Newmarket Era, 17 Feb 1911, p. 4

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THE i scheme and he the Accepted it arid appointed a sion to make the necessary inquiry land obtain the necessary information something practical night be the re- I suit in the immediate I can- not help thinking that if this Government had accepted this sug gestion and had sent a commission oat to ascertain all facta pertaining baa apparently the ramer of the speech from the throne There ha been already so much misconduct and mismanagement on the part of the commission as not to justify the highest hopes with reference to the future Last year we criticized at length the inequitable and unfair way in which the commission obtain ed their easements We have also ForWomenLydia Pink- hams Vegetable Compound Belleville I was so weak and worn out from a female weakness that I concluded to try Pink- hams Vegetable Compound I took Severe Criticism of the Government I to the technical and industrial con- heretofore dealt with the absolutely i of this province the informs- tyrannical legislation whereby the votes taken in fourteen municipalities upon one question were made to do Hot Shot For Minister oi Education obtained would have fitted in with and would have been i mental to any information that the report of the Dominion Government commiasion may contain The latter commission does well in ascertaining industrial and labor conditions here and elsewhere not only in this coun- try but several other countries but we Sir priding ourselves on being the banner province of the Dominion I might well nave acted upon our own Initiative and as a result of current work ascertained more the requirements of this par- several bottles of Administration of Justice Industrial it and I gained I strength so rapidly I Education Local Option Refores- it seemed to make a new woman of me I can do as good a days work as I ever did I Immigration and Colon ization All Dealt With province Then we could have availed ourselves of the work of the Dominion commission and at the same time have had the question from an internal standpoint dealt more exhaustively with by our own commission As an incidental On the resumption of the debate sincerely bless the on the address in reply to the speech advantage the educational day that I made up from the throne Hon Mr a properly selected mind to take leader of the Opposition in a brilliant your medicine for speech gave female weakness masterly review of provincial I am exceedingly grateful to you for speech in part was as tour kind letters as I certain profited follows them I give you permission to publish this any time you Mrs Albert Belleville Ontario Canada from town to town and city to a concise and I city throughout the province would have been distinctly felt and would have done very much towards the views of municipal officers Mr Speaker It is fitting that the boards of trade boards of education opening sentences of the speech and employers of labor on this ex- Women everywhere should remember tremely important question Contrast With Germany There is a marked difference educational system and of other countries which have the which was i placed in his hands by his a I advisers should contain a there is no other remedy known ference to the demise of King Edward i tween to medicine that will cure female weak VII and to the farreaching influence i that and so successfully carry women for good which he exerted throughout given the question of industrial through the Change of as his whole reign No British subject cation serious consider Vegetable Compound made knows no British subject will ever from native roots and herbs know how great was the influence For years it has been curing exercised by our late women from the worst forms of female for the peace of the ills inflammation ulceration dis placements fibroid tumors irregulari ties periodic pains backache and advantage with all nervous prostration His was a reign that If you wantspccial advice write toade for peace that tended to bring about if not the age itself at least the spirit of the age when men shall beat their swords into ploughshares Perhaps in this province considering we are a young country the school of cul- making tore has too much predominated whole world The marked distinction between our His very extended ties of affinity and j school system and that of Germany consanguinity were doubtless used to for example is that our service- for an entirely different scheme It will be recalled that by laws were submitted in some fifteen municipalities in Western Ontario the question then submitted to the ratepayer was whether he was will ing to pay a certain fixed figure for power delivered by the commission at the gate of his town or city The ratepayer in that case was not called tiponVo make any inquiry as to the original cost or as to the cost of transmission but had only to decide the very simple question whether power delivered at the door of his municipality at a certain price was cheap power or not That called for no investigation whatever upon the part of the ratepayers and these by laws were carried in some fifteen municipalities Then the Govern ment entirely changed its scheme and instead of delivering at a certain figure power at the gates of the municipalities la question it offered to sell power to the municipalities at Niagara at a certain price and to compel the municipalities to stand the cost of building and maintaining transmission lines etc let that cost be what it might This an en tirely different scheme Our view then was that when the Government and the commission entirely changed its scheme the new scheme should have been submitted to the munici palities and the ratepayers given the opportunity of saying whether they voted yea or nay on this new scheme This the Government absolutely re fused them and the vote that was given for one proposition was taken i j J I A Toilet Preparation for Prevention ffiSfl EM not a It Softens the ROUGHEST and restores it to PERFECT HEALTH warn iujl BO III eats ler always helpful