Newmarket Era, 3 Mar 1911, p. 4

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THE CURSE OF THE NATION IS CONSTIPATION TV I Lyon Provincial Finances CLEARCUT AND CONVINCING SPEECH I- Alone Cures This Disease A famous scientist states that nonactionof the bowels causes more deaths than all other diseases combined Constipation inflames the Kidneys ruins digestion is the found ation of Rheumatism poisons the blood causes Headaches Neuralgia Nervous ness and Insomnia Constipation is caused by a weak or sluggish liver Bile the only purgative of the body is secreted by the liver which in turn should pour out into the intestines sufficient bile to movethe Unless the liver is active there cannot be enough bile to move the bowels regularly and Constipation is the result the famous fruit me dicine trill always cure Constipation because it acts directly on the liver relieves the congestion increases the quantity of bile and strengthens the bowel muscles a box for or trial size At all dealers or from Limited Ottawa Deficit of Vigorous Colonization Policy for Northern Ontario Advocated Industrial Edu cationScarcity of Teachers Reforestation Reciprocity and Other Subjects Eloquently Dealt with In continuing the debate on Budget Hon Mr Leader the Opposition spoke as follows Mr This debate has now some two weeks and has covered a range of subjects The that there was a urplu last year of I do not purpose Sir to low any such dishonest statement to go unchallenged in this House Were it not for the absolute slavery of party politics that exists in this House and subject have been interesting or province no Provincial Treas- largely according to ones would dare flaunt such a est and misleading statement in the face of this House or before the peo- j pie of this province Now Sir allow me- to introduce the Honorable Provincial Treasurer to himself Treasurer in the 1905 I and 1906- There is an Spanish proverb which says That you may always appeal from Phillip drunk to Phillip sober allow me therefore WANTED NOW for NEWMARKET and sur rounding country for the Fall and Winter months a reliable AGENT to tab orders for Grown Nursery Stock Pay weekly Use of beautiful outfit free We guarantee strictly firstclasi hardy stock delivered in prime condition We grow FallSelling Special ties sold only by ourselves on which there no competition It to for a reliable firm Established 30 years Write for particulars PORT ELGIN NURSERY Port Elgin Ontario Wire Fencing Five Years Success With AMERICAN FIELD AND FENCES MADE The Canadian Steel Wire Co ftl Come and tee Quality and prices For Sale 1 README AD Near High School Newmarket Ontario aw new point but I am glad to say in the main the spirit that has pervaded this debate been one of courtesy moderation and sweet rea sonableness In contrast to some of the jingling and somewhat jingoistic apeeches of honorable gentlemen op posite that of the latest acquisition to this House was rather pleasant as to method and manner of delivery The modesty he displayed was no doubt to introdu the Honorable the Pro- due to the fact Sir that siU on I this aide of the House Treasurer to himself as he Current Receipts and Expenditures stand before mirror of his own The annual announcement by the financial statements of and Honorable the Provincial Treasurer P- Budget speech Sir as to tb financial standing of this published by this and as at the close of any fiscal year People of province the honorable gentleman is absolute ly clear that the receipts from sale of lands must be trentcdas capi tal and not as Current receipts In this he was right me apply this position to his financial statement- for the people of this pro vince pay and what do I find I find Sir that last year from the abso lute sale of lands the province receiv ed the following two item 10047 making a total capi tal receipt under this head of The honorable gentlemen have the printed statement before there is no doubt as to the facts and the dishonesty find the deception of this year placing such items in cur rent receipts in order to produce an apparent surplus is too painfully manifest Again Sir take the item of -ale- At p the Honor- Provincial Treasurers bud- province are to have any intelligent of wc find the of how the finances of this Now we distinguish the bonus province stand we must have received from pine timber salts of system in the classified oeiog pedal payment of capital erf accounts else it will be quite I account then again at p he say to make a comparison from contend a capita asset and to year and it will be quite ha- propose to it Then potsrble tor people of this pro- again at of his finnnc a rrfaee to understand where We are at statement of I0CG will be found the BM9 HI rent wet HER gjjg MM eats Saw is always important end deserves consideration The question of of the statement as to he and liabilities has been dealt with by the honorable the member for West Wellington Just a few words as to the correct ness or incorrectness of the financial aUtement as to current receipts and expenditures In making contrasts I do not propose to hold the Honorable fiie Treasurer to the posi tion which he took while a member of tie Opposition but it is emin- fair it is only right that I introduce the gentleman to himself as Provincial Treasurer I therefore Sir to introduce the Provincial Treasurer of to as Provincial