SS SStigfe J J p p- y j a- Weeks liOGaljieois I Hooray tor Quid Ireland WHAT OB DC ft Canadian Home Circle member is urged to be pres ent at the meeting next Wednesday night OBrien has another Marge class for initiation and a very program is being prepared Owing to the splendid terest of the members the growth of I this Circle has remarkable and the members feel that they are for tunate indeed in having the assistance of the ablest and busiest organizer of the Order On March the Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church purpose hold ing a Shamrock Talent Sale at which they- will supply homemade cookery made and served in true Irish stye Make a note ofthe date Improvements Messrs Cane Sons are moving a building from the homestead down near the factory to be used as a storehouse Mr- Bert Gardner is having inte rior alteration made in his residence and is also putting down hardwood floors sir Dinner Sets- Big Salt There was a big crowd at Mr sale on street on Thursday of last week and the were very satisfactory A colt rising was sold for A 2yearold heifer brought and a A Jersey cow sold for an even hundred dollars a grade cow for and a farrow cow for One calf brought and brood sowS5 Implements sold very well Seldom i Settlers Excursion Every Farewell Party Saturday evening a farewell party to Mr and Mrs Henry Sibley of was Stray OLD TIME WINTERS- By Carl Cress- Ah the memory these early days in the backwoods and the prim itive sports that were the occasional recreation of the boys and girls of those times There Mite no then no toboggans no and but an occasional pair of skates and these were only in the possession of the But lacking all these modern luxuries and aids to amusements we still had real and glorious sport There was a minia ture mountain near by those days in fancy only for it was really on ly a gently declining hillock and to this we were privileged to take our was held at the home of amateur made sleighs and ride Mr Dunning Niagara street hill I suppose this phrase Games and music were the order of down Mir will scarcely be the evening the latter being furnish- understood by the modern youth but by the Black of King todays to- merrymaking continued until and was a source of real oclock when the gathering- broke up boisterous delight to us young- all wishing them success in their fu ture home in Toronto AGENTS CLOTHING AND PRIESTLEYS DRESS GOODS T v o rth Yo reatest Stb re AflfcNTS FOR LADIES HOME JOURNAL We willingly return your money for any goods returned within a week front date of purchase f- ONLY Crisp and spotlessly while was the snow and it lay far deeper on the ground in these faroff winters than it does now and what more I sight than to gaze out upon if ever was there a morel a wide expanse of snowbound field congenial and enthusiastic gathering and forest under the glistening rays lues as met together last of the moon at full What hilarity i Monday evening in the OddFellows and charm were about this sport Hall over store Besides riding down and plodding up bill the initiation of ten candidates a again while many an upset would presentation was made to Chief Or- land us in feathery drifts from which CLEARING ODT of GOODS IN THE LADIES READYTOWEAR J To make room for our Spring Stocks now arriving we are offering you some extraordinary snaps in Ladies everything is clean and uptodate and this is a regular harvest for the wise buyer- Ladies Skirts Greatly i The colours are in black brown navy green grey and mixed tweeds we guarantee a perfect fit with every one the prices range from TO EACH Ma rcli via Grand Trunk Railway System from all points in Ontario Kingston and West to principal points in Sas katchewan and Alberta in cluding points on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway The J rand Trunk is the Extraordinary Bargains in Silk Waists Ml We have eight styles lor you to choose from and they are all ot the pleasing designs all in stock PRICES Cloth Coats at Cut Prices most up to TO date and EACH in These coats arc full length and are built from the best quality broadcloth beaver Vienna and cheviot the fashionable diagonal weave and tweeds PRICES Si 50 TO Butt who has done splendid work in our town thc it wo or three weeks THEY WONT THAT the only doubletrack route to represented and several LAST KONG AT Particulars rates would emerge with loud laughter past at the painless mishap There is a lodges thrill of real joy yet in recalling this High I rollicking fun And nearby was ai PRICE