SUtVERWAltE Before Selecting a Wedding Present CWATSON ftatchraaVet and Graduate Optician Era gives more home news every week than any two other papers per annum paid in advance to the United States in North York combined and is acknowledged to be the Leading County Paper No Paper sent outride of North York unless paid advance WATSONS Jewelry Store mm jess JACKSON Editor and Proprietor JACKSON Newmarket Out Friday March io Single Copies em Mans Noblest Work is to Lighten Womans Labor Can you accomplish this in better way than to install a first class Washing Machine in the house They are made and will do the work if you will only give them trial a The 1900 Gravity Washer 1500 is the King of them all as the tub is moved back and forth it also moves aid down automatically This thoroughly rinses the clothes as well is sneezes the dirty water out of ANOTHER FirstClass Machine is the Toronto tetter The Liberals of North Toronto The Liberals of North Toronto Hon Geo Fosters seat at a meeting last week passed a resolu tion favoring the reciprocity agree ment as a boon to farmers fisher- BOTES i King Council One Minute ft will sot do the it se ssiaute is a little better tie ordinary Washer Free trial given The above Council met at Hotel King Station on Saturdaj The Provincial Secretary The article in last weeks- Era Feb a bill on Tuesday to impose a beaded Farmers and Reciprocity Members all present except Council- new tax on liquor licenses by which inserted as paid advertising mat- lor It J Deacon who was absent the Province will receive five per ter ordered by an advertising agency through illness men and to consumers cent on a and does not express the opinions of Minutes of last meeting read and by increased wealth must result in a scope of the veto the Era on the subject of reciprocity adopted Several communications advantage to manufacturers to licenses making it Another article from the same were received and read A petition Hon Duncan Marshall was in the app a oVe the province is anolb- vertising agency on the reciprocity was presented by Dr Lockbart and city last week He is Minister the measure question appears in todays issue some fifty other ratepayers of King of Agriculture for Alberta and has asking a of no hesitation is saying that recipro- Hon Treasurer also A press despatch from Ottawa savs The Council in Committee of the city with the States will be a great bill to impose a tax of Sir Wilfrid will leave for Whole on bills Mr Weils in the chair advantage to the farmers of the of the par value of ev- England about May in order to when the following bills were passed West transfer of stock bonds or attend the Imperial Conference and and ordered- to be paid After all the secret satisfaction stock Also to increase afterwards the Coronation It is Joseph Billings months pay has afforded the city Conservative taxes mileage tat on double probable Hon Mr Sir street Robert Evans press to learn that Sir A tracking of large railway systems Frederick Borden Sir Alan gravel grant Joseph worth has formally stated his in- flnd lnan doubling the mileage worth and Hon Messrs Fielding and son gravel grant Mrs tention to retire from the representa- tat eipre3S companies and a tax will be in the cabinet ran- yds of gravel of North York in the Commons raCc tracts The new i wouldnt it be a setback if the party YEARS AGO i ft From Era March 1861 i 4 should persuade him to continue to represent them and help Sir Wilfrid finish his work of reform ing the Senate This may be pos sible Toronto is making money out of men who sell booze without a li on all race tracts The new revenue tingent is estimated to bring about me drcd thousand dollars Provincial treasury extra to the road work Herbert Nightingale opening gravel For some years the Busy Mans pit Robert Rutherford Toronto has had a strong vel grant 119208 Miss hold on business and literary circles 323 yds gravel L Camp- Dr bill to provide in- as it has been conducted in a way bell attendance one J classes was introduced in specially adapted to the sphere Collins funeral cx- thc House on Monday last In the cated by its name Recently how- re John Morris supplementary estimates of the Pro- ever that name has been changed printing per contract cense Six wen were convicted of Treasurer was in- from Busy Mans Magazine to Mac- extra printing and of the license laws last c towards meeting the financial Leans Magazine and while stationery James Thomas 740 conditions of the classes The bill to occupy the sphere of the past gravel Fred hereafter widen its field of hall rent H Black cc- A fire at foundry Huron street last evening occasioned from sparks falling on the roof from a burning chimney caused some con siderable anxiety for a time An agitation is being fostered in the village favoring the planting of shade trees on the public streets A petition appears in this issue from the people of North York set ting forth that under the reciprocity established some years ago between the United States and the Provinces of Canada great and ag ricultural advantages have accrued to this country and praying that some means may be adopted to prevent the abrogation of said