European are still entirely as a test for an entirely different one tic whereas Germany to her and legislation was passed as though children they had voted and favored the I will give you an education j present scheme Our contention then and and when shall have national of such tribunals as that ficient for ordinary life up to the end of your common school course After was and now that the people should been trusted an the their into pruning- hooks j that you must begin to think of this present scheme should have been the nations of the earth as a practical world and I the state to the people of the mumci- learned to submit inter I will assist yoa in a practical way so palities for their approval or rot the that you may earn an living of the sword but to the de- The result is that continuation There is another phase of this of I classes in Germany become continoa- Hague which recently has done lion industrial schools Of these splendid work and has removed deserving serious consideration as the matter is being at present ere are some 2200 attended by I worked out credit of the whole etween us and the great pupils After a twoyears j province is pledged for the benefit of SUCCESSOR TO yj Sy WANTED NOV for sur rounding country lot the Fall and Winter months a reliable AGENT to orders for Brown Nursery Stock Pay weekly Use or beautiful outfit We guarantee strictly firatrelasa hardy stock delivered In prime condition We grow PallSelling Special ties sold only by ourselves which there la no It to for a reliable firm Established yearn Vrite for particulars PORT ELGIN NURSERY Oration of the century mark of peace W2 believe it is the duty of the between this nation and our cousins state to give to the child of the slate to the South a celebration in which such education as may hereafter I have no doubt this Province and make him the best of the this Dominion will lake a fitting and state It becomes a very grave and prominent part Notwithstanding important question whether this province might not whether this to give will enable Port Elgin Ontario SNKKZKI AT The court room was crowded A wife waft seeking divorce on the grounds of extreme cruelty and abu sive treatment Guns rollfng- and Incentives to have a prominent in the plaintiffs married life Die husband was on the stand a gruelling examining attorney said You have testified your wife on one occasion threw cayenne pepper in j your Nov sir kindly tell what- you did on that occasion flic witc and looked ft expCttd that he about to confess to shock- log X of cruelty But their hope were shattered when he finally blurt ed out the exasperating recollections of the War of Canada and the United Stated have ret the world an excellent example of how two nations with a 3jOOrniIe nonfortressed and garrisoned frontier may live at peace neighbor nations ought of Content and Intent Corning to that portion of the which review- the past Ad ministration and the expected- legisla tion of the present Government may he permitted to remark Vat that most noticeable feature of the whole speech it its absolute lack of content and particularly of intent on part of Government Labor With reference to the question of prison labor while there has no doubt been a great deal of laudable work done in the way of employing prisoners yet I would like suggest to the Honorable the rial Secretary the idea of consider carefully not only those liberty Is restrained and who are con fined in our public institutions those who were prior incarceration dependent upon them and who possibly suffer through their confinement than the actual prisoners scheme might devised which would not only en- courage thrift and honesty on the part of those confined but would also serve to alleviate the suffering hose who formerly depended upon them ft a part least of the turn of these prisoners could be sent beck to their families Technical Education The next paragraph of the speech dealt with a important ques tion which I regret to nay touch- province ought not practical assistance if we take specific illustrations of how it works out For example Brace- bridge the other day held a banquet as a result of the successful opening of their power scheme What did require to do Brace- bridge was required to submit it scheme to the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board a creature of the QUI lira And cents THIS COUPON will purchase one full 25c size bottle of Oatmeal and Almond Cream Name Address Not Good After February 23rd Canadian Express Company Baggage to and from trains handled with despatch a run Phone the youth of the province the better I and when their scheme and easier to make a livelihood My had been approved of by the Mum- contention is Sir that we ought to establish in every industrial centre an j evening industrial school sup- Board obliged to sell its own debentures They sold at bearing think work of the workshop per cent Now contrast this method of procedure towards ob taining cheap power as let US say between and The province as a whole included is compelled to These ought to of such a general character as to reach out to all the lads in the workshops and ought not to be confined to those who are fortunate enough to reach a high school or collegiate institute status I cheap money and cheap power for It is a matter Of extreme regret that but in turn the province this has not taken rnortt active steps that it has not put itself in a position to take more active steps than it has done and that the speech from the throne merely says That the necessity is becoming mora obvious day by day for a ayv tern of technical and industrial edu cation Provincial Aid for Schools Last year Sir I produced figures to Show what the province is doing by way of aiding in the education certain classes of people I then made clear the fart that the provin cial granta to public and separate schools amount annually to J for each pupil attending the tame th grants to high schools and collegiate institutes to per pupil grant to normal mode amount to per pupil the grants to Toronto University per pupil It