Newmarket Era, 17 Feb 1911, p. 2

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TWO THE ERA FRIDAY FEBRUARY J Girls Wanted Royal Coronation The English states for the Royal pageant as sociated with the coronation of King At Clothing Factory Wanted5000 On First Mortgage on Farm Good Security Apply Box Holland Landing EDITORIRlt HOTS I House to Rent I George V are so far completed that one can now form some conception of the comprehensiveness of the scheme J We are told that the precedent of is to be followed as far as pos sible The line of procession will be the same so that the progress of Royalties will be witnessed by the East and South London as well as at the more select residents and of the West End There will be Cor Main and streets ap- t0 afc 5mltt4i I probably a military review also As the overseas dominions of the Empire will be well represented and the great and small powers of the world the people will once more have a unique and powerful illustration of what the British Empire signifies is considered that the For Sale Newmarket SevenRoomed House on Stone Foundation Good Cellar hard and soft water Apply to PO various units that make up the Bfit- isfa Empire have been welded by a generous application of the principles of justice selfgovernment FireWood in any form to suit the and religious and political liberty purchaser Must be sold The of the British Empire may bet is on the farm Apply to well indulge in the festivity pros- V to statistics presented at the recent Alliance meeting in Tjbf ronto it- appears that Quebec has adopted Local Option in eleven per cent- more municipalities than Ontario If the Legislature this session should remove the three- fifths clause both provinces will be under Local Option almost entirely in five years The World has sure enough Shooting irons are now in demand It says Even Sir Wilfrid with all his backing and all the influence of the United States cannot force reciprocity on the people of Canada us fight wedding day It and will i I Mrs Jackson will not ceive this month Louie Richardson visited in the city Sunday Miss of- Aurora visited her sister Mrs J G this week Victoria Avenue had a birthday party on Monday Mr Cbas Starr who has been very ill with pneumonia is improv ing Mrs A entertained a unique Valentine party on Tuesday afternoon Next Tuesday is the 50th anniver sary of Mr and Mrs Haines it out and we will win Guess FOB SALE i ARMSTRONG For Sale Brick House corner Park Ave and Elm St also house on Elm St Apply to MRS SCOTT 5tf The Cedars Card of Thanks Mrs Cyrus desires to ex press her thanks and gratitude to the neighbors and friends Tor their ex treme kindness during the illness and death of her beloved husband and in connection merits the I pect of this great fact being repre sented once more in the metropolis of I the world in a way that will strengthen the strong bonds that al- ready hold them It is stated in local military circles at Newmarket that this town will represented on the above occasion as part of the Canadian contingent Our citizens will join in the hope that the rumor may prove true the headcentre of the World has again got his ear down to the side- walk No doubt he remembers the I former occasion right well Provincial Deputy is making clerks of municipal councils toe the mark It appears a great many clerks are neglecting to- send in returns of vi tal statistics which under the Act is compulsory under penalty of a fine The Clerk of Adjala Township County failed to be admon ished and thought he could do as he party on Tuesday night had a mind the Deputy hart J Mrs of Toronto him prosecuted and a fine of for j spent the weekend with her- son Mr not sending in his returns was im- J Walter Joseph Avenue Miss Louie Verity of Queen St is visiting friends in West El gin Co Mr and Mrs Cane were At Home with a number of friends last Friday night Mrs Lukes of Bradford received with her daughter Mrs IV Eves on Monday afternoon On Thursday afternoon of last week Miss Mabel Cane entertained some of her lady friends Mr and Mrs W Armstrong near gave a large Valen- v r l I- VJ posed The circular just issued by the Department says that other pro secutions will follow unless returns are sent in Congress Votes Reciprocity A press despatch from Washington with the funeral arrange- on the Inst St Valentines Day announced that