Newmarket Era, 10 Mar 1911, p. 8

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I r Added to the Long List doe to This Famous Remedy Station I hare taken Vegetable Com pound for veara and never found an medicine compare with It I had ulcers and fall ing of the uterus and doctors did me no good I suffered dreadfully until I began taxing your medicine ft has also helped other women to whom I hare recommended Mrs Henry Clark Station Ontario Another Core Harvey Bank I can highly recommend E Vege table Compound to any suffering woman I have taken it for female weakness and painful menstruation and it cured me Mrs Barbour Because your case is a difficult one doctors having done you no good do not continue to suffer without giving Vegetable Com- a It surely has cured many casea of female ilia such as in- ulceration displacements fibroid tumors irregularities periodic pains backache that bearingdown feeling indigestion and nervous prostration It coats but a trifle to try it and the result is worth millions to many Buffering women yon wool special advice write lor It to Pi nib am Lynn Mass It In tree and always helpful Two Houses for In Good location in Town Apply to ROBERTSON House for Sale around the Hal COR TUMI in to CEDAR VALLEY Quests from Toronto Richmond Hill and Newmarket attended the progressive euchre party and dance given by Mrs and Mrs Adolf for the Misses Stewart Tuesday evening of last week There were about present and a very enjoyable iog was spent Great regret is felt A large crowd attended the sale of that tbese New Brick on Millard Ave All Box Newmarket FOR SALE Vict Wood in any form to suit the Must be sold The tim ber is the farm Apply to W ARMSTRONG For New Brick House corner Parle Ave Kirn St also house on Kirn St to MRS SCOTT The Cedars Mr John Sirrs on Wednesday Mr Kenney is- improving very well after- the mumps Cheer up Dan Your day comes next Wednesday is the lucky day on the line east We wish him much jo with the best of luck Karl Too late for last week Mrs Paisley visited her brother in Markham one day last week Miss Fairies spent Sunday with friends at Ringwood Rev Norman King gave a- mission ary address in the Methodist church on Sunday afternoon La grippe is quite prevalent at pre sent and is no respector of persons Mrs T Mahon is visiting in To ronto Miss Jessie Sage of is spending a couple of weeks under the parental roof Miss A Silversides of Toronto is visiting at Mr James ooot We understand that Mr Crake has sold his splendid farm formerly owned by the late Col Tyrwhitt for and has bought Mr Lukes residence on Holland street into which he will shortly move Several more liquor cases have been tried lately with the usual fines im posed One man refused to tell the names of the parties who supplied him with liquor and consequently ordered to goal at How ever when he got as far as the rail way station he realized that the county coop was not a desirable place of residence for a West farmer and he gave the constable the information As a result one party has already paid and costs the other cases not having to trial at time of writing A large crowd attended the carni val at Vandorf on Friday evening ov er three hundred tickets were sold soon leave neighborhood Mrs Ed Lloyd of Lloydtown en tertained a number of her friends in Schomberg and Lloydtown to a skat ing party in Realtys rink on Mon day evening Tea was served at the rink and all enjoyed a general good time Friends of Mr and Mrs Fred Doug las of Linton will be glad to learn that the recent operation on Mrs Douglas for appendicitis was a suc cess The many friends of Mr Bert At kins are congratulating him upon his marriage to Miss Polly Lee Both young people have a host of friends in who wish them much happiness in their new relationship Mr and Mrs Atkins will reside in the residence now occupied by Mr John Coon The carnival on Thursday evening was a brilliant success A large crowd of skaters was present and the costumes were many and varied 50 Crowded out last week BALDWIN Mayor Logan By the death of Crawford the city baa lost a valued servant He was a of the special sower com mittee- chairman of the streets and alleys committee and identified with every important matter to be considered the council since his election two years ago Personal ly I held him in the highest esteem He was honest and conscientious with a koon insight into the citys affairs Alderman Wilkinson I have known Crawford for ears I became acquainted with him when he was business at Clinton I have known him to be always square and honorable ever a gentleman He was a willing worker and a good business man man In the council his record has been more than good Alderman You couldnt find anywhere abetter man than that claim Now what in actual was on the does such a ridiculous require- Every woman In troublciwlth backache nerves on edge poor spirits and unreasonable fatigue can find help for her whole system in MRS JOHN BIELLY Continued from Page progress of the north Years ago this House unanimously decided that recognition should be msde by way of land grants to the volunteers for their services but this House unanimous ly made the mistake of allowing such land to be taken up in different townships and to long aa they re mained in the hands of the volunteer they remained untaxed This retard ed development and progress and steps have been taken to remedy this evil Why then Sir should a similar mistake be made by this Government in connection with town sites If the Province of Ontario is determined to own one out of every four town lots then I say the Government