in difficult to figurr exactly what the average grant agricultural colleges per pupil although given but when we come to deserving class the industrial I a whole including does not endorso Bracebridge and does not assist in obtaining cheap Cower The result is that Brace- ridge loses per hundred on the sale of its debentures and pays cent interest whereas OSes nothing on the Bale and it money at about per cent There can be but one result of this whole scheme if successful namely that It will induce Intending manu facturers to locate in the Niagara rather than in the different towns and cities throughout the vines Hay it may go no as to take away factories already existing in other towns and change them to near the Kails I leave ft with the to say whether representing whole province they think a scheme is fair and equitable to the whole province And this the further question whether a uniform flat rate would not be more equitable even within tho electric rone I regret that I do not find any very a id uncertainly pur Hearing Down Pains bat vOsnu at other does not these pains Mrs of Main street a heavy pain had set- tied across my back and hides 1 was often unable stoop myself up Many times each ed that of technical end industrial cation The reference to this important subject a- follows The necessity for and the advan tages arising out of the adoption of of technical and industrial education are becoming wore by day and you will be asked make an appropriation for pose This Indeed is an exj important subject in a nonCorn I manner gather from this vague reference the subject that he dawn intelligence fa at last striking With reference to thii allimportant question contrast Indefinite illdefined and position with taken by this side of the last year We Hit divided House upon same nufslion lestlon The record appears at of the Votes and Proceedings class far different nUtty reference whatever 0 a very This province practically to the lad from thirteen to seventeen years of age who is perforce drives from school to earn ant subject perhaps nan est question which a livelihood is the workshop that it has no concern that it one of the the Honorable the Minister of Lands and Forests has to deal with namely that of re- I think the for him thai it has neither moral no eminent has been sufficiently long in financial obligation with reference power ami the necessity of the fiir year we assisted I vallon of our ban been put odd public and separate school plainly and so often before the trie rate of per pupil from this side of the House assisted Odd high school and that the public might now expect a collegiate Institute pupils at the rati welldefined plan of forest conserva- per pupil we assisted and of normal and model pupils 1 Peopling the the of per capita and fhe honorable member for wo assisted university student Norfolk of the population of at a rate of per pupil Ontario In that connection does province follow from stag j desire to raise the- question whether stftgO those who are financialli doing as a province all that able to attend our schools and col might be done obtain desirable leges thus attain s liberal whether he province Is drop in average price being- 1130 Per pur head against The total value of horses is for last year against for of milch cows against of cattle 31 against and sheep against The value of swine however fell from in 1000 to in The highest average price of horses was in Saskatchewan of milch cows other horned cattle and sheep in On tario and of swine in Quebec Hor ses three year old and over reached the highest price in British Colum bia where the average was Swine per lbs weight rang ed from in Manitoba to in Quebec The price of unwashed wool was cents in 1010 and cents in and of washed wool for each year The average value of occupied farm land in the Dominion was per acre or cents less than for the previous year It was highest in British Columbia where the cost of clearing is heavy and the land is largely occupied for fruit growing the average being per acre or cents per acre more than in the pre vious year Ontario comes next with per acre which is less in help for the summer season shows ah average of per month for males and 2070 for females counting hoard compared with and respectively in the previous year Males have an aver age of and females per year counting board as against and respectively for Tim highest prices per month in arc paid in Saskatchewan and British Columbia where they are and over for males and and over for females counting hoard The aVerage rate of board per month ranges from for males and for females In Prince Island to and respectively month in British Columbia When marking house linen first The rates of wages and board are write the initials or name carefully quoted for the farm where males are over the lines with the marking ink employed on the land and females in the pencil mark prevents the ink froM the house They are averages com- spreading from a large number of returns by farms to the Census Office Mr K Lewis MP for West Huron when he learned that injunc tion proceedings had prevented the Montreal authorities from seizing and destroying the had eggs which had recently been imported from China to that city made it the basis of a bill before the Commons Reeks to amend the Criminal Code by- making it an offence punishable by heavy fine or imprisonment for anyone who bring into a community or anyone who harbors food unfit for consumption Cured of Rheumatism By One Box of GIN PILLS Yarmouth have with Rheu matism for past year ami have taken a many different medicine and found no relief for it One day a friend advised me to try GIN and after one box of them I felt like a new man I thought I would write you a few lines to let you know how thankful I am for relief they and advise all Mifferera from Rheumatism to Dont bother with liniments and re called blood purifiers They wont help your kidneysaud Rheumatism is caused by weak strained or irritated kidneys The only possible way to cure Rheumatism to cure the kidneys GIN IIMS will do nothing else will