if Jones G Richmond Hill William Harrison Newmarket Dr i Wesley Aurora Proctor All the members of the Council went to Weston Tuesday evening to attend a dinner tendered to the new Warden Hull by his home friends For such a knotty question as the equalization committee had to deal with the way in which it went thru the council as a body Wednesday was wonderful To think of raising Township home 300000 in two year Ik out all reason said and by Jove will carry It to the judge before well submit to such an Injustice Somebody suggested a reduction by 150000 and Councillor Clark of Whitchurch moved a reduction of A Few Lines from Michigan Bay City Mich Jan To Editor Era Dear Sir The Era has been a regular visitor in our house for more than thirty years and it would seem a great hardship to us to have it stop coming so you will please find the necessary amount for the present year Wc are always glad Jo rejoice with you on the pros perity of Canada and especially the growth of your town Newmarket Bay City in steadily growing and all industries are working full time so that prosperity prevails The three sugar factories arc still running and had an excellent season Bay City has a population of a little over and Saginaw miles up the river has so you see this is a populous valley The two cities are connected by three railroads and an line The electric line is extended to Detroit We also have in Bay and Saginaw Counties a great many coal mines where immense quantities of soft coal are taken out daily so we have a large number of miners in the two cities Hoping you may have a prosperous year in the Dominion and old North York particular I am yours etc JOHN HICKS I St Mich A Our Annual White Goods Sale is in Full Swing I O was dis- continued in continued by protectants by order of council it rtlill church of Home In Canada the habitants of Quebec a century ago used to regard it as LEMON VILLE There was a good attendance at the Methodist Church on Sunday ev ening last The Rev G Washington ol preached from Horn chap verse One of the pleasant things of life took place on Tuesday evening last week when a large number of the members arid friends of the Methodist Church gathered at the home of Mrs Baker to present her with a beautiful combination Dinner and Tea Set of As Mrs Biker has been organint or a great many years and always faithful in attendance never being absent unless on account of sickness they took this way to rIiow their appreciation of her servi ces An address was read by Mrs Ralph Baker and the presentation was made by Miss Cook af ter which light refreshments were served and a good program given All went home well pleased with the evening enjoyment Mr Kick returned from his trip to the West on Saturday evening and reports lots of snow out there Mr and Mrs and Mrs of Blooming ton were visiting friends here on Sunday Mrs P of ford visited her many friends last week The Quarterly Meeting services Ladies Lawn Blouses newest designs 59c Ladies White Lawn Blouses fancy trimmed Blouses Lace trimmed 98c Ladies Night Robes Fancy trimmed low These are only a few of the many Bargains displayed in store during the Sale NEW SPRING PRINTS AND GINGHAMS I 1 Sand- here of and this carried Later the Lcmonvllle circuit will he held midwinter when farmers should have Reeve Cameron of Vatighan wanted a reduction and then Reeve Smith of was preparing to put in application when War den Bull put a damper on the whole thing by ruling that as Hie Mark ham vote taken without polling the name must apply to fin Sunday next at KESWICK half their bread and half their hay and another fad in Connection there with the one about old Bruin com ing out of his den Unless Re WW his he goes for another six week of winter weather If other wise then an earl spring follows 7 A Cody A Pinna Cane P Field a fieM and McKay Ball way Com Mayor Cane factory Martin A I R Mercantile Com v Hunter 4 v and Geo Com g a H p and A fcybacripttofl was which by nearly people The Secretary wan about the charter of the with to the Byf a before of Board which adjourned to tall of the chair are several which with profit Town Municipal vim protection Domestic by of Power M sin- toy Board of iriAt buy I AN Alarm Clock Should have a nice- tick And alarm that puU further sleep out of THAT it to you from Gasoline Explosion St Catharines Jan HI By an ex plosion of gasoline at auto garage this morning Thomas Boston lost the use of one eye and was otherwise seriously injured about the bead and face Boston was working in the garage and had been engaged in soldering a gasoline tank from which he had thought all the fluid had been remov ed A quantity however remained In the bottom and when the redhot soldering