See our Assortment of Selecting a Wedding Present ftatclimaker and Graduate Optician The Era gives more home news every in North York combined and is acknowledged to JACKSON Editor and JACKSON AssistantEditor week than any two other papers per annum If paid in advance si to lh IJdHwI States to be the Leading Paper Paper sent outside of North York unless paid advance and you will never use any other kind 150 to 300 WATSONS Jewelry Store j Newmarket On Friday March 3 Single Copies each Mans Noblest Work is to Lighten Womans Labor a a first them a an you accomplish this in aay better than to install lass Washing Machine in the house They are made and will do the work if you will only give trial The Gravity Washer 1500 is the King of them all as the tub is moved back and forth it also moves jp aid down automatically This thoroughly rinses the clothes as well squeezes the dirty water out of them ANOTHER FirstClass Machine is the One Minute Washer Oar Toronto Itette Accidents happen very singularly land unexpectedly sometimes The other day while throwing a snowball across the street Campbell ag- fell and- fractured his left leg James Hance Arthur street was arrested a few days ago on a clrarge of assaulting and robbing James Mc Millan The Police Court Magistrate thought an opportunity to break stones might cure the prisoner of his and sent him down Mr Justice dismissed the acA tion of J who sought to the marriage of his daughter to annulled As the lies were over years the Justice he had no power is serving a term in the Central Prison land Ins newmarried wife is in the Asylum They were married by a colored minister A woman living in Victoria street left her two little children on Thurs day of last week at home while she went shopping The children got playing with matches after the left and set the place- on fire- A policeman saw the ire in time to I save Ontario Legislature r Alt York County Council Good improvement was dealt with by the York County Council at An Ottawa despatch dated special meeting held Feb 2 lor J Bull Mr has introduced bill to amend the Assessment Act It pro- day last stated that the coinage of that purpose Warden vides that when property of gold sovereigns with the head of presided 50 YEARS AGO From Era March 8 f Mr Dudley station master at New- able institutions is occupied by any George was commenced that Discussion was upon making an ap- market has furnished the following tenant of lessee it shall not be ex- at the Ottawa branch of the proprialion of to improve data showing total shipments from empt from taxation and shall be-as- Royal Mint and it likewise intimates leading roads the Legislature and the this depot during the year I860 to accordingly that the coinage of silver with a die city of Toronto having each agreed fal barrels of Hour total of His Majesty will be in full opera- to contribute to assist the bushels of wheat 81059 This is Mr Ferguson of has a next week county in th work nearly 5000 bushels more than from bill respecting Traction To remove any difficulty in in- W other railway station between which provides that no engine shall a recent address in the City luencing the county to adopt a policy Toronto and be run upon any unmetalled or Warden of the Central of road special legisla- earth road during the months stated that more than sixty per tion had secured which divided of April or December cent of the criminals sent to that the countv for the purposes of institution are under thirty years of Hie southern half to meet all Mr Either has a bill likewise relat- a Another statement equally the expense that would be involved to Engines It provides suggestive and full of meaning made that a traction engine shall not en- him had reference to the Prison in LAW INTRODUCED ter upon or cross a bridge drawing Farm at namely that Councillor chairman behind it any tender separator ma- during the past summer out four of committer reported that or vehicle hundred prisoners sent there only five had taken place with the Min- proved a disappointment of Public and Mr K McNaught MPP fori of Toronto and the committee North Toronto has introduced bill Jon according tolas agreed to prepare bylaws assuming to define standard pay et fails to see any disloyalty in the schedule of roads reported at a Era March 5 streetcar with States Com- previous meeting and authorizing the The Mount wlbcrl larceny case on this fact the Toronto Council to borrow for the which Mr Wilson had mdnev taken The Provincial Treasurer has Star observes Hon Mr purpose of constructing the said duced a bill to empower the Govern- a father had to contend with roads so set apart Married On the by Rev Meachem at Toronto Mr Alexander to Miss Margaret Davison both of Newmarket Further steps are being laven to open up Timothy Street from Main to Prospect Street 25 YEARS AGO it do the tftei ordinary Washer Free trial in the police court respecting the Farmers- bank inquiry is that but is a little tetter St rat ton Warren and Provincial result of last