should pay taxes on these lots Why should the province take the unearned incre ment the increment earned by the hardy settler and not join with the settlers in paying their fair share taxes in order that proper municipal improvements may be undertaken Prospectors Rights Then again Sir the Governments extreme desire to make money out of the north is shown in it dealing with prospectors When it was proposed to tax the prospector before he could go out and search for a mine and the amount fixed by the Government was placed at we on this side the House vigorously opposed this and argued that if it was requisite to charge any tee the fee should only be nominal That fee I am glad to say has since been reduced to It should have been reduced to Then again Sir if this prospector is fortunate enough to make a discov ery the province charges him for filing his claim and for transfer of the some This is more than is charge in any of the Old Provinces for a similar service Assessment Work Then again Sir as if we did not place difficulties enough in the way of the prospector under our law and regulations at present if he make a discovery in the late November or December what happens Within ninety days from the date of filing his claim he must do tnirty days work on Billy Crawford square all the time and he knew Fast skating forward prize won jfiia business He worked hard House for 8ale Street brick class domestic water good garden Ml easy terms Newmarket Farm for 8ale acres lot IS in the con of Worth Good fcriojf barn fences in good loan soil Living stream crosses fare half Apply to KO MX Newmarket by Alt Vandorf second prize won by Fred Avis fastest skater backwards S3 won by Win Kelly second prize won by Abe Mac- Kay Fancy dress prize won by the Vandorf Blacksmith Mr Peter happened with a painful accident on Friday night in breaking his leg Mr VVm happy day is to come on Wednesday next We wifah him much joy Good boy The Vandorf Store Clerk has a bad cold these days Too many night drives Miss Williamson has been mare House for 8ale Timothy Street with furnace also bath and electric wiring connec tions made Possession Immediate ly Apply to COLLINS BOX Newmarket very sick with a sore foot Mr Albert Preston had the fortune to lose a valuable day last week Mr George Preston so l has sold his farm and is moving Toronto the 1st of April Get ready boys fur the charivari the sixth line mi he was kind to He a good alderman His death is a loss to the The flag on city ha1 hangs at half mast for AldermanCrawford Billy Crawford who was found in bed yesterday morn ing at oclock two hours pro bably after he had ceased to live The taking offer Alderman Craw ford was entirely unexpected al though he had been 111 for three with a complication of mean It means Sir that dur ing the winter months when there is probably four feet of snow on the ground that poor fellow must go forth with on his feet and snow on his shoulder to do practical mining work After he has built little nut and moved his provisions out he commences trenching in the snow an I the practical result is that he is obliged to spend thirty days in a pretence of doing mining work when practically all that he has done is washed away by a spring freshet I say that it is an uncalled for hardship to the prospector to him neighborhood lost its old est and moat revered inhabitant In the death of Mrs John Beilly at the residence of her soninlaw Mr W on the of February Mary Storry was born on Christmas Day in Yorkshire England and celebrated her ninetieth birthday last Christmas When twentytwo years of age she was married to Mr John of precious memory Mutual affection thoughtful and unselfish ness made their home life truly hap py A short time after her marriage she was connected and united with the Primitive Methodist Church and she remained a devout consistent and esteemed member of the Methodist Church until her translation to the church in heaven With her husband and family she arrived in Canada in June They lived in the Township of Pickering two years then eight years at Bloomington and then they settled in neigh borhood where with the exception of seven years spent near Temperance- they resided the rest of their jives Her husband proceeded to the heavenly home on the of November The last four years of her life were spent at the home of her daughter Mrs T where she received loving and tender care Her sweet bright and cheery dis position made her a favorite with all who knew her She retained her clearness of- intellect and of heart to the last Her pas tor Rev Weil wood visited her for the last time on Wednesday night before her death and found her full of joy and hope There were the characteristic sunny smile and flashes of humor- She recalled the happy experiences and glorious revivals of years long past expressed gratitude for present mercies and talked bright ly of her prospect of soon entering the beautiful home that Jesus had gone to prepare for her and rejoin ing the loved ones gone before On Thursday evening she told two of her daughters that she was going home and a little later she asked her son- inlaw Mr- to meet her in heaven On Sunday morning she was not for God took her Not withstanding one of the most furious storms of the winter her funeral on February was largely attended when her pastor conducted a memo rial service in Church and her mortal remains were laid beside those of her- husband in Cemetery One son and three daugh ters survive her Win of Michi gan Mrs of Toronto Mrs of Pickering Township and Mrs of neighborhood One thorough application of ZamBuk