Newmarket Era, 31 Mar 1911, p. 2

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two T i ga A press despatch aal of a new V Wanted Woman wants daily housework A press despatch Toronto aDh1 the organization of a new political party in Canada imperial in A press caWe from- London under Address Era Office two New Houses 9 For Sale or to Kent re Prospect Ave Newmarket Chester Guardian savs Premiers within the next three months rieJ Botha Fisher and will This new organization is to be form- visit Ireland during the summer and receive civic receptions An Irish correspondent says the reception will take place in Dublin and the mayors of Belfast and Cork will assist To ronto News and World plcasenotice Jed under the title of the Imperial I Mission and as the provisional of- Inquire fi president A Pratt ML A treasurer and Fee of To- sccrctarv are Consbratives party House to Rent secretary with all modern lhe two About the last enactment which passed the Ontario House before pro rogation last week was the bill of A Brick House with all modern take that the new party Passed pro- c JQHN Conservatives This conclusion is and Municipal Board Amendment reached from the further intimation I Act Section 3 declares that DOg Lost given in the despatch that the organ- the Municipal Board may not permit street railway or other railway is the old country Imperial to construct- lines not contemplated Strayed or Stolen a small black Mission whose president is Lord agreement So long as this to the general officer lulc remains in force there will be reward commanding Canadas military forces no doubletracking of street the Mr- Ezra leaves for the again next Monday jv of Cobalt visited Mrs iWinans last week Roche and Mrs Lor thiiin not receive again this 1 Miss of visited her sister Mrs Dr Wilkinson ov er Sunday Mrs- J entertained a large number of ladies last Friday afternoon Mr Oswald P Hamilton son-in- law of Mr Hobt was here over Sunday Mr Hammond of New York was the his friend Hon J Davis over Sunday SETS QUEEN QUALITY SHOES pp cocker Spaniel name of Joker Liberal for his return Bnmson Mr Lloyd of Toronto spent over Sunday with cousin Opening -at- Wilkinson Mrs Kirk and Miss George of he ountv and other tt Toronto visited Mrs Goring and Mrs over Sunday MRS I M- and April 1st Corner Main and Timothy Sis HousejOrgan For condition large size with several stops Would do excellent service in a Sabbath school will be sold at a bargain Time giv en on satisfactory security Apply at the Bra Office but who had a disagreement with highway without Hon Sydney Fisher while the latter consent of was Acting Minister of Militia to the present however the organization has only the above The Globes Ottawa correspondent I His Worship Mayor Pearson and named provisional officers discussing the Conservative r wife were At a large The despatch further announces ship agitation says in part number of friends Tuesday evening that the motto of this new party is Messrs Forget and Price Two Let us he one and that its ob- who are frankly out for a change of are to place before the United leaders with Premier McBride of Kingdom policy of Imperial Pre- British Columbia as the Moses in view to lead the party out of the present wilderness were joined with Simpsons Spring Millinery Openings Friday and Saturday we are holding our SerhiAnnual Opening of Garments to which we invite you To make this Opening a success we have placed on sale for Friday and Saturday sev eral Special Lines in New Tailored Waists and Gardner Foley NoSag Skirts ere rice as seen from the point of view of overseas dominions to show the benefits imperial solidity in commerce and defence to show to the people of the mother country day by Sir Hugh Graham of Mont real and there was much caucusing among the score or so of open mal contents with the present leader that if she decides to buy her im ported food within the the I Since then the breach has been par- overseas dominions could supply all healed hut there is still a her wants to show the advantages very sore spot to he wageearners of tins country of promoting imperial trade to Judging from the result of the pub- Sealed Tenders will be as a of electors at Richmond undersigned up to April lo Hill on last the Commons the Methodist Church at avanlag f members for Central and South York Newmarket Tenders may be minions under the Hag in comparison by their opposition