Newmarket Era, 24 Feb 1911, p. 5

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J CI I I Frank AUCTIONEER Bolton practical Decorator Niagara Street a St Dp In Block Newmarket liyroao Jackson of MARRIAGE LICENSES 1 Era Ill Papers at If NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones CASSIDY A Dr J Boyd Opportunity The Sale of ShortHorn registered stock on the farm of Mr John Sins Pine Orchard on the March is an opportunity that wideawake fanners should not lose- The sale Is probably the largest this season Mr has been farmingall his lire and always bought the best going so that bargains may be an ticipated Good Sale Messrs and Willis sold last week an exceedingly fine bunch of pure bred Jersey cattle consisting of twoyearold heifers and one yearling bull to the Department of Agricul ture of British Columbia Hen derson the Government Veterinary did the tuberculin testing He also stated that they were as healthy a herd as he had ever tested which speaks well for the Pine Ridge Jer sey herd Gradate in medicine of Toronto University also Licentiate of the Royal College Physicians and of the Royal College of Surgeons of Errand Former clinical assistant Eye Hospital College Ear Note and Throat England Main and Timothy a Telephone No 116 The final for the Davis Cup was played on Saturday night and was exceedingly interesting throughout Mr Howards rink led from the first to the last and generally by two but Mr Art Peppiatts last stone made the score a tie Mr Howard had one stone and in play ing he struck the wrong stone and thus Mr side became win ners of the Cup for Ml Brief lets Percy Price a young iron worker at the Office Specialty Tan a drill through his hand one day last week which accounts for being off work Owing to the wind breaking the wire lights were out on the west side of the town last Friday morning and on the cast tide on Fri day night- In the winners of the prizes at the in tea may mean to you flavor or strength fragrant richness Red Rose I Tea is blended with such nicety that it is combination of all three points of merit Will you try a smarts start made by business in laws were Westrn Canada at the opening ot the marly found necessary to England year adds force and speed to its restrict the extravagance of SOLO Your Grocer Will throng in the Academy eighteen mem bers of the official board Calvary Church to witness honors confer red on their beloved pastor Consultation My services may had at any the day or night by calling at toe or pho R Time Card Lamp Exploded Mr Prank Doyle had a very nar row escape on Monday last week I He and Mrs Doyle were both out and they had left the hall lamp turning About oclock Messrs Frank and were going up Timothy St and pace Unusually warm weather for a week and present indication of a change has put added lite and go into ail branches of business activity Real estate deals are more numerous and a new element has been added by inquiries from farmers in tbe Middle West of the United States who reason that reciprocity will have the effect- of making Western Canada land more valuable and who are anxious to get in before the advance comes Last week was a very busy one in Winnipeg There were three big conventions besides the The National Builders Association the Master Painters Association and the Wester Retail Lumbermens As sociation These gatherings were supplemented by an Automobile Show so large that it had to be divided to secure exhibition space and the West ern Canada Kennel Club put on a bench show of five hundred dogs These events crowded the city so that rooms at the hotels were hard to get the best having large waiting lists and being obliged to send guests to houses of lower degree and this in spite of the fact that there are sixtyfive hotels in Winnipeg from the Royal Alexandra to humbler houses The Royal Alexan dra is to be made much larger this summer and two hotels to cost a million dollars each are to be built near the new Union Station thatS will be opened for use in the spring It is probable that doubletracking the Canadian Pacific will be continu ed to Medicine Hat and Calgary shortly This subject is under con sideration and may be begun this spring At present the dou ble track runs west from Fort Wil liam to Brandon over six hundred miles one extension of the work to cover all the prairie section is only Will Probated Mrs Mary Ann of King City who died in July last left a share in Lot Concession King Township valued at The will provides that the property passes to her husband subject to the following lagacies viz Florence a sisterinlaw Hannah Cross- ley and Cook sister Obituary Robert son of the late James and Rebecca King died at his residence in Toronto on Wednesday Feb The deceased was in King township near and lived there until about fourteen years ago when he took a position In Toronto For nearly two years he had not been in the of health and became worse The is lignite seven months ago With J results in heat and economy to 1 and their Imitators in the mat ter of funeral costume At the end ot the fifteenth cento whs laid down that dukes boo Id be allowed 1111 yards of cloth for their aloppea mourning and mantles earls fourteen viscounts barons tight knights six and all persons of in ferior degree only two Hoods were forbidden to all except those above the rank of esquire of the kings housed hold In the following century Margaret countess of Richmond mother of Hen ry- TIL Issued an ordinance for the reformation of apparel for great es tates women In of So It seems that men and wom en have met in the extravagance of sorrow 200 years ago London trades men found that court mourning itwly affected their business Addison relates that at a tavern be often met a whom he took for an ardent and eccentric royalist Every time looked through Gazette he Thank God all the reigning families of Europe are Well Occa- he would vary this formula by making