Newmarket Era , March 17, 1911, p. 5

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35MsesE LfAl if- i J Newmarket to loan on good Farm Security prank AUCTIONEER WiLurCTOR Bolton Home Decorator Niagara and Tecum fleas The Meetings wtiite on Wednesday the at ballpast two in the old Temperance Hall The ladies are sorry there was no meeting last month and ask all to go prepar ed to sew and assist with the work being done Em Dr R- Clark DENTIST St Dr Wilkinson dentist in Block Newmarket Surrogate Court Probate of the estate ol the late Mrs Jane Briggs East who died in February shows property valued at consisting securities worth and cash in bank She leaves it to a broth er Edward and a sisterinlaw Na omi John of Mount Albert who died in February left this amount is in the bank and in a house and lot in Mount Al bert Tie will bequeaths the estate to Mrs Ann Broderick and at her decease it falls to the son Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At Office Newmarket tea is the result or care ana experience in blending must be the combination of fine y flavor smooth strength and richness Because all these elements are so generously included in Red Rose Tea it well merits the term good tea Write Brandon Land Co 30 Ninth Street Brandon Man regarding Farm Lands in the West years experience West of Papers at re4lderee If Peg iAX NEWMARKET WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- A Dp J Boyd Graduate n medicine of Toronto also Licentiate of Royal College of Physician and mem ber of the Royal College of Surgeons Former clinical assistant on your trip fa Eye Hospital Agent Ferity College Ear Note and Throat A Passenger London England Toronto Ontario You Going West this Spring so there are abundant tics to do so via Trunk j way System to Chicago and thence connecting lines Low rates every day to Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta Exceedingly low rates each Tuesday March to April 2oth inclusive to principal points in Sas katchewan and Alberta including points on the Trunk Pacific Railway Reduced rates for one way tickets March 10th to April inclusive to Vancouver Spokane Wash Seattle Wash Portland Ore San Francisco Los Angeles Mexico City etc consult address SOLO IN BULK Your Grocer Will Recommend It present ed a bill to prohibit carrying and sale of firearms knUciie sandbags and otter dan gerous weapons except certain restrictions or by a permit as- for example by soldiers and This measure is in sujf- in the annual report of the Provincial Police announced the Legislature last week while tho House was discussing the threefifths clause that the Government propos ed to amend the local option law so that in future only residents in the municipality would be allowed to vote He thought property owners who lived to miles away would not card whether liquor was sold or not Hut how about the summer sorts Owners are resi dents most of the summer are they residents or nonresidents They cer tainly are interested and are assessed- as occupants Will Mr re move this legal doubt j a According to Blues estimate census to be commenced June 1st show the total population Canada tobe nearly In abuV 5371000 Tbel estimate is largely based on figures for the past te years and the natural increase a f I fy IV fc 1 f4 A ng that period ZEPHYR The Zephyr Branch held monthly meeting at the home of Mrs J on Wcdnealay V 1 Mr Anderson has a bill tc amend the Division Courts Act ft con tains a number of clauses but the chief feature of the hill is to increase the jurisdiction of the Court and thereby save County Court expenses Mr has a bill to allow a municipality to pass bylaws to take sand or gravel from the beach of shore of any lake or other body of their I or or creek at any point on a highway but corpora tion must pay owners thereof at a uring the past week State As sembly of Nevada adopted a resold ion in favor- ot woman suHrage being put to people The despatch making this announcement says it is believed theSenate will also adopt resolution This should prove encouraging to the Labor member for Hamilton along the line of woman suffrage for Ontario No doubt the Montreal- Herald is right It is only another illustration of repeating itself It says The time will come when all those politicians and public talkers and writers who in their desperation for the defence of protection have de clared reciprocity to mean annexa tion will be dishonored by the coun try and politically slain nine member being present An price A press from Montreal states that six passenger and freight steamers forming a direct weekly service between Germany and da is the latest