at night wilt bring ease by morning ZarnBak stops the smarting heals the cracks and makes the hands smooth Mis Out writes I troubled with bands and arena nothing ever them thoroughly until ha cured them My father for several skin and is nothing like their child on daily ai prevent on A ZamUuk over tua after waihiu proven and cold alto a ran I An dUMJ riiirfvoftu pie an I lira loionco far pneti sod Imitations HOME NEEDS IT DEBILITATED ach and heart diseases Still his to spend a month there doing work was seldom severe enough to him from his work and there were few of who knew that he- had in St is of no benefit whatever and which he might well be allowed do in the summer months when his ac tual trenching would be done not in hospital for the- week Jho snow but in the earth and when and more he having returned to I could work intelligently and with beneficial on Our village presented a lively on Wednesday when the young people of the district met to pay ihefr respects to Miss who about to leave in a few for her new home in he sudd of Mb death coming o soon alter apparent recovery Is a shock to all Missoula for Ald- Crawford had many friends At morning I Mrs i Crawford carried the iibual into husbands room He war awake To her question as to whether or not he wished his breakfast brought to him in bed ho ana wared that ho Intended to to with the family He added that he wished to play with the baby Time went by and Ihe Canadian west The alter noon was spent In skating on the rink after IJiJi not JwVtHo For Roomed House situated on Huron street with sad all modern further information presentation from to A J DAVIS Newmarket On street The dwelling in a tvelverooioed with barn fctone bard and Water and about of an acre of land planted with trees For particulars apply on adjoining to which tea was in the of the Methodist Church lea the members of the School presented Miss with an address and a beautiful clock Mr Wilfred replying on her behalf fiiis vas followed a the of the church the in thin caw a valuable cabinet of silc To this her father Mr I J feelingly replied Miss has connected with the Church and Sunday school since time arid to welfare from our mid will vacancy which will not easily be led While regretting her removal from our midst she Ik folloved to her new home the well wishes of a host of friends Miss was base- people In the Crawford home lat lie had asleep gain and he was not disturbed At oclock the attending physician came Ho found Mr Crawford dead and that life had been extinct tor two hours It Is thought that Mr Crawford when he raised In hod to take Irnodieine bin wife had brought exertion Is supposed to have caused sud den dilation of an already weak ened heart CIVIC PAID Missoula united to worth of Alderman William her to Crawford whose body was laid h1 STICK WOOD- To Rent The now Co used by the Posse si on April abo the recipient of a shower rest viewed the body as St lay In in Marsh chap of Die church was crowded when the funeral began The r of local Engines for portable Mill and Tract to Vs at her friends at the boon of Miss Rev J Maclean preach ed eloquent bringing out the virtues of dead alderman of what ho had done for men explaining the beauty of his private life The choir the church sang The funeral procession from the church to the Missoula cemetery was long There wen several hundred who marched behind the coffin of a friend there was a long row of carriages The council the city po loo depart ment the city fire department with Itji apparatus the focal lodges of FREE WRITE TODAY for our AT A of our Graduate are from to We place a large number la good pot It loss every educate YOU for better how Open all year COLLEGE Cor ajl Alexaadef Hi on Saturday afternoon A pretty home wedding took place at residence of Mr and Mrs Prlngle on Wednesday afternoon when about fifty guests assembled to witness the marriage of their daugh ter to Mr Archibald son of the late Hugh and Mrs of To the strains of the Wedding March played by Miss the bride entered the drawing room on the arm of her father the cere mony help performed under an arch Of evergreen Rev if Thomp son assisted by Rev brother of the groom and the venerable Ry The was assisted by the grooms sister Miss Margaret the groom being supported by C8 Johnson for the brother Mr Harold Ingle and Corbet for Following the congratulations to the bride groom all tat down to a dainty wedding dinner The toast to the bride was proposed by Mr to the groom by he bride received many present showing the high es teem which she Is held by her frierdx With the wishes of their friends and a of and other luck bringing Mr and Mrs left for continue Journey next vim nine Drill Ye Drill but under the arbitrary regulations of the present Ministry has been changed in to the unwilling chorus Ye Prospectors hovel In a word if we are going to get our fair share of people for the North Country if we arc to get our fair share of populstion corning to Canada for our own North Country as the inducements of the West and the far Weal wo must build railroads and oilier roads and make the conditions Mich is be inviting to immigrants and WO be more liberal in our mining and land regulations We Kir must all along the lino be fair and even liberal to the p whe ther be be settler miner or Effects on Stock Returning again to the question Reciprocity let us follow to their logi en I conclusion the remarks ihe Honorable the Provincial Treasurer He in effect il the Reciprocity agreement consummated end the Is taken off our grain that the grain from the West will go south and our whole