Newmarket Era , March 31, 1911, p. 5

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fnos J- Robertson Notary V tfirwrt Newmarket rood co Local Hems Prank Bolton Kn painter Decorator Niagara and Or Clark DENTIST Or Wilkinson ID Block Newmarket Jackson or Issuer LICENbtb ice ffici4fccnarK- Conundrum Sochi The Womens Bible Class will hold a Conundrum Social in the basement of Methodist Church oh Friday March at oclock Be mire to keep the date in mind Reform Executive An adjourned meeting of the u- tiroof the North York will take place in the Teih- Hall Newmarket on Satur day April at oclock The Special Committee appointed at last meeting will meet at one oclock Full attendance requested NEWMARKET lARBLO WORKS Francis Cronsberry Estate The late Francis farm er of who passed away in January left an estate valued at Of this sum was cash in bank and cash hand Real estate consists of part of lot con acres in Scott Township together valued at The will leaves to the widow the farm property goes to tire sons John and Francis while six daughters get each SO Wanted For Light Rubber Shoemaking Wages paid while learning Good IS liniments and Head Stones ran Ordering A will North York be good The Telegram rises to remark Oh well if North York is tobe opened Herbert- Lennox MPP will have to officiate as- the white mans hopcand defeat T or the other Jack Johnsons of On Friday morning a horse was carried on the pilot of an engine lor yards The milk wagon was smashed and a quantity of milk spill ed along the highway The driver was thrown from his scat shaken up but hell get off the track when he hears the car bell next time A was arrested on a charge of bigamy last week He left a wife in the old country seven years ago and when she arrived here she found Haverman living with an other wife The new building at the corner of Yorige and Xing streets be sixteen storeys high At a meeting held last week by the I Toronto Suffrage Association Dr seconded by Mrs moved that a resolution of thanks be sent to Allan MPP for the way in which he championed the cadsc of woman suf frage in the- Legislature Note what Yorks lost Mr aged residing on Murray street has gone blind as a result of being struck by an tea may mean you flavor or in to strength of fragrant richness Red Rose Tea is blended with such nicety that it is the combination of all three points of merit Will you try a wages Steady work The Maple Leal Rubber Co Limited Port Dal- mobile about four weeks ago while Our Manitoba Letter housie I Dr S J Boyd Christian Church A large Congregation greeted Rev J I Simpson in the Christian Church last Sunday morning He preached an eloquent sermon on As one whom a mother so will I comfort you The sermon Graduate in medicine of Toronto University alo Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and mem- April both mom returning from a lodge meeting Miss Anglo- Jewess Ori ental Lecturer gave an address in Hall last Sunday in on The Shepherd Life sacred selections were sung by noted vocalists together with illustrated selections from Ren Hup When Joseph Henry residing in Terauley street- awoke on Saturday tries and the usual Interchange of notes and news among those tended tiie fair The annual meeting of Saskat chewan Builders Association was held on the opening day of the air and Robert M Douglas of Taritallbn ejected president for 1911 A Porter- of Vicepresi dent and Skinner of Indian Head Quick Maple Creek and Hon C Sutherland of directors- Reginawill be long on fairs this year- big Dominion Exhibition will be held here during the first two weeks In August and special efforts are being made to have the best of railway and local facilities for this important event Business in all branches is active at There are no vacant buildings in the city although last year was a big building year for the city This year is however looked to to exceed last No less than live business blocks to be erected and two big warehouses the latter to cost Alberta very much alive Bridges are one of the special activi ties and a great deal of work Is be ing done on them for the Alberta government are making good progress on the steel bridge across the creek east of the city which will of great to people aid to farmers to the east The high level bridge over the Sas katchewan also coming along well Messrs and Sons have this HARDWARE STORE Winnipeg Man March Spring weather continues to be of the kind to forward the work of the most rapidly Ice in rivers is loosening its hold and will go out lo lhe of the Royal College o I and evening and preach upon the Former clinical following themes touched many hearts The pastor will the pulpit WWail im a lorriMo shock Mrs was about 5 years of age Two children besides Her husband fc f LEGTRIG LIGHT FIXTURES J You Can Save Money By Buying From Us mm SIT i mm JT i j i en Full Line of- Electric Light Supplies Paints Oils Glass Etc m m fill la Kye Hospital and College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Telephone No Consultation Hours may be had at any of the or night by calling at the or phone L T Time Card NORTH p Toronto Newmarket 247 arn- ii The in Hand pm Fools and Foolishness Mr Mathew Logan Deputy Warden fat the Central Prison Write Brandon Land Co 30 Ninth Street Brandon Man regarding Farm Lands in the West H years experience West of Winni peg died on Sat- He has been Firemen Benefit On Friday evening April a benefit will be given to the Fire Brigade in the Town Mall by the HowWow Minstrels Toronto The program will he en tertaining and the cause is a very worthy one It is therefore hoped Protestant churches especially aged years Deputy Warden for 30 Falling from a scaffold recently James Stuart connected with the I Palmer House landed with the side I of his face on the end of a gas pipe It pierced clean and knocked lout four teeth It took thirteen stitches to close up the wound It has been decided to establish a training class for Sunday School Teachers under the auspices the City Sunday School Association Steps are being taken to popularize the weeknight prayermeeting in the the SOUTH Methodist and Presbyterian