St Sunday Cars that a bill has been presented before the Legislature to authorize Metropolitan to run cars on the Servant Good Servant for family of One to sleep at home preferred Apj Sabbath day it is high time the ply at Era Office a the Hoe as well as officials of the Lords Day Alliance and church Oar Toronto tetter and ministers respect nil got The Hon- Canadas was the guest of the Canadian Club last Monday and delivered an address on South African affairs His subject was well presented and the fact emphasized that economic not political reasons At for Sale or to rent of Saturday prun Apply to Newmarket or Lennox of North is the Queens Park fell from to Chapman Baldwin sponsor in the Legislature tree on Monday ami broke his nose the bill of the Toronto and York land- almost fractured his wrist Farm Hand Railway Col It provides until recently Radial Railway Wanted at once to go to the West Company may extend its Hire by month or year Good wages J line to and its reliable man Metropolitan line Sutton to M HOG ART hangman for the Dominion Govern- died at his liome here on day Mr chairman of the r For 8ale by Tender Northern Ontario Railway hen the country people would have s been satisfied but it goes further and proposes to give tlie Bast has arranged power to run cars on Sunday The for a The Kelrnan House on Huron St Tenders received up to April 1st by 2w7 Executor Newmarket Card of Thanks Mrs a Thompson of Holland Landing desires to express her sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends for their assistance and sympathy in connection with the death and funeral of her brother Sale by Tender Sunday clause reads as follows The cars of the Company run ning to or from any city of more than inhabitants may be run for the conveyance of passen gers upon the Lords day subject to regulations to be imposed by Ontario Railway and Munici pal Hoard Will the County Council of York stand idly by anil allow cars to be run along Street on Sabbath contrary to the original charter of the Company run on property for which the County paid thousands of dollars when purchasing the same from the Government and for the Mrs Vale will not receive again this season rMrJohn has decided to lo cate at Eglihgton Mrs B Hunter will not re ceive on Wednesday next His Alfred Webb will not re ceive againthis season Mrs Clark will not ceive again this season Mrs fr will not re ceive again this season The Misses Hughes were visiting in the city over Sunday Mr was visiting in Oshawa over Sunday Mr J Caldwell keeps us sup plied with Philadelphia papers Mrs G Ross entertained a few ladies on Tuesday afternoon Mrs Dr Scott is spending two or three days in the city tms week Miss Vesta Thompson of Toronto to be paid whether skilled or Sunday with her parents here unskilled Mrs Keith will not r on A sensation was created on Monday Thursday next nor again this season night at Laurel OddFellows Lodge Miss Lucas of Toronto was the When Mr Hiram J Noble guest of Mrs A Boyd over Sun Grand was about to open the Lodge flay in the new hall on street Mrs L Atkinson entertained a he fell out of his chair and in a few j number of ladies last Friday minutes expired from heart failure noon He wants to fix hours for a days work and then also to fix the or bill re- fl Seems like an immense quantity of Papers for a Town of this size but we re going to sell them Because we know the people are loyal I Mrs Miller of Chicago ipent Mrs a The School Buildings on Vonge St known as So and King The removed before the 10th of the brick building to remain until Without compensation can the 1st of July Tenders to be deliberately rob the i Union Whitchurch privilege of which they would have frame building to be to pay private owners of land sands of dollars for a right of way the of Deceased was years of age Mr Andrew who conducted the drug store at the corner of Carl ton and street for years died on Monday evening Miss Teresa Frances Wolfe the week soprano made her first appear- Mrs Dearborn of Detroit spent a few days last week with Mrs A few days with her friend Kirby I Mrs Capt Viehol Yonge St entertained on Thursday afternoon of enough and possess sufficient judgment to buy WALL PAPERS where they can BUY CHEAPEST and get the Best Assortment No need to patronize agents or send your money out of Town for House Decora tions We can supply your wants no matter how fastidious your taste may be We have Wall Papers for the Pantry Kitchen Dining Room Den Parlor Halls and Bedrooms ate and received till March lath BALKS Secy in this city in a song recital last Monday night in Massey Hall before a very friendly and ap- Mrs Dearborn sister of Mis j Many sales of highclass cars with her daughterinlaw left the auto show The I for Detroit last week Mr and Mrs John Coekerline of with Mrs AS TO PRICE Our Prices are figured Low consistent with GOOD GOODS and ill be found per cent less than the Catalogue Houses IV House for Sale On street The dwelling is a twelveroomed roughcast house with woodshed barn with stone stables hard and soft water and about threequarters of an acre of land planted with fruit trees For particulars apply on adjoining prem ises to CHARLES STICK WOOD To Rent reported from its private rights And apart from exhibition will close tomorrow this legal aspect of the question will Toronto Liberals have May were visiting the Legislature enact the bill resolutions favoring the reciproci- A Boyd last week by the member for North York lv treaty Mr I Shields and Roy involving as it does a menace to the immense audience attended Mas- of Mount Albert spent the week quiet Sabbath