notwithstanding desperate warnings from the high protectionists that Canada had bun coed the United States in the tiations the House of Representa tives on that day had passed by two to one the McCall bill giving A cable of last week states that the ratification of a contract between the Panama Government and the Bal boa and Pacific Estates Limited of London is expected at an early date In the Panama Assembly It provide fa Rev and Mrs Simpson entertain ed friends at dinner at the Methodist Parsonage last Friday evening Mrs C M Hughes will receive on Thursday of this month and on the third Thursday in future Miss Victoria Laws and Mr Bert of Toronto visited at Mr and Mrs Laws this week will For 8ale AT REASONABLE PRICES Agricultural Mare rising five The editor of the Era attended r a railroad from end to lne of the Toronto Printers Republic The project has evening consideration under Mr W A Hamilton wife and It will laughter of Toronto were guests of end of the Rep been one of the title of the Line rl parallel the Pacific slope opening the Mr Aubrey Davis bun- virgin country along the coast The day- prediction Second week of our Winter Footwear Sale starts off Bigger and Better than ever Interest grows as the Sale progresses Only people who have money to waste can afford to stay away from this sale At 198 pair 50 pairs Womens Highclass Patent Leather and Vici Kid Good year Welted Boots Widths D and sizes 2J to 7 Button and Lace Regular up to pair all at one price pair At 198 pair pairs Mens Box Calf Dbngola and Patent Leather Blucher cut Boots sizes 6 to 10 Regularly sold at and your choice 198 At 125 pair Boys Satin and Dongola Blucher cut Boots sizes I to I Ru hat some day Mrs Lee and her son Gordon of this railway will be an important I Toronto spent a couple of days last I Carriage Mare in foal to Br son Yearling Filly Glensman A Bull Calves nicely mark- feet- to the recent reciprocity arrange- and of the choicest breeding J ply Jo Intents between the two countries EDGAR DENNIS The despatch further states that an Newmarket analysis of the final vote on the Free Exhibit sage of the hill by showed link In the inevitable line linking week North and South America Once having attained this hold upon that country no one expects England to I its grip with the formers daughter that Democrats and Republi cans comprised the yeas and Re- Mrs Hoover Mrs of Lindsay was the guest of MrsR Manning last Friday and called on a number of friends while in town Mrs Manning tod a few ladies in to luncheon on ram Friday afternoon to meet her and stock afloat c and the task of tracing it is made Regular up to 200 pair on sale at 125 pair Prices Cut Deeper in Felts and of any Womens Felt Boots in the house 125 pair Regular 200 and 225 lines 149 pair Your choice Mens Felts Mens Boys The Tuberculosis Exhibit Car the Provincial Board of Health will be on exhibition at he Grand Trunk Depot market from Thursday at am remain- in the border Stales trig till am on Saturday Feb- An invitation is ex- tended to the public to avail ihem- more determined stives of this opportunity to inspect j strong effort will be made to stave this and instructive its passage before March which is free by those in touch with ill bearing more or less relation Chief Health Officer of Ontario combines and trusts The dent however seems confident that the treaty will be confirmed Just the final vote was taken an effort was made to amend the bill spent a couple of hours with us on Monday He thinks of installing it the more difficult says the Globe publicans and Democrats opposed it I Si typesetter in his office a total vote of out of a mem- SL V of The opposition came- g ana another was gone alto- chiefly from the agricultural districts ft flic records in hand how ever reveal that shares of bad stock is in circulation and all agree that the end is not yet One report that it is estimated that in well informed circles the bad issue will about one million dollars crowd will minus Mr and Mrs Frank turned to their home at Vonker after spending two weeks with Mrs brother Mr Thos I haws Mrs Toronto visited Mrs 1 a couple of days week Mr has been con- reach ftm WVcril flays owing Regular on Sale at 125 pair buckle Regular 150 on Sale at 100 pair Mens- 2buckle Roll Edge Regular on Sale at 175 pair Mens 7inch Regular on Sale at pair Mens 1 