Treasurer during years and we to understand finances of if honorable gentlemen lrrfj fan in this House if the people of the following the revenue the bonus on pine limber ales oM under the former Government may be considered as being capital so that Mr in and I WW he was very properly treating the bonne received on sale as a capital and not current receipt Apply this which is a proper clnsEificaiion to his this years statement and wo must tied net under the heads Woods and Forests he amount received bonus on limber sales namely Adding two items namely the amount rece for the solft of crown land- and received ii- bonus on the salt- ly you have in all under a- two head a capital reeeipt wrongly and dishonestly placed tin- current Trace MABKO be in Scientific Jtmmx ty7 itf fioanciallr It will not do Sir to allow the Honorable the Provincial to juggle with figurea and to transpose figures at will in order produce an apparent surplus Ho plainly announced to this House Kir there was the small balance at end of the fiscal of rocotots over current expend giving the exact figures as Sir I desire to tell him and plainly and to tell the gentlemen of this House cod the people of this province that statement cannot be justified is toot tnK on the classification former ly by the Provincial Treasurer can it be Milled or upheld on the basis of any classification of cur- receipt- and current expendi tures distinguished from capital and capital any sane intelligent accountant receipt would mike May I be permitted to remark that do not Idolize a surplus There may occur in the you arrive according Hie of this province as in the history Honorable the Provincial Treasurers of any business enterprise occasional awn statements according hi- own circumstances which will demand that position an cash deficit fre province as individual year of and in draw upon his credit for a particular order to mislead this in or- year sod perchance make ex- mislead people of pro- beyond current receipts A the Honorable the of deficits however nch Treasurer deliberately transfer we experienced in late years is j large Items already mentioned from something to be avoided fn any column capital receipts thai Kir the finances of this pro- I of current and thus produce should not le juggled or shuffled a bogus and imaginery surplus time after time in order to produce A while he knows and every a og surplus There is no man in blouse knows and virtue in the having of a surplus as every truth justify the production of a die- there set financial statement contend I as have Contended I desired to go further md Ihe from the deird to hold the honorable gentle Die sale of crown landf cannot truth- man Id his contention when financial fully or reasonably be treated as aught of the Opposition where would else than receipts on capital account he land I find at p of parts absolutely fTja particularly calls not only tor an honest statement cf the but Sir for ah honest effort to remedy the result the unavoidable result of the facts as they now exist We note under this head what happened in tha United States largely owing to the same accursed slavery of the party Aug For the past quarter of a century he experts at Cornell University and educations institutions leading practical lumbermen in the land warned the rulers that their forest was gradually being depleted and that unless practical steps for the conversation of the same and re forestation taken there would be a timber famine For many years a deaf ear was to all such intelli gent warnings with the unavoidable result that our neighbors to the south of us are now in many lines border ing on a famine Hence again Sir I the necessity of dealing honestly with the facts as to our re ceipts from crown lands If Sir the statement of the Honorable the Pro vincial Treasurer were an honest one it would proclaim to this House and the people of this or that there was last year an actual finan cial deficit of Then Sir if we were honestly told as we should be that from year to ye there been an actual deficit the people would bestir themselves and the Gov ernment would be to curtail expenditures or to take the neces sary steps by way of a general sys tematic scheme of reforestration r otherwise to ensure that the rscfpa from our crown lands would not ne cessarily year by year diminish and if nothing is done ultimately vanish If Sir the Board of Directors in any business concern would attempt make an annual financial statement j 5 as misleading and deceptive a that of the Honorable the Provincial Treasurer they would immediately by the shareholders be driven off the board and sound financiersnnd hon est accountants placed in their stead I say again Sir that I am not stand ing here to make an extreme party ftSHJ criticism or to say deficit is necessarily a crime on the part th Provincial Treasurer but I do that it is nothing short of crim inal for any publb man to so juggle wlfi hig figures as to show an surplus when there is an actual and very substantial deficit If it is advisable and desirable nay per chance necessary that the province should spend such an amount of mon ey that the current expenditures hal exceed current receipts let it be done The supreme test is whether it was desirable in that particular year that the money should 30 spent and whether the province has received the very best value for