Newmarket Era, 10 Feb 1911, p. 5

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J Robertson e 9 Main laan Farm prank AUCTIONEER AMU Bolton House Decorate- Corner Niagara and Tecum Newmarket Op- DENTI8T Kiln St Dr Wilkinson In WiddifleM Block Newmarket Jaekfion Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At BRA Office Newmarket if paper at private r3erce if NEWMARKET DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Beore Ordering CAS8IDY Dp J Boyd Graduate In medicine of Toronto University also of the Royal College of Physician of Royal College of Surgeons of England Former clinical id Moorfields Eye Hospital and Uni- College Ear Note and Throat London England Office Cor Main and Timothy New market Telephone No HO Hours lioeai A sleighloadof boys drove out t Schomberg on Thursday night of week and were defeated by the Borne team in a game of hockey Talent Sate The Ladies Aid of the Christian Church propose holding a talent sale of homemade baking in the basement of the Church on Feb Doors open at three oclock Refreshments served Arm Broken One evening last weekas Mr and Mrs and the baby were returning home just as Mr was about to step into the door of his home on Wellington Street he slipped and fell breaking his arm near the elbow It will lay him up for or four weeks It was vecy unfortunate as arrangements were all made to move the following day which has thrown an extra burden upon his wife in getting settled Presbyteran S S The annual Sunday School meeting was held few nights ago when sat isfactory reports were presented The resulted as of officers lows Asst Helmet Helrner Sec Wesley Allen Librarian Tench Supt Cradle Roll Mrs Ego Tench Organist Miss Forsyth Miss Cane Monitors Donald Thomas Executive J and Tench Mr TyrrH to assist as form erly with the cornet Tench to demonstrate the lesson on the black board as formerly The last Friday was greatly enjoyed the bovs and girls My may be had at any of the or night by calling at office or phone North York Conservative tea is the result or care and experience in blending must be the combination of fine flavor smooth strength and richness Because all these elements are so generously Included in Red Rose Tea it well merits the term good tea i SI NEVER SOLD IN BULK Your Grocer Will Recommend It A New Ontario The following article on New On tario is taken from a pbanjphlet pre pared by direction of Hon James Duff Minister of Agriculture for the Province of Ontario Anybody can get the pamphlet by sending a post card to tbe VASTNESS RESOURCES AND PROGRESS A Costly Storm Brandon Man Feb That the railways arc finding it very expensive work maintaining any of traffic is apparent in the fact that since the snow trouble started in this district it has cost the Great Northern to keep sixty miles of road from here to the boundary in decent con dition and even with that heavy ex penditure the company has had great difficulty in maintaining a service A gang of eighty men with a big engine and is steadily cm- ployed keeping the line clear These men are paid from to per day and they are also provided with their board S J T Time Card GOING NORTH Toronto IJO 545 Newmarket ax GOING SOUTH Toronto ar 8I lfil 755 TO WINNIPEG AND WEST by Direct Canadian Route Only Through Car Llae DAILY of carrying through tourist cars for all points in Wetter Canada For ticket to LAtkinson The annual meeting of the North York Conservative Association took place in Town Hall last Saturday afternoon Though large posters were circulat ed in the Riding announcing a Mass- Meeting with speakers from a dis tance at actual count there were less than one hundred persons ft5i lhe a the Toronto World report says the gathering was re garded as especially gratifying Mr Archie of King pre side The constitution of the East York Conservative Association was dis- and referred to a committee to report upon later The election of officers resulted as follows President Stephens 1st a 2nd Isaac Kenton 3rd Roche If Mr J J McKay while warmly supporting the Whitney ad minis I ra tion pointed out some weak points in he educational policy which he claimed should be removed or the value of the system would be great ly impaired coughs curtscolds throat limit Klondike Output Over 4000000 GOLD YIELD HAS INCREASED HALF A MILLION OVER LAST YEAR Dawson The output of gold from the Klondike region lor the year amounted to according to figures published in the statement of the comptroller of the Yukon who has tabulated the royalties paid the companies op erating here The output is cr Cased over last year by Two immense dredges have cut a swath up to Klondike River from at the confluence the Klondike