Newmarket Era, 17 Feb 1911, p. 7

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X 18 OS El The were badly beaten by Mt Albert team on Thursday evening of last week but both teams and their friends enjoyed the oyster supper in the Methodist Schoolroom after game O The County Orange Lodge held its annual Aurora on Tuesday The business of the year was transacted and officers were elected as follows County White of King Stray Sketches TEACHERS m A Lucky Find Mrs Walter Eves bought a quart of oysters at Messrs Cody c Yorks the other day and found a pearl among them which has been valued at J Now you know where to get oysters Dinner Sets Rare Musical Treat The Welsh Ladies Choir Concert to be held in the Town Hal I ton Monday under the auspices of the Willing- Workers of the Church Plan of Hall at Broughtos Drug Store As ONLY The annual Social Evening- After skating last Friday the You Like It Club spent a very joyable social evening in the L Club Rooms Hank of Toron to Building The games which were of a Valentine nature were heartily entered into and the refreshments music etc were much appreciated By Cress I had a word Jast week with pupils I and now I would like to continue talk with teachers To begin I have always thought and base my conclusions upon the remembrance of Fin Sec J Rogers Newmarket my own school days that the Sec Taylor Aurora jcation of good and quiet deportment T Albert is somewhat overlooked by teachers of Dove their dailr contact with pupils New- the question of cor- i Deputy Master Arch Murray Aurora Chap Lynn of King i- let Lecturer Walter Lecturer King 2nd Lecturer Hayes Albert AGENTS FOR CENTURY clothing and PRiESTLEJYS GOODS i North Yorks Greatest Store We wittingly return your money for any goods returned within ft week from of purchase j Will Not Mar nor Scratch Your polished floors The sliding furniture shoes 2Cc set up Hardware rect manners should not require any or at least very little attention by the teacher Home training should equip every child with due regard to correct habits and behaviour both at home and elsewhere but scarcely need say that such is not given the attention and prominence it deserves land requires and so for one reason Christian Church land another many girls and boys go Large congregations greeted the room poorly equipped pastor last Sunday morning and BIG CLEARING OUT of GOODS at IN THE LADIES READYTOWEAR To make for our Spring Stocks now arriving we are ofiering some extraordinary snaps in Ladies everything is clean and uptodate and this is a regular harvest for the wise buyer Ladies Skirts Greatly Reduced i WONT LAST LONG AT PRICE A IMPORTER OF STAPLE AND FANCY CHINA China Hall Grocery Meeting meeting of the North York Reform Association will be held in the Temperance Hall New market on Saturday next Feb commencing at oclock Election of officers and other important busi ness will be transacted A full at tendance is requested evening Sunday School attendance reached highwater mark being present The choir rendered excellent- music at both services In the morn ing the Male Chorus rendered Stand Up for Jesus and 0 Love that will not let Thee Go In the even ing Mr Walter Stephens sang Very effectively With on High and a chorus The Radient Morn was well rendered with the necessities of a quiet life Then too I am inclined to believe that many parents incidentally de pend upon the teacher to inculcate in their children the necessity and practice of good manners along with the usual curriculum of studies inci dent to the school This is of course manifestly unfair to the teacher I suppose though that after all the school room becomes largely the sphere where considerable of the kind- 1 The colours are in black brown navy and mixed tweeds we guarantee a perfect fit with every one the prices range from 350 TO EACH m Bargains in Silk Waists We have eight different styles for you to choose from and they arc all of the most up to and pleasing designs all sizes in stock- PRICES SI 25 TO EACH Mr Walter Eves the Superintend- life taught and the entertained the officers and I opportunity to accomplish it is given teachers of the Sunday School to- 1 lhc teacher endowed with kindly gether with the members of the instincts and conscientious con vie- j chestra on Monday evening last at the youth of different and his home The orchestra played af ter which plans and methods in work were discussed Several new improvements are contemplated in connection with the school The or now numbers seven ments and adds greatly to the 2000 Will Buy New Coal or Wood Range holes with tank in oven at St Valentines Day Tuesday last was St