SS Peeks 3 oh re ton Womens Institute The the North Womens Institute will he held p Saturday afternoon at 230 at the home of Mrs Manning New market Two good papers are to be given What Sign Is This The following is- from a Man paper Mr If formerly caught a beautiful but- in his office Saturday last do not know whether summer is hand or not We heard of a in town who says he has feeding a couple of flies all There are worse places than Ha it oba or flies and butterflies Presbyterian Church Miss isabel Mcintosh of China addressed a meeting of the Presbyterian Church last evening under the auspices of the Women Foreign Missionary Society On Sabbath evening next at the regular service ballots for the t ion of Elders will be Collected Salvation Army Envoy Brewer of Toronto of Toronto will conduct special evan gelistic services in the Salvation Army Hall on Saturday and Sun day March the and The chief feature of the envoys Farmers Reciprocity The Canadian Century of Montreal believing that Reciprocity with the United Stated imperil the future of Canada and that it would be specially disadvantageous to Canadian farmers wishes to place its the question before the whole farming com munity and has arranged for a series of articles in newspapers of both political parties The first article follows and others will bet published from week to week The Boon Open compete with the farmers of the world at large it From The Canadian Century Feb I to determine what jure will be 1 the recriprocity compact mere- It is now proposed to add to opened the door the uncertainty of Canadian farm- visit will be his lifes story which food market to American farmers Tug Imported farm products from he will give on Sunday afternoon at lit would very injurious to thou the United States he Argentine oclock dressed in rags and bare- sand of Canadian farmers It Republic Denmark Norway costs no more to transport Sweden Russia Australia New can farm products to Canadian Zealand and a number of other towns and cities thaiv it dotes to countries coming into Canada with nas certainly a ifraUBport Canadian products out payment any duties will to lifes United States extent story tor in audition 2 footed just as he was when God through the Army reached him with salvation twentyone years The envoy has certainly striking CONTINUED FOR to his fighting and minstrel farmers have the farm products in the horn career was a declared and a9 c there at least ten city compact I te times as many farmers in the To make up for losses In the He Mil speak on special topics at United States as there In Can- home market the Canadian farm the other services namely Sunday- and so ten American farm- or will have to very greatly am subject Perfect Love Sew Exchange leaked out last week that Telephone Company were nc-go- Also at p subject one the store lately occupied Coward All are invited farmer who into stock in to era will get entrance to the mar- crease his exports to the United tt of Canada for one Canadian States In sowing seed in who gets entrance into the stock in growing veeet United States That the and fruit he always have by Starrs bakery but the lease was I do til Monday of this week The company take possession this Concert and At home open door there can be too satisfy American demands but they do not expect to Very audience patronized the doubt Even with a tariff wall he has made his until lunc It takes good by the Newmarket farmers will take advantage of consider what Is more likely to it against them they have succeeded while his crops are A pleasant evening was spent llr concert was quartette j advantages granted by Can- Even the in St Pauls school- id Messrs A the Unitwl must also Convention to the- followinc is k loin e 1 December IS and short proram was Marker Geo darker and which interspersed the various j Salle provided The in the program Iter J A solos tra selectionswere given by then it is provided that the AH of Messrs Arthur and Walter I the band Mr rodie of Aurora advantages granted to the solo shall extend to the United in this regard and the Govern arid readings by Messrs Jos V was to Contribute and Stuart Quick Mr has was chairman of evening Mr Willis solo States shall extend to the United to be present On account of Kingdom and the several British could hot defied the as was also the case with I wonies This bring about unanimous sentiment of the com- we point out Sale Register March Mr Mccham lot in con I will dispose of his horses cattle and pigs at one oclock mos credit on sums over 1 Kester Auctioneer TUESDAY March Auction sale of farm stock implements etc on lot St miles north of Aurora PO stop on Metropolitan the property of Hen- Milgale No reserve Sale at one oclock Terms months J auctioneer WEDNESDAY March John Birrs will have a sale of farming stock implements tools and furni ture on lot 31 con Whitchurch Sale at am lunch at noon Exceptionally good sale thorough bred cattle good horses No re serve f Uf I I drillings Jabots Supports I Collars Ties The Ladies Store Newmarket of farm products So when instrumental music solos etc ill ii provided and it is ear- hoped the schoolroom will be on the evening of this de- dale Financially was not the entertainment I I ha groat food to- lievo that Canadians in encouraging to ibe of the world i pie will