Newmarket Era, 17 Feb 1911, p. 5

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J- Robertson Ac Street Newmarket in loan rood Farm prank Duncan AUCTIONEER Bolton Hewitt practical Painter Decorator Niagara and Tecum- Street Clark dentist St Weeks Surrogate Court estate or Mrs Susannah who died at her home in New market last November consists of a house and lot on the west side of Main Street Newmarket valued- at The property is divided be tween four daughters living in the States one son Newmarket and Jo- i Yoi t a son residing in Wilkinson Office In Block Newmarket liyman Jackson MARRIAGE LICENSES At toe Eft Office rival at private residence If NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call Before CAS8IDY A Farm Produce There was not a very large market last Saturday and there was a down ward tendency in prices It is ex pected that eggs will he cheaper still this week Following were the usu al prices paid on Saturday Butter 20 to 26c Eggs to Chickens to Apples to Potatoes Honey Pork Beef to lie will like the fine flavor of Red Rose Tea It has the cup goodness that comes only from Red Rose quality the reason why it holds first place in thousands of Cana dian homes Will you try it Continued from page land of province Is In creasing in about He same propor tion This Government claims that teachers do not remain in Ontario- but western provinces where training they to teach The result that cut off- largely the of Supply teachers for our- rural we have as fertile lands in Northern schools and are spending Ontario Ontario as will be found in th West money to train teachers a very large why then is not something practical percentage of whom do not remain and tangible being done within the province repeat Sir ing population this Government with reference Tliat ThreeFifth Clause rural schools of to Ontario sinned r Prophesies Not Realized The changeable weather experienced since Candlemas Day makes one doubt whether Old Bruin or the frisky lit tle knows any more about what is likely to he experienced for the remainder of the winter than the animals of the barnyard or the caged canary in the diningroom Even the boss of the Weather Bureau is quite unable to hit it right for twentyfour hours Old seems to be wool gathering as well as the sparrows sheltering under church sheds I was rather amused with ideas against light sinned against warning expressed by the honorable member for South Norfolk with reference to local option He- expressed the idea and sinned against knowledge Ko class of people in the whole province are more anxious to give toe very that a grand work had been accom- best education they possibly can to for temperance within a their children than are the farmers of tain time past because of the fact the Province ol Ontario but 8ir that 242 municipalities had in that there is a limit beyond which they time adopted local option that cannot go By closing the model hotel licenses had been cut off and schools this Government barred the shop licenses removed This door to many a poor mans son and der the present law he said was a daughter from ever entering the teach- splendid result would like profession this fact is so well ask the honorable gentleman whether known that it needs but to be men- he is not falling into the logical tioned to he recognised as truth in lacy of proving either too little or too every part of Ontario I say Sir the much If it was a splendid thing result of the stupid stubborn and under threefifths clause to have blundering policy of this Government cut off licenses would it not have was absolutely inevitable and was a much more splendid thing to discernible in advance It has led have cut off seven or eight hundred to a deplorable and lamentable state MARKET HARP WAR STOR St under a majority vote What says the honorable gentleman He sits while the ridiculousness and the ab surdity of his argument is apparent even to himself He pledges himself to stand where he has always namely for the threefifths clause of affairs We now twenty per cent or more of schools in our land in the hands of teachers with absolutely no professional train ing whatever and some of them with out even a semblance of a nonprofes sional certificate and this Sir is s You Can Save Money By Buying From Us f Si Full of- SOLD BULK Your- Grocer Will Recommend it Drr S J Boyd Graduate In medicine Toronto University also Licentiate of the Royal College ol Physicians and of the Royal College of Surgeons of Former clinical assistant in Hospital and 1 consumption In order that College Ear and Throat public Hospital England Cor Main and Newmarket Telephone No Free Exhibit Much interest is being taken by medical men in the subject of Tuber culosis with the view of reducing the number of deaths in the Province on the nature and form of the disease the Provincial Hoard of Health is sending an Exhibit Car throughout the Province and the car is to be at Hours services