Take GIN NOW and be free from Rheumatism this winter at box for and money promptly refunded if you arc not satisfied Order from 119 if your dealer not handle GIN PILLS Sample box Bent free on requests National Drug and Chemical Dcpi A- Toronto ijulukly strife the throat and 3 Engines for Sale Portable Wanted- Clover Mill and En gine Apply to Second St Wire Fencing Five Years Success With FIELD AND FENCES MADE BY The Canadian Steel Sc Wire Co Come aid see Quality sod Bet prices For Sals By J Near High Ontario EXPERIENCE c ft sketch pot V M0tlrpHfihK uklMI token brourh Ox Scientific flmericaw of any JournAL all MUN moo No erson can Afford to throw away this chance to get a 50c bottle of I Psychine FREE have to le motion was opinion of follows lhl but when it comes the whom chill penury an early k driven the or shop the provlncf Mm are under no moral or financial responsibility with refer That in tin I you and we will make no pro vision whatever for your further at duly peopling It my with irregular frequent of the kidneys and just done out in the as on J was laoufd have to let my wcrV stand Mo- had tried would bene fit a and concluded I Would try which I did the long sought relief- back strengthened J began stronger now bed the cation I say that until In a the establishment of technical schools In the towns and cltfei it Ontario supplement Ihe practical raining of the workshop An a to the basis of for uh schools a between province the municipality and thf interested manufacturers establishment larger Industrial centres of technical schools That powers the municipal iti- be SO aa to able to aid Such work different scheme properly worked out that will have due OUr fiir we know what the result of a vigorous Dominion Immigration policy has done for the West and think might well take a leaf out of their book And show initiative seal and energy an the important ques tion of obtaining settlers for the fer tile agricultural lands North On- win imvc ftncuuurai norm and financial responsibility til tario thin Government In that In support i I ft this province with reference to Industrial clasps the of this province will be bud Ulbalsnced and the will not doing whet it should do for the number of young men and women we find In ftll our IndusWa centres The HydroElectric Problem confess frankly that I not as much confidence in the working out of this scheme E My en A lustration how and naturally the other Joy my sleep without befog disturbed of Canada are growing feel grateful to Booths Mils for what they did for me Booths fills are a boon to women would know less of If She more of these pills They are the volume of Dominion notes In Is an excellent Ten years ago the circulation stood at while for the year Circulation each month The Dominion there- greatest for alt diseases fore has more money In circulation of the kidney and bladder All druy than the haaVt have A their 1 postpaid from The ed aotes for the total note It Co Erie lion of all Out and guaranteed try November Co day the Canadian for j was Every Woman Should Have This Book In with a iit ucltit- WRtfU It will tMUi MY VALET THE CLEAXPft Adelaide St Vest Toronto respect to n waken out of Its sleep and ought at once to institute an active propaganda in favor peopling our own Hinterland We something ftir of the rapid progress Of the West Calgary for ox- ample lost year boasted a population of or This year she claims tons population year wan about now It is claimed that it la The population of the agricub on Ill subtle fine day you find youre have been sold Values and Wages In Canada being it usually commences in a almost unconsciously you do not check your Illness 1 1 grows and grows And slik Tin- greatest scavengers of the body nt- while corpuscles or lb blood A bile corpuscles attack and rat Up germ of disease that In vades the body Thai Is when they ro strong enough am in numbers If theyre not strong enough then they farf so vnOUaj warfare until thy are finally by their more powerful enemies The steadily sicker and slrker until actual disease seta In A third of a ccntnry ago made remarkable cures Today It Is remarkable cures In the Interim millions of bottles of druggist an order for which xf pay him the regular reall price for a bottle of to be giver you free of coat We will undoubtedly buy and tribute In this manner hundreds thousands of these bottles or Hundreds of thousands of people made well and kept well Why Because Is largely made up of those herbs that scientists now know Increase and strengthen the white cor puscles the phagocytes Thats why we have received hun dreds of thousands of unsolicited tes timonials thats fthy we can afford to buy and give away hundreds of thousands of bottles of chine thats why these diseases And we confidence that to show our In this wonderful A our years thai has been based or experience with splendid preparation with a full know ledge cures hundreds It has made of housauds had all sorts of tuit The Monthly for January values and wages in Cana da make a good record for The total value of live stock on the farm Which Ik more than In The price per head of horses of a against J In of milch cows against of other cattle against and of sheep against alone a Now hare called cures And a great many people have endangered their health with them But years ago before even science was able to tell we had the right treat ment for disease viz herbs natures own remedies Now that science tell to an abso lute certainty we know why certain herbs cure disease Because they strengthen and In crease Volco Throat A A lrAtion Night Vtjnn vnrl TrOQblsM PI COUPON No To Dr T A Ltd Ave Toronto to li of Jrj Mcbottt 1 bil n fiOd or plan mtIm in deli re thli to My Town Mr Name I Now we dont ask you to take our m- the tremendously beneficial the white corpuscle or effects of Kill the cou pon below mall It to us and well give Number This ton poo not for a lot of Idchine If to It J1 be wo will then buy the bottle of your direct to offer may bo at fthy without coupon 1 J arfcs 1

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