treaty At a meeting of the village Council this week Mr Nixon entered upon his duties as clerk in place of Mr E P Irwin Mr J Stokes of Sharon was given an order to prepare a plan of Holland Landing village by order of Council PHONE HARDWARE PLUMBING NEWMARKET week and had to The Board of Control recently au any Urban Board to awarded the contract for erecting the tablish general industrial schools new Womens Building on the special industrial schools technical tion Grounds It is to cost schools and schools of fine and applied art Schools to be operated Toronto the Good is getting is under regulations of the Department name besmirked by the conduct of its inhabitants On Thursday morning has a bill before the of last week overpowered by Legislature to amend the Assessment hold form brutally assaulted and left in Act It provides for two classes of j nominate usefulness to the home circle tile 010 Municipal World assessors guide Hiram Pot- Go away from home if you want yds gravel the hall of her home at No 1-PI- assessment 1 lands 2 improve- mouth Place Lena Miller was found ments income business and all as hy some neighbors after she had Mine other than lands It also out of the stupor Her aliened provides that there shall be two to hear news This is an old cant saying and its truthfulness is fre quently demonstrated In making the announcement that North Yok a convention in June to a party candidate to suc ceed Sir Alan B Aylesworth the PhillipsLemon That the following snow fence bonus he paid Adolf Bcin 14 rods PhillipsLemon That John Lee be paid the sum of being half of the work done on the County bridges- on the Townline between Toronto World is good enough to King and Albion and that the that T Robinette appears be instructed to collect the same likely to secure the nomination from Albion THE were afterwards arrescl ft taxationone a higher rate it is believed will carry with be accused of stealing some wearing on lands j and the other a lower a Cabinet position if North York granted towards gravelling the parel improvements and other as- continues in the Federal Liberal Con opposite Lots and James About employees in a three- included in class 2 This column Now isnt that news Armour and Geo Hill Corns story building in change is subject to a twothird North York j Lemon- Wei Is That 4000 be grant- west were driven out by lames last vote of Council I fed to gravel hill opposite King City Thursday afternoon and J way to safety by the fire Mr Elliott presented a b Leperman an aged nun before the Legislature to amend by order of the Legislative as- Lemon Wells- That this Council jumped feet from a window and Voters Lists Act It provides that of that Province we have grant to gravel Lloydtown J From the Department of Agricul- Cemetery Win Curtis and James of British Columbia and print- Gillies Coins Assets Mike a specialty of col lecting Note or if de- will to at lowest rates BRANCH FIELD MANAGER South End Lumber Yard YOUR BIN FULL P w YOUR YARD MUDDY PEARSON SOLE Phone AKD BISHOP Of OUR NEW SPRING GOODS fence of composed of men folk right material Right Materials x here agree to tailor a for now for Just Now Want it manner that will be An call WILLIS OUR TAILOR PHONE MAIN Rough Lumber and Inside Trim A all fat was severely bruised Damage stocks and building to if a man before the after time being assessed and for final passage of received a copy treating on of the Bulletin No the various pests Prom the situation of no debt Voters List by County Judge loses animal insect and diseases trouble- when the Tories took office in On- his property qualification his name to stockraisers and farmers only a few short years ago this shall be erased from said list also with their remedies The inform Province has to go into the English person left when assessed if tion is of a practical money market for a loan of he acquires qualification before final and exceedingly ye Mr Ma the son was a passage of list may be entered as to farmers and others Interested great financial critic when in qualified Maggie it appears cant Mr has presented a bill keep away from the Chinamen A which gives to every married or few weeks ago her mother paid her married woman or widow of the age of pounds of The work is amply Illustrated In the Public Accounts Committed road opposite lots 27 and 28 Jon west of railway station It Mur ray and John Corns- WellsPhillips That a grant ol le given towards the improve ments of tho highways within the village of King City and that the duly elected Commissioners of village be the That the duly ap pointed Commissioners of the village it was made apparent that It took King City arc hereby appointed I Gov Chambers i hereditaments or any j accident case nt or interest therein and declares ntcP recently been necessary fraudulent conveyance void us but no voluntary executed in good faith to I void merely for absence of valu able consideration i fare back to her home in but she returned last week and an officer spied her coming out of Chinamans place stupid with opium The very idea she said I touch opium Somebody else docs for you said the Court as he marked the conviction and Costs or four months