such expenditure but there cannot be Sir even relative justification for the sending forth by the Honorable the Provincial Treasurer to the public an absolutely false statement purporting to show ft small surplus when is as already explained a very sub defirit is Everybody must use SOAP if they would be clean and if you would be beautiful vou positively must use GOOD SOAP Whether you want to be BEAUTIFUL or just CLEAN we can supply you with the Best Soaps vou could wish for of any make or price una era on mm Ini a a OUR SPECIAL LEADERS MO N Y ROSE GLYCERINE SOAP 15c or Cakes for i Pure Soap weighing h the cake and SOAP Shell Brand Castile tfi arc Hi US sis mi is a GOOD oap per bar per bar or bars for AT in mm Mai hi Store Canadian Express Company Baggage to and from trains handled with despatch Phone em Km mm cats ansa i v Direct to Western Canada Mining Receipts The Canadian Pacific Winnipeg Express leaving Toronto at pm daily carries Colonist tourist and sleeping tars for Winnipeg anil Pacific Coast The Colonist cars in which berths arc free are new cars and arc exceptionally The honorable gentlemen opposite j comfortable This is the only train indulged in their wonted jingling Ontario points to Western as to receipts from and runs the entire distance thru Lost year from mining license Canadian territory making the recording fees we received time between Toronto peg by several hours and ensuring a fast and comfortable journey to the West without change of cars or trans fer troubles Atkinson Agent Newmarket Keep above the sink box contain ing borax and a bottle of for removing grease from pots and pans column of Now Sir if yon take the of from the will bone will mi deficit When ihw province with all Kili of a future receipt from that fcya bo on forlj we when we ere hie the following in in we The gentlemen point to the large revenuep received from milling in as compared with and ay that had the remained in receipt- have been a- they were in I risk Sir there fluy complaint from the honorable gentlemen opposite when in Opposition as to the amount for mining The infer oriee from the argument is that the mineral in the north tin valuable discoveries at Cobalt and won- still be selling for an acre In gone by when land wore sold an acre it was considered by both the that this all these were worth wer no vnlunbe discoveries ihcn made but Sir in their criticisms the lionorahlo for and forgot the fact that the laws as lo thai OH statute lyV exactly in tin- form that was suggest ed this side the Sir will that when toe Honorable the Minister of Mines proposed to bringdown in aft fo revenue and when in- from thin side of us what principle he would lax min ing laws lie answered that the ix would ho so much acre it will also that I once such proposition While you may assess arm lands fairly by look- at the surface you never could I mining bind in that I pointed out Sir that the upon Constantinople Feb The Turk ish steamer Harriet filled with Moslem pilgrims has been burned at sea and all on board death ac cording to a report received here As the train was about to pull lout from station on Tues day night the cylinder bead blew out of the engine causing a report which was heard over the town The pas- had a most wall of three hours The sale of Friday draught pi ices realized Bros farm stock Oak last were exceptionally good tbeir horses Four heavy horses brought 17 One inrKii another for Photographer Newmarket sold for Their cattle also It rough big prics Pasadena Cal Feb yesterday In Pasadena the HOW have eirly if not first bod rain It snow- lite in twenty years into the streets and After fifteen tbe snow lurned to bail and This that all crown lands receipts should from any particular mire Co Hew York t pount- The late Mr one of flnnncifll ho ftvr consti tuency in thin wont that that shouhl New Telephone DIRECTORY Bell Telephooe Co of Canada Official Telephone Directory forththtutlctof Tovn of Order for mm XinfA firm A street tot tf- he hitl ed Is AT TO If bub w yar bo done it account What Of a farror who tsxu- two hundred of land for worked the am- and year hy a iff- bi showing my a current receipts were we to -I- 1 hi- xpfrndilure by the Provincial Treasurer in a pari he to financial critic for it of the in yearn by on claim it the end of that and were to liold him to hit yrur thai zcd what would be th result ixfAndifuro by I P financial i made any contention by him and I find for the in would end for hie of I laM the tak care of him under the I that the Crown no ore were mine f- would have We offer One Hundred Dollars ward any case Catarrh that cannot be cured by Catarrh Cure 1 CHENEY A CO To ledo the undersigned have known J Cheney for the last fifteen years and believe biro perfectly hon orable In all transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm A Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo Wo Have on Hand a Stock of I White Pine Norway Hemlock etc to Order Special Biz Doors Saah Flooring Moulding All of work Ash and Hun to Order thai if in that no right to tax h it bad htm What the result the Minister Mine delaywl for ue Hie down of Ms WW all Hall Catarrh Cure is taken because acting directly upon the blood and mucoUK BUrfaCCH of the Jvstrin Testimonials free Prices no vain- whatever The Hon- 5c car- of him under the ion had gone k ron 4 with the mans upper wry