a iV m The Hew Corner Store I A Few Best Granulated Sugar 21 fts for Best Yellow Sugar 22 lbs Comfort Soap bars Tea Red Rose Liptons and Mela- reg for Lard ft All Fancy Biscuits for pound Rolled Smoked and Side Bacon a pound RUBBERS i J I MANAGER r V -i- THE GUILD The first literary meeting of the Guild for this year will be held early in March The Literary Committee is planning a rare treat but we will tell you more next week The met at Mrs R last week and a pleasant time was spent At Cost Price We handle no se BALDWIN BREEZES Well here it is Our promised mild change is on deck and if you are not ready for it do not blame anyone but yourself as I you long ago In a few days we enter a Ve nus period and in all probability we Will have occasional electric storms during the balance of the month Bid goodbye to the beautiful beautiful snow The wedding bells are ringing This is our first appearance in as a wedding bell ringer On Wednes day Mr Joseph Clark of will wed Miss Tomlinson one program is Baldwins particularly excellent young ladies More anon CORRECTION The name of Miss French was accidentally ommitted in setting- up the account of Young Peoples Day service in last weeks issue The topic The Call to Christian Loyalty was divided into two parts and the first division was taken by Miss French ENTERTAINMENT Yes next Monday night Feb 20 is the date of the Sabbath School i On Wednesday morning at the residence of the brides parents by the Rev Miss Carrie youngest daughter of Mr and Mr sot of exwarden were united in- the holy bonds of matrimony They immediately left for ate extended tour to Alli ance Neb and other points Both young people are well and favor ably known here and all join In wishing them a happy and pros perous journey through life They will reside in Sutton on their re turn THE RIDGE SHOES Mens Felt reg for Ladies Felt for for good and besides that the an nual presentation of diplomas and seals is to take place that night in stead of on the Sabbath as former ly Admission Adults Inc child ren Dont miss it Dame Rumor says there are at least a half dozen job tapis That means We had a nice crowd at church last Sunday Hope it will keep on pro gressing Everybody come Rev Council The regular meeting of the munici pal Council of the Tp of East was held Feb in the Municipal Hall Sharon All mem bers present The following communications were read The Salvation Army re grant the Public School Inspector re tru ant officers tender of Plum- for cedar bridge covering and the collector re the collecting of taxes Deputations from the Public Li braries of Mt Albert and re grants to same Boyd re grant to the family of Parks who are in indigent circumstances and Davidson re bowling alley at Mount Albert This matter was laid over till next meeting Gloved by el ley seconded by Wed- del that the tender- of Moorhead relieve and cure indigestion acidity of the stomach biliousness flatulence dyspepsia They refoforca the stomach by supplying the active principle needed for the digestion of all kinds of food Try one after each meal a box If your druggist has not stocked them yet send us and we will mail you a box Cfccmie Limit J A i Owl for the parson on the is officiating He is a good bridge covering at lit per M be cans business for the speaker and is worthy of a large accepted and that the Reeve be in- crowd structed to close agreement for same Carl is going to get another cook crowd Mr Joe Wilkinson is taking ad- res I if ill I I 1 I I sell the GENUINE COUGH POWDER Stop That Cough Cough Cure will Guaranteed PERSONAL Miss Gould spent over Sunday with friends in Toronto Mrs Davidson and children are spending a few weeks with friends in Toronto Mr Shields attended the fu neral of his brother Alfred in last week Mr and Mrs Brooks attended the funeral of her father Edward Taylor at Hand ford this week do it formerly of Mount Albert is dangerously ill at his home in Elgin Man SMITH Queensville HOCKEY I I j About of our young people went to Newmarket last Thursday night to a hockey gam is between our OCR MOTTO Not to sell cheap League and the Newmarket goods but Good Goods Cheap The game was clean and fast and re sulted in a victory for our team by goals to After the game the Mount Albert people were entertained by he Class to an oyster supper in the basement of the Methodist Church Here a very Sociable hour was spent and our people all proclaim the the best hosts that they have- ever encountered Line up Goal Pearson point Watts coyer Cook right liar rett centre L Barrett rover Shields left Graham Referee Terry We arc glad to sec Mr Herb out again after being laid up with a cut foot i for BUBS for bent heat family Native Herbs at the root of disease by purifying the blood It restores wasted tissues every organ A tablet at night next rooming feeling bright Faithfully used will banish Rheumatism Constipation sa Kidney and Liver Be euro you secure Bliss Herbs in a yellow box bearing the portrait of O Bliss W Sedore AGENT r ZEPHYR Mr Ham