Valentines Day and the missives sent through TO MAKE new music for the- choir All are cor dially invited On Friday evening of last week the Choir and Musical Committee were taken for a to the home of the postoffice appear to have been where the evening diverse families comes under his on- day by day It is perhaps unfair to compare the experiences of past years with the usages of day but I well recall that in the country school when I was a child the teacher either had not the time part of the hour j Inclination to reason out and The Church Choir will give a So- concerning a delinquency but in the Parsonage on Friday even- argument that settled the mat ing Feb Proceeds in aid of Cloth Coats at Cut Prices These coats are full length and are built from the best quality broadcloth heaver Vienna and cheviot in the fashionable diagonal weave and tweeds PRICES TO Haydns Dictions Clean Steeps was spent in games and other social diversions Then the table was spread for a feast of bivalves and other nourishing things and after a hearty vote of thanks to Mr and Mrs for their very kind hos tile jolly company left for CALL AT I ASS GOT A CAN OF AND A BROOM A FEW SPECIALS more numerous and more extensive than usual The origin of the cus tom of choosing a fays Haydns Dictionary of Dates has rover ted but ery ancient date Bishop of the Roman Church who buffered martyrdom im- Claudius at Rome Ladies Aid of the It was quite a fad not many years church meet in the lecture ago for people who entertained feel- of illwill as well as those un der Cupids influence to send tine expressive of their spe cial moods hut this year the va lentines have largely been of an pensive as well as expressive class I Toronto papers tell us that over 1 letters and postcards were and left the stern expiation of broken rules or breach of discipline was the beech gad applied with re- energy and neither boy or girl were spared I know that hap- j in those later times more j ideas prevail and with the evolution of educational ideals and practice more kindly and ration al methods have Still there is evidence that both in the homo and the school too little is given to manners and sweeter life Both with the pupil who is ambitious to reach the head Childrens Cloth Coats Away Down A bunch of broken lines in these coats but there are all sizes and colours PRICES Childrens Dresses at Cost Up arc anxious to clear out the whole lot of these dresses they arc serviceable and good the prices arc very lowfrom TO EACH Underskirts All Bargains Polock Satin Underskirts in all sizes and altered to fit on the premises Moreen and Regal Taffeta Underskirts for TO TO Stoles Throws of the church on Thursday at oclock All the ladies of the con gregation are cordially invited to tin- meeting hrisUan tocher who is over anxious to advance the pupil I insufficient nought is given to the kindlier amenities of life Of course I am speaking of public and high school experience in which the great bulk of children obtain their only book education As the format period of a childs life is largely in Now is the Time to Buy Your Furs these prices then come and sec thegoods A FurLined Coat for Si A FurLined Coat for A FurLined Coat for and Storm Collars with Muffs to match at greatly reduced FROM TO IMTIN Obituary period of a childs life is largely in reasons given foi In East Township En review during school may I in allowance is the nil t the County of York Ontario on the permitted to suggest to the teacher cost I I this city Past Chic Ranger of the that the eouncJUor be secretary died lhe suddenly at this week He a prominent Orangeman and damages for injuries thru falling mi the sidewalk on February 1010 The city denies all liability Selected Valencia Raisins lbs Selected Valencia Seedless Raisins 25c Its Cluster Table Raisins I Malta Vita pint pkgs Jelly Powders size J for our and They are the Rest W BOSWORT The Leading Reliable flpocep CORNER OK Main Timothy handled in the general postoffice j Ion Monday Tuesday and Wednesday At Newmarket the valen tine tokens very considerably increas ed the of the fore part of the week of August Susan importance of instilling into these Hon in many attached Free Mason Twenty years ago he twice ex was mayor of For a was horn Her mother was Annie minds at his impressionable that of a few year ago me was sis of the and lofty impulses Alliance founder of the Children of he Particular persona appear- d one tfranch jn lllis and designer of Davids I at to he thoughtful for the hap- life generally not representing jSharon pincss and comfort of others to be during lhe time the council are When Mrs Moore was three