and the Yukon as far as Hear reek All cabins that once lined the historic have been torn down and the ground beneath them dug away arid sent through the dredging machines CASTOR I A Infanta and Children Beans the of no Threw Money Away IauCi Mia I mevfrt Furnace Work Plumbing Mr A lratt Mll for South SSrC I Yon Have Always Bought government He dwelt at some length on the humane hide of the Central Prison question The Um ber policy of the government also came in for strong commendation and the retention of increased areas for park purposes lauded as a master piece of good work Mr i Lennox counselled the greatest diligence in the of all names on the assessment roll of those entitled to that privilege and expressed his warm appreciation of the many manifestations of confi dence George Henry exwarden of County strongly affirmed his I confidence in the honesty of premier and the government in gen eral He also touched on the roads question A remarks from Mr If brought the meeting to close Our Specialties tbs it the Shop THE TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SONS riitH Greenhouses I Hud W recti on lives of six men including five trainmen and one passenger were lost and several in jured in a terrible on the Buffalo line of iUvrtA Trunk which happen ed at ili night three and west of and mid way between Paris and Th castastrophe was the result a headon collision between vest- bound train running from Buffalo to 1 rat ford and a mogul en gine in charge of Engineer of running from Stratford to Erie the wake of came a terrible devastating Mt which Incinerated the bodies of a couple of the victims and made- an prey of the three splintered of the train The left I nothing but trucks and I I wheels a mass of twisted Iron and charred ruin Out A daring robbery was carried out this after noon when A Beers of an Intoxi cated man in the Hotel of and a gold watch and a dash for the Windsor ferry The police were notified soon after and reached the dock just as the fer ry boat was ready to pull out for Detroit The boat was held while the officers searched for the men in an to get rid of he evi dence of the deed money overboard was thrown Into the river Throe hills were rescued by a Customs offi cer who raptured the money means of a rest of the money is The men are now held at the Wind sor Police Station on a charge id theft New or Northern Ontario is an im mense section of the province of On tario It covers anarea of square miles or 20000 square miles larger than- the British Isles and is divided into six great Districts Sudbury Algoma Thunder Bay Rainy River and Kenora This territory is largely covered with val uable forests is rich in minerals especially silver nicked copper and is abundantly watered with lakes and rivers and has great spaces of fertile soil one in particular of sixteen millions of acres The trees are principally spruce ce dar pine poplar birch and with undergrowth of hem lock maple ash and alder There arc great lumbering industries The mines of the Mi- district the worlds greats est nickel deposits near Sudbury and the famous camp at Cobalt have re deemed the reputation of a region long regarded as unprofit able The land is easier to clear than in Old Ontario Grains and vegetables grow as well and as great variety as in the other parts of the Province Wheat has been pro duced of as good quality as Mani toba No Hard The sportsman has here his happy bunting grounds Game is plentiful and of many kinds moose caribou red deer hear beaver and otter wild duck partridge and ruffed grouse and fish abound in the rivers and lakes salmon trout speckled trout herring pickerel black bass and sturgeon The summers arc hot and the winters cold hut the dryness of the atmosphere makes the cold less felt Civilization is mak ing great progress The Canadian Pacific Railway crossing the conti nent practically skirts the southern border of this vast territory from east to west a distance miles The Temiskarning and North ern Railway near the eastern border runs from North Hay on the P northward through a considerable section of cultivated farming of fine quality to Cochrane a distance of 252 miles At this point it joins at right angles the Grand Trunk Paci fic Railway now in process of con struction which passes westward through the sixteen million acres re ferred to and to the Pacific Ocean The Canadian Northern Rail way runs north through Parry Sound to -function- and west from Port Arthur through the dis tricts of Thunder Bay and Rainy River A Branch Line ol the P runs southwest from Sudbury through he districts of Sudbury and a distance of miles to the town of Marie whence the Central rns