ERA FRIDAY MARCH Be Hew Corner Store TINSDALE MANAGER fj I HP i A Few Best Granulated Sugar 21 Best Yellow Sugar lbs for Comfort Soap bars Tea Red Rose Uptons and Mela- reg for Lard lb All Fancy Biscuits reg for pound Rolled Smoked and Side Bacon a pound At Cost Price conds RS We handle no SHOES Kelt reg for Felt reg for for 125 sell the GENUINE COUGH POWDER Stop That Cough Snoops Cough Cure will do it Guaranteed FWSMITH Mr Roy Rose has purchased the grocery business from Mr I Hun ter Mr Davidson has entered up on his duties as census commissioner for North York PERSONALS Miss Minnie Brooks entertained her friend Miss Stevens and cousin Mr Wesley Brooks both of Newmarket over the weekend Miss Essie Lapp is visiting her aunt Mrs Ida Mr Fred Cole Toronto was up on a visit to his parents over Miss A Hie Case was at Tcmpcraiice- viile on Saturday attending the fu neral of her nephew infant son of Mr Fred Case show his razzledazzle work for he was up against hockey players in stead of a bunch of kids The men must not be overlooked for they were so slow the winter caught them with their summer clothes on Riddel for the losing team was a star he showed speed and stickhandling at all times Bald win goaltender had a tired feeling is now of the cup Program for the League March Christian Endeavor Lessons from Bible Biography Moses Reader Levi Weddel Speaker Patty 13 Missionary Modern Missionary lessons from Pauls Third Mis sionary Tour Reader Vera Smith Speaker Ross Literary and Social How We his courtesy and gentle ness Had be lived until April of this year William Crawford would have been years of age He was born in Sutton West Ontario Cana da and came to Montana when years old First he went to Butte and then to the Bitter Root Valley For a time he worked near Hamilton and afterward in the woods near French town and NineMile For sev en years lie conducted a grocery busi ness at Clinton Four years ago he came to Missoula Here he went in to the ice business becoming the head of the Missoula Ice Company He was very successful in this ven ture In politics Mr Crawford was a The Royal Welsh Ladies Choir were at the Town Hall Newmarket last week who did not hear them missed a rare treat New market gave them a great reception They bad a full house and were cer tainly worth hearing We are all glad to see our able torman Mr Sam Parks back on the run again Rev Barber of will occupy ttie pulpit at Knox Presbyte rian Church here on Sunday morning Anthem by the choir Kink was in great shape on Monday Mr Wm Fry is able to get about again but Mr Doc McDonald are new and different from ordinary preparation They accomplish thetr purpose without disturbing the of the and are therefore the Ideal laxative for the mother they do not affect the child Compounded all by expert hernials if well return your money a Wax If your has not yet stocked them and we will mail them PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A memorial service was held in the Presbyterian Church last Sabbath evening in memory of Mr Win Ross and Mr Oscar Rev Cameron preached from the words What is your life It is even as a vapor that for a little time and then away The text had a peculiar significance for both gentlemen it might be said Their sun had gone ere the dew of morn bad been dried the heat of noon At the close of his discourse Mr Cameron referred briefly to the con- Christian life and faithful ser vice for God and the church which had marked the career of both Mr Ross and Mr The choir sang Forever with the Lord The service closed with that grand Ill MOTTO Not to sell cheap goods but Good Goods Cheap hymn The Sands of Time are Sink- good spirits for but you fog with its triumphal refrain will observe from above they must staunch Democrat He represented Missoula county in the seventh state keeps much the same legislature and was ending his first The sleighing around town is not as alderman from the First too goad Ward The Rev preached a good William Crawford was a member of and useful sermon last Sunday Mrs Hillabv tbe tlc solo was much Sneaker Mrs McNeil dependent Order of OddFellows and Our new Metropolitan Bank is Citizenship Mock Par- Missoula club He belonged to ing completion and is a very fine Parliament Does subordinate and building canton degrees of tbe Odd Fellows There arc still a few old shacks on and was prominent in the councils Front St that want pulling down the order He was a member of the Arthur was in To- Presbyterian Church to for a few days last is survived by mother two have declined to play brothers and six sisters all residing Sutton for the final match- in the in Canada In Missoula he leaves a County league This leaves Sutton wife and a child William Crawford jr aged months The funeral of Alderman Crawford will be held Tuesday afternoon at ocock The OddFellows will be in charge hut religious services will be held first from the Presbyte rian church Until then the body will lie in state at the Marsh chapel Word was received last evening that Scott Barnes fatherinlaw of the dead man will arrive Monday night from California ttiarieil CocP7 Cessia limited FOR THE WOMAN WHO