Our work gives Matchmaker and Graduate Optician mm JACKSON Editor and Proprietor JACKSON in any two other papers TERMSjl25 per annum paid in advance to the Yorb combined is acknowledged to be the County Pap sent outside otNbrth York unless paid la United States a nee HONEST VALUES that a customer will come hack WATSONS Jewelry Store f i Mans Noblest Work is to Lighten Womans Labor Can you accomplish this in any better way to install first Washing Machine in the house a first are made and will do the work if fair trial The 1900 Gravity Washer 1500 King of them all as the tub is more- back and forth it also This thoroughly rinses the he the dirty water out of them ANOTHER FirstClass Machine is the Minute frill vol do the one ordinary is juwt a little better A I I G PHONE PLUMBING NEWMARKET ONT THE Assets 500000 This Bank a specialty of col lecting Farmers Sale Hot or if de sired will Wie to at lowest NEWMARKET BRANCH FIELD MANAGER South End Lumber Yard j BIN Willi MUDDY P W PEARSON phone AMD Do You Own a Good Black Wouldnt you to you dont then listen Dont make the mistake aot paying enough for it Dont let two or three dollars stand in the way of your jelling something really Rood experience that that is AIJOfiT mowing some ex in Cheviot we are Worsteds have you got Interested Library witi every purchase WILLIS and J PHONE 160 MAIN Rough Lumber and Inside Trim fJoort or all for Trim fry Cord of our at a for w H EVES or from MKfters foraer Newmarket Qnt Friday Feb 5 Single Copies each Oar Toronto Presbytery of Toronto by a small majority has voted down the The Educational Problem of ToDay Prof Stephen of McGitl basis of church union Interviewed 0litiCai on the question as- to how Might- concludes NOTES of the now a comparison economic conditions in Great will like this action the police department Toronto had SEE It Wf no less than cases of drunks J n and disorderlies during the past vear thinking that education an increase oi Local option l is now due at Ontarios capital Vft fe ing the year no less than 21286 per- narks mediaeval and clerical The Government at Ottawa is call ing for tenders for the construction of the ten new vessels of the Cana dian navy cont6mplated in the Viz four destroyers of the type sons were arrested on suspicion an increase of over the previous year Property to the value of was lost or stolen and of the same recovered by the Police From the number of drunk arrests and the thieves whiskey cre ates the personal liberty notion of antitemperance cranks find no comfort in these figures An aged women was burned to death in her home on Sheridan last Thursday night in which she lived alone aged years The body was oh the floor of the dining- room with a small lamp beside her It is thought the old lady bad trip ped on a rug while carrying the lamp which exploded and ignited her It is becoming more and more diffi cult to get even- women teachers for Toronto Public Schools according to a statement of Inspector J Hughes at a meeting the Manage ment Committee of the Board of Edu cation The Minister of Education will be up against a big farce when the next election comes round origin It is an excellent thing for a man whose business in life it is to think or to write but an inferior training if not an hindrance for the man whose business it is to act and to earn his living at a trade Every where in Germany there is a system of public education which includes not merely the usual training in the elementary branches of knowledge but a technical training as well Schools of commerce industrial schools and continuation An act to amend the Public School Act has been presented in the Onta rio Legislature by Mr It has relation to the school year fix ing the terms as follows The school year shall consist of two terms the first of Ahich shall begin on the first day of September and shall end on the of December and the second of which shall begin on the 3rd day of January and end on the day of June It is announced that the contingent of soldiers to represent Canada at the Coronation of King George and Queen Maryi will leave Quebec on the Empress of Ireland on June and return on the Empress of on the last day of the month The consist of about schools attended by young men al ready at work at a trade are com bined with agricultural schools and higher technical institutions or all branches of the scientific professions Taken all in all it may be fair to say that England is still the econom ic superior of Germany Her con solidated financial resources are cer tainly greater her trade with the outside world is larger and still moves forward as a continuous ami steady pace In population of course Germany is the larger but in Indus trial power as in fighting forces Great Britain at the present mo- men picked from all the Provinces of the Dominion A number of lead ing citizens will accompany the The reciprocity treaty now before the American Congress the Do minion Parliament is thus- briefly summarized The United States makes free seventysix per cent of our exports to her and reduces du ties on fourteen per cent of our ex ports to that country On the other hand Canada makes free sixteen per Cent of American