iron was applied an explos ion resulted the tank being blown to pieces Boston Was struck in the eye by one of the Hying pieces of metal and was also sever I bruised and burned He was rushed to the General in an ambulance where bis in juries were attended to OYSTERS PURE CLOVER HONEY Some interesting items this week for the thrifty housekeeper Several moneysaving specialties for strictly cash buyers Choice juicy Lemons 2 for Valencia Raisins cleaned lb Choice Prunes lb Cooking lb Macaroni lb or lbs for The has let contracts for a big dam In Bow River which will bring half a million acres land under Irrigation Which much for a timeteller that tells when its your move And the are built to a good long service mum Somebody else moved that the re port of equalisation Committee be accepted bolus bolus and this went thru with little or no opposi tion And Just when was on point of getting knocked oil assessment The representatives from Town ship talk ominously about submitting the whole matter to Judge Winches ter for a ruling on the matter Prom the maze of figures submit- these few extracts will servo to render plain the action of council Resolved that the assessment of the township municipalities within the I increased from I he sum of an made by their various assessors to the sum of and that the of the towns and village municipalities be decreas ed from the sum of as made by their assessor to the sum of making the equalized assessment of the whole county the total of I he ordinary grants were made the agricultural societies and hoards and beyond one or two other mat ters of Strong personal Interest coun cil did not deal with any outstand ing With the disposal of the good roads Council get thru all the work this week In time for adjournment on Saturday The question of the purchase the Holland road was referred to the county property Committee tar ERA to 1 2CS siVTsi Juesday evening was certainly a banner night for Keswick when a Crowd of two hundred or more at tended the dress carnival at our rink here The costumes- were many from princes to Oboes In the best dressed gentleman class there were six entries ladles class couples three entries tramps 9 clowns comic be sides several that did not compete It was a decided suc cess and if the day had been more fa vorable It Ik bard to say Ifcfi attendance might have been also the hockey match at Newmarket affected the attendance The list of prirwlnter Best Dressed Morton Sir Walter Raleigh Best Dressed Lady Mrs Gilbert Young as The Toronto News Best Dressed CouplcL J and Delia Morton as Cinderella and her PrinCo Tramp Harry Murrltt as Patty Clown Mr Lew as Kef There wan also a prize given to the person bringing the largest load from the longest distance which was won by Mr of Gilford He had 20 in Ms load Great credit Is due to the managers rink Messrs and for the magnificent prize given for the dilfercot costumes hope to have another in the near future The on ly thing lacking was music Perhaps this item may be Included in the next event Joseph Pollock Is on the sick list We hope lor her speedy recov ery Mr Win shipped some Live Stock Market prices for good butcher cattle In Toronto this week ranged from to and one dealer paid as high as for a few choice heifers The medium and common butcher cattle brought from J to per Cows were taken freely for butcher purposes and the best fat animals easily brought and over per The medium and common cows sold at WGft to ft and while ranged from to per oft cars in Toronto Black Tea fine flavor Breakfast tin- Beaver Gals large pkge Malta Vita Grange Meal Puffed Wheat Bice Rolled Bacon green lb Roll- Bacon Side Bacon green lie lb Strictly New doz Cooking Eggs dozen Canned Plums heavy syrup can Cabbage Table Carrots Turnips Celery Head Cheese lb lbs Brown Sugar Pure Pork Sausage lbs Maple Syrup tin Pickles Mixed ChowChow Walnuts Inc per buttle A 10c Broom Ibis week 2Bc If Jelly Powders fur lbs White Pish Phone to arrive Thursday night HOWARD Newmarket Markets Feb Pall Wheat per bush 0 Oats per bush Barley per bush Peas per bush Bran per ton 24 00 Shorts per ton 2 liny per ton 12 Butter per lb 20- Per 21 Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb III Ducks per lb Turkeys per lb IK- Toronto Markets Feb Pall Wheat per bush Goose Wheat per bus Oats per bush Peas per bush Barley per hush Hay per ton Butter per lb per do Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb Turkeys per lb I per Hi J Ducks ryr lb JO 0 75 76 li 13 I 22 25 0 IK 0 lift UA Q l Two Stores occupied by A Co situated in very centre of trado paying pet wnt vith lottOO years to run after which investment will pay per cent Kent payable monthly Apply to MILLARDS BLOCK w ARCHIVES OF ON