it exactly by such method that Honorable the Pro vincial freaturer at deliberately and coolly proclaims Land were making total of Sow A POST CARD BRINGS HELP FOR THE KIDNEYS I a I Jlr iff of try Ontario last tfJtt to Mr I Murium Toronto ties are stated In of while the assets rank at Mr was of the oldest been in tbat for a great number of years FREE want all from Kidney and Plslder and KlieumstUm test and see for Ibemstlvei really all these troubles If your Kidneys are weak It you to urinate- if your bands and are crippled with jgive to prove the relieve you and cure VOU ft wont you a rent You dont have lo wriu us a free A I received of which I have with that I with a the for me art so called principle of juniper berries of Gin h4 do not a lor at il tofflrcasjlsfaetiow refunded bo if you write and I3 A Co deduct of w and you would have according the Honorable the to fr cod iinM contention and for ihe Opposition the astounding deficit fait of I rj peat thai if the financial year by by the Honorable the Provincial Treasurer of pro vince la be Of any vue at ill ft not become a mere laughing there must be continuity in the and clasfAcetfon our fin- and current ami pendlturec shoud be truthfully capital and capi ta xjAnditure When should be truth fully shown in the financial and the laic price and ihe money celvnl the Rale of any lucli ndi should be a capital receipt and not one of current account Were it not for lli curse of psry no Provincial Treasurer up in a nod Statement fe bar mad much less would publish such financial statement The Importance of honestly truthfully deullllg with our ftnanees need not bo A portion of our revenue Is made up of tic re- from woods and tor fit If then our forests and our year done way of conservation of our waltliir by of it follows an certainty that under that gradualy decrease end in time be flbtOUt tit This the Send the ERA to absent friends bae of and the ott bill and when in follow ing year ho introduced that bill announce lint the lax would he upon the royal basis that it would a cer tain una 1 1 percfiilnffe of lb- output He- thus adopted our rtiiggeafion in part ai least for I then and till think I was right that while the revenue by the province from our mine diould phi by means of royalties that the mine paid exceptionally well j nay a higher percentage than poor- mine thai when the honorable boast of the large revenues obtained under and by means of our present mining law tney forgot that present on our Take Malls Family Pills for con stipation Dressing nt Sticking- and All Such Work J LTD We the law lands a book as the result of sag- ies lions from thin side of the House and the reault of Honorable ii Minister of Mines completely changing his mind as rooult of I then said was Sir that no mine or company should be axed for the spending of in obtaining machinery and of boring In the earth unless a their Ishor tome profit were obUlnxd the province had no right to taat a man who had possibly ton twenty thirty forty fifty or one hun dred thousand mining and work and who had the pleasant of Continued on page ay Your For your first bottle of Psychine SIKEEN1 YOU GET IT FREE It has only been within recent And hare received hundreds of years we have to really thousands of unsolicited about the white corpuscles of All duo to this power of strengthening and Increasing the while corpuscles of the blood Here are the diseases la the treat- rrlent of which Is Indicated An explosion in the Rattle Creek food factory at London Oat cd the roof of the building and scald- Jed several employees Valparaiso Chile fob 24 A rail way train Jumped the tracks on the bridge near the American Copper Mines today and plunged In- I to the ravine below Kilty persons killed or wounded FOR A know blood or the phagocytes and whst their function Is That they arc the or scavengers of the body Devouring disease that enters the body when they are strong t enough or In sufficient numbers Or being devoured in turn by these disease germs when inferior in strength If ha only been within the last few that have found out that certain herbs strengthen In crease these white or bodily sea veneers sands of Ihcse bottles of chine And we do confidence In lion A confidence that has been based our years experience with that to show our this wonderful splendid preparation with a full know- Here are diseases of which ledge of the hundreds of thousands cure It has made mm herbs largely compose And thirty years has been and Increasing the whte corpuscles of blood Hoi Appetite A I I rA TioaUe of Voloo COUPON No 70 To Dr T A SLOCUfd Ltd Ave Toronto a bottle tit lChli0 rijnolii I Hi Hi Iour I have not hail iV- or lhl Kfnllr vvlo my IhUhotlloloine Now we dont ask you to take our word for the tremendously benoficlal effect of Kill out the coupon thirty years has been below mall It to us and well give building up rundown vitality curing druggist an order for which we many of hopeless diseases him the regular retail price for a We have sold millions of bottles of bottle of to be given a a i I In that time cared hundreds of thou sands yon free of cost We win hoy bote in this manner hundreds of Tow n and M Name Street Number for Of I it I j rim will buy I be Va bottle of from and direct him offer ma be withdrawn nj without notice Send coupon ssxsa- TVr

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