of the various- Sum- Sunday evening to with Hoys parents here Resorts located on the shores of presentation of Mrs of Bradford is Lake The people of Lew Wallaces inspiring story of spending a low days with her sister County are not petitioning for this j leen ten Mrs Richardson bill and no one having a proper re- times previously in this city and Mrs A J attended the for Rods Holy Day will sup- people had listened to its pre- funeral of her nephew in Cooks town port the member for North York in but all the same the Thursday of last week forcing thus measure upon them The large and interested last Mrs of Mills rights of the county which owns Sunday night it is popular with spent Wednesday of last week with Yonge Street and the rights of the christian and lew alike whom the brother Mr Harry friends of observance are in- story exalts by the proposed legislation SAMPLES Vailed FREE of charge upon request PREPAID any addess I he Office now Telephone Co used In the Bell April May of local manager For Sale White Rock Cocke rJ Is Pore Perfection Strain bred by J London beaut winders at all Western Ontario Shows in sie comb and color Prices rea sonable EOlTORIlUt Judging from the kick some Toronto and Hamilton manufacturers are giving the reciprocity proposal thev entertain the notion that SCOTT Main Street Newmarket TENDERS Tenders are invited for the follow ing valuable farm Lots and tear Concession Whitchurch York County fronting on Second Concession less than one mil from acres acres in bush well watered Jiving stream brick clad house usual outbuildings Subject to a lease Lowest any tender not necessar ily accepted Tenders v ill clow- March Address the interests of those cities are all Canadas and no other part of the country should he considered The Canadian farmer and ordinary working man have been contributing more or less lo the manufacturing industries and middle traders of the the expensr of ever since the day Sir John A Macdonald hoisted the Mag and i now looks as if the I tilers of the soil were about have their in nings by the adoption of the propos ed trade treaty Miss Carrie Hose gave a j The Hayseed Carnival given by the Saturday evening honor of Boys Chili of the last Miss Arlefgh Bamsden of Toronto week in Association Hall was a Mr fared Irwin gave the Era grand success It is now regarded in town last Friday He as an annual event The program was a Complete vaudeville entertain- ment Die first Friday in March The employes of Wilson A Cousins the second Tuesday presented Jos darker their foreman with a and address as a token ism Beautiful Designs at 5c roll Beautiful Designs at fie roll Beautiful Designs at roll Beautiful Designs at roll 20 Beautiful Designs at roll Beautiful at roll 20 Beautiful Designs at roll FR Arthur Brightlings New Book on HOUSE DECORATING Free to intending I Wall Customers IMPORTED French arid to per roll 12yds to roll in Wide Exclusive Designs See this Book Its tax Educator The Host Goods Made lis spending the winter in Mrs Ed Richardson will not re- hut will receive the second Tuesday in stead Mrs Charles Montgomery and her of Toronto are visiting Mr and Mrs Ah Wilson of their esteem Mr darker l has been with the firm years is leaving to take another position In a wreck which occurred on the party to last Sunday morning at the Thursday of week and took in the Carnival at the Kink Miss of accompanied Miller is spend ing a few days with her aunt Airs m tsa I The lafesl map of Ontario isued the Alliance shows that the local option municipalities of the Province have a majority of over the license municipalities tem perance people would drop politics and vote according to their principles at the next local elections Ontario would have total prohibition within Solicitors etc the next three yearn Richmond St Toronto J Name Wanted sun ABLi- St Catharines Toronto Hay Co a name for the STKAMKK now for TorontoPort Daltiousie Route which v ill go into June 1911 to the person the most name IN GOLD the one the name choice receive a BOOK OF TICXfSTO The fate of the in the Senate at Washington be decided tomorrow riling just before expires rife jn political circles ah to he morning a rear of Miles Hotel the number sixteen cars and sixteen thousand bushels of wheat were sill piled in a mass together A broken wheel latige or broken axle is the assigned cause of the wreck Thousands Of people visited the scene on afternoon In a Trinity St net fire at o clock Tuesday morning three fami lies had to make dashes to reach safe ty in the street Fortunately all es caped serious injury men were lined each on Monday for gambling on Sunday The new bill of the ft overmuch imposes a daily taxrate on tracks A of this city- shot himself Ibis week rather than face a charge of assault The clause in the Western Central I toil way 11 Hi at Ottawa protecting Toronto adopted in Inc the Mr who gave a Thimble Tea yesterday afternoon Mr Charles attended funeral of his grand child on Monday daughter of and Mrs Stark Mrs ed a number of ladies on Thursday afternoon of last week and on Fri day evening both Mr and Mrs were At Home to a large of guests Miss rtiddifield I Mrs Short of To- are booked from York on They arc going direct to Naples and will in the Coronation at London They do not expect to return until Scptcmi her CRADLE At Schomherg on Janu ary to Mr and Mrs Morton Corler a daughter At on Jan uary 2K to Mr and Mrs Ferguson a At Llojdtown on Feb ruary Mil lo Mr and Mrs William Courtney a daughter Al to Mr and Lewis a son result but the the Hill prominent wise- resident appears con- will carry while some think other- on Mrs