J Newmarket loan on Farm Prank AUCTIONEER AND PaperHanger Ho Decorator Niagara ifsittwctrmarkef Probate Court The will the late Cyrus of Newmarket has been entered for probate The estate is valued at consisting- principally ol a mortgage and life insurance His widow is made the sole Or Clonk DENTIST St Dr Wilkinson Office in Block Newmarket C T The regular monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday March at the home of Mrs J McManus Prospect Ave commencing at 3 o clock A full attendance is request ed License Commissioners The license commissioners for North York have been appointed They are same as last year namely Dr the of TRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Office Offer at private residence If t4 J Stevenson of Aurora Mr Ar chie of King and Mr Ego of Sutton The first meet ing of the commissioners was held at Feb and Dr Steven- was elected chairman of the in tea must be dis tinctive pleasing and unvarying to merit continuous use The flavor of Red Rose Tea is all its own and it never fails to win and hold ap proval because it never fails in quality Try it province in 1916 the receipta were Continued from province in receipts were iVOTMnuw worn In other words the a oil bis of the province a between there were some actual and results from anch expenditure and work my suggestion then was that when a mine gave excep tionally heavy return a Die royalty and under particular head were and the House will well remember that the construe- tiouof this road was not favorably received by honorable gentlemen op- NEWMARKET WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN and Head Stones Elsewhere CAS8IDY A Lecture ToNight Do not fail to hear Rev Johnston one of the mast eloquent i lecturers in the city of Toronto in the Methodist this evening At the small charge of fifteen cents the auditorium should be packed Pro ceeds are in the interests of the Building Fund under the auspices of the Adult Bible Classes of the Sun day School Lecture commences at oclock 2 NEVER SOLO IN BULK Your Grocer Will Recommend It agreeing that a pleasant and profit able time had been spent Copied from Canadian Churchman Feb Dr J Boyd OQO Telephone and Telegraph Utilities Another Alarm On Sunday evening an larm was the WaterWorks at the Graduate in Toronto corner of Prospect Ave and Queen Diversity Streets passerby noticing flames Royal Physicians and mem- lh residence of Mrs Eves or the Royal College of surgeons had been placed too close and they took extinguished the damage was done and they regretted that any alarm might be graded and a larger percent- and inanj and adverse were age taken by the province after a cer tain output had been realized Sources of Our Revenue Honorable gentlemen opposite boast of the large expenditures on agricul ture education etc but they forget to answer the question as to who ren dered such expenditures possible I ask who made the laws under which this increased revenue flows into the Treasury today make this state- Sir and I challenge contradic tion that the large revenue received last year was received under the very laws enacted by the old Liberal Gov ernment with but slight variation in one or two cases We were not per fect Sir we did not profess to be but we dug the channels through which flows the revenue today that this Government is expending and for which expenditures they claim so very much credit If Sir you take the financial statement you could trace back every dollar of the being last years receipts to the laws made by the old Government and which in many cases were oppos ed by honorable gentlemen to your right and as to some of which they divided the House not only once but twice and in some eases three times I purpose Sir briefly to de- this proposition namely that all of the increase of revenue as between 1904 and save some thing less than can be traced back to the constructive financing of the old Liberal Government or to in creased receipts under other heads for which this Government can claim no credit whatever The Corporation Tax Take first the corporation tax which was opposed so bitterly by the Con servatives in this House and the re peal of which was threatened by the present Premier when he sat in Oppo- HARDWARE STORE had been given The damage is cov ered by insurance England Office- Cor Main and Timothy Newmarket Telephone No Consultation Hours My may be had at any Wednesday and Lent the day or night by calling at the Wednesday last was Ash ownership and operation of the telephone system of the Dominion Government to control trunk lines and municipalitaies the The receipts from the taxing of these wealthy corporations such aa local service was advocated not long railway since in his address at Berlin by companies banking institutions etc Hon I Lucas This plan diners I lhe unchanged from