Newmarket Era, 17 Feb 1911, p. 8

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SPSS EIGHT THE around the Hob I Continued l WW IN PERFECT HEALTH THAMJCS TO FRUITAmES BC lit well acquainted with a man to thousands in Vancouver Victoria and New Westminster who for a was practically a cripple from Rheumatism He was so troubled with the disease that he found it difficult to turn over in bed His heart appeared so weak that he hardly walk up stair June he received a sample of He used them and Bates his recover from that lime Today there is no man in Vancouver better health He was building a bouse this fall and a good part of the roof in a driving rain without suffering any bad effects JOHN LACY Mr Mills assistant at Que also writes is the greatest Rheumatism cure in the world Try yourself a box for trial size At dealers Limited Ottawa AND OOP- WuSTHT TO The Lloyd townschool greatly joyed tbeir treat on Wednesday night They were given the freedom of the rink Afterwards they were served I to lunch at Mrs Lonsdales and games were indulged in As stated sometime ago J Sons were I building a large addition to their fac- tary this spring The matter has been definitely settled and an addi tion feet two stories high with basement will be built on the west side of the present wood shop Mi James Knowles has secured the contract and will commence work on the building as soon as the weather will permit In addition to the above Mr Knowles has contracts for the following A brick clad house for Mr Kennedy 28x3ft feet two stories on the east side Spruce Street one for Mr Thorn from Page fraln of the Government road by which road alone Honor can be brought in to that north country absolutely stop the traffic but instead the Honor is allowed to in and then the province is pat to the expense of sending a gang of detectives up to make a farce of the administration of justice Again Sir we aro told and the boast is made by Government sup porters ad nauseam that the Attor neyGenerals Department Is and has been extremely active because of the isolated fact that years ago they pot out of existence a single poolroom I make- the statement boldly make it with a full responsibility of the gravity of its nature when I say that there never was a time in the history of the province when the people of the province had so little faith in the ac tivity or rather inactivity of the At- Department now Sir since Confederation have there been so many absolute miscar riages of justice and never have so many scoundrels gone whipped of justice during the past five years I do not purpose entering into de tails they are familiar to the public trie affair the in quiry others furnish striking il- lustrations The Department to be absolutely overcome with inertia How well Sir we ell recall the boast pi the Honorable the Provincial treasurer the session of that this Government had actually raised the standard of the administra tion of justice The Kings writ now To Know that impure blood with its results unpleasant breath headaches restful nights poor appetite sallow skin pimples and depression comes from consUpaUom PPAUlifl Ml I Two Houses for Sale la Good locations in Town Apply ROBERTSON 1 House for Sale Street brick class domestic water good garden on easy terms GEO Newmarket 1 Farm for Sale in teres being lot the Him bury Good brickbarn fences in good condition toil- Living stream crosses Ursa half to GEO Newmarket ing ner ZEPHYR I I i a i New House for Timothy Street with furnace also hath and electric wiring connec tions made immediate ly Apply to W COLLINS Hot A Newmarket For Roomed House situated on Huron street Newmarket with first lass and all modern for further Information to A J DAVIS Temperance Street 2Gx28 two stories south side of the province two stories and one JP distinguished gentleman Sir for Mr John Stephenson south of Kenned street near his present Eft residence There are a number who while the Kings writ under the building this year of the AttorneyGenerals De but who have not let the contracts lags on the stage of Evidently there will be a big build- action And yet Sir the mover and boom in Aurora this hoat Behold this great The honorable member for South Norfolk went bo fsr in his adulation as to say there never was a I Government like ours in the world let me assure him that for once Mr Robinson o visit- at Fred statement is entirely too true Miss Hall of Sharon is visiting Now Sir pursuing the course at Peter McNellys for a week adopted last year debate has been Mrs I Haywood has been visit- curtailed The House will her mother Mrs A ltlB session on all these and other honorable this La is all the fashion now House will have not only an number took in the carnival at for discussion but of sitting Albert on Friday night bringing taking notice while the Division home three of the prizes which looks S Fran LEADERS Cook and his mother attended the have been doing good to men women for many many years and their value has been tested and proved They remove the cause of physical troubles A few small doses will show their safe tonic you Beechams Pills surely help you to an active liver a good stomach a sweet breath clear head and refresh- In young or old they will Relieve Constination taking Bell for South Onta rio has a bill before the Ontario House in which farmers particularly will