Jonas v on Mr nd Mis Hon hill respecting coroners Contains very important clauses It gives power to to summon wit- any part of the Province j and- enforce attendance Hereto fore in case a prisoner died in jail Ihc jury Was half of prison- I and half outsiders Hereafter 1 Ion Railway after a heated or old friend Mr Jacob John- encounter appears to enjoy Senator Cox lengthy letter life whether in summer or winter the Globe on Wednesday endorses I Cold water is his beverage and reciprocity agreement though concealed nearly tin- The little threeyearold girl who j depth of two feet he takes delight at played with matches on Monday was I years of age in pulling the finny so terribly burned that she died ihejlrilK waters through he POLLOCK At Feb I Ail to Hugh A 1ollock a son both mother and baby doing well father was formerly a Newmarket High boy I I sparkling icv The receipt In extinguishing fire in her home picture post card from him on avenue last Tucsdiy Mis J pleasant memories of a revives ALTAR the Pres byterian Manse by Thomas on March 1st Mill Mr Harrington of Mrs Ida of Newmarket Oranges and Grape Fruit For Newmarket 1 Marmalade Oranges have arrived and now is a good to made a good marmalade while fruits of different kinds are scarce Have You Ever had her right anil We notice by- the IHIevihe thai Mr a officers the fall are debarred from jury will have pay increased from to Accidents by ex- pi OX or negligence can he in- Into coroners hereafter if the bill passes Wilson badly burned Another nigger in the was market boy who has charge of discovered iu dealing with proposed las Department for lie city lug it a great success After paying Alter all debentures- and interest as well it amended inas many expenses and keeping plant good repair the years closed with a net prom over notwith standing that I he price of TOMB the license bill and Secretary slated Wed- thai com ml lick The- Ontario food Associa tion opened heir annual meeting here on I Whitchurch Council Whitchurch Council MISS Lily On Monday Fob spent Sunday with her cousin was dropped last year per month The personal friends Mrs A Coombs in Newmarket he the following which he St Catharines of Art to the number of Miss spent the week j Phased ad end in We lake from LOO I Names mutt I submitted before March a Must be longer than two words not av any Mi Canadian The rest entirely with official of the com pany Coupons must sent PAUL Agent Catharines the name OLD this Office all Bills were presented by drey Municipal election ex pent s ii Hart daroax- for two killed by dogs J Gray claimed 9M A waa appointed attended the quilting at Mrs cur for current year The Clerk presented the Audit- on of the township counts Smith Mr arrived home Saturday evening after spending about a year in West The Armltage Adult having q Birthday on Mar Admission one for each of your age Which as finally audited and by the council I offer to do certain amount of printing for On Thursday evening March was accepted Social m the Tern Dog tax to Chan If provide the boxes arc to Herman and John fiogeru hy auction Hall open at The Treasurer was instructed to welcome and Olive Watson has returned the of damages spending a weeks vacatbm In the were entertained on Tuesday afternoon by Mrs John S Wood church street some line drawings were exhibited many being worthy of special men tion the first prize ivarded Mrs A who showed con siderable talent in her production Some of I he best specimens be exhibited to the public at an early Were date Dainty refreshments served and all spent a most able afternoon enjpy- sheep killed city IfMBfS eaCOCk of Toronto her borne here The to the auditors MM each to meet at Hall on the ma of wareh fte to Ex Program for the League Mar Lessons from great lives Meeting Mm Cutting First Aid for the tempted Sarah Irene Hill The dangers uses of money Tim Hill Gould J ftT All Orders revive Prompt a protracted illness lob Wells Of- King on bis 1st year HKACOCK At Lloydlowiij on Feb Ill after a long illness Mary wife of Ilea- cock in her Otli year ment at Al Newmarket on day February jlavld in his year Alter a long illness from heart disease John M Lewis Sloullville passed away on in his year At on Feb Kill Mas Keefer aged 10 years Interred at Holland Landing HAN- At Industrial Home rrrarkct on Feb John formerly of Tpi aged Interred at Thorn- hill STARK At Toronto on Feb Dorothy daughter of Mr and Mrs Stark former Newmarket aged years and months There Isaothlng for the tabic either raw or made into marmalade Table Oranges good California fruit from to per dozen A good Maple Compound Syr up as nice as the real maple sv- ii cans at Hie and 25 Home Canned Fruits of all v as cheap as you can pre serve yourself Phone NEXT DOOR TO P08T OFFICE All and Family personally attended to and nothing but the the BEST AND PUREST USED Agent for GN Telegraph Co Agent for Huylers House Phone No Phono Number All Calls cheerfully Attended to THE Undertaking House You bay For Cash A call to at John Millard Paoaea 2 VALLEY Our nice winter weather and sleigh- Is Just about at Its last Had to tee Brother Brandon Is moved on Vinegar Farm It look like old Come now boys cheer up weddlne bells will soon be ringing Wo arc glad to Mr around after an attack of mumps but he dxs not look- like the some The boot store must be about all j rf- ssBSsaft Brother Pitch Is to move to the out at Mount Albert Oh yon farm which has been occupied by Mr Brandon sol believe Mr Penrose is now back from To prevent niustlnesy In a teapot south and Is going to Toronto to wash out the latter every time after use let It dry with the