the scheme proposed by Sir Wil- amounted to or an increase of Ham while a member of the J no1 a dollar of this would have found Cabinet who suggested Gov- j the Provincial Treasury had ownership of the whole tele- honorable gentlemen opposite had their way and yet Sir if we are to believe the supporters of the Govern ment this increase under this head of is to be attributed to the splendid financial management of the or phone Time Card day the of Haydns Dictionary of Dates tells us that the Primitive Christians did not commence their Lent until the Sunday now called the first Sunday in Lent Pope Felix III in first added days preceding the old Sunday to complete the num- NORTH Toronto 180 30 705 ar- GOING SOUTH phone and telegraph system to operated as in Great Britain as branches of the post office depart ment Of the two the one suggested by Sir William Mdlock is the more preferable because of its greater practicability and effective ness as compared to a system of di vided ownership To our mind it ap- Government Succession Dutie Then again Sir under the head of succession duties the receipts in were In they amounted to or an Increase of To whom Sir belong the credit for large receipts The people of this province right well remember tax Toronto PROM SECURED of other rbalixtht4iw y ifHtliXf MXlrntC if tV ftotf wthinrtoaKWl ory the Great introduced the sprint- Federal ling of the first of the four additional dan and hence the systems of the country as to monopr name of Ash lhe lrjiri under the plan suggested by Mr Lu cas placing control under Provincial and Municipal management presents Henry vt Conflict whSte to he quite as natural and that it was proposed tj in the public interest for the that honorable to monopolize i their friends poke the control of telephone and telegraph lhfi taxing the a p 100 At the this 310 Practice was as being a mere shadow vain BhcrW Flesh prohibited early during Lent but conflict the ruse of ling from divided authority which flesh by proclamation In work to While the proposition of and it Continued in force until by proclamation of fames I in and and by Charles I in and was again wholh for bidden Furnace Work Plumbing Fire l Fire I At Friday morning alarm Dm was on hi v William llock however would have the vantage of so controlling the revenue arising from the transmission of both telephone telegraph messages that Kfneral public might look forward confidence to a reduction in the same as was experienced In the transmission l letters from dead etc They bad not the courage of I heir conviction- at outlet to move on amendment to vote the bill but later on when it was re- vised the present Provincial Treasur er moved an that woud cut the receipts least in hall that Sir it clear to us that if honorable gentlemen on the opposite had had their way they have proposed such n tax and the province year would there fore not have received the aid J7680 Licenses Tlirn Kir another tlj- splendid constructive financing the old Government under the general head of li censes in the year were of Our Specialties See Bathroom Outfit it Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS SETTLERS and occupied by Mr Smith one of the lanmry employees The roof was all ablaze when the alarm was given Mr Thompson was the first to reach the place and the Inmates were smothered in the smoke he broke in the window and the but were all away from home The flames were under with I in fifteen the alarm given and the frame work stand The fire evidently started from the kitchen stove There was no Iranee on the house but something the contends TRAIN Sites TO MANITOBA ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN only line LOW COLONIST RATES serve Ontario by bringing his influence to on the Provin cial of which he is a member by Inducing his colleagues to follow the example of Manitoba which has taken over the telephone system of that Pro vince is operating it with consid erable success an a Provincial public work The other Western Provinces are preparing to follow Manitobas example If therefore Ontario bee and the other Provinces of the Dominion In the would follow in the wake a Complete chain of Pro- telephone systems he country from to West would in vogue and Which the Do minion eventually take over and operate a one Consoll- dated telephone system wip ing out a monopoly with Ifie pros pect of largely rales a I country progresses and develops pub- Church of Unhand The Rural Deanery of their winter mooting in St and All Angels Church I Owing to the severe I storm on Monday evening only ownership should the ultimate Taylor of Holland of both the Provincial and able to j honorable opposed such a proposition and during the progress of he bill three time- a vain by honorable gentle- opposite ave their from a fair and taxation Mining Licenses