w EIGHT LV j to for himself He was honest in business and of a go nial disposition and made friends wherever be went The entire neigh borhood joins in sorrow and sympa thy with the bereaved parents SCHOMBERO I feo By Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Rev I A Jourdan will give one his popular lectures in the church here on Tuesday evening March KING CITY Quite a number of young Mr Lukes Miss Nellie Brough- the Carnival at ton went to Newmarket to hear the Friday night- Welsh Chbir of Congratulations to Mr Robert Toronto I gladly give ray Mr Cairns of King has been in favor of your wonderful delivering some fine sticks of ship Laafc October I wrote to timber at the station The man who MhlBVdSZ evidently knew Ms had bearing down sensation in J the lower part of bowel backache ftC OXBRIDGE terribly from i After receiving your directions I followed them closely and am now entirely free from pain in back and The sudden death of Henry V No lan on Thursday took everyone by surprise Mr Nolan of recent years had not enjoyed his old time vigor but was not afraid of work and occa sionally helped local merchants with bowels and am their bookkeeping and clerking On stronger in every Thursday he was assisting in the o- grocer department oi J also took ji Vegetable Compound before my baby became end it highly in Mrs 2lgan Ave Toronto to a seat and died in a few and recommend I weak and remarked to one of the to all pregnant women Mrs clerks that he felt 111 tic was help- Education Just a word or two on- education This was not divided on the debate on the address but I then dealt fully with the question of edu cation and J therefore at present do not purpose to hi- length with this qupstion but for the purposes of of my amendment to the present mo tion to go into supply the two debates might very well bo considered as coo- joined thus to avoid the necessity repetition That Pdueational affairs particularly so far as the rural schools are concerned have been badly muddled not even seriously denied by Conservative members As to the scarcity of honorable gentlemen express different views one hope that in two matters would properly adjust while the member for East Peter- borough says in fivp years time there will be a sufficient supply decidedly en couraging even refreshing pleaded people attended on A large number of pie attended the oyster supper Stewart on celebrating his fiftieth an- as town clerk evening last a lends and neighbors of oombs met at his resi- his removal to the T to enjoy a tramp before en joying Mrsi Ellisons hospitality Mr John McCarrolI died on Feb The funeral was held on Thursday 9th and was largely attended Deceased was an old resident of King migrating from Ireland in the early and had reached the ripe age of years Death visited the home of Mr and Mrs John Coffey early Friday morn ing and claimed their only child Har ry The little fellow was suffering from an attack 0 scarlet fever to which he succumbed despite the best of medical attention The many friends of the bereaved parents sym pathize with them in their bereave ment- farm north of Bradford which he recently purchased and pre- Mr and Mrs Coombs with a TEMPERAKCEVILLR Thc Bachelor boys of and held their second At of this season in the Town Another Woman Cared Maple Creek I have used Vegetable Com pound and Blood Purifier and I now in perfect health I was troubled with pains every- month I know other women who suffer as J did and I will gladly recommend your medicine to them You may publish this if you think it will help others MRS COOK Creek If you belong to that countless army of women who suffer form utes Journal CEDAR BRAE I I I I Richard Nugent is busy moving to Rae took a bunch of young slock the train which he purchas ed from Mr- of What might have been a serious ac cident occurred last Saturday female ills dont hesitate to try j two gentlemen from Scott Com- attempted to cross track ahead of a moving train They got over but just a few feet when their cutter was upset and the horse lav there until the train passed by pound made from roots and Two Houses for Sale In Good locations in Town Apply to ROBERTSON 14 House for Sale The young bachelors of this place New Brick on Millard Ave All held their first in I conreniences V it Box Hall King City on Friday evening j Newmarket last and are to be highly on their grand success Cr number of our young people at- tended a social in Tempcranceville SevenRoomed House on Stone connection with the Womens Foundation Good Cellar hard and King Branch on Monday colt Apply to PO Box 512 Wort a fine time o- Hit- regular month I v meeting of Hit- ft- Women Institute hast Branch will cancelled for the date March FOR SALE 2 in order to accept the Invitation offered by the Branch to Fire Wood in any form to suit lJ Institute at the house of Must be sold The on Tuesday Mar with the Government several when they JHorne determined our protest v to model schools thai