to the more nieces visited Mrs Bastedo over Sunday one irom Brandon and another from Winnipeg Mrs Johnson of Midland who has been her niece Miss Hart- j Tenders Wanted masonry carpentering plumbing electric wiring etc or for the whole work J JACKSON Sec of Board for with foreign countries as for question arc treasuring up them- Britishers and generally to promote selves opposition next election At the interests of the Empire at large the meeting referred to a large The foregoing is the outlined pro- of farmers passed the following spent gram and some people do say that since January left for home on Monday Mrs Hunter expects to leave next week visit her mother I at Winnipeg who has been feeling Poorly of late Alderman and Mrs Eves enter- several newly wedded couples at their residence on Thursday even- of last week The Ladies Bible Class of flic I Aurora Methodist Sunday School spent Wednesday evening at Dr residence Mrs Wilson of Edmonton Mrs of Winnipeg a few days last week with resolution That this their aunt Mrs Bastedo the insurrection in meeting of electors of Centre York J Mrs Phillips returned home vative circles in Montreal and called to discuss the trade agreement on Saturday after spending two looking to the displacement of entered to between the Government weeks visiting relatives in Port the Opposition leader in Parliament of Canada and the United States Detroit and Monroe Mich be hy Hon Mr of British Col- dares its strong support of that The following left this week ha v- May WJ1- Written tend- or Sir James P Whitney j agreement as being in the interests ing procured tickets at Atkinsons the was an undercurrent move on the of Canada and urges the Govern Wm Kinder for of Imperial Mission the Dominion press for J ftmythc for Pembroke I House for Sale Situate on the West side of Pros pect Ave formerly the property Richard Possession can or any promoters will be received up to April J the highest not necessarily accepted further give the status of an or- jits adoption as speedily as possible White for Vancouver BC Tcrins W per cent on acceptance of political factor in the j The meeting consisted of both Liber- M looks like anything to beat Itcd Cross Society at- result in discrediting tender Terms- tender and balance is given EI 5th March hut it some of the men now holding front place in Conservative ranks and lead to further party disrup tion Oar Toronto better Greenhouses We will have a limited of supply Easter Lilies Order early and make sure of yours We will have a nice supply of Choice Carnation for We cut them daily so you are sure of getting good ones and Wedding work a specialty Wanted erect W wire fencing Apply to Box or at St IRVING Parliament the Senate last week the Govern ment hi to prohibit the use of Opium and other drugs way put through committee During the the scope of the bill was enlarged So as to make it- a to have not only opi um but thereof or to import export ordeal in conditions guaranteeing that j Navigation on Toronto Bay opened last week with a trip made to Han- Ions Point and the Western Clap by the Toronto Ferry Companys John two children bitten by a doit of Chicago in the Bra says I am one of tended the annual meeting in Toron to a short time ago Mr Prank mail clerk on the formerly of Sharon has hern suffering excruciating pain in the Hospital at Toronto the past si weeks owing to a cinder NoSag Skirts arc fast gaining favor with the good dressers in this section The only skirt with the NORAG RACK The material in one of these Skirts is thoroughly shrunk and retched The makers absolutely guarantee that the black plait will not sag or LOT NO Ladies Linen Waists Gibson tucks all sizes on Sale at SI each a LOT NO Ladies Linen Tailored Waists starched embroidered Collars Cuffs and Fronts pure linen all sizes worth up to on Sale at each FOR WEEK A Hunters Daisy Stockings regular pair for pair and Corsets Hose Supporters for 50c pair Dress Goods regular up to yard for yard Prints regular tip to yard for yard Ladies Belts regular each or each 1 to have under- improper last been to this city go Pasicur treatment- On Monday a special- train on the arrived here from Montreal with Welshmen en route to Win- also any salts or compounds l11 NorthWest ft was alleged that each passenger carried these drugs except under strict IWHH1 to invrst in the Western Pro- I Kor more than ten hours the fire men have