find the arrangement so I iinsatisfnctory will thankful Parliament has the power to terminate it hut if this fore- n Adding To The Uncertainly Junior League Hockey Booming Christian Church T here is always some uncertain tasi should prove wrong there will Christian could for the about farming The always overhang the cloud of rhe Organ of ihe Chris- occasion changed to Irish knows when seed in certainty regarding the attitude nt I church have decided on the Mat- stead of Dutch for in both games what the weather the United States Congress mews organ of Toronto and the or- this and last week the Shamrocks lii Thore may be front There will always bo strong was placed last week The new gafred the victor over their Will placed some time pip- organ May successful social was Parsonage on Friday evening for the of new music for the choir The rooms were packed A choice program rendered by the following Piano Duet Miss and Mrs and Miss t Piano solo Miss Sniff Mr Willis solo Ml Vixfal duel Misses and Keller Miss A roii Miss Stevens Walter Stevens Waller presided he entire erif refreshments pastor will March and evening The lopjes v be a fn The Flame a of What Does with Our In the first game which was play ed on Thursday nljht of last week the Shamrocks and Nationals under referetship of Hones Smith faced each other with an iiltfmil of fin the fourth game in Davis rather Com- A at work in the United Added to alt theso iincerlalnliefl States that may cause due to Natures variations is alter the tariff American in favor he uncertainty regarding the era may bo dissatisfied or which will prevail when ear manufacturers may think crop harvested many n0 getting enough out of should be devoted to one agreement and demand better and how many to another do- terms Mr Taft has made no I V March will have a sale of March 11 Mr lark will have a sale on lot in the 5th Con East Uwillimbury near Credit till next pec Sale at one If Kava- Auctioneer TUESDAY March lithllenry Sib ley Lot Old Survey King at will sell by public auc tion farm stock implements etc No reserve Sale at one oclock Terms months I Auctioneer March Auction sale of farm stuck and implements on lot rear oi Con limbnry the property of It Harper No reserve Sale at oclock Terms months I If Prentice Auctioneer Our invitation is cordially extended to all to inspect our tensive range of Staple Lines including Prints Linens Do ilies Ginghams c Fancy Stripe Suitings Plain and Fancy Cotton Voiles Muslins Sec our fine range of Embroideries A Hovers Insertions and Edgings We direct special attention to our Display of Ladies Blouses Fancy Nets Silks Fancy Lawns and Tailored Styles Prices from to lac Also our display of Night Robes Underskirts thing New at Unbeatable Prices APPRENTICE WANTED fas LUIn t A FRESH OYSTERS PURE CLOVER HONEY Irene To ol the Irish upon a guess as At what secret bin expectation that rnwd he for the tited States Is to get create agricultural products at he concessions later on If the I of harvesting what prices States Congress endorses wii What of farm pact It will he because of this ex- pan was phtved The conditions etns were the Shamrocks 7b l and Tholes The Thistles who ahcT yet to win a game tried hard to nose out their the Irishmen hut owing tf three of the In Gold gene stock and implements on lot on the Second Of- Whitchurch street terms Sale at one oclock Read man tact I- WEDNESDAY gene After forttwe for a market Hoy having plated a game if afternoon against the College were unable lo fire tie titer game was a great game and the Irishmen had but little on the Scotch as the score indicates the result being I in favor of Shamrocks The teams lined up as follows Shamrocks Anderson Epvr Care Wright Smith Willis West Thistles Rlair D rim so Hunter I tret A Doyle Last night one the games of the WHS slated be Alll picked up every n an opportunity is offered i this to enjoy an outing next summer See add Hip following from To- Thistles to World Mr A Taylor was Thistles here being a painter for enough not to win a game Mi E tor two or three demonstrated on Tuesday nig Weal the a prominent it- name it A Taj lor I ale man of Toronto lias been estimated variously Vfio he I have the Christian and father tin- rate at- hound yet they thai are to he overlooked in he Willi their men all fresh they Nationals the A Jail commences with a roar A lot of people visited the Tuteren I is Exhibit ear last and found it ieiy Instructive Nearly everyone says have burned more coal this than last which is pretty good proof of sever the whiter Mr Aubre bough I a at he auto show are laying on the Specially factor The con tractor expects finish In July March Mr Eu- will hold an ex tensive farm sale at I oclock credit on sums over No reserve 1 a Live Stock Market drew retired moving the town of Newmarket where he and his win- were earnest workers in the meeting He passed l his rest nine years ago hut bis widows devotion to the Society never slackened Sh- Slight decline in tattle on a faithful at fender of meeting market ibis week ligh- ready to help good est price paid lor butchers choice Lemons at per do Oranges Sweet Seedless 20c CO pails Jam lbs Assorted Flavors Brooms This week at pail a i A DINNER SET CHANCE I taking and always the young Her testimonies prayers linger in the minds of market