I i they not i them out at one seventyfive couples assembled pleaded for at least enjoy amusements survival of the filtpt in order that The Womens Institute King East there might hp sufficient number Branch held a successful social in the to supply qualified teachers Hall Temperanceville on Mort al our school Both our advice and n ha fi our plead fell upon reluctant and The result it J P of music that about twenty or twentyfive per lalcnt assisted by Mr John cent of rural schools in the Pro- Plough of was given games vince of Ontario today are in the were indulged in and a bountiful hands of unqualified teachers That lunch provided Sir the result of the Governments On Tuesday evening a representa- sinning advice and against the We pointed r out over and over again hat a large met at the percentage of- oil normal Mr for the teachers go west to teach in the purpose of bidding adieu to Mr and western province and that Mrs P Paxton and presenting fact with the fact of out Mrs with a token of goodwill of the model schools there was bound and appreciation for her service as teachers left the Province of Ontario season it proved to tie for the west The honorable the mem- evening an address was read her for Bast Peterborough as I to Mrs by Miss A A stated expressed the opinion and a purse presented by Miss that in five years there will be a Ferguson Mrs rc- number of teachers I beg jspondcd in fit terms and testimonies w honorable mem jii to his own riding that of East were given by several of Peterborough lnft S present Mrs Pax- j ton visits at her home in pair of handsome easy chairs Watson after almost a year I of continuous work in connection with the of the Holland Marsh owing to a lack of interest in the various municipalities has adopt ed another course of The I plan now is to purchase the waste marsh lauds from the various at a price agreed upon which aver- ages about per acre and to re claim it and finance the scheme by private capital apart from the mu- This method is meet- with approval of most all the marsh owners who are giving options on their lands already having dune so If Mr Watson can carry this scheme through it will mean I the building up of Bradford by bring- into cultivation thousands of acres of worthless land and a com- pletc geographical change in parts of the Townships of King West and East The High School Hockey team went down to Newmarket on Monday night to play a friendly game with Picker- ing College team The game was friendly all right on the part of the boys it was too friendly they refrained most unselfishly from ing a single goal while they allowed the youths to slip the puck past Mathers times scarcely allowing thp redoubtable lames time to gather in a few J of Ozone between times The Collegians took the boys to the j College and treated them as young genu omen know how to treat nents in a friendly game Witness arrd all lands under the in all conditions of life by genera tion after generation the safest and most reliable family remedy world has ever known is Pills The good these equalled and the prevention of serious sicknesses is beyond calculation cando the same sort of good for you and for your family Pills do their beneficent work in accordance with Natures laws Try a few doses just as soon as physical trouble shows itself and see how immediately effective they are see- how quickly the whole bodily system will be benefited Then you will know for your own good why Pills are SiM- cm by Thomas Sold everywhere In tod U S CURE DISEASES OF THROUGHOUT CANADA FOR YEARO I RHEUMATISM CURED BY BOOTHS KIDXKY PILLS T Foster of St John St says I have found is the farm Apply to ARMSTRONG For Sale i New Brick House comer Park Ave aad Elm St also house on Kim St Apply to MRS SCOTT The Cedars House for 8ale on Monday of this week delivered a drove of 2i cattle to Shields and The price paid wax J per Speaking of pitch holes we arc re minded of the experience of the lr- Orange brethren while on their way the county meeting held at on Tuesday of last week The team jogged Into a pitch hole iho a class Look a lurch sideways the load domestic water good garden jjupset and our friend Newton nothing out hut his feet which hap- Newmarket to the largest part of Ned land there they wafted and waved like Farm for Sale distress signals on an ocean until one of Hi- more Peterborough lon in Richard the Public School after which Mr and Mrs ex- Inspector for to make their residence in West t else I have ever date of January 1 sub- Toronto a report County Co tin- j Died at in which he says that last year vince China of fever on Jan out of the folal rural I school Mwbd ff tiding there were teacher econdlass certl- I of the China Inland Mis- ficates fifteen holding thirdclap survived by her nix holding district band and four children The many catea and not thirtyone friends of Mr Ferguson will be in- were not reeulariy qualified but tor know that the present who merely had