a Newmarket The way testvotes arc being that our citizens will give them a bumper house The organization is I coining from Toronto by special car taken fry of the Conservative for their expenses only consequently 1 prints as disclosed in the Star last everybody should feel an interest in Saturday leads to the conclusion the wholl 520 765 elsewhere in this in a few days The weather is cool Several land dry Winnipeg bank clearings soared five millions upward this week the weeks figures being as against for the weeks in and in The city will spend permanent improvement work this year This money will be laid out chiefly on new streets sewers water service asphalting and the like Tile new Union Station has not been occupied yet hut it is found necessary to enlarge it and two stories will lie added making tlK building a sixstorey structure This will riot delay using the station as far as it is finished and occupation will start in April Land sales continue to be exceed ingly heavy Over a million acres of farm lands have been sold by Winni peg real estate dealers since first January Inside property is mov ing with equal freedom and almost wholly for business purposes not speculation Big parties of immigrants arc coin ing in the average being not far from a thousand a day It is expect ed that this average will bo maintain ed throughout the year or even bet tered years figures show in ten months a gain of affair See letter that paper AiETN PROMPTLY SECURES We of of hir WiriiMtrtvn wwticvyicijjrir-a- VOL I Furnace Work of Our Specialties Bathroom at the THE 1 SOUS Coming From the Toronto Sunday World We glean the following in regard to Miss Maude who conies here on tli April- A Recital of Villi- Sowing Seeds in given in narrative in four divisions and occupying an hour and a half The scene of the novel is laid in Wes tern Canada and probably on account of its local setting and popularity at tracted a large audience Miss simplicity and natural ness and thorough appreciation of theme and characters her to present portrayal at one charming and The Interest of the book does not consist in strong dra matic situations but rather Mrs Wiggs of it Cabbage Patch in of the characters rendering consequently draws upon the readers talent for Impersonation In her of characters Mis proved herself a particularly attractive reader per cent over exhibit is simply a Settlers from the States are I fraud upon the public One strongly The Canadian fancy from the score published by the reports over ears of freight city junior Conservative organ than last year up to March I all the country had gone wild against taken over from the Pacific reciprocity but it is only playing aland Northern roads whose sort of Humflam game Canadian business the hand- Mr 1 Ii King Grand Secretary of Grand of Ontario Scotsmen and the provin- very suddenly Saturday cial government of Manitoba will join from heart failure Hie in erecting a monument to Robert SETTLERS TRAINS TO MANITOBA ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN only through LOW COLONIST RATES Grand Secretary lived to sec the or der grow from fifteen lodges In On tario with a membership of- to lodges with a membership of I 46000 The funeral took place last Tuesday escorted to the by military branch of the Order in full dress Thirtyfive hundred fights illuminated the streets west of and extending to the v I tracks on Saturday night At Chalmers Church last Sunday evening A Macpherson gested he would make marriage a Civil contract and thereby settle the difficulty which has arisen by reason of the decree on mixed mar- ifie ceremony would be formed Government officials This would according to the lawn Methodist S Canada There were present at Governor Gibson officiated the open session of the Sunday formal opening of Childrens School and program at Dale Presbyterian Hums Too monument will be form of a statue of Hums and cost at least 21000 town of look final this week toward securing a water works and sewer system to cost by closing debentures The city government will also make I a summer resort of Souris by dam ming the river and adding a splendid boating Course to the natur al advantages of the place The school board has to build a new nigh school to by finished in time for the fall term Much attention Is being given to the district now crops last year this Section more widely known and local men taking hold to give Dauphin and outlying municipalities wider vogue A publicity COmpafgn and good concrete work completed by July I Work at the new university is pro gressing smartly The dormitory building costing nearly done and the arts building will he well under soon Calgary is rejoicing in spring and remarkable business activity The location of the new Hudsons Hay store has been fixed at Seventh Av enue and First street where ten city lots will be occupied by the new structure The new store will ho six- stories high and will cost The land on which the store will stand cost the Hudsons Hay Com pany and was sold a few years ago or Calgary is to have the biggest ath letic cluii in the West A building is to be erected and equipped with the latest appliances or athlet ic work in all branches A chief aim of the club will be to hold highclass boxing bouts The Deer Land Office reports an unusual number of en tries for the time of year Railway construction by the Alberta Central and Canadian Northern roads west of Red Deer promise shipping facili ties soon and a good market for farm produce at once The Alberta Provincial Sunday School Association has bought grounds II miles west of Deer at Sylvan Lake and will hold its summer school there The Alberta Central Hail way lias begun to build bridges across the Medicine and Saskatchewan rivers west of Deer Stealers new school was opened by Premier this week The building is three stories high and is built brick The waterworks the I service within the next will tli and tile council is Considering installing an electric lighting plant steps I public V4H4 ill All Winter Lines A j Toronto Jobbing Bouse Slxs mm Special Trains HI U I Regular Ciri on all Tfaiiu