years ready to offer ungrudging assistance session hut throughout the of the of age her father and sister assisted Mo those less gifted to he zealous for year barroom is said to he the To set green blue lavender and Mil Pink colors in wash goods soak in t a he was anHple Hon 1 wa M two to Foster J ounces a tub water i dark blue and gray should he soaked in strong salted water Stuffed Onions Peel onions and take out centre parboil five minutes Fill with stuffing of breadcrumbs small pieces of chopped bacon salt and pepper Hake one hour and five minutes Sprinkle breadcrumbs over top Tribune announcing the opening jplc at Sharon The upper floors are all given or- she was to sick rooms the floor an orphan and a number of fourbed wards while the rest are individual rooms The GET READY for the position just ahead of you About young and women prepare for promo tion to better things by spend ing a months in our great Shaws School The Central College of Toronto Our new catalogue Will Interest you You are to write for it Shaw Pre Streets Toronto beds are of brass and mounted on high rubber rimmed castors that allow them to be moved nolslessly and easily The furniture Is practi cally all mission style and of ye maple and other light colored woods room is lighted by unusually wide windows that ad mit of a Hood of cheering sunlight communication with parents where I seconded by Councillor Keith of unimpressionable cases are met with Newmarket The resolution 1b In resided with her sis- would undoubtedly result beneficially effect aft follows That the Mrs Dunham At What potentialities for future North and South York the age of seventeen she was convert- complements and good are in ruet ed at evangelistic services conducted that school whose pupils are under by Matthew Whiting in the Old careful training and high moral 1 which- have in fact with them half of the lC re in their respective battle of the future is already won Settlement Five years la ter she married Moore of Ontario On Dec I see pupils rude selfish and Mr and Mrs Moore moved to ill mannered I cannot but Conclude lot Ton Owillimbuty that aside from the home training The pioneer days near that has been neglected that their were spent amid many hardships and t teacher either have their hours too at all times The lights in the rooui blessings Mrs lived upon the teaching to Instil regard for are side fixtures softly shaded and Old Homestead until her death with good manners or else they lack like capable of being moved to stands former only child Mrs Gilbert John- bed reading She was a member of the electric cord runs to every bed- Methodist for til years side and by a light touch of the but- and her triumphant faith led to un swerving service for Christ On the of 1 she slipped off a chair breaking her hip and she suffered for nearly six months During her illness she was always cheerful and cast her the Within a few hours I moulding of young character her death she va conscious and Ibis many sided world we archill so ready to enter upon the other shore interwoven in lifes varied pur- tori the patient may summon a nurse noiselessly and quickly The pres sure of the button flashes a red light over the patients door and another light over the desk of the head nurse This system prevents ringing of hells and buzzers and the annoyance to patients in other rooms levator system is such thai a double door shuts out all noise of the lift or sounds from the floor and tight permits the passenger to step from I from the machine to the floor and then to a second door where they secure en trance to the hospital proper A reception room is on floor at the of the stairs and elevator shaft where callers may wait a being summoned offices during the year list to include the sellera the the confederation and of the property I erred in like manner Richmond Hill John of vigorously opposed the and cited strong do Bo if home pre- 1 but council thought has been neglected it should wise and it went through not require much prescience on the Councillor made part of the to discern ftirOHfT appeal for for the to prmnpt their persona advice and guidance to remedy It I do SJuinK and may get more not wish to impose too many tasks upon the teacher hut would resjK-ct- pKc Industrial remind him or her of the great j and responsibility of their office in the Thompson were authorized to On the west side the building a wide porch Is built that per mits a splendid view for patients Winter Tours MEXICO PACIFIC COAST POINTS The Trunk Railway Is the popular all points through what is practically an through Cauda via Chicago broken line windows The porch FEATURES