Pickering had a in chopping a tree It fell across the Bell Telephone wires and broke four of them The disconnect ed fr-r- fixed A crowd attended dance at the Hall on Friday nfht All re- 1 daughter The Rev A Armstrong v ill conduct in the Presby terian church next Lords Bay Feb also Kin Pleasant church in afternoon He is well worth hearing Methodist tea and enter tainment which had been planned to take place on Tuesday evening is postponed until Friday evening on account of the severe storm and snow blockade on Tuesday Hugh Ross and Mrs Ross en- the young people of their Congregation at the Man- on Tues day evening- Mfss Edna of Aurora visited her sister Mi pearl Cain over the weekend A large of young people en joyed a given by Mr and Mrs f on Friday evening Kan- orchestra furnished the Messrs John and Hirherl Martin of Toronto were in tin- village last week at tending the funeral of their grandmother Mrs v Moore Miss Mary attended the wed ding of Mi ha Carrie voungest of Mr Silas form though he has already several very vantage of the nice weather by capable ones To many cooks spoil ting up his summer wood the broth j Hello Young Lad About how Miss May Small wood one more of arc spirits since the oyster sup- Baldwins good young women it is per Didnt get the girl you want- said has promised to preside over j after all did you O well home of a North m shes not the inly pebble young farmer Her place here it is beach Ha Ha confidently expected will be taken by Supper held at one whom we all will welcome with last Friday night was a grand success Grannie has gone to Port Huron ostensibly on a visit for the benefit of a change of climate but wise heads say for a professional call Mrs Will Taylor last week under went an operation for appendicitis at the Hospital It was entirely suc cessful as is generally the case under Dr Norman Powells care There arc so many social events on the wing at present that it is hard to keep in touch with all So as to I be right in the social whirlpool our Lyman on Thursday evening gave a jollification to his friends Though not an Irish wake yet in the true sense of the word it was a wake since it kept many a wake far into the wee hours It was under the direct patronage of royalty two so cial queens and a bogus king having been present Prof La Chape He was musical director ably assisted by Prof Kicr promenade near ly came to a stand still for want of a dancing master but Sin clair came to the rescue and the mer ry dancers swung on Bid you have a good time was asked of one Dont mention it was the re sponse Not being present I didnt get even a sup of delightful- re freshments Mr Will Taylor raises line horse flesh Some time ago he sold a handsome eight months old heavy colt to John Oldham for 17 Theres money in that class of stock Once more St Valentine comes round and his advent is hailed with almost as much delight as St Nico las by the young people The billet- doux will play Heres one of prof Owls own composition Thou artless little beauty Oh may call thee mine And may I read my late In those sweet blue eyes of thine If Yes to this Just seal thy promise with a kiss Superscription on the address May wings of angels speed thy flight And bear thee my love this night As I never Sent a Valentine in years gone by guess its rather late to begin the pleasant lolly now We have a furious hinge along the town line He haw the happy faculty UNION STREET Well people I guess you will think that Street scribe has been asleep but he has been spending the evenings somewhere else Its bet ter late than never home wood and blocks of ice is the order of the day The Quarter Meeting at Hope on Sunday was fairly well attended Mr Win has had a tele phone installed in house I un derstand that one or two of his neighbors intend getting it too Mr Gordon and sister Edna of Bel haven visited with Miss Vera on Sunday Sorry to hear of Mr Stanley Mor timer being on the sick list but hope to soon see him around again Mr and Mrs Arnold of Mark am spent Wednesday of last week with his brotherinlaw Mr Wrn Mrs Albert Linstead has had bloodpoisoning in her hand hut glad to hear it is some better Mr George and sister Flor ence spent last Sunday at Mr Win Mortimers I understand that two Of our young men have invested in an engine Miss Laurel McCarty is spending a few days in Newmarket Quite a number from around here attended Albert skating rink on Saturday night and report a good time Mr John visited his broth er Randolph one day last week lie has been badly Used up for some lime Mr Herbert Boyd has a situation down near Aurora Mr Benny Linstead spent Wednes day at Raven shoe Mr Win attended his broth ers wedding On the 1Mb Mr Richard Boyd who is a good of those in need gathered up lots of comfortable things for the family of Ed Parks on Saturday af ternoon Say wish those business men to close agreement for same Carried- Moved by seconded by Burrows that whereas the report of the auditors has been laid before this Council that