be Interested It provides that owners and occupants of the land immediately adjoining a division or line fence on cither side shall keep such land free from weeds stones brush and refuse of any kind and case of default proceedings may be taken as provided by subsections 2 3 and of section Mr for East- Hamilton has introduced a bill in the which looks like giv ing power to a City Council where they have no jurisdiction and which may be exercised to the serious triment of a landowner anywhere within two miles of a city It pro vides that no plan of any survey or subdivision of any land situate within two miles of the limits of any city having a population of 50000 or over shall be registered as provided by The Registry Act until such plan shall have been approved by the Council of such city In the event of the said Council not approving of any such plan within fifteen days af ter a copy thereof has has on the Clerk of the said city the County Judge may then order the plan to be registered This gives city Councils jurisdiction for two miles outside city limits Richmond Hill Feb 11 The an- Mr Donovan of Kingston has a Seed Fair held yesterday under Legislature the auspices of the Richmond Hill I to alter the dates of nomination and Agricultural Society was a great sue- i Municipal He cess not only as regards the the in her and quality of the exhibits in the nomination day and different kinds of grains seeds atcr han ULCERS BOILS SWOLLEN GLANDS BLOTCHES PIMPLES AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT Sold In Annual Seed Fair to call the of with any Blood or Skin Dueu to Our New Method Treatment a guaranty euro for imn complaints Is do having a from and blotches whether hereditary or acquired our specific and treatment neutralize ail In the blood and expel from tho Our vast experience la the treat ment of thousands of the serious and complicated cases us to perfect a euro without experimenting on planPay for the You If you have any blood disease con sult of Chuce nd let us prove to you quietly our remedies will all evidences of disease Under the Influence of the New Method the comics clear ulcers and heal up enlarged are reduced fallen out hair frowa In again the eyes become ambition and energy return and the realties a life has opened up to Mm- YOU CAH ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FREE for Booklet on of Men THE GOLDEN MONITOR FREE If unable to call write for a Question for Horn Tratment Cor Michigan Ave and Griswold St Detroit Micb letters from Canada must be addressed a J J to our Canadian Correspondence mint in Windsor Out If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit we see and treat no patient in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and laboratory for Canadian business only Address all fetters as follows DRS KENNEDY KENNEDY Windier Write or potatoes but also in respect of the large number of influential farmers in the district surrounding Richmond Hill who attended The grain seeds and potatoes were judges by Messrs George Keith and Simpson Addresses were delivered by Wilson Superintendent of Fairs Simpson Ronnie George Keith also proposed in dates for clerks to post statements of accounts and also for holding first meetings of newly elected Councils etc to make Act conform to thc proposed dates of holding the elections Mr North Ontario has a hill to amend the Voters Lists Act funeral of the late Mrs- Snider of We are sorry to hear that George has been suffering from Mood poisoning in his thumb Quite a number is attending the North Church Meetings Everybody From The Glob Jan opposing leaders in the- Legis lature made their declarations of pol icy in concluding the debate on the address in reply to the from the throne It is in contest that the keen insight sound go and hear Mr Shaunts who and statesmanlike grap of the Opposition leader become most apparent and his incisive strength a debater has a most telling effect lie was fully conscious of the of his when emphasizing the loss of public confidence the is an excellent speaker The annual championship blue rock match of the Zephyr Hunt v as Shot of Saturday Owing to the weather the score was not as and several directors of thc providing that the Clerk shall The president Geo occupied forthwith after posting up the list of the chair and energetic sec retary A looked the guests and supervised generally the proceedings of the afternoon The reported observations of Mr James at the Pairs Associa tion meeting last week has a point worth considering by directors of Ag ricultural Societies In a short ad dress ho urged that these societies could not entirely fulfil their mission by holding exhibitions Continuing he said Too much stress was some times laid on the Idea of getting the largest possible profits In the as might be expected out of pos sible won the silver cup by Victor Cain with second a score of a large number of spectators witnessed the game Sorptire Rams Choice Zephyr would be pleased to accept a Boars and Sows challenge from any local club in On- Bred to Imported Hoar also Jersey championship honor appeals in his office deliver or trans mit by post by registered letter or j by parcel post registered one copy of thc list to each of the persons scribed in suhsction 2 of section Mr Rradhurn has presented a bill to amend the Public School Act