at the Mercer Of Course she went down For breaking a window while in a state not implied by local option Glasgow Murphy got the privilege of breaking stone in quarters over the 30 days he lacked the to pay for the breakage against creditors Mrs Florence Johnston not only conveyance caused the arrest of two On Saturday hilt in Jos Davis to flu Central lor three months while his Biikrr was remanded of week tried their game Mrs Johnston at Knoxs store With horns honking ringing of hells and crowds dazzled while the Hand at ten pled to render Auto Show at the Armories was brought to a close Saturday evening Jhr hilarious noises at the close were almost deafening As the result of carrying a can of gasoline nasi a lighted gas jet It exploded and Karl was burned damages to the premises the Metal Weather Strip Co about A wagon belonging to tin- run down a man on strict a few days ago arid fractured his hip Almond was sent to the Cen tral two years for brutally as saulting James The trou ble arose over a trivial argument about the price of bread Arthur for robbing a man of who buy him a drink was sent to the Central for years and being a British subject J Central Prison Do you mean creamery butter officials last year to tell me that dairy Road Overseers for said village in lieu of Norman resigned the right to vote at Municipal and Do you mean to tell me that dairy PhillipsLemon That the and Provincial elections all the rights butter would not suffice for Clerk be a Committee to see J and privileges of franchise and re- demanded Mr Clark in Con- Walton and get particulars re his J presentation held by male voters Thats for the officials claim for against the 1 uhject to be resident of the prisoners do not get butter at all ship and report to this Council Mr Armstrong Deputy Pro- PhillipsWells That the lender of vlncll What do they Lundy for the Township print- gel asked Mr Clark BeeJ drip- at Ik accepted KM the It seems PMHpsWcUfrTmt Clerk be was the but Ive instructed to correspond with Mr to he resident of the munici pality or electoral district as the Case may be Hon Mr lias a bill before the House respecting voluntary and frau dulent conveyances It provides that never there real properly shall include lands A pings tough Of folded in Toronto A man took a ride without a ticket In a case of this kind the conductor may put him off but la not justified in endangering Watson of Bradford and notify that if the Councils of West and Bradford meet and have Mr the engineer present the members of this Council will he pleased to meet with them and dis cuss the advisability of reclaiming Holland Marsh 25 YEARS AGO From March Lenten services were held in St- Pauls and St Marys Churches on Ash Wednesday and in churches special services will be held every Friday morning at and every evening at during Lent About members of the Salva tion Army arrived in town from last Thursday night and were hospitably entertained by comrades A little child about two years old daughter of Mr Chas Penrose pull ed a small tub of hot water from a chair a lew days ago and was scald ed but not seriously f 25 relatives and friends of Mr and Mrs Prcttic met at their residence to celebrate their anniversary wedding Op Monday morning last a fine wa terspaniel dog belonging to Mr James was run over by a passing train and had its head sever ed from its body Mr of Kintf li the thin year A deputation the Counties of Perth and Wellington inter viewed the Ontario premier respect ing the formation of a new County The Premier replied that it would be considered along with a request from North York tor separation into a new County The question is still under consideration Mr Montgomery commercial traveller spent Sunday at the home of his parents Mr Fred has been appointed on the Police Force of Toronto hay ing been selected out of applicants Dr Fred Cane and Mr Cyrus Stiles of Toronto were Visiting in town over Sunday I Mr Anderson has introduced a bill provides that notwithstanding thing contained in Sec of Ibe Sufirgaie Court that any person having Claim or demand the estate a deceased person which if It were a clifnV or demand against a living person enforced in a Division Court may bring for the enforcement of such claim against the- personal representative of do in the proper Division the Irregular passengers A man named Drown off a freight train at Saturday the day of Mi null and lost au- arm or limbs was put life On motion Council adjourned to at Temperance Hall Kettleby arch For Aged People OLD FOLKS SHOULD CARE FUL IN TIIBIR OF MKDI- taste ol it J Try a f at EVES ftr Toner My months lie Will have a hat Loeal Option means 0 proposition to make the qualifi cation Income voters 200 Instead of was given a rude Jolt in eomrnllteo the other day when Hon Mr said We neednt take time discussing this proposal arid up went a chorus of Lost Claude will handle the Indian In the Doston Marathon next month It Is estimated that Toronto does a bar business of per day and Judging from what hotelkeepers Ha the price of drinks will go up but they fear the number of drinks will be greatly lessened No less than people were imperil ed at a fire In the Co