exports to the Do minion and lowers duty on nineteen A number of residents between Dun- the two CcrP das street and a point several mi west of the city wajted upon Hon Mr week and asked that a franchise be given to a railway to operate on Dundas street Just fancy anybody requesting a per petual franchise be given any com pany or set of men to operate a rail ways on a public street They surely must have axes to grind A few days ago an employee of the Co blacksmith shop died Heretofore it has been the practice in this shop for the men of the factory to lay off in order to at tain points however merit the care- consideration of persons interest- in the future develop meft of the on his bill transferring two nations One is emphatically the relative position of agriculture The British pco- itl the two countries pic fill the workshop at the expense of the neglected soil Another point is the superiority held by Germany in reference to the protected mar kets Last ami greatest is the question whether the British Govern ment ought not to try by a revision of its educational policy to Imitate what has been done and is being lend the funeral This practice the men in the shop Varied by remaining done by fny for he special at work and handing their days pan lr classes to the widow She thereby received low TV a donation of some very sen- J eels provision be made for Bible thing and worthy of instruction in lowed in other factories young Referee has given lS judgment totalling against pass the equipment of electrical dis tributing plants and systems to mu nicipalities corporations The Premier told the House last week that he had been for the present not to interfere with the jurisdiction of the HydroElectric Commission The real is To ronto kicked against the premiers proposition Of these branches in so By- far the greater number our exchanges so far as we have observ ed favor an amendment of Muni cipal Act so an to bring on the of the shareholders of he de funct Ontario Bank who have neg lected to pay up under their double liability The total orders and judgments against contributors by Mr now amount to J J feJ Jl the essential needs for Instruction In The rotunda at the King Edward Agriculture and Manuel Train- Hotel these afternoons and evenings a country as Canada which- a powerful competitor ami th United States will its Iff following Monday I his will enable record of economic ad- That Newmarket has a Board of High School Truestees goes Is full of men who have seen life in all the great mining centres of the world New are there and West Australians Ameri cans from Tonopah and from lohttniiifhurg August Klein the boy wonder of Trail and the copper magnate of Butte boss of Montana politics Was also among the I Heres a pitiful case A old woman Sarah Donnelly was in the dock at the police Court last aged years frail and bab- by Evidently had drawn no spe cial prize In lifes lottery No home no friends she said but de clared shC was no viigrant anted to be free Chickens are high in price In lb market but Good carried on a pair from the coop of Tom and it cost him days at hard labor Frank said he was drunk another argument for local option stealing four bales of from the P I will he at the next six months A deputation walled on Hon It A last week from Township and protested against the of he Horn an Catholic In Section No The Minister promised to investigate Among the visitors at the Walker House Is Mr of land Is making a trip thru the Dominion to what it Is like and provided therefor Splendidly equipped rooms for these special electors to enjoy Christmas and New Years holidays at home or enjoy family gatherings at a distance with out with their desires or purposes municipally These dates would not interfere with other clauses of the Act except to instruct the Clerk to Issue the financial state ment a little earlier branches of study Whats In a Name will be Canadas first Rev Dr Moore has large faith in Canadian newspapers and is optimistic In regard lo the future In a recent address the Iter Dr took occasion to say God the editors of our newspapers God bless the reporters the compositors and Manitoba Letter For the Era Winnipeg Man Feb Naturally the tariff arrangement proposed to be made between Canada and the United States is a topic of great interest in the West Accord ing with the experience of other coun tries in tariffs the views upon the Proposed schedule differ widely and it would be hard to say how a majori ty of western people look upon the rates fixed in the tentative list There is the usual exuberant praise of one set politicians and the se vere arraignment of another clique- hut the people generally do not pear to be much disturbed by either joy or sorrow Theories of effects which will arise out of adoption of the list as given out an unlikely thing with men poli tics and occupation or business and it will requite actual operation to de termine what will happen if the reci procity arrangement is carried out GREAT YEAIt Whatever the outcome of the tariff agitation business men agree that has all the earmarks of a great year for the West In spite of a Crop somewhat dimished by drought broke all records