buckle Regular 200 on Sale at 125 pair I J Another come out Mrs Hose was laid up two or three days owing to a fall on the Wanted At once good general lie ply and all meat products flour cereal MICH J A ALLAN product bran agricultural cotton bags binder twine and manufactured lumber but this meant j j delay and the motion went down on Bin Wanted vote of to The action of For general work Apply to Mrs waited toward Cane Newmarket House lor 8ale Sew Bride on Millard Ave All conveniences Box with anxiety meanwhile the I Canadian Parliament is going slow until a decision is reached by thai body slippery pavement near the post office Of last Friday Fortunately no bones Tenders Wanted For erection of new School House on Street for No Union King and Whitchurch Plans may be seen at Hardware Store Marked tenders will received on or before THORNTON Sec Ontario Legislature Mr of has pre- a bill wiping out all exemp tions from taxation not only on the churches and church property hut up on the buildings and grounds of high schools and public and separate throughout the pro- The only exemptions in Mr bill Is ceneterles The Hamilton Herald speaking Salary grab In the Ontario House were broken has this to say The only pro- Rev It I I Simpson Dr way to judge of fairness or ley and Mr Aubrey Davis are the otherwise of the sessional Indemnity Methodist Church representatives to is to Consider whether it is sufficient I the Ontario Alliance In session to compensate the average member Toronto this week for the time he takes from his pri- Mrs Ben left last week for business and places it at the 1 Man and Mr W Hill of vice of the public In the Heralds left this for opinion is fair compensation to the average member of the pro vincial legislature for the few weeks spent by him In Toronto helping to make and unmake the laws of this province Fourteen hundred dol lars Ik more than fair it Is exceed ingly generous Not many members of the Ontario legislature venture to gay would be out of pocket to the extent of as a result of their sessional duties if there no sessional Indemnity at all on VANDOHP Alex Mackenzie of They got their tickets at Atkinsons and avoided any worry or loss of time in the city Mrs Andrew Finlay of writes We are having a very heavy winter There never was so much snow In these parts The roads are impassable and trains have been snowed up There Is a regular coal famine at present Wish ing to he remembered to old friends Mrs Thomson of visited her mother Mrs Joseph Wesley a few days this week Mr Thomson dropped off here on Wednesday oh his way home from the city and called on a few friends They both left for home the evening Mr MTU for Toronto has a hill before Legislature to Amend Municipal Act If honestly work ed It is all right but it suggests an open door to corruption by slipping in votes The amendment addressed the League of son was particularly pleased with the Wesley Church on Monday night last appearance of the Town and emphasized the importance of a I Light and WaterWorks plant Peoples Society in every reads If it appears to the clerk of the municipality that the name any freeholder who Is rated on tin revised assessment roll lor real property to entitle him to vote or of any leaseholder who is so rated and who has filed a certifi cate as provided by subsection I i has been Inadvertently omitted from such last revised vo ters list the clerk of the municipal ity at the request of such freeholder or leaseholder shall give him a tilate King forth that fact and the real property in respect of which The Winnipeg Tribune call rated and such freeholder or lion Us numerous railway leaseholder upon delivering such sltfons to which charters have been to and leaving the lame with granted Dominion and Provincial he deputyreturning nicer shall be us many of which appear to hare entitled to vote been apparently of a speculative character Church how it helps the pastor lis spirit of unselfishness and in conclu sion laid upon loyalty to ones own church and society laltjf he said did not mean bigotry or sectary The speaker quoted It I shop j of the great M K whoonce said I live to love my church and to love every other church that exalts my Christ STRANGE i a Photographer The Doctors Question Mr John Love and his sister have been laid up with la grippe the last three weeks and Mrs gave a part to