northward towards the P It A Branch the P passers through Port Arthur northwestward through the districts of Thunder Bay and Kenora to tin main line running west to he Pacific Ocean There are nearly one thousand miles of railway in the Thunder Bay and Rainy districts alone Public highways are Con structed Good schools and churches arc going up rapidly with the ad vance of lumbering mining and agri- interests while of tourists in quest of sport recrea tion and health visit the new coun try every Its principal Towns are Cobalt New keard North May Sturgeon Kails Sudbury Ste Marie Port Ar thur Port William and Kenora TI1K OK It takes but a comparatively short time to travel from Southern Onta rio northward into the District of past Cobalt New and in and on through to Coch rane in the fertile clay belt The distance from Toronto far south in to Cochrane at the termi nus of the and N Railway where it joins the Trunk Pa- ihe men threw passing westwards from The watch also is less than miles It Cochrane writes have travelled over four town- ships around Cochrane and I there is just as good land here as a man will find any place A man can get acres for and it is his own Then he has the timber which alter paying for cutting and drawing will leave him balance of S3 per cord The pulp is the only thing that a man has to de pend upon He will always find plen ty of road workj the roadswnich the Government is putting through the country He get per day and board which will bring him about per month It is about seven years since came to this country and I can say that al ways found plenty of work A set tler has every chance if he has a mind to get-along- You Take No Risk OUR REPUTATION AND MONEY IS BACK OF THIS OFFER We pav for all the medicine used during the trial if our remedy fails to completely relieve you of constipa tion We take all the risk You are not obligated to us in any way what ever- if youaccept our offer Could anything be more fair for you Is thpre any reason why you should to put our claims to a prac tical test The most scientific commonsense treatment is Orderlies which are eaten like candy They are very pronounced gentle and pleasant in action and particularly agreeable in every way They do not cause diarrhoea nausea flatulence griping or any inconvenience whatever Rex- all Orderlies are particularly good for- children aged and delicate per sons We urge you to try Orderlies at our risk Two sizes and Remember you can get Re medies in this community only at our store The Store Drug Store For tbe Era- A Winters Evening HARD A RE ST R i fe r J J r You Can Money By Buying From Us r Full Line of- Electric Light Supplies Paints Oils Glass Etc J J Ai r A E I The weary day fades touched by ev enings wane And all the landscape lies in robes of white Old mother earth slow fades from out the sight But her vast funeral pall is beaute ous grand A covering of snowdrops chaste and pure I Unsullied even gaze of human eye Immortal purity can never die The substance fades the thought it must endure All Winter Lines A3- r Toronto Jobbing House This whiteness then will melt a virgin away The roaring streams its deathknoll soon will toll As this form changes so the hu man soul Transforms this mass of and clay Earths vernal beauty fades to bloom once more Robed in new loveliness in colors gay lilies sweet will greet the glor ious May With colors brighter than last year they wore The waters that erst danced in fairy Or chased the sunshine glancing wave Now creep Into cave Confined in darksome depths no long er free Established CAPITAL ALU PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS 01 with their For Chicago Feb held up and at Four Armed robbed Rector oclock tiay ft restaurant was located In the heart at the section of the city secured to- iweea had no Parisian Sage MORE HAIR Parisian Sage will stop falling hair in weeks cure dandrufl in the time and slop scalp Itch at once makes the hair soft and luxuriant AS A HAIR Parisian Sage in without it Contains nothing that can harm Ibe hair It Is not Sticky oily or and prevents as well an cures diseases of the scalp Women and children by the thou sand use It daily a dressing and no home complete without it- HACK WW Druggists and stores everywhere guarantee Parisian and v ill your money If It fall Ask J Patterson what he thinks it lie sells It at per large bottle or you can secure J I by mall postpaid from Manufacturing Co Port that the the Auburn Is on each package Hold and guaranteed by Patterson that How with In pity thou all these joys summer dayH Some- recompense hast given Some hope some guerdon thou bast kindly striven To yield for vernal dreams lor