Friends like twilight when brightest sun is- a fid New- hues change in sheep- ami Ewes anil JllV bigs nfi cars hunt I Caught Again it man Canvassed he and sold Mill pa en I mops at The same article Is ffr sale at Pite highly I warmest of their existence No- a tiring but the clean brand ed resident Newmarket passed to is being played in these reward on Wednesday evening Present lime it looks as if the at A oclock Deceased the id poor health for nrer years Industrial lomc fhe and I I lee meet at the Home what call be done provide if Greenhouse St fust Eight Sets Ml pieces peacock blue gold de- best English Ware substantial material set for See in Window I We want your Butter Eggs Apples Beans any Produce you have WCHOWARD I Carnations La tuylur the grandfather was will materialize that providing being almost doubled with valih who bad estates jr Junior tram Iorics yet she a jiilet and if of England Some winter 141112 learns last tranquil spirit full of courage and on bis night Acre line up as follows patience A couple of weeks ago handling properties and Dlair she a chair and broke a lib t- a iAvHTi went so far Hunter Lepard was stricken with pneumonia the piratc from his father after Nationals previous to her death and coming t Canada Da met t Holmes Martin Ing frail physique flue to her long liter Nationals to Canada Holmes Martin ff frail physique flue her he would cut that there would be a j suffering she was unequal It She loiters were exchanged good crowd spectators last was conscious to the last when she i of the- family re- the in England he never vent Social livening The employees of the Clothing fac tory and their friends lo the number of about had a fine lime last day night The actor floor was cleared as much as possible and the room decorated and dancing Wah kept up till an early hour and Company provided refreshments to effect a reconcllla In an tot the or think he ferii afer his father- won- He purchased a farm near he married family of six afterwards he tit his fathers death and two ears after passed away physician attending him ftaa nothing but a broken har carried him his death his brothers kept an interndltent correspondence his on Albert as he i family and a year was notified by them of a hidden Clans in the will which gve fJd mansion to any Taylor Lore both of Mr iaylor hat received several offers for the pro- which grounds which overlooks the Zoological Garden The first of i2e wax for 50 ard the tot itQfiWh An of Mr who at has advised not to sell at a less figure than a he has real es- well developed Is not likely will Gold Mounted Umbrellas thing new and suitable for the Trade Ill Initials engraved on of char Our Optical Department is complete with Styles of spectacles Holders Chains motto CO and Opticians I Ticket Agts- of Licenses avav Ihe funeral waft held from tin- home on Street on Saturday at pm and was largely attended ihe services were conducted by Alex Mac kenzie pastor of the church of Slip a mimher and I delivered a sermon on There shall no there Interment look Cemetery I The following is clipped from Canadian After a brief Lum- passed to her rent January I St Our late friend was horn In Count Ontario June wan the daughter of Am- fhapin an ex teemed elder ol Monthly Meeting When Sweet Forgetmenots in pots Lihe Hyacinths Prim rose Primula Asparagus Kerns Prices Reasonable Orders Solicited Phone Toronto Markets March Pall Wheat per bush Wheat per bus Oats per bush Peas per bush Ilarley per bush Hay per ton Butter r lb per do Potatoes per bap per lh Turkeys per lb per lb HI HO an Hi CO Hi Newmarket Markets March Kail Wheat per bush 0 1 Oats per bush Hurley per bush Peas per bush per ton Shorts per ton I lav per ton lb it mi Mutter per lb do tin f mi Potatoes per Chickens per I per lb lew Per lb bag Hi Hi 19 Turkeys per fir 20 t 21- ft 12 Hi IK March I The L are holding their annual Concert on March 17th You were sorry that you did not hear j the Toronto Drama lie Club when they appeared weeks This will afford you another v ijQ7Mc nlty fonl miss this as they have good reputation The plan Ira 1 1 will at toils drug store on Monday Marcn at pm rose young she learned love the vlour and was throughout her whole life a consistent member of the of Friends In she was married to Andrew and they on a farm Athens but a few alter the family moved it and the West Lake Monthly Meeting In they moved lo a lam In the town ship of Whitchurch and after a num ber of years successful farming An- QUA Kit OATS He STARCH CORN STARCH ftc ART IIAKINO POWIIKR 10c Church Concert St Pauls schoolroom was crowd ed last Friday evening and the en tertainment was a great success Mr heller Solos were given by Mr Young Oeorge and Barker and also Mrs 1 Quartette by Messrs LaKalle and Marker by Mrs and Lovell by Miss Sharp Mrs Hunter and as well as orchestra Miss Rita Irwin and Mrs accompanied the vocalists enjoyed ihe program At a meeting of the of tt Methodist Hoard Missions on Wednesday nine candidates were ap pointed to serve as missionaries in West China and Japan SALMON SPANISH lie per box PCKLKS white Onion tCAKKK COD LIVKR OIL 35c 10c SYRUP SIIOOP CURB 70c VKAVKItS ANT SALT PINK SYRUP AMHKRLA I PAIN HALM COMPOUND SAUSA- PHKLIA MILLARDS AltNOLDS DH LOWS He MOTIIKK WILSONS WORM SfYR- UP KOLA AND TONIO WINK 55c I a Co