weeks proceed- Went to expend for the pur- Tories who that responsible The read A HARDWARE I IT I G AND HONE PLUM NEWMARKET ONT THE Assets 60000000 This Makes a of col lecting Notes or if de- aired will to then at lowest rates BRANCH rectors were committed for trial authorities seem to fancy the whole concern was not above sus picion A foreigner was arrested as a vag rant at the Union Station last week seemed so heavily loaded with baggage that the police- asked him I about it the answer led to an On examining his carpet bags 100 lbs of silverore was found Which the man said somebody must have put in mistake He is held on remand j has it thai the refusal of Mr J Johnson In withdraw his bill last week at the Premiers re quest led to a caucus of Conserva tive members next day to have a better understanding Mr Whitney will very likely consult with his sup porters alter this before moving to quash a bill by them introduced A notice has been given of bill to be introduced in the Legislature which provides that passengers in street cars who are unable to obtain a seat shall he called upon pay two cents chase timber licenses in Algonquin fiovernment was disloyal and who street Kingston road Lake Shore National Park This bill is to pur- a and road street Weston road chase certain interests of the Munn Lumber Co Hon Matheson said it was intended to expend more than at present burned the Parliament Buildings as Vaughan proofs of their own loyalty concession of Mills road According to estimates placed No action was fore Parliament and published in the oclock daily press if the reciprocity agree a helper in has store house at that place was tried by the set apart are Police Magistrate of Toronto and ound guilty The prisoner was sent to jail d Kennedy road the Mirth hi the Marvham and Klgin taken up The second reading was given on Monday to the bill of Man Col Hen- mtnt Canadian farmer drie to facilitate and fpMotfirig markets free his for Wife of Mr John H Collins of a son on the The death of Darby Howard ol Newmarket is announced aged years It occurred on the lift Also in town on the inst Ad dle fourth daughter of Mr Alexander and sister Mrs 1 P aged years Mr has HOMK lie Council was waiting for exchange of freight between railways Iar which come under Ik jurisdiction of about the United ByLaw Councillor Keith brought up different hoards one under the Do- States the United King- the matter of the resolution Hoard of alterations in the Industrial Mr Prosser in and the other the Ontario It looks like a good thing Home at Newmarket He contended Keswick and is preparing to build a Hallway Hoard- the farmer that tin- proposed new building could rt during the coining not be erected with the spring Mr bill to amend the Ottawa despatch states that suggested and that the meeting Assessment Act by specifying that announced in new would simply provide a boilers and engines as parts of fixed a few days ago that place for the male inmates to smoke machinery are to be exempt from before the Coronation new series of taxation ft is an explanatory sure of former legislation before the 1 tea- stamps would he issued hearing the image of King George The design is now before His Majes- has a bill before the The salaries of amend the Motor Vehicles whose income does Mr House Act It provides that every person exceed will probably lie in licensed to drive a motor vehicle for lo per annum hire pay or gain shall at all times while so employed with him the las introduced in under which he acts and on a Parliament by Mr charge being preferred against him and have a hath He advised against a new building and favored the expenditure of a small amount upon cleaning and re pairing tin- present building was another victim of gas poisoning last week When found in his room be was quite uncon scious an wlio tried in vain to find employment he must produce the license the Magistrate Magistrates must en dorse on license or permit particu lars of connection A penalty Is im posed for operating a motor vehicle without being licensed the Lewis to check baggage- smash on railways Tin hill proposes to plate a fine of on the man guilty of doing damage and hold the railway responsible under the decision of a Magistrate for the loss sustained ft is stated that Mr Lewis bill has the approval of the Minister of Railways A measure this kind has been needed for long years South End Lumber Yard Mir bin full mm A threw a brick thru the window of a shop in King St West in order to Wr Mcpherson has a bill to amend a temporary homo in jail Hard the Act It provides for lines I registering plans of surveys or is now current tit Ik in the lob- divisions f lands within live miles of hies of the legislature that no City boundary and some other lions at Ottawa seem will be made this year in the tails but the House does not appear thai the will date of holding municipal elect lont I to take kindly to the bill an II Present A city druggist was fined the I session to a conclusion at other dv for A good