LIKES TO GET HER Business premier Rev A McNeil Leader of OppositionMr It Cody BALDWIN BREEZES Suttons crack team came down on Wednesday eve last and attended to our lads needs They Baldwin got well dressed down Poor old Baldwin her jaw sags down No victory rests upon her crown She fought a game fight for one solid hour But now alas the grapes are sour On Friday eve our boys left in Glory Land dvelleth in have run tice to up against la for BLISS BUbb for best beBt Native at tho root of by purifying blood It restores wasted every organ A tablet at night next fooling bright Faithfully uaed will banlah Constipation and Liver Disorder a Be euro you the genuine Bites Native in a bearing the portrait of O Blue tablets Money back If not of Chas W AGENT The very many friends of Mrs of Stratford wife of Ferguson a former minis the Presbyterian Church jherc glad to welcome her and Master back to the village for visit with Mrs J this week The Misses Norris have home after spending six in To- ron to Congratulations are due Miss Gertrude for honor standing in her recent examination in voice at he College of Music Toronto Mrs spent the week en J in the city The Womens Institute meeting was held at Mrs ramis home on of last week In of the stormy weather quite a number I of ladies gathered to hear Mrs and Miss of Newmarket speak on The Canning of A concert is being planned members but details are not yet Mrs Aylward visited her Mrs in Toronto days of this week two Adult Bible Class a snag In jus- the boys I offer several good excuses First They were minus several of the fastest players I absent Second They had played a bruising game with Sutton the previous night Third They are not accustomed to playing on such a nar row contracted little rink as ville not nearly so large as Mother McCaffreys washtub the duckpond Atlmirnl The boys departed amid the- j orillSH Admiral all well wishers homeward they and blessings of They returned After the battle as came At four oclock in the morning Nobody cheered to welcome them home By this let others take warning Try a game on natural no fears of the outcome TELLS WHAT DID FOR HIM A Man famous persons have testified to the great value of and amongst the most recent is Admiral Rodney M Lloyd Writing from the Royal Naval Club Portsmouth champions Mr Ross of Trinity Col lege Toronto spent weekend here The Lake Ice Co expect to get thru the end of this week Mr Bert Masters was seen in town on Sunday The Sutton Literary Society meet on the first and third Tuesdays in the month Miss Edith the attendant at the Public Library had quite a busy time changing books oh Satur day evening Mr Donald Grant was in the city last week l Court day at Sutton on the of March The dance in aid of the hockey club was held on Monday night We trust the boys came out on the right side Mr Dixons jewellery store was closed down on Saturday owing to the death of his father Mr Abraham Savior storekeeper of this town has bought out the stock of Mr Herb Ma nil We regret the death of Mr Dean father of Mrs John Kay Virginia on Tuesday Feb On Tuesday the Feb the sale of implements and stock was held at the farm of Mr Silas Ernes Vir ginia implements sold at low prices hut the stock fetched good We arc prepared as never before with a range of first- class PRINTS at NEW PRINTS at NEW GINGHAMS at NEW BLACK WHITE SHIRTING at 1 5c NEW ROCK FAST DRILLS at NEW HEAVY DUCKS at NEW UNIFORM CLOTH at NEW COTTON CASHMERES at lac It is worth while to see them before purchasing Try Our Cent Thread Next time you need THREAD buy try it ITS A DANDY some of our ones and QUEENSVILL ice I have- land Admiral Lloyd saps I have found most rc- wedding in Baldwin liable for healing cuts and abrasions- priors this Wednesday Miss Mary Small- while for the relief of skin irritation We are sorry to hear that Mr wood and Mr Willie of Ml it is invaluable K Barnard of Sutton has had to Pleasant More will follow in Another famous user of dergo an operation upon one of lis CAPITAL PAID UP AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS S DEPXSITS BY THE PUBLIC TOTAL ASSETS Branches and Agencies Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current Rates of interest allowed Sale Notes collected Blank Forms supplied charge MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH TERRY MANAGER order lis Mr Frank Scudamorc the War Last week whilst a spectator of Correspondent who supplied Cana- hockey game has papers with their despatches he and the teams the Cadets crossed sticks in a C Wednesday night After a was struck in the face by the puck causing a compound the cheek bone It is doing well Last week also Master Ivan linson was jammed in stall by a wild harumscarum horse and his arm was fractured Id sell that horse if I were Mr Bonnie He to appreciate kind HOLLAND LANDING Howard has been laid up the class the grippe past two weeUtt pleased to say he is on the Mr with We mend Mr Beth Beaton who has laid up for time is better Mr core contest the Scouts came oH winning by the close of The Berean Class of market expected up on night to play a friendly game with iV- the treatment Prior to superlull