the same be received as satisfactory and he finally adopted Carried Moved by seconded by that the annual grants be made of twentyfive dollars to each of the Public Libraries at Mt Albert and Carried Moved by seconded by I Burrows that ByLaw No be amended by striking out word four in the third line of clause five and inserting in lieu thereof the word ten Carried Moved seconded by Wed del that the clerk be and is hereby authorized to give notice to the sec retaries of- all School Boards of Township to appoint a truant of ficer tor their several school sections by order of Inspector Car ried Moved by seconded by- Wed that the sum of ten dollars be placed in the hands of It Boyd ami Burrows to he expended in sup plies for Parks family they be ing in indigent cures instances Car ried Moved by seconded by Bur rows that the reeve and clerk be a committee to seek legal advise In re gard to the Collecting of unpaid taxes and report- same to Council Carried Moved by Weddel seconded hy Bur rows that whereas the Provincial auditor in making the audit of presented a report charging the es tate of the late A J Hughes with a debt of some the same being a misunderstanding of facts relating to a Certain outstanding cheque Be and it is hereby resolved that this Council sincerely regret that such a mistake has appeared and hope that Mrs Hughes will accept an apology on behalf of this Council for the same as the estate of the late A Hughes does not owe this Township any sum of money and that a copy Of this resolution be forwarded to Mrs A 1 Hughes Carried Following bills passed Brown drawing grave Queen st south FOR THE WOMAN WHO LIKES TO GET HER We are prepared as never before with class a large range of first- PRINTS at NEW PRINTS at 10c GINGHAMS at NEW BLACK WHITE SHIRTING at Inc NEW ROCK FAST DRILLS at NEW HEAVY DUCKS at NEW UNIFORM CLOTH at NEW COTTON CASHMERES at It is worth your while to see them before purchasing Try Our Cent Thread Next time you heed THREAD buy some of our ones and trv it ITS A DANDY CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVED AND PROFITS S 530000000 DEPOSITS BY THE PUBLIC TOTAL ASSETS Branches and Agencies Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current Rates of interest allowed Sale Notes collected Blank Forms supplied free of charge MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH TERRY MANAGER Class I Broad J Brooks milkers and springers from to Comer Comer Not graded Wain J P Brooks Cain f I Stiver Cain Roy Teacher I ft port a time Mr of gave a jr- lecture on his travels through England Ireland and Scotland show ing various pictures with a magic lantern All wen- well pleased A large attended the Carni val at our on the Mime night i services at church are Mill being conducted every night except Monday and Saturday There will also be preaching Sunday evening All welcome of Peter took the ad of the prayermeeting last day night arid was much the very few that turned out to le word explain ed Mr ill Mi- IMS Kennedy left Toron toto millinery opening thin Mi- of who ha teen Mr Ken- A for a lew Mi Murray ere at Mr fiCfcieS last week left for Winnipeg Mr- irMf a yotjfig people one even- jag of their Uu in her on Tuesday Ethel Hall of Sharon after a pleasant with Ethel McNeil of and of Mr Arthur in Sutton Mil Is spending or ten in Penttang is another victim la grippe has been confined the all week Mr ttlrtdeii has recovered from the ill of his accident and returned Toronto last week On evening of last ivcek like a As carols Mr Will singing all on one not just J fiddler playing on one string he winds his way onward lie in a fine baritone that Whole i neighborhood and them With admiral ion Throw out the lifeline- hes dreaming hes shipwrecked Well make a precentor of him day Were looking forward to another visit of hockey OH next If the weather Is right a of would hurry up with the mail boxes which iwrc Signed for a lew months ago The scribe of Second street must lie scarce of writing pa per or people might some of his thoughts in Era the Presbyterian of entertained at the home of Mr and and a very plea sant time enjoyed The long rernemlHred by all The Institute Aill at home of Mrs lei Stone- at Tuesday A on the the tongue will be by Mrs a drawer will be taken charge of by Mrs Fred mil The weather is not cold dor my as fast Monday Mr Davidson has traded on ine Art of Making Pies lie has poor luck with Ladies are requested to bring paper I pigs- ard a I so questions Music Mr conducted the service at Miss Blanch Morton All on Sunday night welcome The funeral of Mrs ihos Bennett Mr returned on was largely attended on Saturday day after spending three weeks The roads arc not In excellent trim her father at Brougham A there being many pltChhoev com pan led her home or a visit The pa aster had the plow out Mr atd Mr 1 have re- on Saturday It seemed for turned from and are now plowing but It did a lot of good visiting relatives near find Mrs Wm Rom- sick Is home her sons We hope for a quick