deal will depend of A poorhouse smell is very strong in the present Mr Keith remarked and is caused by poor ventilation This should be remedied Also the numerous old outbuildings should he removed as they are use less and little better than liretraps Dr physician for the insti tution counselled apart ments for the officials and improving the present That would provide the extra room required No action was taken indications at Ottawa to OK P W PEARSON MUDDY druggist was fined the ay for selling corrosive deadly poison a man vhom he did not know One day week a hold attempt at highway robbery was made in the jewelry Store of Wfiarim West Ave when he was struck over the free bead with the butt of a revolver In the hand- of a masked man who made good his escape The automobile show which opened here last Saturday the Armouries land is Hooks on I you contemplate going to the this year you will need these hooks just issued by the entitled J0II Settlers and Western Can hooks Contain a wealth of Information regarding the Western Provinces crop statistics land continued all nis week tforts climatic conditions latest a great success Tinre were land map- freight and passenger makes of cars shown The Interior I rale by the It direct line and of the ball was brilliant Willi decora- particulars train service during lions and the Was opened by March and April books are Lieut Governor ready for distribution and course on the temper of the Western lr and the of the Dank Act The fact that the Government has moved that government orders have precedence Oil Mondays aftei this and that the House will on evenings are the Usual warnings that business Will theteaftei he pished to an pari conclusion Do You Own a Good Black Suit Wouldnt you like to if dont then listen wake the mistake paying enough for it two dollars aland the way of your retting something really experience convince us that fiat advice are showing torne extra Value in and HitA Of ad to hare you get Library Vote In With WILLIS PHONE MAIN I to and has successor to the director of the Provincial Museum and upon duties this week Prof Jackson preached students at University Hall last Sun day expiodim J in obtained from any Agent P or L Thompson Passenger Agent I to Atkinson Agent Newmarket may he Cheating in all trades hut ours is an old saying hut its truthfulness has all too frequently hern verified An old friendless hermit living in a hovel in the ell was discovered extremis and a doctor wu called In The sick man desired to make a will and a lawyer Was summoned hut death ensued hefore I he legal man work An undertake took chargn and in the clean J up about were found with no known heirs Later on the doctor I The special meeting of the York County Council Called to discuss and ratify the good roads agreement as between the city and he concluded on Saturday the appoint men I constituting lifts big feature of the As foreshadowed in the World Saturday the outside member of the commission and a found which greatest interest centred was den Henry of York Township were made to secure the of all the Commissioners fioiiiwiehiu the Couilv Council hut- unsuccessfully and Mr Was on a division Chosen as one of three twrt were Warden and If of flu A meeting of the Womens Mission ary Society took place at the resi dence of Mrs on Wednesday evening The Army has a new lieutenant and those who attend say he is wound up tii run full time Plenty of snow and good Mr 1 A Dales is running an Ac commodation Store at the North and Alex Simpson the North Maker v A masquerade carnival is announced for this evening at the Newmarket Holler Kink Last summer Mr A drew a pen and Ink sketch of the Newmarket Cemetery on a scale of M feet to the Inch for the conveni ence of his father the Secretary It has been found so accurate trial the Directors have had the plan A hotelkeeper at Vivian had an in terview the of Newmar ket lasl week and it look to set tle the mailer Mr Julius and Messrs Is It Co have placed lieu either side of the entrance doorways to their respective places of this week The leu I Me grist mill was sold by auction hist for Mr fohn Denning of Aurora being the purchaser I Parisian Sage AN TONIC former only during his term of Sage is and all at the pleasure of Council themost advanced The move will bi of a chairman ami Mr lienr be the The government representative will me miners f the board compounded on of t msl advanced selection and nothing on the market to- bill 1 foil city Parry Sound Feb The billed the estate or the lawyer this 1 Mr Mint in account for tiled on Sunday caused damage to stock and building of this place while riding Uniterm pre While taking a bath on Sunday a load of hardwood sawlogs yes- morning Mis Florence was afternoon with other litth girls fell in front of lite hind hob of lowed says the sleigh the load passing over her leg between he ankle and the knee crushing it to a Jelly and in With heart failure and expired in the hath On Friday evening the wagon Collided with a street Car on