etc from Trunk agents R A or address J I McDonald were served Toronto Out Court Officers were also present A fj genial and generous grandfather the initiation ceremony refresh- whose cellar was always Toasts to in the i were proposed and DIRHCT IMPORTER OF STAPLE AND FANCY CHINA Methodist Church Regular fellowship meeting at oclock next Sunday morning Mens the visiting and responded local brethren The following visiting lodges were represented Courts Hope in evening and singing led Robin Hood Cosmopolitan fields with a crust a male choir Suae service will s Abstinence limns- this vast WICK cellar was always filled in win ter with choicest apples and dclieioiM cider and wc were always welcome to share his kindly benefactions And then would come days when a thaw would melt and crystallize the top of he deep snow- that covers miles of firm as ice and 9 Childrens Cloth Coats Away Down mm m bunch of broken lines in these coats but there arc all sizes and colours PRICES TO Childrens Dresses at Cost Lain I v ill arc anxious to clear out the whole lot of these dresses they are serviceable and good the are very low from prices TO EACH as Hall Grocery Hill A TO MAKE a male commence at The Male Quartette will render a couple of selections The pastors will be The Young Man nt Got His Eyes Open The Missionary Society will meet at the residence of Mrs 1 Davis I next Wednesday afternoon at oclock All members are requested as ice a natural rink we hoys Harmony Toronto all of To- played shinney the sticks fashioned a team from Richmond from young saplings bent at Oh hilarious joy to attend an r Friends in Need Hunter Mr AN GET A CAN OF AND A BROOM Seven New Houses Messrs Barker have already contracts for houses work to be commenced just as soon as hi- season opens Already male- rial is being the grounds special car from the some Ho members from the above lodges and with the odd members of local Court Rescue tried to almost overload the large lodge room Those from High Court and the foremost Toronto lodges were the fol lowing High Court Treasurer Wilson High Court Senior Woodward fast High Court It District chief Hangers Bros Montreal A Watts No Toronto Underskirts All Bargains Satin Underskirts in all sizes and altered to fit on the premises Moreen and Regal Taffeta Underskirts for TO 125 TO Hiitchins No Toronto and f small in which a Trench Richmond Hill kept burning in a tiny the root And Oh of these games carried on over a of miles in extent for so deep was the snow underneath that fences were completely covered and there was no obstacle to interfere Talk of hockey in a small confined rink this more modern game is tame in comparison with the oldtime shin Once in a while during these long winter days would squeeze in a little time for Ashing This was accomplished by cutting a hole through the Ice the neighboring lake and with the protection of a lire was Now is Look at these prices the Time to Buy Your Furs then come and see thc A FurLined Coat for A FurLined Coat for A FurLined Coat for Stoles Throws and Storm Collars with Muffs to match at greatly reduced prices ranging FROM TO MARTIN COMPANY A Ms Selected Valencia Raisins Selected Valencia Seedless Raisins Its Cluster Cable Raisins Malta Vila Corn Flakes 2c pint Jelly Powders reg size J for our and Ts I hey ate the Refit The Leading Reliable Prompt Phoif OF Main Timothy Officers of the Visiting Court Hope ling comfort patiently we sat with Toronro No i Chief awaiting an Woodstock Chief fly impale a plump trout or mas- Ranger A ft Henley Treasurer Seldom if did we houses are Mr ft j IL Wilson from these ventures without a on Timothy street adjoining Mr If plentiful supply of fish- Among Smiths new residence Mr riles Visiting brethren Iros A reminiscences of these long gone on Huron street Mr Raeine onSriglatI Collingwooil years that of the single jumper Montreal ftoodi ami double sled stand out very Toronto Vader Sec Court Hover- in my memory the court Toronto and names of these oldlime conveyances which in fact were the only ones The very pleasing feature of Available for these early settlers evening was the following excellent now simply memories for they have toast Our Order by Bros long since gone out of use ami fash- Woodstock and Wight man Court ion Would you have a description Henley and these Well the sled was built Wflilt Visiting low heavy hewn from A cut from trees with a natural iff ley street and a on strcjt for Mr Widdifieid Mr Isaac Rose closed three contracts a for Mr A Smith on