may be had at any c office or phone Time Card is invited to inspect there is no charge Leave Toronto NO NORTH a m p 1150 Newmarket A Society OFFICERS DIRECTORS President J PROCTOR VIcePres P 2nd Vice Pre A reaurer GOING SOUTH Secretary name of William Moore Sons from that date until when a joint stock company called the Georgian Ray Milling and Power Company was organized with the late William Moore as President This position he held until his death In religion Mr Moore belonged to the Anglican church In politics in early years he was identified with the Liberal party but in be lieving that the National Policy of the Conservative party under Sir John A was the best for his country he voted Conserva tive Since then he was not identi fied with either party particularly always voting as his conscience His wife predeceased him iti Mr Moore was a man who possess ed all the characteristics of a true English gentleman Ho was afiablc courteous and approachable at all times greeting his friends and ac quaintances with a pleasant word and a hearty shake of the hand that could not fail to impress one with ibis sincerity solicitude for the welfare of others FIELD The children surviving the deceased ROBERTSON re Thomas and Walter KEITH of Meaford Mrs Saunders of Sir on this side of the House direct result of the stupidity and have ever stood on safer ground We have maintained that so long the vote taken in any particular munici pality has no bearing as to results of that municipality that it should be treated as an ordinary municipal vote and a majority should rule Examine the present Act and see what anomalous and ridi culous results it to In a certain town you have voters John Smith and John Brown John is a local John Brown is an antilocal Prior to submission for the first time of the local option measure according to the present law John Browns vote was worth oneandahalf times John Smiths The moment however lo cal option is carried notwithstand ing that these same two men are liv ing and voting in the same town un der similar conditions the situation at am Everybody the car and a Toronto p Brim 1 Verne Cant DIRECTORS TO WINNIPEG AND WEST travel Direct Canadian Only Car Mm DAILY 8ERVICE trains through standard and tourist Bleeping cars for all points In Western Canada For and Sleepers apply ii Eves I UK I TT Mr LAtkinson Jos IS The President liie of his office ii a of Committees KXECfiTIVK Messrs Schmidt Wfddineld and Eves Schmidt and Trivett LIGHT and HOUSES McJisrs chard and AND and ThoK Columbia lie is also jvfved by three sisters Mrs who resides with her daugh ter Mrs J A Allan Mrs Phillips of St awI Mrs of Oar Toronto better Iij- this city have eta 709 to go to China to those starving there Sir Win droits about Ihc stolen money from his Tin- I Presbyterian Foreign Hoard last week appointed Miss Blancbard Proctor a missionary to India and Miss Canter ing and field GRAIN AND md J PROMPTL SECURED of Mr Furnace Work t Our Specialties Outfit at THE jj j ZJj J St SONS to The Late Moore We Clip lh ford Mirror The Moore at an advanced age af in Of the Mirror vaS horn in the of County the Mutch H of au officer In army and of Maria A for past twenty jear City agent the Methodist Church died at the Hospital last week from failure A leading city paper thai of the should ceaae to call salary an iadem- It adds They would have to be wry reckless spenders to get rid during a two months in the hotels in To ronto 1 drown hat Super in of To Tfl Hospital the inn take effect on April on to China the Ontario Railway and Municipal Hoard will with v Stephens nd the double tracking of the City Council must and of of iUjViII tUsMty AND MFC and fADIKK WORK Messrs fir and Cane Messrs fcirti and I NATURAE AND KINK AUT8 Messrs Schmidt arid Messrs Schmidt and uit- Messrs and After Ma His father was in New or stale and became La Grippe had suffered several weeks with Had pains in arid eyes It felt as though there a heavy weight on top of my head until il seemed that brain would were eiyht weft brought up loyal burst I was nervous that subjects of old hot I oud not rest or sleep When son reversed and John Smiths vote become worth oneandahalf of John Browns A law that produces such results would do credit to a sleight- ofhand man or a Japanese juggler but it is not at all creditable to a British legislature T only sound position to take Mr Speaker is the or I upon namely man one vote and every vote of equal value We have Sir divided the House for five successive session upon this question and we will continue to di vide it until the true principle of leg islation is recognised and adopted- I have taken that position and intend to continue taking that posi tion regardless of who is hit He would a mean local who would ask to have the dice loaded n his favor and he would be mean a friend of the trade who would make such a request I repeat Sir that the dice should not loaded for or against either