Newmarket Era, 24 Feb 1911, p. 2

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il-if- gov J J To Rent Imperialism Settled J The carried in he Commons Ottawa- on Wednesday- The Office Dew- Telephone Co used by the Bell Possession April or May Enquire of local manager For Sale White Plymouth Rock Pure Perfection Strain bred J London beauties dinners at all Western Ontario Shows Good in size Comb and SCOTT Main Street Newmarket 7- Prices Before resuming the discussion of the terms of agreement concluded between the Govern ment of Canada and tbe Presi dent of the States with a view to dispelling the feeling of unrest created in Canada by com ments made in both countries as to tbe political conseqiieaces of agreement the House wishes to affirm emphatically its deter mination to preserve intact the bonds which unite Canada to the British Empire and the full liber ty of Canada to control her fiscal policy and interna Better economy TENDERS Tenders are invited for the follow ing valuable farm and rear First Concession Whitchurch York County fronting on Seeded Concession less than one mile from Newmarket acres acres in bush well watered living stream brick clad house usual outbuildings Subject to a lease Lowest or any tender not accepted Tenders Address A FROST Barristers Solicitors etc Richmond St close EDITORIBk HOTS From the Department Railways and Canals we have received eleven maps accompanying the I Report The map showing Trent navigation also indicates- the Newmarket canal location SETTLERS The unexpected letter from Hon jj Blake on the reciprocal tratfe I Question is timely and pungent He Toronto quite right in the thought that those who fancy Canadian loyally to the British Crown he endangered by matters of trade arcsimplytrail- loyalty in the slush for party purposes TRAINS TO MANITOBA I A question of interest to all incor porated towns and villages has arisen at St Catharines viz can a cor- compel a tenant out The only through lin LOW COLONIST RATES Special Trains TofOfllQ TUESDAY PM I to pay for street watering St Catharines corporation says yes and has insisted on it hut now a tenant an action to test the decision will he awaited with interest by municipal men The new directory for Toronto fur nishes a interesting statistics Of there 1910 no add the Wives and little Smiths forming the families of Smiths and a cohscr- estimate places them at about The names of Browns are given this mould mean about Browns Tbe city has nearly lawyers over doctors 308 clergymen not including the Salva tion Army and almost as many res taurants as clergymen An automobile driven by Dr and a mail wagon driven by- Walter collided at Bay and Wellington streets last Monday night was thrown out and sustained a fracture of tbe right leg BotUHiUt and wagon were injured the mail wagon being turned over The announcement is made that the Legislature is to define a standard street car The Commercial Travellers of Can ada have decided form Christian Association of their own and no longer be a branch of the American Association More and more are- the ties between Canada and the United States being sundered and yet the politicians keep on playing the tune prospective annexation This city is again in tbe throes of another problem A break in the tube is feared For housebreaking and stealing Ed was sent to the Central Prison for a year at the Police Court on Monday Beginning yesterday at and to be continued till Saturday night a pleasing entertainment is be ing furnished representing Ye Time Fay re Hot pancakes and all in v Column I Regular id Torrid Colonist Cars No for Through Trains Winnipeg and Ail it the Oldfashioned way by oldfashion ed matrons and maids The automobile and- aeroplane show opens at the Armouries to mor row Saturday and will be contin ued up to March J It will be one the great attractions for the week will be whirling about the air under their own power with bands playing etc Ernest Hicks hunted a man named Sylvester Carter on Saturday who nourished an automatic pistol The altercation arose over a door key When Hicks was arrested his pistol contained seven loaded cartridges The police Court now own the pistol Somehow or another suspicion ob- tains in financial and newspaper cir cles that there is a nigger in the fence connected with the removal of Manitoba Government comes outjTraveffi unexpectedly