been fighting the flames un- THE LEADING Furniture Undertaking hall he for scientific pur- SHAKH of firsts at Newmarket I first second thirds at Toronto I An amendment to the Chartered Accountants Act passed the On tario has been disallow ed the Federal This is a reminder to he Ontario Premier that he docs not hoS the Dominion Mr Huron has In troduced a hill which aims at dis couraging of packing with the Urge- ones on the top of the and the little ones modestly fill ing up middle or bottom of the wond third Tin penally teach honesty North Toronto for from Grand Layer Write for my ma tings PECK Mount Dennis Out The aged and infirm members of ha I mors Presbyterian church were brought out to the communion s-r- Senator hill amend vic lasl in he Act by requiring fort- Questionable postcards have recent nightly payments of wages gii n a wcond riding and referred P l Quite a sensation up at the Queens Park f accountant for tin- of Agriculture and for a number of years a trusted Civil employee bas disappeared and an Investigation of his hooks shows a shortage running up into the thou sands Mud say joined the Depart ment about six years ago ami was promoted three years ago to he ac countant The steamer from Ham is expected down today and will return in the evening the of the season Word has hem received of a fac tory being established here for the week have am one oi the old and went the direction of Chief lo school when the late Alex are utterly exhausted was the principal She is a daugh ter ol the late lolm Arnott Mr Herald Pearson went the Hospital a of weeks ago to undergo an operation To arid to his worries one day last week his little You can your hoy fell oil a horse and was injured In his head Last reports were fa- fill PAD recovery in both cases lMCaJ Mrs has returned from I UNDERTAKING A EMBALMING I where she waited upon her SPECIALTY v- NOTHING for several weeks prior to her talent calls attended to at death Her father Mr is go ing to the NorthWest next week his son and will remain John H Millard along with all summer Mr Gardner of in renewing his subscription to the Era writes Still look forward to its coining with pleasure 1 feel j proud of the old town on the splen- did stand has taken regarding lRAMMARI THE CRADLE For Sale Good Oats for fcfCd alto Gartons Oat- a variety very heavy and early also Potatoes and Eggs for Hatching from pen Marred on of Whitcliurcti or Pox a Eggs for Hatching Hon Crank Oliver told the House a lew ago that Canada has the biggest herd of Buffalo lo be found In America There are in the herd The Minister explained that Government might yet go the business of raising buffalo for the the purpose o Increasing the worlds visible supply of buffalo robes manufacture of Irish lace Theodore Murphy was arrested late- evening as farewell Tuesday night on a charge of bigamy J A lho He Is alleged to have deserted his for Pietou option t Mrs John went the city wi Monday to hid goodbye to her Mr W T accompanies Mrs Playlcr Miss and Miss Hall on their European and Coronation four They expect to return in October Mr and Mrs J Jackson had a few friends In to tea on Saturday to Mr Minns who Mrs the on Friday March 1911 to Mr and Mrs Arthur a daugh ter Is what we arc offering in the way of premiums with BAKING POWDER We are living Away with Every Can of Art Baking Powder yam choice of a Number of Pieces of HighGrade asking Minns left last week owing serious illness of her father to Whitchurch Council Council root at March Members ill Meanwhile by J KJIiott taking A to if Bishop snow Into WCCks ago and on Monday last married He gave his name ax Wilson when he i got married the second time He Is being dealt with in the police court York State Capitol wifu I by The new filtration plant It is ex- peeled will be completed by August Albany March Kirn to- the order Is boll day destroyed a large section of that the water historic pile Slate The investigation is now I Capitol Three wings of the building way Matters look Cloudy were gutted the man structure was Heard anything about ihattie I dly damaged and its million dol- In Newmarket on Mar 1011 to Mr and Mrs fas Gregory a daughter In Newmarket on March Mr and Mrs T Brewer a son THE TOMB Id Toronto on March 21th Mary P wife William Will son In year WINN In Whitchurch on Sunday is well worth the price that we arc both Call and Inspect it for Yourself fox arc Sole Agents for the