reassuring remarks respect- the British royalists dome time Addison discovered that this universal royalist was a colored merchant who never made a without Inserting In the agree ment All this will take place as long us no royal personage dies in the In terval London Chronicle HARDWARE ST OS Buying By Buying From Us K I x A f 1 A MENTAL INFLUENCES of Mind Hat a Dfrsct Effect Upon the Body A good deal Is In these days about effect of mind on matter In the way of the of disease but less Is beard about mental Influences a matter of time With a double I a cause of bodily Ills yet it is an track from the Rocky Mountains to old truth that of mind has a the Lakes the will be I direct effect on the body The gloom able to reduce the running time of and depression caused by worry and transcontinental and local trains anxiety create morbid condition of along the main line a good deal coal fields will he big asset to the business and the physical system It Is Impossible to feel well physically when the mind in- and spirits are downcast The blood enterprises of that city does not circulate properly appetite- The recent survey made by geological mor experts places the area of coal fields in the district at fourteen miles and ttie tonnage at and many persons fit of anger is I- jjg j a w mm a I bid conditions continue more deep sealed ailments are likely to arise and wnRTH followed by an attack of Indigestion a m K Ur ven months ago With Ift the appetite bad 830 they got to- the comer of which finally car S SfftWM V heard him off d bo on Violent or de- 1050 i call fire When they got to- mourn his loss The remains offset the nearness the Doyles house which is the third were brought to Newmarket on ton Supply to the consumer and these and of lignites falntuess bo or under exposure to weather is always disturb the Toronto GOING SOUTH Doyles house which is the third were brought to Newmarket on ton supply to the consumer and these from the corner they found the Friday and Interred in the arc sure to be a great aU la7 here The service in the city I I been in conducted by the Rev Mr England Jne at once Sooted J SKtf do He broke panel four brothers and TO WINN1PEC AND WEST Direct Canadian Route Through Car DAILY SERVICE of oarxjing through and tourist Sleeping for all points in Westers Canada For arid fiUepert apply Atkinson A Rest to do He broke the glass panel i door got in and threw a quilt around the blazing lamp and it outside oil was dwp- down onto the in are glily Interesting to and two people is about The service at the grave was four miles west of and conducted by Rev A rush of oil operators into the and the pall- bearers were district has produced of body and mind alike This being the case It is Inevitable that when these emotions often recur or become continuous serious physical results will follow The obvious son Is then that menial serenity tends to health Is In fact an essential element of health and that instead of resorting to mind cures after the health is broken it la wise to preserve the serenity as a preventive and safe- j M v Messrs Isaac Webster Jos oil In twentyfour guard against disease Indianapolis a few minutes the whole oan would have hern in ablaze Fort- and the is very slight The deceased was known King township where was and was highly Entrance the fix-aTnfn- will be held on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday 26th and a- is a change from previous years and allows tnIflgh to the whlch a neighbor 9 9 Th ft are facts in the of the body he flctfSci of wem hours sixtyone companies were Star granted incorporation certificates at provincial juices Bach company has an area of a square mile and at the time that these sixtyone companies were formed there were forty more projected The fields are regarded by oil experts as excellent prospects for operation and there tif other swetfons in tin vast country west and northwest of wan broken by the arninaiionw The of I to Model win i held on the dates as have issued to that ef fect In order prevent example lata in Lordly Disraeli Disraeli once told lady that two possessions which were Indispensable to other people be bad always done without made she aald every kind of conjecture but without cess and on my asking him to en lighten mo be solemnly answered that they were a natch and an how do you manage I asked If there happens to be no clock In tho room and want to know the time I secured the lUTMWA Furnace Work wot ivportctl canes f wen new to The in variably infant- There no in dications of acute Tin simply growing crowding fllghj iJd Whirr day by They Of Hi pup- were literally starving the Chairmen of showed signs of Poirda instructed ex- M which in the far I north wiffei ar- deprived of i proper food were the children of wealthy parents wufihed In trained iitirsen had hem ac cording to ride on the artificial which approved as of tin formula We an attend ing our patient where great mineral wealth lies as vet unexplored in a practical I If ring tor a servant the reply Well continued and will car The contract for cars lias been a Montreal and under public ownership A novel feature the cans to lies in the fart that what about the umbrella What do do for Instance IT you are In the park and are caught In a take refuge he replied with a of excessive gallantry under the umbrella of pretty woman SANK TRIAL Established CAPITAL ALL PAID UP UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS At 4 tM i88ooina I- i aptly fee per on wii and a 6J for promotion 1 act Our Specialties the Bathroom it THE OSBORNE SONS to Smiths Canadian Honored We clip I report id upon Rev Iitp ol bin marked of Sunday of State from Pa- Daily Or it a tor mn years pastor of the and know to many I- pastor of j Church Afarball honored will he made in and 1 shipped Ih- OCliah the lirst made cars to used In Canada In to move Wfcth I to be by than In bntldlng the and i j well Ho the fore in