building In Richmond street last Friday afternoon Crown Attorney has been notified by the Deputy Attorney- General that the charges against Mem J J Warren j it strav- will owing to points of law Involved be tried by a High Court and Jury at the May Assizes The Liver Pills act So Naturally and Easily Such a statement coining from the cashier of a bank shows what confidence responsible people have in these pills Mr A Wilson after trying them wrote and got moil at the first trial n Ihe company appealed The court has dismissed the and Justice of the court of appeal last week refus ed the company leave to go to the supreme court The Woodstock Sentinel this and that together and rather trenchantly presents the fads hi I the Opponents to reciprocity agree ment In somewhat forcible contrast says Today It Is the poor Ca nadian farmer who is to ruined by the reciprocity arrangement Canadian market will he flooded by I American farm products Tomor row it will be the Canadian who will be ruined the greedy I American will carry all the Ca nadian food supplies for their own use The fact that their arguments destroy each other docs not seem to worry the I This Test HOW TO IF i Hive used Dr Miles nlfo Anil In fin on vih results The Llvr rills m an no know Inst taken pill Frequently troubled with I an fill gc rollef In CSSO A III Mr Vllen van or a number yarn National of Dr Miles Nerve and Liver Pills are different from Many of liver pills arc impossible after one trial on account of their harshness Dr Miles Nerve and Liver Pills do not act by sheer force but in an easy natural viy with out K or undue Irritation They are not habit forming If the bottle fells to benefit your will rtturp Iht MILKS MEDICAL CO Toronta Cen I I Even If you have luxuriant head of hair you may want to know whether it Is in a healthy condition or not OH pc of the people need a hair Ionic Pull a hair out of your head if the in at the end of the root Is white and shrunken it proves that the hair is diseased and requires prompt treatment if Its loss would he avoid ed If the bulb Is pink and full the hair Is healthy We want everyone whose hair re quires treatment to try Hair Tonic We promise that it opponents of reciprocity anything if it does not give satisfactory results ft is de signed to overcome dandruff relieve scalp Irritation to simulate the hair roots tighten the hair already In the head grow hair and cure baldness It is because- of what Hair Tonic has done and our sincere faith In Its goodness that we want you to try It at our risk Two The Railway Committee of the On tario Legislature on Thursday of last week passed the bill to Incor porate the Toronto InterUrban Rail way which is to run Irom Avenue In this city to Newmarket and Aurora The railway will run a distance from Toronto and then straight north about one mile and a quarter west of the Met ropolitan The bill pro for allowing the Company to bond the railway for a mile which was not considered too much seeing that the company Is buying private right of way The of toe company Is given at and the Provincial Director Messrs Cummlngfl Mac- Kay A A and When we gnt another trolley line between Toronto and Newmarket it will not be before North York will be setting up business for Itself as a County Town Children Cry FOR A and 1100 Sold only at our Store The Store by J ft Droughton A Wedding Patty Devoured by Wolves Vienna Feb 28 One hundred and eighteen members of a wedding party of W0 Including the bride and groom were devoured by wolves while trav elling by sledges from to Tashkent In Asiatic Russia a ins tance of twenty women and children the party were the first to bo thrown to the wolves according to the surviv ors They say the party started In thirtytwo horse sledges and that a few miles out hundreds of hungry wolves attacked them safe dependable and lOfCtlHrr remedy that is pur- ticularlyly adapted the require ments of aged people anil jefsons of weak constitutions who suiter from constipation or other bowel disorders We arc so certain that it will relievo complaints and give absolute satisfaction In every particular that we offer it with our personal guaran tee that it shall cost tho user noth ing if it fails to substantiate our claims The remedy is called Orderlies Orderlies have a soothing healing strengthening tonic and reg ulative action upon the bowels They remove all irritation dryness sore ness and Weakness They restore the bowels and associate organs to more vigorous and healthy activity They are eaten like candy may be taken at any time without inconvenience do not cause any griping nausea di arrhea excessive looseneus flatulence or other disagreeable effect Price and Sold only at our store The Store of J K The Tcston and King Leagues visited League last Monday night and all spent an en joyable evening Warren Page about 25 years old son of Mr Page a short dis tance west of met with a terrible accident on Monday He WaSi cutting stove wood at their mill when circular saw burnt split ting open his forehead and face and fracturing his skull His body was also cut In several places- Slight hopes are entertained for bis recov ery 1 mi KM Hail t ARCHIVES OF ONTARIT