permit- and such great famine hi China is partly in the other like temporary certificates In in lhc other words nil ring the year fortytwo per cent of the rural school neighborhood of in the old riding of Peterborough guson fa working at the were in the of unqualified m relief in connection with the teachers This is the direct result of Catholic Priest and the Chinese offi- thr- Premiers boast that he had turn- As to the children the two the educational upside were home for the Christ- down g Sir enhrly oo vacation were sent down to true that he has turned the educa- system upside down with the Shanghai while the two girls who deplorable in at the schools in the Public School Inspector are retained there isolated from the attention to district where the plague is raging tried for rheumatism The pains in my limbs have lessened greatly and I am better and stronger than in years previous My ap petite has gone up and I eat and sleep better than I have in over three years My general health Da Medical of Dm K K CONSULTATION FREE Freo on Diicuci of Men If unable to call write for Blank for HOME TREATMENT Sc arc favorably known through out Canada where they have done new for over years of patients hate been treated and curwl their througti tho virtue of New Method Treatment- yen with them you you dealing with Bible as own and occupy their own it valued at Vihea they your 1b curable all your worry la for you they will not deceive you guarantee to cure all curablo cawa No how many doctors have failed to benefit you no matter Low much money you have spent In Tain no matter how courage you may to dont give up Id until you get n free opinion from these master if you are present within the clutches of any if you tho results of tion If your blood has been from private disease and you not marry I you are married and live In of breaking out and your if as the result of a nils- spent life On K Refuse your before coned and they will tell you honestly if you are curable YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED We Treat and Cure VARICOSE VEINS NERVOUS BLOOD end URINARY COMPLAINTS KIDNEY and BLADDER and all Peculiar to Men Cor Michigan Ave and Griswold St Detroit Mich All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart in Windsor If you desire to sec us personally call our Medical Institute in Detroit as we sec and treat no patients in Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only Address all letters as follows KENNEDY Windsor Ont Write for our OS sores being lot IS fa the of party came to his relief of isn- barn good condition loamy soil aukoka farm half Apply to Aurora hockey team House for Sale Timothy with furnace alto fcath ard electric Immediate ly to M in a county yaine here on evening by Aurora in Mr rl Victoria direct met with a severe accident on Saturday afternoon he was balling buy Mr it place rear ley when one of the fell on his and ankle bruising It severely flu haft ln his alncc it v ill be time is Northumberland and Durham tin give another illustration of ihe reult of the of Is province present isovwiment I find to the report of William MA Ph Public School Inspector for Inspectorate No I of thest that In the there were rural schools iri his in which school there were firtclafci and fi and not a teacher holding any kind of f or permit In 1010 in the schools 2 seconilehiR thirdclass and no than with no whatever except permits This Stat of affair in two re but typical f what to be found all over the Province of Ontario You may talk wealth if I he province fisherlcf is greatly im proved and I can credit to and dealers box or Booths Kidney Pills postpaid from The fiooth Co This i the Kidney Pill way Erie Sold and These wonderful Pills are sold under guaranteed Patterson drug store a guarantee to refund your money if they fail to relieve any sufferer from Rheumatism or any trouble having charcoal Its origin in the kidneys They cure will prevent he dull shooting pains thick and cloudy urine gravel and stone vegetable rheumatism and all diseases of the soap for a month before using kidneys and bladder Cut it into pieces and pile up in a Booths Kidney Pills arc sold by all dry place that the air can get to it 3 Engines for Sale Portable Wanted Second hand Clover Mill and Traction En gine Apply to Second St Newmarket We will send absolutely free for the asking postpaid one of our large booklets on the common diseases of stock and poultry Tells you how to feed all kinds of heavy and light horses colts and marcs milch cows calves and fattening steers also how to keep and feed poultry so that they will lay just as well in winter as in summer No farmer should be without it a coal of only of a da per Iurplu Specific cent You never hoard of ny other Specific or llkwfic will permanently euro Colic Worm W ami wealth bill hero fi run down or Sale feUt ftoftnd to be out with first lat wek Mr KS 3 ail con- Mount M farther WormaUofl ftoncariH- ftp visit friends sly