Toronto Vianiptg and Wttt was enjoyed The Primary Class gave evidence of careful training The dub song by the Busy Bees the oranjed of school was quite a surprise Their motto Is Be good and do good gave a reading A Annie Meek a Mr AUbrey gave a lminote address on Doing What We Can appreciated Thirtythree are on the Honor I toll for the 1st Quarter of as fol io v a Church on Sunday last It is estimated that the extra tax recently Imposed on the licensed ho tels will bring In a revenue of At close figuring this means it will take the proceeds of a million drinks to rali this amount for local option here fhe Sunday morning free glvto at the St Mission are over for this season During the season thirteen free breakfasts have been given with an average men each Sunday this articles of clothing have been furnished the needy New York models of present spring in apparel de- offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure 1 CHENEY A CO To ledo the undersigned have known J Cheney for the IftKt fifteen years and believe him perfectly hon orable in all buameiB transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by- bis firm Kinnan A Marvin Wholesale Toledo Halls Catarrh In taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood Established CAPITAL ALL PAID UP UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS t ft at all In Canada and in London E113 York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description a Banking INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers Bank Branch will be as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS feK 51 r mm accornmodaU and mucous surfaces ol the roads movement for i sent free Prices 6c diuric and fc laU Roland Publicity Commissioner or Winnipeg and a ciai Hihway Commissioner for Man- the Send Your Nice Things to My Valet fix MY VALET ft A Hi Toronto Main Eleanor Stark Hewitt Manning fashions in Edith Rob are drawing crowds Hazel Bert of those days Lady Aylctvorth the- week end at the Kln Edward The Toronto Milk I producers A of about the country who supply this city milk propose holding a meeting j Saturday to th Hill Arthur Hill during the coming hummer A Ih not anticipated Dr has was thrown from his horse In front of a moving car on the Metropolitan line Mount Pleasant Saturday anil killed An Is being field The Privy Council has Confirmed viaduct decision ol Railway and now it the work will proceed have to build Hie at cost it Is expected the viaduct will Cost The Military imp at Niagara thin summer be divided Into two distinct camps The first period will hi for two weeks to followed the camp the J after will he composed of and Infantry consisting and M and the Vith and and the 2nd Stark Smith Hill Atkinson K iiet Wright Harold Rhine hart Aubrey Brook Prima Delaine Kenneth Victor Hunter Nor- nun Karl Charlie Mortal It week to repair it plant at Vihat have a was narrowly averted at on Saturday last About fly- r was passing out the when eame In collision cars that bad been too close the main line Two of the freight ears were Com pletely off the and a third Highway gave addresses Dauphin Board of Trade thin week A new Land Titles offices and a railway station will be at Dauphin and the water an sower system v 1 finished year Saskatchewan las been the centre of Hon this week because of 000 fair was a list of fins- cure it The Doctors Question DUE TO doctors first question when con sulted by a patient Is are your bowefs regular He knows that ninetyeight per cent of Illness Is attended with Inactive bowels and torpid liver and that this condition must be removed gently and thoroughly before health can ho re stored Rexiill Orderlies are a positive pleasant and safe remedy for patloii and bowel disorders In We are so certain of their great cura tive value thai we promise to return the purchasers money In every case when they fall to produce sa tisfaction Orderlies are eaten like candy they act quietly and have a healing In fluence on the entire Intestinal tract They do not purge gripe nau sea flatulence excessive looseness diarrhoea or other annoying effect They are especially good for children weak persons or old folks sizes and Sold only at wjr store The Store Drug Store Three People Injured CARS Fort William March Railroad men declare absolutely that accidents comes In circled and there appears to considerable foundation for such Since Friday last the Canadian Pacific Railway have had three the latest which occurred to No about I am today coat Trl- ten miles White River oars a sleeper diner firstclass tourist and colonist went over the bank Four earn He on their side while the sleeper Is on its end The Injured are two men named Barker and and an unknown China man A doctor from In attendance The accident Is believed to have been caused by a broken rail Low Round Trip Rates To Ninety NorthWest Points Martin Floor Paint just paint you need to paint thoee floors you are It wears on floor not oil Try Wall Tints On those walls that touching up We sell white It will not rub oft when dry 5 it eight different lbs for low rates to Canada on Can- exceptionally pal points In adlan Pacific Excur sions leaving Toronto Tuesday Ap ril 1th at pm and every sec ond Tuesday during the summer Tickets are good for sixty days With liberal stopover privileges Special trains are run by the fastest and most direct route avoiding an of cars and possible delays Berths In tourist sleeping cars can secured at a small additional Cost Fuji particulars given In pamphlet copies of which may he obtain any agent or direct from It Thompson dis trict Agent To- Use On yeur old furniture It will make it look like new One Coat of Elastic Floor Finish Applied Spring and Fall will keep your Linoleum as good as years We have sole agency far the famous now iW vt SIS lor mm Paint ISO pure If it does not give perfect applied to directions bring back your empty cans and have money refunded i as Hardware Hi rBi 7 Newmarket JS PHONE a SHE3 BO EXPERIEROB iv jj fe Z It I Photographer Newmarket Marks Ac r la Scientific American ft amp mm

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