the young folks here and they report having a good time Mr Ferguson is busy team ing his new farm at ThC bible is being sold ill Canada In ninety different tongues This shows what a collection of races now compose the people the Dominion MICH DOR TO It In twenty years railway charters have been In d of the com panies of of railroad these authorized only have been built tij companies have carried mart elections than freight Our Provincial VALLEY to see such nice winter weath er still With us Mr Cnax had a fine for his a large crowd tended It Hay boys I wonder how the old got home from Literary this day A doctors first question when con sulted by a patient is are your bowels regular He knows that ninetyeight per cent of Illness Is attended with Inactive bowels and torpid liver and that this condition must be removed gently and thoroughly before health Can be re stored Orderlies are a positive pleasant and safe remedy for and bowel disorders In We are SO certain of their great cura tive value that we promise to return the purchasers money In every caw When they fall to produce entire sa tisfaction Orderlies are eaten like should each Into the financial you Clerk other conditions ard prospects of Wins Johnson visited at Mr defaulting charter and cancel over ftwnday i an concerns A large crowd attended the checker and schemes be wip match at Mr and Inasmuch as they area Valley won the score nUgtfaal ace to the progress S Penrose of country run CRADLE Newmarket on Feb to Mr and Mrs has a daughter STILKSln Feb to Mr and Mrs Stiles a son In Newmarket on Feb to Mr and Mrs a son MA At Lake Wilcox on Mon day Feb to Mr MrS Marsh a son McNKKTNKV In Newmarket on Feb mil to Mr and Mrs John a son THE ALTAR tin the Feb lull by Elder at his residence Pearson street Mr Daniel to Mrs Nan cy Maries both of the- residence of brides parents on Feb by Rev It I Simp son Mr Dennis Haven- shoe to Miss Beatrice Sharper of Newmarket In Musk on Wednesday Fib 1011 by the Key Alex Craw Hugh to Lucy Crittenden all of Fraserburg Muskoka At Sutton West on Wednesday Feb by Carrie youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs to William only son Mr and Mrs Arthur all of Sutton West of Che brides parents Street by Sing Feb Ward W Mc- of to Dora daughter of ChaS f King Township At the resi dence of the brides parents Baldwin on Feb mil by Halner Mr Joseph Clarke of to Misi La Mossie THE Toronto on Feb aged Interred ftt Newmarket Ceme tery last Friday In Bast Town ship on the Inst Susan Moore beloved wife of the late V Moore aged years days lone from a world of toll and care To Spend with Christ her share MATTIIKWSON In Newmarket Feb mil Ann mother of Robert Matthew son In her year Funeral service conducted at the home last Saturday by It 1 I Simpson assisted by Rev F Cornell and the remains were taken to for Inter ment Oranges and Grape Fruit i For Newmarket Marmalade Oranges have arrived and now is a good time to made a good marmalade while fruits of different kinds are scarce Have You Ever a Tried Grape Fruit There is nothing nicer for tabic the raw or into Table Oranges good juicy California fruit from to per dozen A good Maple Compound Syr up as nice as the real sy rup in cans at l and Home Canned Fruits of all v as cheap as you can pre- serve I hem yourself m huh m nun Phono NEXT DOOR TO P08T OFFICE The do not purge gripe cause i at flatulence excessive looseness at on Tuesday even- diarrhoea or other annoying rig a fine time ilr K new driver J RORDHOUSB fajiiuri4 suppose will They are especially good for children a weak persons or old folk ST NORTH sizes and Ho Id only at j soon our store The All Will Prompt THE LEADING FnrDitore Undertaking House You For Cash UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY Nltkt Mill lit John Millard IT I All and personally attended to and nothing but the BEST AND PUREST USED Agent for Telegraph Co Agent for Huylers House Phone No All Calls cheerfully Attended to At home of hen son Henry on Thursday lull Nancy In her year In Newmarket on moi Home New market on of from Tp years In Mount Albert on Thursday Feb John In his year Funeral Saturday to Mt Albert Cemetery tffJUAWrnitJaBlafJinBuiyi iScttp t aged years- Mary nth and days widow of the late John aged years month and days Funeral Tuesday to Cemetery

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