f M P LANDING stfrr spent the three week Mr boy ha been sick Mr little To- members of Wa of Mr was In Church propose holding an Oyster ronto on Monday in large ball adjoining Mr- A Gllroy away on a visit Behoofs on Friday ever- at present bag Feb to be by an Miss Bessie Terry left on Tuesday I to attend the millinery opening In X r siting Township of loses iIiu Addlam of Toronto is good in Amisa Mr Ho wit has been collector for A from here attended and sold a man out the fate Mrs lost the a dollar He baajnett near Button last Kiteday hreder and export- Glad see Mrs Varrirer out recovery Albert is not so is well with Hum Caused Open Sore link Worked a Wonderful Cure Sometimes a had burn a deep cut or some similar injury up A more permanent injury in the of an open discharging In such cases will be found of un equalled value Mr A Nixon of Of I William Ave Winnipeg a blacksmith at the shops had his font badly burned by some molten metal falling upon It He hum was bad one and after the first few days It left an open sore which showed marked signs of blood poisoning It discharged freed and me rlble agony For three weeks I suf fered acutely and could get no case At last I obtained a preparation from doctor which seemed to stop the discharging and made me quite hope hut finally tlC wound became as had as ever then advised to use jam link and from the first application the halm gave me relief The in flammation was thoroughly checked and the poisonous chared with Healing then began and In than two weeks the wound wan throughly heal One of the main lessons of this lies right here try first for any injury sore skin disease or wound ft Is equally good for piles bloodpoisoning fettering wounds chaps- cold SOW childrens erup tions scalp varicose ulcers chilblains etc All druggists and stores sell at Vx box and post free from Co Toronto upon Win Andrews ditto Bit to Sharon sidewalk las do John fate measuring grave David cord wood for Hall A registration M and l Gdrdon tilling bridge Milton rep to cul vert eon nut Ban gravel Queen S Sharon J21ll Geo Foster rep to sleighs Haines auditing E auditing Treas Albert Pub Lib Pub Lib rd Bowl re Parks family Report of school for School No North month of January Names in order of merit Si Crittenden honey V Thompson Terry Macintosh L III Mahoney Jones jr III W Miller Thompson 1 Macintosh way from LI on 1000 2501 J Hi Miller Macintosh Jr it Morning Miller PI PI I Dunn It Draper J Draper L Miller A The aggregate attendance wan and the average attendance Lottie Gordon Live Stock Market each Veal calves sold all to each Sheep and lambs were firm at fol lowing prices Sheep ewes to rams S3 GO to St lambs to and a few selects were quoted at JO 75 Hog prices on Toronto market certainly lower The bulk of the lings sold at fob cars for hogs fed watered at the market Several lots were sold at 7 per cars at Country points and we heard of drov ers at many points throughout country paying 715 and to the farmers rep culvert lot mill in meet on tin imh day Maries IB con Adjourned March A It a School Reports f Report or January No Bast Martha Burrows Jr HfW Tunny fv HI a Andrews Tunny Br HC Tunny P Pegu If B Tunny P Rowland Burrows R TanMy Jr William On Tuesday there were cattle hogs sheep anil lambs and 115 calves for Hale Toronto market The quality of the cattle was better than usual and there were quick sales Export cattle sold as high as butchers steers and heifers to butchers cows to For Sale or to Rent Fifty acres of heavy land in the Township of East For full particulars apply to DR IV A WESLEY Mount Albert Card of Thanks To the many kind friends who came to comfort and assist us In so many ways during the recent Illness and death of mother for the other members of the family and myself I wish to assure you that you haw our sincere ami heartfelt thanks HENRY SENNETT the report tor January P P Armstrong L Mac- Donald p MeClurc Vernon P Penrose I HIL A Baiter Sheridan RoWJOtt Kennedy A Greenwood Toole A Armstrong McOlure f lingwooa Penrose it Stick wood pi Vernon Crew Hi I Williams M Toole P William Walker A Duncan Crew I If Klrby Teacher Report of No tor Br v- J Ma In prize If Brooks Oldham A Harrison Bain Harrison III Class J p Franklin 11 of sheep after her 1U at present but her daughter her The farmers of this part arc learn ing to Whats the matter Button Mr Win King has been under the weather but in now Improving Sorry to say Miss Sadie Nelson has been out of school for a while Mr Norman prolonged Ms stay in on account of the receipt of price You arc warned weather lagalnwt harmful substitutes and Mr has been on a preparations which yield a jurist on to King City margin of and are WmejJ Stiver Oldham Mr Wllloughby has a lame times pushed as being Mainprise hack Nothing just as good A Comer Bain I A and No old goods In that store What you buy there Is FRESH GOOD him a call when you want Good Hoods P F MILNE hone No Queensville WE BUY ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE I fl