Queen street Two firemen were thrown from the Wagon and serious hurt A photo picture an old familiar face In fifty ago and who vJt flrsl appeared In gram Then was an old lime so- jcial in that part of the city last week and many reminiscences of other For Constipation A THAT DOHA NOT LUST IT his 1 these claims mights have the Spectator bad it not been for the appearance of of the old man who the estate and appealed to the Judge As a ihedoctor was Through Colonist Curs TO AND Travel for alloyed the I under taker of SI and the total of till in The Rough Lumber and Inside Trim Huh ui all tor film GOAL fry Cord A HUM lixU Wood tut toe or EVES Of from frtnt rfi recalled The member for North York in the Ontario Iff In the face lit bis churchgoing constituents and j enjoy a quiet Sabbath by a bill to allow the Metro poll tan to run Cars on If the dissenting churches dont resent this they ought to be tabooed The citys budget for will likely total about- Last year It reached nearly J lie citys Increase this year will increase the revenue on the same rate bill year about and it expected share of the Increase from the in- crease from the Street Halfway traf- will nearly Children FOR FLETCHERS active medicinal Ingredients of Orderlies which is odorless tasteless and colorless in an entire ly new discovery Combined with other valuable Ingredients it forms a perfect bowel regulator Intestinal and strengthened Orderlies arc eaten like candy and arc notable or their to the palate and gentleness of ac tion They do not cauw griping or any disagreeable effect or inconveni ence Unlike other preparation for a like purpose they do not create a habit but Instead they overcome the cause of habit acquired through the ukc ordinary laxatives cathartics and permanently the cause of constipation of Ir regular bowel action VA will refund your money without argument If they do not do as ve I New leather seated colonist cars In which berths are free are now run ning between Toronto Winnipeg awl Vancouver on the Canadian Pacific Winnipeg leaving Torou- pm dally The cars are new bright clean and ensure a Com for journey the West without change of cars en mute day can compare with it It accom plishes so much more than the or dinary and dues it so quickly tliat users are astonished Parisian Sage kills the dandruff germs and eradicates dandruff stops falling hair itching of the scalp and splitting hairs in two weeks or we will refund your money Parisian sage gives a fascinating lustre to womens hair and it beautiful It makes the hair grow luxuriantly it is the daintiest and most refreshing hair dressing that science has produced and has not a particle of grease or stickiness in it Parisian Sage costs cents at or postpaid from the pro prietors The Mfg Co Fort Brio The girl with the auburn hair Is on every package Sold and guaranteed Pattersons drug store Your Hair Will Grow Monument to Alex ft IMS IONIC THAT MAKKS If A fit Of IN A HUN- OK HACK From the Toronto World James L Hughes as Chairman of the committee having charge of the memorial to the late Alexander author of The Leaf lias written the mayor asking for a Kraut of towards the movement Mr Hughes states that they have now a little over on hand and have applied to the provincial govern- The Canadian Itelining and Smelt ing new plant near the station v got into opera tion at 2 oclock on Monday after noon smelling silver ore In Orll- is now an actual fact The List car of ore was brought from Cobalt at the end of the week the town having signified its readiness sup- pi electric power fires were lighted an work commenced The ment for more With what is Company claims to have the most on hand and the two grants asked uptodate plant on the continent and he In of the opinion that a suitable niauy entirely new ideas enter into say they will TWO slzen and satisfied with two Sold only at our store The use Kexall Store by ton It f Now is he time to take care of your hair Dont wait until It to thin out If you do ft not long until you are bald opinion that la the beat monument can ho erected the smelting process The operation remedy known for falling hair It Is further requests permls- t furnaces is continuous the prepared from the prescription of one the monument in front im working III two shifts of eleven of the greatest medical authorities In city hall A proposition thirteen hours per an i has been approved is pedestal day alternate weeks The silver the form of a drinking fountain j byproducts of the ore will with bust of Mr Muir Jh shipped to Loudon England at the top of It Company has on hand three cars of The board of control will consider representing one hundred and the application thousand men arc Hon Mr has a to extend pec ted this number the Lunacy Act to 50 by spring best nourishment or the hair as well as a deadly foe to dandruff We have such firm confidence In this tonic that we will refund the price of same wiy one who is not cents at Drug Store Newmarket of sliver Thirty employed but It be increased i I I