to to and vigor It rnllklerd to five row a from two to milk richer than ever before A- i DAVIS For AT I Mar five tCartU Mar- n foal VWi 4 Bull Calves mark- and of the choicest A It In Aurora and Me out to Mr Howlers and remained over night came to Friday Shortly after coining In to- town had a stroke and became was taken to Hie Mrs Brown v hire passed aay on Wednesday The v ill take place from the resi dence of Mrs Bfown this at oclock to the Aurora Hi- was 4YflA in no asset concerning which the Government should exercise such I scrupulous with reference children of the province If this resulf had been a mem accident if the of hud not been warned over arid over MB Wsinflut hi conduct inly lit have I This to i able but I have ready j have tried your ttiitd slnod ftaiol or two weeks on one cow On against oft vtiirnnn and i up what Province Ontario had I can not why honorable if your inch to party it not y by honor Able fth oi a on thai would all tho In by n pound I noticed or wvljcht milk Ilia I carefully ffavc I on for I teat I Uad rood Will not do thin it In ROthtAg more of the wry or liHi a EOfXtlira of Jon on it in not food your nccd 11 someOiJnx nil from anil And it up rplofaa tit of or no time tiro thi Con ui NOW food properly anil tln or IuaIak 50 cent Cheaper Package of At or Ihln filfurca a over of a cent day Mont In ri0ant but and given tt day Hut flptcWe la fflven only a and A O pull of Package day Ho yO0 It In only to frlvo tacVi day think of raaklag each Animal Its I What will that la an to you Mr Owner I it make lay in Winter In MRS Sim- Tbla to fortify I two your Specific for will white tt to I If you would mind mo word hoW or I could Inter I ht it from your agent Inst winter I bad and a day In March vhlU feeding Poultry fipoclflc Fowls lohlnj at vrry poultry It n fpa In JTlliio It ZEPHYR For Sale Choice Mr I that rtiodll Acfioolh bun not bin if that wo the fact lhat arr weal In the I lb latter hut an hi truth in which out to fact tin were fit for Wuit hi nation then in of labor everywhere on the In workshop and hi hit for oily not aattafled with an pi- ho a further fclaVrjrit and that iKtnaJic and went overto folding A to IcV tenU ftnd out of OoUdo food Ho that will member lor fctny all the year round your Poultry worth could over bo without will 25 Or a DO will do our more material tlmaa A Co lifting Royal Poultry for WCOkSg it Bay Aullf Ant ling llm Slock Specific o two milking anil they have lit cent in llloir milk In poultry oven than tto have about laying commenced g0tllng five and iit a And In lat flock of almost an if 11 day have lh Vou rejulta plainly in two or three daya ii of Royal Pur ple and the poultry have tame and now In the time OUH poultry anil before to feed l Purple and it ac quainted with it wilt ho vo a demand than all other tonlca and on the market combined Your truly Toronto of the wai in the Inntallln ori pOTUd Cpw racers A v wfn- J ii WUM with -iil- he wore a Cm rtoip at from here the carnival at on report hav- wmiMnt to to curd ft ad to in tho of ah th For The Homestead a h question Wm were lat iiKt a cattle they week sell thought to Mn unwell be expected rrMMJ wr i4 to bear of his tec x r fct phyr boy good He CHAW ftKWJK his to the 1 trade with of be To be CASTOR I A Kind You Always Bought j not a Food nor loftdkloa It a Conditioner It dOT contain drain nor farm prdiM dot it contain not bloat Or AulrraAl It poriBajQolIy other known It at lare ai are At and into an for nature to and turn Aa a Never Off Feed WcKwffi the i toy ft I Stock In of any on Circuit In nrt and 2101 of ffloUra winner la trotting la bonus never bMSl their fed I atarUd using I wilt have It in Your Cough work lllOa rifttc STOCK AMD POULTRY SPECIFICS Make This Test Aug A Co London Fall Wo had In our a belonging to We could not feed her bran on of Violent her to Weak and thin corn- your and tho were wonderful Alter It wo found of and animal bran or any other toflUMftlM and actually took on I Hoy naturally Xi fat for For Poultry Poultry It for Poultry not To that Royal bat no you to thin to any of your Animals for four And at time any other prrparallon to any Other Animal In condition dow not prove to you by actual mulls that It you aver your coo nay And no question raako no you will not This In an Isnt it Wo you to It wo lhat 1urple la the beat Conditioner on the market If you am no satiaAd Mating It you dont do you took on In twenty- pounds of wo working her at hunt I can your Stock Trainer for Hon Adam Wi manufacture Killer 25c Jail Royal Cough Cure Our Cough will euro any ordinary cough in four day will break up and euro 1 temper In ten to tvrclvo day If your dealer cannot supply you With our wo will supply you upon receipt o a poll pro- paid for cither poultry or or If you want any Liniment Cure or Powder wo will sand it by mall postpaid upon receipt of A I 4 Purple Stock and Poultry and Booklets can bo obtained from Dick W Eves Feed and Lumber I 1 I i j 9 ft J