hap- py lays note of at all In Canada an In London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Forme cutomers the Ontario Dank Branch will be accommodate heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS Manager We raise our praise Not loud or low To Thee the snow Thou herald of fairy Joy voices in but soft were forced stead with to the wall Adams was ordered to open hind Us content Feb J As re sult of two freight trains colliding at Swift Current Engineer Dunn of Portage La Prairie was scalded to death Part of the wrecked freight ears were burned the damage being estimated at will scarcely In- believed by those Whii contrast Hie prairie With Northern Ontario that the Grand Trunk Pacific line at that northern point is on the same paral lel of latitude as the southern boun dary Manitoba The climate around chores of Lake seems similar that of Prince Island in the sum mer months but colder in and October while the winters are about the same as in Manitoba The climate of Cochrane which is In the parallel latitude is about Similar to that of Winnipeg which is just below parallel shores of Lake offer one ol the best localities or settlement the soil Varies from clay to clay and sand loam drainage Is good clear ing is easy and the most distant places will not exceed miles from railway while in the summer all points can be reached by water The beginning a strong settle ment has been made at Cochrane and with the Influx of a large popu lation for railway construction a good market for farin produce Is as- Mired That region westward along the line of the P for W0 or ftflto miles will probably be one of the agricultural sections of On tario A writer in the Muskoka Herald says The revelation in store for mo WW the great clay belt miles and miles It stretcher Mil lions acres of rich soil rolling In formation without a rock and easi ly drained rivers and lakes with high banks being numerous A visit to the height of land certainly alters ones Ideas of Ontario and her re source One cannot help but ask Why go to the Went when right hero at our doors Is a land of the richest character hungering for tillage ricejul messenger I will dream not in vain dream on Of vernal woods like one in deep Who dwells In Isles and Who keeps In memory the dream when nil gone is New Discovery Medicine NAMES OR PHOTOS WITHOUT CONSENT NERVOUS DEBILITY voting an to a fOHiu hi it I ij Aid l no vjref wilhilark clrriM under itk If lit l on lira Srirtwi 1 1 n Mi Vtat lUMtf pMid till I YOU WILL A WRECK Our flew Method Treatment lire ft of you ITiider ill if tin nil ItlOtclu ntil tin 1 a disease would have inedlatcly arresting San Francisco markahlc and almost instantaneous cures are said to have been made in severe cases of tuberculosis pneumo nia and typhoid fever at the South ern Pacific Hospital during the last month by new method of treatment discovered by Dr of Bakers Held The principle is that bacteria throw oil certain substances while growing These poisons are exuded to preserve the organisms life was Khaleda Idea that if these exudations could be formed Into a se rum capable of Injection Into the hu man system affected by Caused by like bacteria It the effect of bacterias growth Nine South ern Pacific Hospital patients suffering from pneumonia were Inoculated with a liquid extract made from metabolic products given on by pneumonia germs progress of growth In every case the patient was cured several the cures being within hours of the serums Injection tuberculosis patient was pronounced cured within our days Similar suc cess with typhoid fever is reported Conservative practitioners who have followed the experiments are as- founded gar Bend he BRA to fill fttld to It mi iiivtril mxiiuI all jlniini I luliti Vc will you your hard iNmi IdtUOClU rob euro you no EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL REAPER opinion of CoUcn on Secret DlMUci of QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST Cor Michigan Ave and GriswoIdSL Detroit Mich ft bull to Canadian Correspondence Out you to Me personally call our Medical Institute in Detroit as sec am treat no In our Windsor offices which arc for Correspondence and tor business only all letters as KENNEDY KENNEDY Writ for our v A THAT REALLY you the thing you to and la practical you can Our J will be if you fret all or Home ftl mechanic and here are popular priced on the of tralot and enamel windintdjnaino lending and and architec ture tod ilea tad paiollnr tc atntltloncr deilre for be t dieiat that will lh training and Ibftt want i- complete and Hit it Q J DRAKE CO 1 nil tin S5BI AKl I ll 4 Aj Ji

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