for business and growth in Western Canada and the indications from alt points show that the cities towns and country are going on to break the mark- out and over Of miles of railways built in Canada in miles were in four Western provinces and next year will sec a big cleanup of road that is under construction to the extent of 1000 miles in Canada and very largely in the West Estimates of the wheat crop that may be too sanguine but which arc made by men thoroughly well posted place the probable from the land under the plow at the close of at of wheat alone A twentyfive per cent falling off from this estimate will leave the country the biggest wheat crop ever harvested and indica tions are that that is just what is on the crop slate for the West BUSY And the cities and towns of the West are preparing to take part smartly in the great business activi- is coming in on the title of Calgary has a project on hand for getting the Alberta center closer to the middle of the stage Twenty- five thousand dollars will be raised for publicity and auuptodate publi city commissioners will be secured Up to the present time all of Cal garys publicity work has been load ed upon Clerk Webster of the Board of Trade an official already over worked with his other duties Se curing another official is calculated to place Calgary on the way of pro grees beyond all mistake or passing over by prospective investors The Calgary plan includes an aggressive campaign through papers and every proper medium of commu nication with the people who sock the opportunities that Calgary and Alberta possess and desire lo sec uiftllzed Calgary Is also to put YEARS AGO From Era Feb Jungle Shaw and Martin J Be gan were auditors of King Township accounts this year J Edmund and David Graham auditors for The of Newmarket has issued a proclamation requiring owners dogs to keep them in close confine ment for forty days Rabid ani mals the district the cause A meeting of King Council was held at Kettleby on the Reeve J P Wells Councillors Win Moore A Davis A Webb and A Thonipsoi all have passed A big temperance demons ratios was held in Brownsville on Saturday last Win Moore occupied the chair Several speakers delivered addresses Messrs and Trent adver tises that they are Selling Off an Mr Henry tells the people of North York he has money to lend The marriage is announced of Mr Alfred of Whit church to Miss Mary Ann youngest daughter of Mr Mark West on the 25 YEARS AGO t is the da streets better The are making daily papers are There never was da tin glorious value of morals and of Christian conduct as during- during bis tenure not Penitanguishe Boyds residence ilV Prison for the J Duke in the office of GovernorGener al Prior to Confederation to wit in the Canada had l he Duke of as Governor He is remembered as the mat who the historic ball ai Brussels la jW night before the Battle of lii lhc illorv and as Canadas most noted W many editor- hydrophobia victim lie went mad al leaching the citizenship result of a bite to Star And just here for he enlighten- of twentieth century North- the Associated Meeting Yorker- we might say that during J fckle Wilson the customary pilgrimages of a CoiM I- airs reported as follow Ionia Governor his foolstep were led this far back in the of office for was He the military and naval post on Georgian at northern end of the military r later known Street societies year allowed Wheels of fortune I games pools draw lories and other der the statutes last disc games permitting Wheres my Wild with Excitement this was cry of a wo men who rushed from pile go cart to another In front of a departmental The Governor oi a return trip to York now Toronto escorted by a more or less numerous retinue chanced down thin military road from the Oak Ridges district one hot sum mer day whilst a goodly company of pioneers were engaged on a j prominent hill in the erection of the then largest building in the hamlet The workmen being made aware that the governor was approaching knocked oil work and loyally cheered the representative of the crown if we will remember the war of and II had still many fresh illegal practices shall forfeit all claim to legislative grants for the ensuing Now this is true Mr J tackle Wilsons duty is clear cut out the grant to societies lor and let the Directors who violated the law make the amount Hid the societies may lose thereby I no Use making laws to gov ern payment of grants and then al low- the same to Ignored change the law or enforce and then every society will stand on llic same footing It appear to us thai the Municipal World has given contradictory Indignant but the police man quietly told her that her tongue would take before the magistrate and for neglect Then she wilted Hon If It of leihoro Is summoned to appear be fore the Police Court today on a charge In connection with In regard to the hypothecation of notes or something of that tort so it Is Another raid has been made a gambling bouse In Queen The place ball been vfslled by To ronto prominent citizens y pleasantry men the foremost of that henceforth this corning village would Richmond Hill whom declared Spot the le known as CASTOR I A and Children Be