Ms steam l and permits of use Double Track Service all weathers One the unusual facilities the celled Dining All hospital Is the system the Kent of Safety and Comfort Internes lotted to TO SOUTH Ispondlnjs color are scattered about Ho more desirable route than via the building a touch of a button Trunk connecting lines turn on the lights of a given color In all parti of the building and the VERY RATES- desired interne can by stepping to tickets from phone exactly where he wanted thus away with lost Depot Agent I lime ard needless work or the part of the busy nurse Many of the Improvements are the of the superintendent Mia Mar try who has personally looked after a lifes journey of eight years Sixtyseven years ago I lie day her funeral she was bride The funeral service was conducted at the house on Wednesday afternoon at oclock by aged A and I j while I The pall hearers were Peregrine Rose for Jacob Henry Halt one has a al and lights of a Feb Reynolds a man years of ay- died on the of his milk sleigh while on ble Just before nephew who was with fclm on the round had left only about fire previous to fail to de liver milk about a block away On returning he met the leisure with the eunafit 5ead on seat of the rig Your Hair Will Grow has THAT MAKES THE If GROW IN ABUN DANCE OR MONK HACK Now tie time to t care of your hair Dont Walt until it to thin out If you to it will not be long until you are bald Hair Tonic the litat for falling hair It 1 prepared from of one of the medical authorities In and Is ordered to be the list detail of the COB- beat nourishment for the hair and the interior furnishing I to dandruff She has devoted nearly all her time We have such firm confidence in thin to the addition Of late and that we will refund the price is M by the employees that Jf Quired knack of being on three Or with It after two four at the time and not Store Newmarket expend in the erection of a the Industrial I to increased conveniences iIIh that fulness that can he passed on to others should be- the personal aim each one Of us I have witnessed TORONTO LETTER In a crowded car pupils of both sexes the wellknown their seats while Women Archaeologist passed away been compelled I Tuesday after a long Illness so ungentle to jhe late Mr was one the here I ask teachers best known of the IVould wear like Iron but youd he shy on comfort Shoes made of leather some- times wear like paper because the leathers poor and theyre poorly made their men have stand This Ik in I that right to Impress upon the minds of pupils this breach of good manners and ask them to avoid It In future have Men these same young people disturb their fellow passengers with boister ous talk and The loud laugh that vacant mind These arc real lapses of good breeding and to avoid need not in any way interfere with decorous enjoyment fellowship whenever or wherever young folks meet be it In ear or hall at games am not through with my subject yet and will take occasion to have words with parents a little lat er on feUII escapes her County Council The York County Council by a practically vote nave Increased remuneration attach ed to their offices for sessions In demnity from in to 15 a dav while the Indemnity for commit tee work remain at the former figure of a day Absence from a session of council under the new dispensation will result In the loss of the days pay and In to Insure will be and by reason several valu able discoveries made by aim his name became wellknown IhrolghoJt the scientific world VicePresident of the on Monday last outlined con templated improvements In Toronto The scheme Includes encircling the city by a belt line looping from I good Toronto through North Toronto down the bank to the Dun and up along the waterfront through the Union Station and three now stations five new freight yards and handsome offices The Cost Is placed at from live even millions of dollars An Ice boat carrying a gang of men work on the plant at the Island struck a snowdrift on Mon day and came to grief One man was seriously injured A cablegram hat been received that the Coldstream Guards will be the musical feature of Toronto Exhibi tion this year Hon Dr Minister of Pub lic Works returned to Toronto on Monday from the old country where he went to let contracts for the On tario offices on the Col A Wear like leather and good strong honest leather at that Our Shoes are made by a that has made its reputation for honesty and the Shoes show the result Are the same as youd pay- elsewhere for the usual kind of Shoes buying does our strong point stir The Wen Wont Main ft i A

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