to the peniten- flatfooted against reciprocity Is and then as suddenly bringing I he heading of a press despatch from back for continued examination The Ottawa Citizen is anumg the limited number of Conservative pa pers that has no hesitation in sup porting the reciprocity agreement now pending between the United States and It points out the facts and is bold enough to af firm that it has been the aim of both political parties in Canada for long years to obtain something like the reciprocity convention of about brought Agent ATKINSON Newmarket Free Exhibit Hie Tuberculosis Exhibit Car the Provincial Board of Health will he on exhibition at the Grand Trunk Depot Newmarket from Thursday February at am remain ing till Am on Saturday Feb ruary An invitation is ex tended to the public to avail of this opportunity to Inspect this very Interesting and Instructive exhibit which Is free J Chief Health Officer of Ontario Good Girl Wanted For general work Apply to Mrs Howard Cane Nov market Winnipeg the Toronto Mail Well Manitoba Government is Conserva tive just now and when Manitoba members in the Dominion Parliament send reported speeches in the House for publication to Winnipeg papers which they never delivered and also reported replies which were never made but which called for a rebuke will on the part of a member of the Gov ernment their flatfooted opposi tion to reciprocit is to those who know the leader of the Conservative party at Winnipeg Joyridding has become quite com mon and now the brakes are being ap plied An employe of Mr Duff nam ed White without leave or took out Mr Duffs auto and buzzed about for two hours He was summoned for his offence and sent to jail for seven days This give a check ft chauffeurs who lake liberties Mayor Geary gave Mayor of North Toronto a hint this week that there would he nothing doing to- I wards the annexation of that munici pality to the city this year The city water supply is becoming a question vital importance to Toronto Aid has a Wednesday the Liberals of in convention assembled nom inated Mr Thos Marshall as their candidate for the next Dominion dec- The meeting also adopted the fity report on following resolution We the Mb- obtaining a water supply Mr A Kerr lis in Ottawa this week on business Mrs Timothy his gone to Toronto to reside J will not re ceive next Wednesday Mrs A F will re ceive again this season K- Robertson entertained lady friends yesterday afternoon Mrs J P Traviss and children were the city for the week- end Mr A a can Hie convention in Mils week Miss Mabel Cane is attending the Millinery Openings in Toronto this week Mr Moores little boy had a party on Tuesday after noon Miss Sutherland Toronto was the guest of Miss Vera Sunday Mrs Hughes intends to spend over Sunday with her son at Mr and Mrs CM Hughes were At with friends on Wednes day- evening Mr Frank left this week to resume his situation at Mass Miss the gifted elocutionist of Toronto is visiting Miss Carrie Rose Mr Allan blacksmith at was very critical this week with pneumonia Mrs Norman Rogers will not receive the first Wednesday of next month nor the rest of the season Rev Dr Baker was the guest of Mr J Minns principal of during his stay in town over Sun day Mrs Sterling Coly left on lues- day for her home in accompanied by Mrs Suther land Mrs Smith of James town North Dakota has been the guest of Mrs Jos Cody for the past week Mrs Prospect gave a thimble party to a number of Aurora ladies on Monday of this week Miss Vera Montgomery laughter of Mr T Montgomery of Scran- fori Pa is visiting cousin Miss Clarice Mr of Winnipeg who has been visiting friends in this local- for a few weeks expects to re- turn next month Mr Neil Morton underwent an- other operation at the hospital I Toronto on Wednesday and prospects for bis recovery are favorable Mr George Sherwood of Montreal visited kis brother Mr Sher wood also his nephew Mr A Strang Victoria for the week end Miss Brown of Moose Jaw Miss Gladys and Mr A If of Milton and of spent Sunday at Mrs Miss is going home v il- J if- TO SAVE 1 Week bur Annual j We want to make this final week the biggest yet and in order to do it we realize that there must be some very strong attractions We have made some deep cuts in order to clear out every dollars worth of Winter Goods Do you want an Overcoat Only 10 left You can have your choice at off