I making the application of provisions of Municipal Act to School Sec tions ballot It further provides that in default of any candidate fil ing the declaration of qualification in the manner and within the time pro vided by Sec of the Consolidat ed Municipal Act such candidate shall be deemed to have resigned and his name shall be removed from the be I a A 1 Have on Hand a Large of White Hemlock etc to Order Special For Sale ltd Heifers J Metropolitan Car at AttorneyGenerals Department and I and concessions the influent of the easy underlying motive of per- of the of lend- The opposing policies as to to forgotten Regarding education were brought into clear I in farm work ono of these Mf contrast although Sir urged moraines Will wake to A waiting for the finding of the armors culture Ontario has introduced a The rait in TO WM respecting Veterinary Surgeons Perplexed you for years have iwi of commission done for the children at tHRlvo thirteen or fourteen years of age leave school for apprenticeships condemned in the strongest terms by Hon Mr Industrial elapses for ornOn nd anagirls would BVsttfo their mental I ft 8ale That valuable property on Huron known as The Kelman Homestead A beautiful home grand situation rich toll Fine large garden fruit tree lawn with htle end hedge flowing Stable A Grand Home for Person tee J of Mrs Joseph lair rticb He morning Mr with a mishap iiaVe terminated a bin of barley in if CJarSfa was m it than it contained Tin- bin ttA bUi empifed at the liioe and him down lie Mr Laird Mrs Ms with difficulty in side of than field J to Mr a daughter It Stephenson and Web ster journeyed to Toronto to at tend a meeting of the Provincial Fairs Association Mr and Mrs fames gave a dinner party to a number of their friends on Thursday last it being the anniversary of their mar riage Fawns moved his family to his farm north of on Wed nesday of this week and Webster Pawns is moving down to the home stead Miss Arnold our popular dress maker spending a well earned holi day at her home in Virginia She will return about March 1st Dr is very busy man these days White making a profes sional call at flora on Thursday morning last he had six calls from here by telephone before he got away Thats going some Mr and Mrs Harrison gave an oylter supper to a Wore or more of their friends including Mr and Win anil family who shortly leaving Ibis neighborhood prfeet them their choea work and more useful embers of This form of technical would not the- antagonism workmen taf- bvring through for and would deprive chil dren of full benefit of daring years The full effect of was felt in alf of the of children need of teehnleaJ training In educational as in porta at runeiiona of Provincial gor- eminent he showed not a with administrative and details With results of various of policy the public directly affected The of acbools and entailed on prospective teach- been solved and you will find in- feeg tj VeUsr surgeons in a ventors of tho country falling over w in one an other In their eagerness to de vise apparatus for you Look on the bright side of life every day you will feel better and be happier t- as witnesses courts of lav and also provides for Imposing a penalty of upon any persons as suming the title of Veterinary Sur geon not holding the diploma of the Doors Flooring Moulding AH Kinds of work and Georgia Pine Run to Order DrecBisg Sticking Turning and All Such Work Agriculture and Arts Association of the Veterinary College or- A shabby black bedstead or bi cycle can he greatly renovated by rubbing it well over with a cloth dipped lightly in paraffin Poll with a rag The fungus in your cellar will prob ably disappear If you stand boxes of lime in it The absorbs the damp which is life to the fungus Free to Stock and Poultr Wo will send absolutely free for asking postpaid one of our large thirtytwopago booklets on the common diseases of stock and poultry Tells you how to feed all kinds of heavy and light horses colts and mares cows calves and fattening steers also how to keep and feed poultry so that they will lay just a well in winter as in summer No farmer should be without it I to on their farm near nothing Grippe prevalent in The Tottenham Dramatic lob farmer had that peculiar form The in that made him weak kneed a We on refcull he struck his bead igalnst a tfiei At a only a cent a day per Animal i makes each 2Z produceda ayatenVnot j to the needs of the Pro You never any ether As a result it IrnpoibVi Htoek Food doing te obtain a supply of teacher Turning te J J omissions of the speech from Hon Mr MacKay dealt rundown A aim a la the continued any lo te form reforesting and ft win to lack of a system of colonization per cow a day Ontario The j io rookcj ih milk usually attentive f before leader but In Province at large that review- AHKV WiXmiOH of pgbHc have This to certify that l Sir lames a vigorous and deleft l Block and heavy And ip h iii- format and vigor of In no The beat m to Mi Con ditioner la It the food properly and pravenU animals get ting indict or losing fleab It well lay In the Summer per cent Cheaper Royal rent for two on on- row weighed bar I notkd a change after on or It was regrettable thai was a larger appreci ate this recent enjoyed it ft lhf paper will I to learn that there bast I a A I that itctence been ate ft cure In all It and that it