Tuesday Baldwin Hockey team With a bunch rooters on night last ready to repeat ill a week ago- played in Baldwin After a Lnl tinre are always a of social pleasures Last evening George l gave a dance to boys and others On tin Lyman gate another of Special occasions to which I under stand an invitation was extend ill to Un grateful tiny accept the Bht War Mr says Some poisonous dye on my underclothing came Contact with a small ulcer on and blood poisoning set in pain and swelling followed My medical mans treatment seem to do any good as ulcer after ulcer broke out until left leg from knee to loot was one mass of sores I had seventeen deep ulcers at one time I could not my foot loihe ground and was rcalh in a pitiful state A our friend advised ami I even- plied this herbal halm It was really wonderful it soothed the pain and aching and gave case I- continued with it leaving oil all other treatment and at the end of a weeks treatment my leg was dot like the same A- lew boxes of his great deal of Cation and discussion some agitation the game be Louis heeler wax here last Reek attending brothers funeral at ten oclock when it was final- given by Iroquois decided who should play and who Dramatic Company at Sharon on should not Though the Baldwin Tuesday evening was largely attend- J tam much eulogized by Owl with dash arid desperation in tact hall was packed to utmost capacity which and were well for the company The plays supporter decidedly i Mr Busy Day and the home team probably or Mom- In best has yet produced and loudly ap- j and the wore was so onesided that intend spectators lost interest in counting They dont knou all they missed fo passed healed all the Bores and away wry suddenly last week He by bit new healthy skin covered I he was wellknown in private life as a places which had been so deeply quiet peaceable and upright pitted and scarred by ulceration ami Aged about seventy four yearn blood poison The limb now per TWO more of our intimate healthy and with mi marks ol have bade a final farewell Ilic old Ulcers For this splendid re- are iohiison I have only to thank eyes The operation was performed at Toronto and we understand he is progressing favorably Mr and Mrs Win are petted to return from their honey j rtioon the end if IhiVweek Mr Williams our town carrier is recovering we are pleased to say front his fall ABOIT TOWN The climate took a change on for the warmer but caught a cold on Monday lie Church was largely attended on Feb Mi Prof Dales conducted the service and preached on the text Choose great things yourself them HOW We hope for a good attendance on March a Mr and Mrs John Todd of visited Mr and Mrs Win King on Saturday last Skating is more plentiful now this knocks I he all to pieces Oh Thai we now might grasp our guide that the word were given Come Lord of hosts the waves di vide And laud us all in Heaven KESWICK Miss of Toronto was the guest of Mrs A for a few days last week Mr Walter of was visiting friends in this vicinity on Sunday Mr and Mrs Ernest Morton and over Sun- Frank Kays sale last well attended prices ran family leave for the Mr J Cole is Mr Kui is and For OUt in A I and Will Rom- Provinces formerly a exceedingly popular Baldwin Elgin ft is a cure for piles wellknown anil cold cracks or chaps ulcers ring- rmrclianl in l near in- The winning tore but before going Intend placing tin Baldwin for a few Urn later We will keep the enjoyed a ard him a of this game gives junior championship Par The your people of the Community dance at Mr Lis evening wry Shields accepted a position at the power House and is handing out the fluid as required Miss Myrtle Hamilton Mr Hamilton of spin Will Hit Percy It draws hair HEBE FACTS WE WAN you TO mhk Marvelous ft may I W Hair Tonic grown hi that once bald nor the icxall on Of were Hair Tonic act ftcltn- hair roots talp taken on a nor had destroying germ which Ait for baldness huld prove interesting with Mr and Mrs at Bay Viev Farm The Methodist Ladles Aid Society had a pleasant meeting at the church on Wednesday last The meeMrig of the in the basement each month ha proved very satisfactory and as an agreeable change for a while from the gathering at home The Presbyterian Ladles Aid met work at the home of Mrs J W on Wednesday of thin Seven member of the league give short paper on the topic How our law are made next evening The subdivision the subject should enable each to dealt with proper to It pexetrateA to roots of the hair ft a most pleasant la delicately will not nor permanently e you to get ii lltU of Hair and t a directed If it do not relieve icalp irritation lair from out and pro mote fecrei4 growth of give entire hearers had little Baldwin Junior Friday at rink by The core crowd game along I one behind This week two ol our old boy las Crittenden and jr depart for rcpective home In Saskatchewan They go ac companied by good wlshen of us folks Charlie some day may return for one of our excelsior girl will probably lose the valuable help of the la leer a touch of the Wes tern fever Ill shot will hard to Jill Potatoes Irish apple are firm in demand at adollar a miarter bag One year