party If a muni cipality desires to adopt local option the voice of th majority should rule If after having had an experience of local option that municipality de sires in return t the license j in preference to local option again majority should rule The people who live under a law for three years day in and dry out know more about Dorkings than any Government Park that Gov- or Conservative the people and allow the people deal with the matter fairly Education In dealing with the Governments altitude with reference to industrial education I pointed out that this Gov ernment has practically done nothing along that line Perhaps Sir it St well for industrial education that they should never take the subject up If no more intelligent direction in given In the movement by the Department than it nan shown in the dealing with rural school education repeat it may a blessing if ihis Government touches the I at all Of all the mfamAnAgemenl that any Department in the known world ever was guilty of venture fay that that of the Education De partment with to rural schools the most pronounced Of all he floundering and blundering winning device known I know nothing to equal that of this Government in Die manner in which it dealt with our rural schools No could possibly have more mischievous to results than the De partment of tbffl province I make that deliberately make it plainly with the full sense of the responsibility that the charge implies When this Government to wipe out our model we on thfs side of the House gave them fair and told them plainly what J any intelligent tenyearold child ought know namely that if at one stroke wiped out the any training qualified teacher for our public school there inevitably a dearth of qualifier teacher- Af ter first they bad determined abelish the Model when we found our efforts to save them were unavailing we next begged of the j the Premier of orable the Milister of not teachers wipe out the model schools at one j rural flehools stubbornly adopted policy of this Gov- As an illustration Sir I find in the Public School of William Esquire- Public School Inspector for the United Coun ties of Northumberland Durham that there were last year seventy ru ral school teachers in these united counties Two having certi ficate twentyseven with second- mostly re newed and not less than nineteen school taught by people having no training- teaching simply on temporary per- mils ow Sir contrast this with ten years ago From the same report I learn that in the year there were exactly the same number of rural teachers In these united coun- namely seventy Of these two Had firstclass certificates twentytwo had and the remaining fortysix professional thirds There wasnot one single permit in in that year Last year not less than nineteen That is a fair average of what we find alt over the Province of Ontario and this is the result of- the policy delib erately adopted by this Government in spite of all warning we could pos sibly give them In my own riding Sir in the early January of last year there were no less than fifteen ru schools vacant and trustees and inspector were busy scurrying hither iind thither in an endeavor to secure any person of qualifica tion to aci a teacher Complaints come from all over the province along the same lines This scarcity of teachers is the natural consequence of the closing of the model schools My arguments years ago was and now ie that it was far better to teach ers some of whom may not have had the normal school professional train ing than lo adopt a system calling for ii more expensive training and result ing in the fact that onethird of our rehools are in the hands of untrained teachers may add Sir that I have always had great faith in the work of our model schools they were in charge of competent and experienced men men of five ten fifteen and twenty years actual experience men who were trained in what is by all odd- the of all universities the university of actual experience They were doing efficient and work these schools were easy of ac cess intending teachers A poor mans on or daughter was not to leave home and reside for a year in one of our cities to obtain pro fessional training Instead however Sir of continuing these model schools until at least a sufficient number of teachers were guaranteed for the pro vince practically all the model schools in Old Ontario were closed with the deplorable result already re ferred to The net result is that of education in the rural districts i Increased fifty or seventyfive per cent and on the average the char acter and quality of the teaching far lower than it was ten years ago Summary Now I have dealt in a cursor way with the leading rtubjecU are either mentioned in or omitted from the speech from the throne I regret to say that I find in the speech no guarantee nay Sir not even an indication a forward movement to the arte question of tion perhaps the Govern merit baa today deal