feature for the approaching shipping sea son- The steamers will be run under the direction of the Canada line and will ply from the ports of Hamburg and Rotterdam to Quebec and Montreal y a 4 LIGHT FIXTURE Can Money By Buying prom Us A r f I E Paints Oils Glass Etc A ALLAN E W M A R I I Newmarket Hotel Company interesting program was given on Lo cal Option and Law Enforcement al so a reading on Sunday School work from the Temperance Leaflet The next meeting will he held at the home of Mrs J Profit Zephyr on Wed nesday April 12th at pm We trust that there will be better atten dance at future meetings owing to the improvements of roads and wea ther of Press Cor Main and Timothy Newmarket unices may be had at any ho oW Company day or night by calling at the or phone as held at irg George Hotel on Friday ev ening March when the various accounts for the previous month ordered to be paid Notwithstanding T Time Card lighting the business quite a NORTH handsome profit for tin- short month am February directors of the company found Newmarket necessary to make provision for an 1025 supply of and have I built an ice house and put in over Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS I A GOING SOUTH Toronto ir p m spring of the beautiful fee from will the public much plea- to know that Mr and Mrs Brown who have Conducted the man agement of tire hotel so successfully land have made so many friends for PROMPTLY SECURED I local option have been engaged for another year Caught in the Act As Policeman Holmes formerly of nuyaiytAiT was his beat along Front Street Toronto on Li- I Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties the Bathroom Outfit at the TUB LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS Next to Grocery SETTLERS TRAINS TO MANITOBA ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN only through line i LOW COLONIST RATES TUESDAY JO KM IV1 Regular ruins Colout Car all Train l Wett day evening about In heard the Bound of breaking in the rear of the warehouse of A Peer and Company 1 front Street east On going around to investigate lie found the window of the bad been broken In through the opening and there found John- of Bolton Avenue ft waff dark and the man tried to elude the constable but Bill if the champion athlete of the fore and failed in attempt Detective Voting happened around about time and bearing tin- noise in tire back went in to In- then that the garni- was up and went quietly to the station lie charged with breaking UNION Too late lor week Horry to Mr Instead from our neighborhood but glad to welcome Mr Micks who Is moving Ion the place Where Albert Mr Fait also moving on Mr IK vans farm formerly occupied by I Harry Mr ftas Boyd down to- tin- City on jury last Monday Quite a number around here attend ed the dance at Davis last I Wednesday evening and report a good j time Such an getting Common on Fourth Our friend John been laid up with grippe you boys gather up your and all the old tinpans trie and gel every thing In for the charivari away dovn tin lane Mr of Queens- villa spending a few days wltn bfs Mr Charlie Boyd v hat the fellow name is got lost on the catering road Mr and son Wal ter spent with her daughter Mrs Walter of has III for me time As we write we hear Mr Freder ick Boyd and are being Joined the holy bond of matrimony We them every success Jack Front The Pickering College Newmarket hockey club came up here for a friend ly game on Monday night and white- washed- the home team The Col- I chemical substances lege hoys are some players hut ihy town hoys are learning and we to hear better things of them anoth er season The college hoys were entertained Mr and Mrs I tikes after the game The home of Mr John family north of the station was destroyed by fire on noon The woodshed caught from from the chimney and in a short time the entire building v as in flames Keegan noticed fire first and alarmed Mr McLean Much of the furniture was saved Reciprocity was debated In the Third Form on Friday before an fence comprising the whole school and one or two visitors The subject un der discussion was Resolved the proposed reciprocity pact is The affirmative Mathers Jells and Fennel Ounn and Misses mil defend- Many striking Hon Dr Reaunie has a bill before the House to amend tire Game and Fisheries Act It provides that the open season for snipe rail plover and other birds known as shore birds or waders shall hereafter com mence on the day of September instead of the 1st of September Other clauses relate to woodcock and mink and concludes with a sub section as follows No mink shall be hunted taken or killed or had in possession of any