this permits ware out one day sit the Calvary IliCiMlng office and the pace is and well tinned The fad that a the iauiiell are demand caused at all Important cntrea in Canada anil In London York Chicago Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Ban Idas ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Bank Branch will be as NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS EasUr to staying with the governor of Bombay at Ma- the hill station of the Bombay presidency I was there and look a walk with day lie asked me the name of some treee told hltn thy were called Jambul trees In India lie Immediately pro duced his Sketch book and In his In imitable style drew a bull looking Into a Jam pot He said It would help to retnembef name London WE SELL degree 1 aunerlne for watt of in I 1 trite in a I ihe the wkW lias Change of n in Winnipeg the ilfteeii million worth new ed last year are taken up and build- operations for year xo with rush by con Hatted nutiiiDinl If tin the rftange in more a of the Nature no he close ly und by science Ibrraku thr her own aj The little patients were with the food their poorer brothers and jPerrlnB Carnations BRIDAL MjWJKTH Etc LRTTIJCK Divinity at celebration of Rounders Day Tempi faujie4 like them In of Music This recalln 10 mind an ailment on Xaturdayif Is doing injurious work among marked the twenty- young women who of Vole well- known larded the fruit of our elv- ft attacks their minds Hampton of their They hove schooled almost from crad les to do some high wort In the Their of life come MA and principal fepfakr Or Andrew ftloan Draper of ifew York In which from books iy unpractical an we highstrung years go on to ranch coveted of sutler from jiion What toy need the president of the Mr j the veryday family life thai he took fceat in which and nature for he convinced that every ftiad by the most recipient was most worthy qualities of character may high on recount scbotarsnln also on of a reaam success in work Dr ell that Mr a among men and he referred to great educational which he Kail successfully fltateJn of the Hurray School without to denominational Or been pastor of vary for thirteen yearn Me a graduate of Williams a torrid at were la whM washing new black Mocking a34 a handful of and a table- of vinegar to every two gal lons of wafer advertittd-artl- you buy something which the merchant himself implicit faith in else would not advertise it a store more and more when It come to have more and more things to sell which will stand the tent of advertising it needs and uses more and more space Why Hesitate AN THAT NO FOB IT Wo are SO that our will completely relieve Const no matter how chronic it that WC offer to furnish it free of all cost it fails caused by of the nerves and muscles of the Intestine or descending colon To expect a must therefore tone up and strengthen thoseorgans and restore them to We want you to try Orderlies on our guarantee They eaten like candy and Ideal for children- They act My on the nerves and of the bowels They have a neutral action on the other organs and glands They do not purge or cause any Inconvenience whatever They will positively overcome chronic or habitual constipation or the myriads associate or dependent chronic ailments Try Or derlies at our risk Tvo sizes and Hold only at our store- The Store Store Pleaiant Isnt stopped at de Palace- hotel Is hoes the col ored man who was piloting a arrived traveler from the railway sta tion the hostelry But what makes sore of dar now aah Puck i Amiability Dont yourself that friendship you to aay disagreeable things to your InUmatea On con trary nearer you corao Into rela tion with a person the more necessary do fact and courtesy become Holmes And also are able to send out skilled workman to put up ALL KINDS OP ELECTRIC WIRING DONE Guaranteed to pass Underwriters Inspection A full line of Lamps both in Tungslcln and carbon LINK OF PAINTS OILS GLASS ETC ALWAYS IN STOCK Admitted I bare no doubt you lora me but your love lacks tho supreme touch What makes you say You admit It You want me for yourself alone you say Hardware CBS Newmarket PI ION Utopia of today the reality of tomorrow No matter what you do provided you do It better than someone could do the same thing theres a welcome awaiting you In the world It was we believe who said If a man can write a better book preach a better sermon or make a better mouse trap than his neighbor though he built his house In the woods the world will make a beaten path to his door Try to excel Its a laudable ambition Ms Cure LiUill- 1 i Vrcl W A Womans Beautiful Hair A hail dressing that will make it luxurious and fasrlrAtlng by- J Y Today very uptodate has radiant hair Why she Is ever on the alert to chase the Dand ruff Tonic carries sure and certain death to the Dandruff germ and Is one remedy that will eradicate It There Is no reason why any person should fall to take advantage of offer as we have confidence in Hair Dressing that wc are pro- pared to cost of same fifty to any satisfied with It A large bottle tor cents at Drug Store snd your money back If It dot not give satlsr walls of outhouses and sculler ies should be llmewashcd every spring Lime destroys all insect life and purifies everything wild was caught last week near Vermillion Hay who had ranged the woods for about four years and Is said to have lived on raw flesh wild animals fish roots and rles He gave his name as John Hack and Is said to be demented years ago while with dynamite his left hand was blown off After tho wound healed he took to When being ar rested he ought desperately lor bis freedom and had to be bound hand and foot When taken to the Jail I at Kenora his hair was about fifteen Indies long and his 1 faco covered with matted hair He was clothed in sheepskins fastened together with wire For three years his Identity was unknown

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