Halls Core only cure now to medical fraternity disease a treatment Catarrh laVen directly blood of the trJo the foundation of toe the by bo I Id up the in doing Ite worV fte have fisuen faith in curative power offer On Hundred Dollars ter ease thai it falls cure J 4- Toledo Sold br dJitta Tate Family for a will Add real Tj census will be yearyronerJi 1st have data ahOTT- tfutlnj the wit in the could stai Mr and Mrs- cele brated the thirtieth anniversary on January in a most sociable and fash the day they i redding dinnerto their latlves and their own family who were all home but Mr- Cameron The dinner which v- to ay llrff bait a most wa about The wan spent In vernation and while in the field they had footracing ex Miss folia place in the iris In he evening the in- creased by a number of the young people of the were enjoy a social ihe was furnished by Mr nun of and brands of and darr tripped the to the call of and those well In the art that Hilly never mates a mistake The com pany dispersed In fme to din ner at next day all Mr and Greenwood many of wedding day Mr and Mrs recti wood were very kind ly remembered by their by the large number of received mined usual and in genera govl fortune by the Province His continued tendency to revert te anient political gestted that as was said of an On cur fully can hid future ia mainly the wilk and 4 gave I lays lhf n Weight cm giving conaldor it on for boxes best have ever used behind him never been specially Vben ho fcaid Province got nothing and too much in taxation from innocent of the fact they pay indirectly their shard supplementary revenue tea on corporations and ibe given te of the of the by Increases In popula tion the ftltra clause against Hon Mr Mao- Kays for the of rule and dwelt on Die lav- of Provincial with vigoroua The two weighed the Opposing leaders in in in ooar- In termination and in shows in prodvetSi Nor don it sontafn Hope in of other Injurious In of the fab- j Purple dot not bloat of Got mental tlonj to the people for whom exist fllock Food not do thin a nothing inure or hen a mixture of The wry things which grttiv on your own It In not room food Uty something help l heir bodies not ait nourishment ito food they getting Bo that they will royd to prevent disease to cur snl to keep la the best of health all Ufa time Not a Stock Food Food Animal day- of Moat Food In ftKH hut BO Ivefj lloKfl a RftMldc a day nl GO pf A four lwoa Ihe of the- you only to Jo it think of lrj over cMt What that Mr Owner I Sfnrfril Hear to that I have two of your Specific for my laid whits feeding it to thorn I won- If you would nil rid andinic or where I llin I bought it from yiur ait winter I 33 days I fot two rtoxro a clay In tVhruflry and It mi- hi Iho Hoy purple try Hpfrifir i at ami poultry ft Mii and kpa thrra alwa in It your worth could bo without It on Kill 25 lfi Or a rail do lu four at only thr an appelltft or and to and turn It Into Utah STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS Make This Test DOT not a It ft fiii nor fnt tar to sfcttnt A by Depart ment the interior at Ottawa this week announces that of have captured the silver trophy sweepstakes value Mr i for the best of ratw at the National Corn now In pro gress at Ohio for the bent peek of wheat won by Chan of Davis Canada No the fanners of Ohio are to the Dominion NorthWest or AoUoat ft fatten and Ha other known It oi i l ftvW ao at 10 naturally- AaiuaLa fat a no Never Off Feed man says I used in The Bel largest of on Circuit la and Winters 10J brother of AlUn of In trotting In never bees off their afncfl I atartd I will alwaja It Cough magic my For Poultry Royal la our othvr la for Poultry not for Vurplo at4 It prove that no we want you to Ihll I to any on- your Animal for four week And aam any other preparation to any other Anltual In lha condition If Turpi not to you by that It la you aver your And no no will bo the Judge r not la aa Itnt It you to It know that fa the on If you art Ov after It you dont do you 7 10 The A Icnkjn Wg Co Wo siting Poultry and Stock Specific for must hay that re- null Am Iho lo two milking they have CCflta In Poultry ror than this Wo about laying ok wo feeling wo getting fivo a ilny and In lunt five flock of hens almost average of III day and tan plainly in two or the of Royal and poultry hllftllo and DOff In flpm time With and poultry a to exactly and to twxl and RCl ac quainted with it will have a r j than nil other and forit Dtarfcot combined truly ANUKMt Aug A Co London lent amen Kail had In our a to of 1 We could pot ted her any bran on account of in to Weak and thin ffo uencod your aStk anil using It wo found Wo the animal bran or any without scouring and actually took on In this time pounda of fleahs wo Working at through hunt I cn heartily rocainruend your TOM Trainer for lion Adam Beck Wo also manufacturo Royal Purple Klller rt Purple Cure Royal Purple Liniment Oc Hoyal purple Cough Cure Our Cure will cure any ordinary In four and will break op and euro dlttocupcr In ten to twelve day If your dealer cannot you our Purple wo will you upon receipt of a pall paid for either poultry or or If you want any Cure or Powder will aend It by mall upon receipt of price Royal Purple Stock and Poultry unci freo can bo obtained from Dick HEves Feed and Lumber

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