Celebrated Reindeer and Mikado Brands of Flour Manufactured by the Peterhoro Cereal Co has our Guarantee with We have received t A Consignment of Apples In Gallon Cans and at the price of 5c per tin they are Vcrv Considering the Scarcity Apples at present time Buy your Sugar now as it is Sure to Advance March Pill Winn her year in S Phono iAz Minorca Ply- shoveling mouth barred ffbite dolt St Notice to Creditors Notice given pursuant to the provided In that that all persons having claims against the of David of the gritlerriaa deceased who died on 25tfa of file the properly prov en for V Webb of the said estate on or before the of April Ml at Immediately after No not yet wan the ri4 Instructed Hnuo laying broken tone on line lots W Hod ton J to 2nd con report ol unpaid tax was acoepted satisfactory The Reeve Clark were appointed commissioners the of culvert tile for township The Cleric Instructed to notify all Pat asters to remove loose stone from tin at least during season and putting on gravel to rake the same and cover all Councillor BjSuIrllnK In- strueted to procure one hundred tons of crushed stone delivered reply of the Chief of Police Children running wild over der grass In the parks at this lime staircase wrecked The Stale library one of the greatest In the United Slates went up In smoke with hundreds of thousands of costly of year making Park Commission- 1 boo priceless date toe will proceed to distribute the of at Station for said estate amongst those partes en- Street stone to be on titled thereto having regard only irt by labor to siCh claims as stall bare with March ion irt Executors by Road Division Lav was appointed Path- master Albert Treasurer the bills presented Council adjourned to ht on itjh of April Wilson almost wild He thinks then Is no place on earth- where children act so foolish Hut he ought to know this lime that children will be children whether In Toronto or Gum Swamp of the de funct Farmers flank is ihi quarter ed at Governor Chambers Insjllu- lion for the weary over the Don He Ik not worrying hes got past that The people In the lurch can do the worrying now It now looks as if Mr P Ki lls the wellknown Jeweller will be appointed on the new electric com mission lit has been by the Hoard of Control A four score aged rcildenl of New market vas brought here about the middle of March to be placed In the Asylum where She might taken care of There being no room at the Asylum the wan taken the Jail and Is a guest Jir Cham bers till there Is room at some oth er place Mr Send to The Senate and Assembly were also destroyed The flames caused monetary damage of but no money can re place the records and documents des troyed Burned to Death Watchman Samuel Abbott was burned to death while attempt ing to tight the the legislative of tho was halted and the and Assemblymen for weeks have been trying to elect a United States Senator had to shift their sittings to the City Hail the build ing having been tendered by the mu nicipality as a temporary capltol Several firemen were Injured by fall ing debris but none seriously hurt Troops Called Out Troops were called out to guard the buildings from the ravages of the curlo hunter and to bar the rounding crowds from death Three men who were were to the Homeopathic Hospital They are John John Vhitrnyer and Rogers fhe latter may die At Newmarket on Sunday March 1 David Lloyd Registrar BAIN In Whitchurch on the March Pill Ann Bain wife of George Bain aged years days NEXT DOOR TO P08T OFFICE At Toledo Ohio on March Dr Frank Cook son the late John Cook of Newmarket aged about years HOWARD At Holland Landing on March Herman Howard in his year Mount Albert March 22nd Alex ander Scott Hunter year Funeral to Zephyr Ceme tery on Saturday In London March 27 lull Lewis son of Frederick Lukes and nephew of formerly of aged years months All Pcrtcriptton and Family Receipts attended to and nothing but the AND PUREST USE for CN W Telegraph Co Agent for Huylers Number All Calls cheerfully Attended to J NORTH HEW All frowst AtteaUon DOOMS THAT REALLY you the thing you In lK you sU Our which will free upon if ill bog Books for Homo Stud On beck ton work trie ink mak power irlcftlwtrlnfftrtHiiiirt electt t9lphcny ftrchitec- No your or for be a If J will live nfonnfttlon iht you want popular price It FREDERICK J DRAKE Ac Bo Air CTjLi I lit IT

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