transportation system will be injuriously affected On the other hand Conservative newspapers ay us stay our hands The Democrats are likely to get into pow er and the duty will be taken of I any way What difference doss it make to how duty is taken off once the American duty is taken off Would the effect on transportation not be sain Or is it not belter If the duty is to be taken off anyway that it should be removed as a result an agreement whereby we get advan tages to counter balance any seeming disadvantages Hut in view of the doleful wail of honorable gentlemen opposite as the effect this agree ment will on our whole transpor tation system is it not very that since the announcement of the agreement slocks have run up to the highest figure they have reach ed In the history of that company The purchasers of that stock are sane business men It there fore the result of the agreement meant destruction to our whole transporta tion system which the Canadian AURORA On Wednesday of last week a meet ing of the ladies of the town was held in Presbyterian church for the purpose of forming a McAJl Mis sion Society Mrs of To ronto explained the object of the so ciety which is to send the gospel tc the people of Franco and the meet ing organized a society with the fol lowing officers President Mrs York 1st VicePrcH Mrs 2nd Mrs Willis 3rd VicePres Mrs Amos 4th VicePres Mrs George Sec Mrs Mrs Dr Richardson Mrs Cowan of Toronto gave an ex cellent address during the after no The society is undenominational moved his to Toronto on Tuesday of this week Mr and Mrs were a very pleasant sociable couple and had the oldfashioned faculty of doing on the square Their presence will he much missed in neighborhood wished them a and happy life In their home On Sunday morning oit sev en oclock while Julius lis son and John were enjoying a quiet sleep they were awakened by the crackling of fire and tic YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLEAGED MEN the victim of early and Uteres who arc failure la Ufa you arc tho can restore manhood energy n giro up In D6CstUS0 have treated with other doctor electric belts and tried drug Our New Trcttmtnt has hundreds from tha brink of despair bets re stored happloes to hundreds of homes and has successful men of those who were down and out prescribe specific rem edies for each Individual ease according to the symptoms and complications we hate no patent medicines This Is of the of our wonderful success as our treatment can not fall for we prescribe adapted to each Individual case curable cases done Canada for CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY Are you a you hope Are you to rnarr Have you Our Mthod TrMboaol will cure you What It has for others It prill to for you Comulution Wo matter who has treat you write for an opinion of Fatherhood Diseases of Men NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT No on or wel- on FREE FOR HOME Cor Michigan Aye and Detroit Mich AH letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Depart in Windsor If you desire see us personally call our Medical Institute in Detroit as we sec ami treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence ami laboratory for Canadian only nil letters as follows DPS KENNEDY a KENNEDY Windsor Vrito lor our Stnokc Mr Shier jumped find the woodshed and the dwelling in a furfoxs Mr Shier rushed to his nearest neighbor Mr McLean lor assistance Mrs McLean did excellent work at the telephone in arousing the villagers who were quick to respond to her call but the house being an frame built of the best pine procurable he names went through it an incredibly short time The up to neighborhood turned out to assist in saving the outbuildings and to- extend the hand help and sym pathy to Mr Shier who found him self without a suit of clothes to put on deprived of a comfortable and well furnished home Mr Shier had a very narrow escape his hair and eyebrows being singed off in his for his property The cause of the lire is wholly unknown Insurance on the house and contents J This Feeding Floor Could Be Built in The Fall pi The- were- lh ertjreil Kemp for Odd Many from towns on branch and the and the va- The fatherinlaw Scott from California Iu- yolk of Mb will fej for 4iys it are with to new at caret told a n fiend KftA to I place In fact thai Stocks have Keatly wJ In pries DUIoyalty When in thin the loyalty cry rained fear la that another market will mean The member lor ctotd hi speech with an of fear that the obtaining of reciprocal will id to House might pardoned in of the that the honorable members name la remarks drove to a recollection a statement made by the bo continued and it would help greatly to preserve the condition of your live stock in the Spring farmer that in the Spring of the year his is almost bottomless The live stock mire down into the mud and almost float around greatly to the detriment of their physical condition a Concrete feeding floor in the yard this trouble is done away vith A Feeding Floor of comparatively small area and built this Fall would pay for itself next year Concrete is the only material that can be used this way at a moderate cost Will you ask for your copy of the book which we have prepared for you IV hot the Farmer Con Do With Concrete Its free and take our word for it youll find it one of the most interest ing pieces of such literature you ever read And profitable too because it will save you money 1 5 V I a I Ask for a Copy of Booklet ToDay EaJ Will Promptly Canada Cement Co sino Limited ARCHIVES OF ONTARK

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