great scarcity the late John happened to have a lie took a cargo to the village and called out ware Potatoe a dollar a hag em or lav em Hit price was deemed too weather eh Mars and Venus arc now In a mix op shall govern the Weather of this mundane sphere Mars direct influence Ik for extreme cold Is for higher temperature and elec tric stfirniK week little loins in the incite and us poor The mortal will have to abide by the Itll make us mad a worm poison CUtH burns i fr All box I To- Refuse children rashes and all skin injuries and and stores at ic or free am Co ron to for price Skating IONS is all tin- go around here Miss Blanch visited friends near the fish market Sorry to report that Mr Wallace has been called to Muskoka his brother being Injured We hope it will not be serious Mr lames Nelson has eight chick ens batched all ready Pretty early On Thursday morning- Feb there passed peaeelully away one who will In- great missed In the of Mrs Kennel widow the late Thomas Senile 1 1 who preceded her to tin Ik- Iter I and some nine teen years ago Mis St line It wos born and grew up near her old home at and left so many Mr Norman Morton spent day Cooksltiwn Mr day high West next week moving to the farm Ing Dales and friend Of are lilt guests of Mrs Arthur Tom- A College from Newmarket was the guest of Miss Leila Morton over Sunday Mis Helen is assisting in Mi Coles store I his week HOLLAND LANDING A couple of the performers of Dramatic Co detained the commencement of the concert for half an hour at Sharon Tuesday evening It appears they do not beep any rings in the Temperance lions shed at Sharon consequently they had In hunt around for a tree to tie the horse to hut they got there just the same We suggest that the people in Sharon equip the shed for future use The fork Construction Co closed the works down on Saturday owing to high water They expect to start up again in aboil I a month Some of the girls are feeling rath lonesome since the canal hoys left especially the Warbler anil the Night ingale a Macon and kidneys must he slowly If cooked rapidly they be bald and to eat filed will Miss after here Law has returned weeks visit With to Aurora her parents For Sale or to Rent acres of heavy land in the Township of East For full particulars to 1 WESLEY Mount Albert of the now years without a partner it was a Mrs James very great pleasure keep her own Mrs Westgarth and her son home and welcome the children- who spent a few days visiting her sister are all married and settled in homes Next Sunday I quarterly meeting of their own as they visited her In the morning at UK All are from lime to time and it Is now come Ural her children realize that they Miss L and a man have lost a good mother and the spent Sunday at Mr Albert Mil- church to which she was so faithful long as her health allowed has A young man on the keeps given another to tin- Church TrL pretty late bourn Her many friends have Mr and Mrs Mix were the often noticed in departed that of Mr and Mrs ton on disposition which would rather lie Imposed on than be the means of spent I days having any contention and although In her declining years It was noticed i how frail she seemed get when the de- eve it was the to attend a consequences IhU season Baldwin bringing a March hare large crowd of spectators The family arc plunged In presented a mourning owing the sudden de- team and was than Alderman William Baldwin at all time They a of The Town Council good tender Milne Smith made concerning J a very strong defence Milne with and exemplary life I he wan the faning from a local paper v or Star of the tvenlng at William Crawford has been to at cover showed fled with western Montana for nearly peony ft well The wings art good are years During that time Ids ard Hold only at Store by up of fast skaters The Pen- legrity made many friends In Pusher Baldwin better To number wan IkAOWO as Baldwin business To their number was did not those who knew his social tahtc of last week at her Mr Cole A wry enjoyable time spent last Wednesday evening at a white house near the sixth mu sic and pie all a go Very glad to hear Oliver King Is a bit better fhls Is an awful place for girls between the ages of 12 and to he running around with young men think their parents should put a stop to It Mr and Mr spent Sun day lant at Mr MurellV Mr and Mrs spent ah afternoon week at Mr Kings fcloirt Cure J call Came though sudden It found her ready last sickness la grippe followed by pneumonia was borne with all Christian patience and human skill and all that human hands could do was done it vas of no avail The Master said It Is enough come up higher Her last slcknefts which see mod only too short to have her with usj was at Hie home of her son Henry Bennett from which a very large number of friends followed the remains Hill Cemetery Following Is a verse marked In mothers book Our spirit too shall quickly Join Like their with glory crowned And shout to see our Captains slgnl To hear His trumpet sound I- J QUEENSVILLE IS TUB TO BUY DRY GOODS GROCERIES I BOOTS AND SHOES RUBBERS HATS AND CAPS HARDWARE PAINTS AND OILS J f When in give him a call