and Fees receipts under the head Mining Licenses and but In the receipt were Increase Ol Hut to whom belongs the credit for such increased receipts In Wf there practically no mining operations in our north country for the had not been discovered they were discovered it wan learned that there wan great mining wealth in the north it became at once nlvis- to make laws to fit the and a liave already ex- Capita expenditure dun plained the present law ds it upon the statute there by adoption of the Honorable their criticisms of it Had the old Gov ernment not undertaken this excellent colonisation the last ver would have been less than they were Summary of Now Sir what is the result of increase The total receipts in were the total in 190 were in other words the increase in revenue between and was Bat Sir un der the six which I have al ready been dealing with and for each and every one of which Liberals claim the credit the revenues increas ed between and in the fol lowing amounts namely As to Corporation Tax As to Succession Duties As to Mining Licenses and J As to the Dominion- Subsidy As to the T A earnings Or in aU In other words of the total increase in revenue between and 1910 of I have accounted for 246555700 ie the whole increase in the revenue has been accounted for under the above heads except In other word Sir after the present Government has been in power for six long years I am proud as a Liberal to be able to make this sweeping and very sub- tantial statement that all the revenue of the province save a trifle less than 300000 is- accounted for by laws placed upon the statute books by the old Government or mea sures advocated by Liberals Faults the old Liberal Government doubtless had but Sir when seven years after they have gone out of pow the financial receipts of the pro vince almost to a dollar can be- traced back to financial legislation placed up on the statute books by them or to measures advocated by them it speaks volumes for their financial and busi ness administrative ability- Not one dollar would ever have been received by the Province of Ontario under the head of Corporation Tax had the Conservative Opposition had their way Yet under this head during the of the act up to date the Government received Similarly under the Succession Act the has received in all so also under the Brewers and Distillers Act the provinco has received 9G495 Under these three taxes the total receipts of the province up to the 31st- October reached the magnificent sum of Expenditure Honorable gentlemen opposite com plain that critics of the Government j do not particularize sufficiently objecting to expenditure- This is on easy remark to make aid yet there is much force in the position taken by the honorable for South Went worth Mr who says that the Oppostion has done it duty when for example under the head of Civil Government he point out that owing to the unnecessarily Increased number of employes the ex penditure is unnecessarily increased i not for the Opposition members to say whether John Smith or ii or some other particular is This is the duty of the Government Contrast In Expenditure The cost of Civil Government ha- increased since per cent the cost of mnnncfina the crown land has increased during the same period per cent total expenditure the same period tier yet the increase on ib hut per cent This I hows clearly that as to irnpor- field of work the expenditure hah not at all kept pace with the general expenditure nor yet with trie increased revenue of province Much credit is claimed by of the Government because the in- creased expenditure on education I hey forget that such expenditures would he absolutely impossible were It not for the increased revenue de- rived as already explained They might do in making comparisons also to not the fact that the expen- diturc in on education was per cent of the total expenditure of the province whereas in the ex penditure on education reached only per cent of the total expenditure for Another point that might well piv the Government pause and particu larly In view of the ever- recur ring de- ficlts Is the fact that he increase in the capita expenditure during first three years of Conservative rule was as a the increase pr the whole LIGHT FIXTUR x You Can Save Money By Buying From Us Full Line of Electric Light Supplies Paints Oils Glass Etc NEWMARKET mm frf- All Winter Lines AT I Toronto Jobbing House 1817 CAPITAL AM PAH PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS UP 00 Ea5 at all Important In Canada and In London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a business tramJacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS customer of the Ontario Hank Branch will be ftccommoUt as heretofore BRANCH a ROSS Martin Senour Floor Paint Ik just the paint you need to paint those painting it