with find no indication whatever of the adop tion of an aggressive colonization looking to the peopling our own north land Nor do I find any indication of dealing comprehensively and with that I portent quetion of if on Kir do find any indica tion of any intention on the part of the Government to take any atepi whatever to relieve the I of affairs in which the rural sections find I reference to teachers I tor one urge upon the Government in order a number of to in the mean time at least the model the Electric Light Supplies Mm si I t m Paints Oils Glass Etc J A E AR All Winter Lines A Toronto Jobbing flonse A EC MTH Established CAPITAL ALL PAID UP I UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS IM M 12000000 168001175 at all Important centres In uA In London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of Hanking bUefneea trosiictecV INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS customers of the Ontario Bank will be heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS SELL ALL KINDS OK a And also arc able fctnd out skilled workman ALL KINDS OF to put them up pro ELECTRIC WIRING DONE Guaranteed A full line to pass underwriters Inspection of Electric Lamps both in and carbon a a a a a a A OF born a Unite Empire Loyalist home and friends to dime to I Canal a for the in the war The wri and dangler of whom there loyal least Willi JPerrinb Greenhouses Carnations flWEKT DESIGNS LKrnotf William recefyed his education at borne from father and always of a studied shoving a special for ard Latin He afterwards Toronto where he was larnoojc pupils attend was the A the late Robinson- school a man afterwards it up to enter Iniothe general wrs- carjtilad busineas He conducted on a at also at Toronto In was married Amelia Tyson of the Thomas Anne of Lloyd town In I860 r partnership bis Under tie name of V Co fa be purchased the old milling at there in ikW The was carried on the I off I with a twUhn jerking of my whole body Nervine Hear Remedy Nerve and Liver Mils cured A number friends have since realize the same benefits MRS ALVIN LOCKS t The alter effects of are often more than the disease as it leaves the system in a weakened condition that Invites more serious troubles as pneumonia etc Dr Restorative Nervine should be taken for some time to thoroughly restore- nerve strength druggist If MA MILKS MKOIOAt CO Toronto fflroke We that there should At least a survival of tin fittest of them in order that supply of pro perly qualified teachers might en- lor all our reboots Thin the of our pica Vbnt raid from session upon this subject l well known to honor able gentlemen in this They vilj also recall a plea along made by the Hon Mr and the Hon Mr but Hit Minister of always absolutely impervious whrti I have in order that duly may be furnished for the I stand Mr Speaker PAINTS OILS ETC ALWAYS IN STOCK always threefifths as lo knowledge lie seems Sir sold the same and receiving even a Idea dueatlonal lines Nothing or would bin thinking facul ty Option after session we pointed what incut the inevitable re- of closing the model schools we pointed out a known at least twenty possibly tkiriy cent of our normal FREE TO- DAY for our stood on local op- lion Much credit been for the the Provincial Sec retary by the honorable member for Norfolk with reference to the enforcement of the liquor licence law and he even had the to refer to the enforcement of the law in New Ontario I Doubtless he had in his mind the fiav of sending Yankee detectives up into that north country who collected a con siderable Of liquor then prose- Hardware 144 Newmarket CEDAR wax and one ounce yellow soap to a gallipot and cover with Doughty was down to the pot i city and brought home a span Vrn York and Samuel are cut for of the purchasers for This hollow of pretending to wood put down the Illicit sale of liquor f a the north country is becoming scan- flood boys del Every man knows that one good official bUxxJ on each Continued on page the the Beeswax polish is splendid for If urn Scrape two ounces of bees- They should of course the ire till the contents are dissolv ed Stir with a stick A novel dessert may be made or using oranges and cranberries togeth er Cook the cranberries as for sauce and pour over oranges with a lino- llRat sprinkling of sugar over them bo sectioned Some people never tire of favors of a newspaper but when It comes to getting a little job of printing done they Correspond with every office College open all year time Col and Alexander Sis TORONTO BOOKS THAT REALLY TEAOH you thin you want to a prsdlfil ilrl Our wlilch will fc you tree upon all Mechanical tut Study that Tbtt priced If aim at ileal dtilmin spowtr Ii jirnic il Ii ft rMi j frlphnr nd and tr tic Ho in at it what your or for be Looks hat will trtlnlnf that Vrltt and la i tt1 J DRAKE fiaoka colon throat awl r IB ij fa i Li I P a r A w fiyjs f I r a

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