the site of the old Millard Factory on Timothy street a resi dence for Mr Wii Manning on Hu ron street and another house for Mr French o Mount Albert on Ar- Other people are talk ing about build never to in these return send a formal invitation to King u be present during lbcant at representing the fetes which are customs have gone and in their stead in these modern coming summer at times more formal functions obtain J to held in to celebrate mavhap with less real charm and sat- the 1 anniversary of its isfaction Hut why repine rather lelppratfon as a Duchy under Duke still remember the past with its delights as well as its We are further told that in honor fondly hope that the present has the fetes the old of overbalancing compensations and in where William the Conqueror was of Normandy from the days of Duke down to the present time and terminating with an apotheosis of the entente FREE I the evolution May be the years of all good born is being restored and more linal goal Hope A Hen lev GET READY for the position ahead you About young men iA women for promo tion to better things by spend ing a few months In our great school Shaws School The Central Business College of Toronto Our new catalogue v ill Interest you You are In vited to write for it and streets Toronto J Newmarket ftiyh School The of he term is again in- by the resignation of Mr Minns to accept the Principal- ship of High School at an ad vance ia salary- This is in the vicinity of his own home and it for personal reasons that he accepted j be offer lie tried to have the Hoard there hold the position for him I till after summer holidays so as to complete the term out his re fused to do and his resignation here takes effect on the Inst Hoard is now advertising for a new Principal It is time the lav was changed re employment school teach ers Notwithstanding that contract for a year the law steps In and permits teachers to resign on days notice which is a source great annoyance to School Hoard over the Province Ml of Mr Wlsnicr A very sudden death occurred market last Saturday morning Mr David a retired gen- who has resided here past iJ years and who was in his REDUCED RATES I Wood and VMihr Court Res cue A It Stallard and Indies Vader Humphries andlessiman During the of the evening several short speeches were marie hy brethren on the prosperity Of the Ancient Order of Foresters Throughout the past year some new members had heen enrolled Into this friendly society Since the year IW years ago the amount paid in Medical and Sick claims had reached the sum of and the total sum paid in the different claim such as insurance etc was Woodstock of Toronto gave some facts that go show without doubt that Forestry in is booming under the efficient New of lodge he visited during the past year 11 more Is this case in the NorthWest where lodges are befog organized in every Province with extraordinary success Only a mailer of a year ago the local hers has over members During overling Butt official Organizer was by Court Rescue with a fountain bend near the root and shod with iron the full length his frame rough boards formed a or floor and protected on either side and ends planks on edge and be tween for comfort a thick covering of dry pen straw all combining to make a really comfortable convey- Attached to this Ruck and King George V A cablegram dated Paris Feb tells us that the people of Normandy are urging the French Government to than has expended on its restoration This money was raised by private subscription in anil gives some conception of the en thusiasm of the people in the coming celebration The cable likewise states that should King Scorgc he invited and accept the invitation tin- Idea of the organizers of the anniversary is to arrange in his honor a gigantic pa- earning WRITE TODAY for our CATALOGUE of our Graduates are from 700 to each year place a large number students in good positions every year Let us educate YOU for some thing better WE KNOW HOW- College open all year Enter any time ELLIOTT BUSINESS COLLEGE Cor Yonge and Alexander TORONTO MP work of Chief Organizer I members have been initiated in Bright the faithful ami sleek yoke of oxen music of a string of I inkling bells would slowly wend along to market or for supplies to tile village store or occasionally to a neighbors home where a warm welcome always awaited the casual visitor One spacious apartment would combine living and diningroom in which a huge fire place amply supplied With massive crackling logs would flood