Regular Season Prices Mens Winter Footwear Balunce of our Mens Heavy Rubber and Felt Boots at 13 off Regular Prices- A good time to buy Mens Winter Underwear Stanfields and Penmans Unshrink able Underwear selling at Reduced Prices Buy Furs Now If price counts for anything a lot of Furs week per cent off any Fur in the house should sell Buy Jackets at Cost To clear balance of our Ladies and Childrens Jackets and Coats at COSt All this Seasons Newest Styles Remnants mnants I g Remnants Ends of DRESS GOODS SILKS COTTONS PRINTS FLANNELETTES etc etc at Cost and below OH ID IN EVERY LOTS DEPARTMENT Too small quantities to mention marked at Clearing Prices Study your own interest by attending this Sale of in convention j jjJmcoe instead of Constructing bled hereby our admiration second intake and also to and Confidence in Sir Wilfrid certain if a water supply could and hit larlv Council that on account of her mothers the cost of I illness Miss Wright in lo place on lie leaching from Lake a some St It mailer or regret that the Mail so far forgot its patriotic duty to Dominion as to as re- bash a map representing the centre of the continent bus Ignoring claims of the man- A town located at the V Toronto as a As a family paper our to manifest a greater patriotic senti ment and pride in local development According lo What transpired on the floor of at Ottawa on Monday last a Tory member had a speecbi purporting to have been now take her fl of the Public School next Mr and Mrs Haines receiv ed congratulations from a number Government and wo partial- from wells near the on their fiftieth wedding to place on record our the cost drilling nivcrsary last Tuesday- al unqualified approval of the redpro- and both bouquets city agreement recently yw of age wcrcaffoat on into and our Confidence that if a piece of ice only a few yards square a great Jcn- j on Lake Ontario off Balmy Heath on to Canada and is wisely intend- Sunday They were rescued by a lo produce the greatest lo man in a who bad to carry the the greatest number of Canadian boat half a mile over treacherous Ice pie It begins lo look as if the reach open water The boys will not be so venturesome in future ft is stated that the ease of Atlas now in the penitentiary Will come up for rehearing at I be May Criminal Assize The Provincial Treasurer estimates as farmers tin Dominion were about to take thir Innings now with out regard lo previous party alle giance Mr Oscar Pretty of Wei land Co the guest of Mr Willis a couple of days last week lie was greatly pleased to the j advance the town has made the past few years Mrs Orate Wfddls Turner of hoc ton Ohio sends IIS a copy of the Daily Times containing a lengthy ac- count of the laying of Ihe corner stone for a fine new Church in that city TUB CRADLE MARSHALL In Newmarket on Feb to Mr anfl Mrs Marshall a daughter Newmarket on Feb J 7 to Mr and Mrs Robert a son Whitchurch on Satur day Feb IK Pill to Mr and Mrs David a daugh ter ALTAR In Toronto on Wednesday Feb by Rev Mr Wallace Mr Nelson to Miss Tcressa Mo den both vllle Tim TOMB In Man on Sunday Feb Pill Win 1 Ross formerly of Mount and youngest brother of Mr If postmaster Oranges and Grape Fruit Mr and Mrs It Schmidt en tertained the Directors of the Office members lo dinner at their residence when attending the meeting here last two or three from At on Nev Telephone DIREC The Canada Telephone DJreetofj of tb Town of Orders for new connection fA or tor AT TO the increase in cost of Provincial legislation Including the ad ditional Increase in amount to over last year lie took a dash at the week issue to divert attention Rochester from the a pay to Mr Jilt and family of left thin week for Fran John Arther of Broadview and also Mrs A was seized with a Violent lit and Miss Hughes of Sharon for In on Monday Feb W Oscar his year Funeral Wed- to Zephyr Cemetery For Newmarket Marmalade Oranges have arrived and now is a good time to made a good marmalade while fruits of different kinds are scarce Have You Ever Tried Grape Fruit There is nothing aiccr for the tabic either raw or made Into marmalade of coughing on Saturday Two gold Crowns On bis teeth slipped down and he died of blood poisoning at Grace Hospital Ihe fifty third convocation of the They bought their tickets at Atkinsons Mr formerly ol but who has been making home at Winnipeg since llvered by him the