wears on the not oil floors you arc A i Trains TUESDAY PM Uvular Trains Colonist Car on all Train for Toronto to was sung however and the Holy Corn union celebrated on Tuesday morning at am The met at am Rural Dean of Bradford presiding following I were The Christ Church Park the Rev A the the Church of the Ascension and the Rv Brain rector of the pa rish ih devotional hour wan tak en by the Rev Edgar Taylor and the Rev- I K Mr Taylor contributed an excellent paper on bearing of the clergyman his parish to and Mr I led the study from IfhlHppfaDS to which helpful fhe most Impor tant routine business was the deci sion an acetylene lantern for use the deanery in the tr- Inoon the Rev J of St Stephen addressed the on the coming city hoped that the country parishes would also matter up secure in their various He by the Rev V Pit cher Sunday Secretary to get officer in the Deanery ee the Sunday In the Deanery were being supplied with the literature time time by the Sun- 1 day School The Rev Edgar Taylor appointed Dean ery Sunday Secretary After rote A to who gave to the vUitlpg clergy the Agent Send Your Nice fc VALET Take What PHI Why Dr Miles AntiPain Pill of courtc Good for all kind of pain to relieve Neuralgia Headache Nervousness Rheu matism Sciatica Kidney Fains Lumbago Locomotor Ataxia Backache Stomachache Period ical Pains of vorncn and for pain in any part the body have used tor over I Dr Mil bout all the time would not think of a without tnero no how a I wo I cannot St At All if Jut MILKS CO Minis ter of Mines of the suggestion mads me when this came up Dominion Subildy in 1004 the Krant that this province by way of subsidy from the Dominion Government was in owing to the Increase of popu lation in Province of Ontario and ah a result of action of the Lib eral Government at Ottawa the sub was or an Increase as between of When the Liberal Gov ernment in power negotiations were opened with a view to obtaining Such an Increased subsidy These gotfntlona were continued after Government came Into power wJUi that a decidedly was granted by the Dom inion Government The present Gov- erarnent In limply did their duly no especial credit le due thorn ani no censure Is corning to them for what they did They con- the work already begun and the Dominion Government lncreaeyj the subsidy O Earnings A Northern Railway a started by the old Gov ernment In it I Its Initial 1 stage construction and there we earning received from It by Suggested Source Owing to the fact Kir that we have recently bad a series of deficits in I thin province it becomes the duty of the Government to cither 1 decreap the expenditure or to devize ways and mean mr increased eel pus I have already dealt with question of the our forests and of as means securing a permanent rey eriue addition that Sir the Government might well consider whether under the Succession Duties tax they might not grade th- percent- age be taken by the that when to large estates that run up to say and on the Govern ment might take a much larger per centage on the over and thus secure a substantial in crease of revenue without injuring anyone Similarly I advocated when the Mining law being put through that the royalties might well be graded a to take percentage from the excep tional paying mine It Is not the duty of a Government to make multl- of one and tend make of Government might well consider the of the laxoc on corporations alto Continued on Try Wall Tints On those walls that need touching up We sell it In eight different abate also white It will not tub off when dry lbs for Use On your old furnltun It will make look like hew One Coatjof Elastic Floor Finish Applied Spring Kail will keep as good as years far famo us I Guaranteed pure If it does not give perfect according to directions bring your empty cans and have your msi SB money refunded if Hardware Newmarket PHONE Old which have become Holt be made quite bard and firm by dipping them a alum of St Paul Minn has been raising make the fastest time with no orders In several towns In Canada of cars en route no transfers From Ontario to Winnipeg WITHOUT CHANGE OK CARS If you travel to Western Canada by the Canadian Pacific direct line The arretted ftt and sentenc ed to five years In the penitentiary Stops cures and ItiiiffA Iq or customs examination The route Is interesting and attractive and through Canadian territory he en tire Special train service for Settlers In effect during March and April Atkinson Agent Newmarket itilti BOOHS THAT REALLY you the you way youtmiaJriUvi Oar be ill for Stud we There ire popular book ton IhtOptriUotlOf t electrical nation armature and maDf winding element and and and heating Ad ainiMrntnti etc No matter or for be f that will give yoa that want Vrllr 6day for and compel llluitratfl and popular IHl It J DRAKE A of Bill M I 1 t