the room with cheerful light and glowing warmth And here with Hie very sweetest hospitality and most bounteous cheer a real en joyable evening was passed There was a happy absence of formality ot envy in delightful reunions I all ess JATJ for- with genuine and lodge contained only mem- J wholehearted sociability that fear today Court Rescue ji ha in most of the mod ern social functions These were Cheerful breaks in the mounting of the long winter During the evening was bis house by Court wan a fountain and beech nuts the prodigal for several years with rheumatism I pen suitably engraved aceom- previous autumn and bad occasional spells sick- following address l with Fragrant He got up Saturday morning Mr Usual time and remarked and When Court Rescue received Its fust Visit from you less viars vo bad a membership ihe and g te Saving Money on jour just puts money In the Bank for you and YOU CAN SAVE We honestly believe that no store is Can ada sells mm about that be re had had a nights A few minutes after Mrs One Way Tickets March April Inclusive d Mi IDtIiUU POHTLAND ifjjA him kneeling the but he bad passed without say ing a Deceased was a pioneer farmer Marxian Township ard highly spected by all his acquaintances WASH ORK HAN MEXICO CITY of re- He old He bis Above are from Pro portionate rates to certain points Foil strUeuUri t4 J few grains of riot to the the friends no dogged shakers Low present damp the salt becomes I Simpson t took a great Interest music was a master of the school of do me notation was a great church worker In younger days took a lively In the Bible was President of Branch for a number of Deceased was twice married fixt wife be leaves three sons and Edward in Grand Rapids Mich and Wellington In Vancouver your year before leaving Signed Marknam 1 married KM- sister of the late John with on son Walter of are to mourn sudden demise be on Tuesday afternoon was largely attended by iis Ihrt were the fourth Wellington way home Rev A Simpson conducted the service the remains were Interred In market The casket was adorned by beauti ful floral tributes from the family and this wonderful growth largely duo to the untiring efforts yon have in our behalf We assuro you that the- members appreciate the work you arid we cannot let this opportunity pass without to you our gratitude We cannot the value of your work In Dollars and nor do WO to pay you but as indication of our appreciation ami esteem we you to from US this Vo hope that you U06 It It will call to your mind many you Court Rescue snd we trust that you may long bo to work In Intercut of Order on behalf of Wo J OK A popcorn and ample supplies of apples and cider and steaming tea with de licious short cake What delectable refreshments these abundant whole some fit Indeed for a king And thy lumper Well this was a cradle imitation or rather a home made substitute for the modern cut ter poles of equal and of tough timber were selected one end of each was shaped down thin and then turned up to meet fasten through hole in other horizontal poles and supported between by up right standards thus forming com pact runners which were bound to gether by crossbars securely brnced For the body rough boards In oblong box shape or the half of a wooden crate In which crockery had been received by the village merchant were used The upholstering was a court and robes were bed quilts Sometimes a sometimes an oxwas hitched to etter iVS s A Newmarket Feb I 1 Mr Butt made a very suitable- re ply thanked the local lodge for goodwill said he appreciated the and eloquent words very much At large gathering broke up and the visitors departed for To ronto amid the good wishes of all Ibose whom bad entertained the evening this whichever happened to avail able and cither supplied comfortable and enjoyable locomotion ard fur nished lolly outings lor lle young folks I bad almost forgotten to mention the apple paring gatherings I hat were held earlier In the season snd which were a source of utllitari- an as well as social enjoyment were especially Interesting to the young people as they always wound up with and tripping light old fantastic A lack a day these For Money S And well tell you another thing No carries a Hotter or Larger Variety of proven COMB AND SEE Store In this part Mens Footwear of country That is easily ver nsr v Everyday Shoes Fancy Shoes Working Shoes Hockey Shoes Light Shoes Heavy Shoes p- sm Slippers of All Kinds z WITHOUT THIS IS The Men West Main St Novimorkot HI ARCHIVES OF ONTARR