House publish- capitular Masonry WM wck ed In a Winnipeg paper that was at tto tak delivered and the purposes returning to the Prairie further slated that Hon Mr Oliver it about the 1st of March replied thereto in Kite S l governing ortfer ol the replied thereto In a tirade of abuse at the same time falling to produce a tingle argument I in support of the Governments position ihe idea of publishing I bio craft The Content for the diamond medal offered by the IOyal Templars of Temperance took place last Tuesday which were never made- Kim Metbodalst gross fabrication iron Mr Oliver fclx rebuked the member publicly for his whom had previously been wholesale deception awarded 1 gold for elocution Margaret Hamilton was the successful competitor VAILBy A party of WaterWorks officials had athrlHIng experience at the lake Mr Karl Lehman also Mr were Toronto one ay week on Mr Herb Allen used up with la grippe but thinks he on the now Well people it looks to roe if there to be a knots be on the toon labile is suffering from a kick of a intake on Tuesday Hon Adam has been appoint ed a Judge of the in during Ihe Coronation on A cable announces that the of overseas Do- Minions the Imperial Conference will IM were on his the greats first of the is improving now of the King Duncan Mr te Colonial ha taken it a friend from spent lit aad Monday of parliament will Mr a fitytlM fA Colonial eigtiUen of from Urn were Mrs will not receive Wednesday next March Int Mrs a ar ladies at her nev home which was decorated with and on Friday I afternoon of last week The guests were Mrs TeOt Mies the form- Mra Sutherland and daughter all of Canada for Mr A on for a fortnight Wf Penrose spending the lave for week with Mrs of Fort VH- llam Mrs Villis of Aurora Mia Taylor and daughter of landing Mrs 5apt of Yonge A party of sixteen ladles and gen tlemen visited the Art Nailery- of Prof Cummer in Aurora last Mon day evening and delightfully en tertained by that gentleman for nearly three hours His collection comprises nearly pictures of an historical nature and he to be as well acquainted with every face depicted as anybody with their everyday friends while the entrancing scenery is made more realistic be cause of his personal visit and ex planation j he gallery is fee long by and lit high and the walls are literally covered He has so many more pictures laid away that he thinks of erecting an addi tion of equal si to his already large private gallery At the request of the ladles the Prof also rendered beautiful selections on both piano and organ The visit was greatly en- Joyed by all Feb 1011 Jane McShaiie In her vear At Webb wood on Tues day morning Feb A Bpooner formerly of Relic Florida on Saturday fob Hen ry Harris in bis year form erly of Aurora JOHNSTON In Kant on lot- 28 Con I on Feb Gilbert Johnston aged years and days imiMJNOKHAi Industrial Home Newmarket on Feb Elizabeth yrs Interred at Heines Hill Ceme tery WRIOIIT At on Feb 1111 William Wright cousin of the editor of the town on Wednesday Feb 1 A Terry wife of Traviss In her year Funeral Saturday Feb pm to Newmarket Cemetery Table Oranges good per doen juicy California fruit from to A good Maple in cans Home serve them yourself Compound Syr and up as nice as the real maple sy- Canned Fruits of all V as cheap as you n Phono 7 t J MAIM Mr All will Prompt THE Undertaking You Furniture heap For Cash A SPECIALTY Night calls to at John Millard NEXT DOOR TO OFFICE a- All and Family personally attended to and nothing but the the BEST AND PUREST DRUGS USED J Agent for Telegraph Co Agent for Huylers House Phone No Phono Number All Calls Attended to THE GOLDEN There are wealth wisdom new discoveries old aspirations moving Arc we mistaken in thinking tho by side If all Arc 1b back In a misty past fcJ service of humanity May it be true that this hurrying individual worker could lose twentieth century conquering the of tho unit In his arnbi- an the generations before It con- lot the larger good quered the sea making history of human would blossom achievements which for thousands of the ami lamb would years have been day it We by side and poor possible lhat this splendid victorious Jc point of fact as well as century has practically everything in theory and the Age would necessary to make It the Golden Age come again to earth J

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