Kind You Have Bought J dog fund of the municipality Turn ing to the answer to question we read When It becomes necessary In any year for the purpose of paying charges on the same the fund shall be supplemented to the extent of the amount which has been applied to the general purposes of the municipali ty From this latter quotation It seems clear that the Council Is liable not only to the extent the amount on hand but for any sum necessary to meet damages fiST Send the ERA to friends down JO miles of new water mains this year will organize street de partment for the building of good city streets and will spend for new schools ONLY OK MANY In respect of seeing things big and being determined to get a proper hare of what Is going Calgary is only one of many centers in the West that ale planning big things for the current year Is to he great ly helped by the building of new rail ways Into the city six Grand Trunk Pacific lines will Centre here and among other things that Vancouver will add lis industrial equipment is a great steel smelting works at Ten million dollars will he Invested in making a plant that will have blast and openhearth fur naces ami will especially adapted to the making of steel rails a pro- duet greatly in demand in Ibis coun try of phenomenal railway growth WINNIPEG AIIKAD new directory census of Winni pegs population puts the number People here at oVciViOUWii a number not very much exaggerated if the signs Increased size that are visi ble all over the- city go for anything The street railway earned more than more In than in its total earnings being Nine years ago the system earned and lle increase since time runs at one with the citys pop ulation growth Industrial expansion is to he assist ed by- a committee of two delegates of the Winnipeg Industrial Bureau who are to make a tour leading points in the middle Western States In answer to communications receiv ed regarding manufacturing opportu nities The committee will visit St Paul Minneapolis Milwau kee Detroit Cleveland Buffalo and possibly other cities In the States Then the trip will be pursued Into Canada personal inquiry ami investigation to be made Into fifty more highclass manufacturing pro positions that have Come to Winni peg through Its Industrial Bureau re cently this number having been sel ected from such propositions as being the most likely to produce re sults From Kra Kyle Feb Dr is announced preach the anniversary sermons the Methodist Church on the The trustees of the Public School advertised for cords beech and ma ple wood and received tenders for whole lot at It would be worth double that today Mr Joseph Cody of the Old Sur vey Ring had his house destroyed by fire last Friday night It was a log building Mrs Martin Robinson left on Wed nesday to her daughter in Mis souri State for a couple of months Mr fames of Illinois has sent Mr Hewitt the pre sent of a breastpin ornamented by a piece of tooth from Goldsmith Maid whose record was 2M Mrs Joseph is seriously ill this week very little hopes of re covery About blocks of ice have been taken from Reesors pond this and the icemen are still busy The Hat Factory is picking- up The whole stall of 40 hands are expected to be at work next week Mr Isaac of Keswick re cently sold a Clydes dale stallion for Mr It Randall of Mount Al bert had his dwelling destroyed fire last Monday morning -V- Thin Hair A LIBERAL A When the hair thiol out on the to of the head and the bald spot get ting ready to appear in public get discouraged or Irritable disc to your Druggist and ask Sage Hair Tonic He will you for a large bottle if it does not cause hair to where the hair Is thining out nothing on earth will And we want to say to everybody man woman and child that can have your money back if Parisian Sage isnt the best hair grower hair saver hair beautlfler and dandruff cure on the market today It stops itching scalp and falling hair and makes hair grow thick and abundantly All druggists every where sell Parisian Sage or postpaid from The Co Fort Brie See that the girl with the Au burn hair is on every bottle Sold and guaranteed by The Norman Rogers Co Toronto Sunday World A highclass weekly publication em- bodying all the special features of the heat American Sunday papers including fourcolon comic section fourcolor magazine section two- color edit rial section music page fashion and beauty page In black and an exclusive halftone picture section printed on calendered paper representative of people and places distinctly Canadian This high class publication should he in rural home In Ontario Money can be made by bright hoys In every village and town who will undertake the sale Sunday- World Write to The Sunday World Toronto Canada for particulars of how to secure an agency Prizes dear to the heart of every boy will be given to those showing the largest sale a given period The Daily World Canadas leading live stock and produce market news paper Is clubbed with this paper at rate of per year for the two fgz I If I couth cold throat na tunas cauls Oiled paper Is easily made at home Brush sheets of paper with boiled oil and hang in the air to dry Children FOR FLETCHERS ASTORIA ARCHIVES OF ON