person between the 1st day of May and the 1st day of November following Mr Hearst has a bill before the House respecting I triers in which it is set forth that embalm ing shall mean the disinfection or preservation of the dead human body entire or in part by the use of fluids or gases prepared for such purpose introduced into the body by vascular or hypo dermic injection or direct applica tion Into the organs or cavities Lieut Governor to appoint a Board of Examiners who shall subjects in which candidates for certificates of qualification as shall- be granted Council fix fees j sons now engaged in the business must apply for certificates before July 1911 furnishing evidence of sobriety good character and After the first of July I next persons hot holding certificates to he liable to a penalty they at- to practice There are some other provisions of minor importance A wonderful little machine called the Balloon Meteorograph that goes up manymiles in the air and records the atmospheric temperature has just I been brought into use in the Toronto Office The machine was sent up seven miles on day last week t this altitude the recorded the temperature at HO degrees below zero The temperature is recorded by pens on a small metal j plate The Orange Grand Lodge this Province held its annual meeting in last week and nob withstand ing the presence of the Hon Min ister of Education for Ontario the Lodge passed a strong resolution con demnatory of the bilingual schools as operated in Ontario and called upon the Provincial Government to have the system abolished fir and can now hold a seance on the proposition and report the re sult of their findings to the Premier All Winter Lines AT Toronto Jobbing House mental to Canada was upheld by Misses assells while Sutherland Morris the negative were advanced by both side and for a lime he air was weighed with brilliant thought and Charmed with eloquence Mr acted as critic in a and im partial manner giving the decision to the negative Geo Was up before our magistrates on Monday on the charge of procuring liquor lor Alex The evidence went i show that the defendant Was down at the saw mill for a load of lumber and thai Alex sent him up town lor a bottle of whiskey The defendant it seems got It and put it in the tool box the engine from which very secret hiding place abstracted It probably when George wasnt looking The magistrates didnt look kindly on forges obliging act and fined hlril and costs amount ing In all to about W29fi We understand that Mr has since lodged a complaint against Mr Mc- of stealing what liquor was left In the bottle when he placed it in the tool best about ten worth An Important hill was Introduced by Hon Mr respecting egress from public buildings ft pro vides that in all churches halls schools or buildings used for public meetings I he exit doors shall open outwards and places upon all church congregations the responsibility for any refractions of the act The con gregations and trustees or other Cera arc to be held severally respon sible The penalty for lance of the provisions of the act is I fixed at with a further penalty A despatch from- Winnipeg states that hundreds of American settlers with their families and household ef fects are coining into the Prairie provinces On the lib five loaded special trains arrived at and North Portal from the States Many of the new arrivals arc going through to British Colum bia If this Immigration from Un cle Sams domains continues much longer tin Federal Oppositionists will be demanding the erection of a high board fence to keep Mr Yankee out of the country a week if he Infraction Is con tinued The Municipal Committee have re ported favorably on the bill the right of way on all streets In cases of fire The member for opposed the bill and said it was Just giving he cities power to run lire engines down the street kill people The majority of committee did not think so The Hamilton Herald points out with much force a few of the princi pal reasons prompting Sir Win Van Home indite a long letter full of forceful phrases against the proposed reciprocity agreement Cana da and the neighboring States It Says Jealous of Jim Hill That Is the explanation It is a natural jealousy and from Sir Williams point of view quite Justifiable Jim Hill proposes to push his north and south railways Into Canada and to share with the P the traffic originating in our great West Sir William doesnt relish the prospect Probably he foresees the necessity of cutting down freight rates in order to compete successfully with Jim Hills roads 1817 CAPITAL ALL PAID UP 9 UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS 00 I Ee Branches at all Important sentres and In London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico Newfoundland Every description of a Banking tratucted- INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former cuatomer3 of the Ontario Hank Branch will be accommodaU as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH C ROSS Failing lair Mrs Your Good Looks Ik KOisrii of ym full- nu It I linn to rid of Ill Mi of blood Harris of says I have found Parisian Sage to be tents beat scalp and hair tonic and dressing I have ever used hair had Coming out in combs full and was very dry and- brittle and thn scalp was always itching and leading banded ileeld- They m Every Woman Should Have This Book It OK it WW met is VALET MP fct School Reports tor No Borrow Jr IVYVM Wnito4 Br V Jr WW ft funny Ada Jr v to i application will purify wllldn ttxrf If your liver a aturO Try a And mo how I rid lit your you Ixnrtd Thoroughly tried and proved lr It is Best of of dandruff I have Uacd two bo ties of Parisian Sage and It has stopped my hair from falling the Itching and- dandruff have disappeared and my hair Is fine and soft and glossy I would not be without this fine Hair Tonic for many times the price For women men or children Pari sian San Is without any doubt the finest preparation for the hair Daint ily perfumed it Is free from grease or and ought to be where every member of the family could use It dally Large bottle CO cents at all druggist or from the proprietors The Co Brie postpaid The Girl with the Auburn Hair Is on package and guaranteed V J Patterson A despatch from Montreal to Ihc antireciprocily press of Toronto on Saturday slates bat under the name of the Womens branch of the antireciprocity league the women of Montreal have themselves together and to appeal Sir declare that reciprocity means ulti mate annexation to the states with its loose marriage and divorce laws yes these leading Women know all about public sentiment and Canadian loyalty over the Coder present trade relations the can and go across he border make purchases and smuggle to Canada but it dont taint their loyalty or make them Yankees People who fancy by enlarging trade relations Canadian fealty to would be affected must shingle off Martin Senour Floor Paint Is just paint you need to paint those floors you painting It wears on the floor not off Try Wall Tints ti arc On those walls that need touching up We sell also white It will not rub off when it In eight lbs for f Use On your furniture It will make it look like new One Coat of Elastic Floor Finish Applied and Fall will keep Linoleum as good years We have sole agency the famous Prom Ontario to Winnipeg WITHOUT CHANGE OF OARS Pw In wltti Ji In If you travel to Western Canada Canadian Pacific direct line The make the fastest time with no change of cam en route no transfers or customs examination lie route Ik Interesting and attractive and through Canadian territory the en tire journey train ftervice for fceltks effect during March and April Atkinson Agent Newmarket The Provincial Assembly by a unanimous vote ap proved ol the reciprocity with the United States Mr Maui- tain leader of the Opposition was mdtc a pronounced In its favor as the Liberals tie denounced the annexation theories of Conservatives and In conclusion said We out here are Just as able as the magnates In the Kast to decide what Ik patriotic and unpatriotic I am not compelled to at the feet of the Gamaliels and study loyalty While Mr Haul tain was delivering his speech on door of tire up In Saskatchewan a Conservative Gamaliel of Toron to In the person of Mr George Tutc KC was a crowd in Mall characterizing Sir Wilfrid and Hon as soconsplrators and proposed reciprocity agreement a the great betrayal This is how the little birds In the Conservative nest sweetly agree Guaranteed lie pure it docs not give perfect applied according to directions bring back your empty cans and money Hardware Lin Newmarket PHONE quickly cure I tin- lb Tenders Wanted Sealed lenders will be received by the undersigned up to oclock DQOn on day March rill to supply the Industrial Home for the County of York one year with Bread Ikel Groceries and Dry Goods Contracts to commence the 1st of April Parties Wishing to tender for any of the above supplies can obtain blank forms at the homo and get necessary information in reference to what Is required Parties Willi whom contracts arc made to deliver supplies at Home No tender necessarily accepted J Inspector EXPERIENCE Trade arsis Ac ftKMtald fret IbroMh Mima IcnoJ fur i it I l tan A

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