Newmarket Era, 14 Apr 1911, p. 1

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rV New Rings STONE SET and SIGNETS TC STORE pew mm The Era gives more home news every week than any two other papers in York combined and is acknowledged to be the Leading County Paper r two otter papers per annum if paid in advance 150 to the United States County Paper No Paper sent outside of North York unless paid In advance I WITH YOUR EYES We can fit your -The- PROPER GLASSES All the Newest Styles WATSONS Watchmaker and Graduate Optician f M If- i J warn JACKSON Editor and Proprietor JACKSON I i j Newmarket Ont Friday April 1 Toronto better EasterTide when hansom drew up before the His glance caught and held hers- A building and the brown fig- startled expression flashed over The Sap Season is on Do not delay lapping Get all the advan tage of the first run Its possible you will need a few extra buckets or spiles pails skimmers etc Our Stock is complete Best Goods Throughout Try a few of the Warner Sap Spouts made of Mai Iron tinned By actual test they run drops to the old styles one STKKI- ROILING PANS STRAIGHT TIN BUCKETS BUCKETS FACTORY If J yw A I I I I HONE H W A N PLUMBING NEWMARKET Assets 50000000 This Makes a specialty of col lecting Farmers Sale or If will advance at lowest BRANCH P FIELD MANAGER South End Lumber Yard RANGE FOR SPRING Pea Coal at a Ton P PEARSON OUR NEW SPRING GOODS Await ibe of you folks the material for just now Right Materials for Just Nov ifcrri it a here any an who want ft io tailor these a that ill faultless early I WILLIS is- announced that fifty Hoy Scouts will represent Ontario at the Coronation of King George Fernando who it is alleged I defrauded a man of in Mont- real was arrested here last week and taken to Montreal for trial It ap pears lost the money but says he lost it in a legal way When Mr Allan SVatt secretary of the Watt Milling Co returned home for lunch on Wednesday of last week he found his wife dead on the in their home on avenue She was years of age and leaves a husband and three children During March J persons left Union Depot tor the West on the settlers excursions of P Murphy who was charged with bigamy pleaded guilty in the Court and was stmt to Central Pri son for twentythree months Both the women he married were in court He must have left meaner than two cents Mr Frederick romp ton charged with receiving in pledge security or hypothecation notes or the Farmers Bank to the amount of was found guilty and sentenced to a fine of for his offence The Sheffield Choir was tendered a civic reception at the City Mall week ami a luncheon at McConkeys The Board of Control at a recent conference with the Reception Com mittee endorsed the proposal for a general celebration on Coronation Day Thursday June and will vote the necessary funds A grand parade in the forenoon of Various or ganizations and school children and fireworks at night is the program at present The educational system of the city in respect to moral condition and training in schools has been receiv ing special attention lately Two men who broke into Bills jewellery store on street last week were caught at Niagara Falls while in the act of pawning about of the stolen goods They admitted the theft Their names are William and John week hotelkeepers of this city in meeting assembled decided to raise prices of bar refreshments and Instructed Ik President and Executive of the Hotel- keepers Association to formulate a schedule of price to meet the recent per cent tax on bar receipts over HO a day Dr still remains incog He continues steadfast to his old motto of No surrender The scribe Of a local evening paper wants Canada to tune its harp of April hours to Die music of IPC Spring Song of people want the name thing So long as the city allows the head installation of electric wires so I long with Iter CltlCns he liable to electrocution as was the caw last week A critical jury pro nounce it criminal neglect A young man named John Newman had his life crushed out by a 100- coil of copper wiring falling on last The acclr dent happened the rear of the storehouse on Front street where Newman Slipped tin- platform at the the pavement and the fell on him The annual Hauler musical Festival of the Miles under the aus pices of the Methodist Social I n Ion 0 Toronto will be given In Masse Music Hall on Monday April I0H and Will be conducted by Mr has been served by the- on all In the district bounded by Cherry Wafer Tate and Front streets to vacate premises by the end of the month Construction v ill then be gin on the new freight barrister charged wlfji the name of to a bogus mortgage has elected to ho tried by jury and v HI appear be fore the May Hess Ions fur trial Toronto needs local option badly More than half the police Cases through drink IVm Simpson last week was tent down for a on a Oh rare as the splendor of lilies And sweet as the violets breath Comes the jubilant morning of ter A triumph of life over death For fresh from earths quickened bosom Full baskets of flowers we bring And scatter their satin softipetals To carpet a path or our King when she In the countless green blades of the asked almost timidly the privilege of her stepped cautiously from the vehi- face The tones faltered and cle and shot a questioning glance up died away The absorbed singers on the front either side did not note that her Im glad I took a hansom com- hand trembled and her face paling merited Miss Amy as she mounted the steps This- was life An ab surd thrill swept over her and brought a delicate and most becom ing blush to face Mr Weston studied her curiously hands deep in his pockets YEARS AGO From Bra April I meadow The sheen of Hie daffodils gold In the tremulous blue of the moun tains The opaline mist on the wold In the tinkle brooks through the pasture The rivers strong sweep to the sea studying with him Prices hours everything seemed secondary to the fear that he might not accept her as a pupil He tried her voice paced the room few moments- and then said gravely Yes I will take you as a pupil but I want to be quite frank with you You will never be a great turned from the leader to the banks of Easter lilies Perhaps it was their perfume something seemed to smother the sound in her throat Then as if fascinated her glance travelled back to meet his and the tender gravity in his face steadied her She raised her book the color came back into her face and as her voice floated out to him in the final Alleluia he knew that his hearts Passed away on the relict of William I Phillips of Are signs- of the day that is hasting have a sweet In gladness to you and me drawing room voice but I dont want you to go into the work with any idea of being a grand opera sing er in time You have begun too late for that Again the delicate flush mounted to the earth quickened her face I understand all that it is for my- own pleasure I could not study sooner It is just for the joy of being able to sing for myself He stopped short in his nervous walk and looked at her Such sim plicity such humility such lack of ambition almost staggered him So dawn in thy splendor of lilies Thy fluttering violet breath jubilant morning of Easter Thou triumph of life over death For fresh from bosom Full baskets of flowers wo bring And scatter their satin soft petals To carpet a path for our King Margaret It San message- had reached her and that was her answer m History of the Hot Cross bun One a penny buns Two a penny buns One a penny two a penny Hot cross buns VERSA custom has de creed that Good Friday should throughout the Eng lishspeaking world be the day or the hot cross bun Scotland is the one arid spot in the buneating In the land of Hums the world spicy delicacy used to be looked Her Easter Joy BY upon as a survival of papistry and doubtless still Continues to lie you might let me St Augustines I AMY leaned back of bouse watched the piano The girl bad Perhaps some time when my voice is a little stronger you might 1 on account of the pagan is if- it would be quite right j the bun disclosed by the re join your choir at Searches of the higher criticism The origin of the bun seems to date First vacancy there is he sen ted What our congregation likes is a number of sweet correct in the dull voices By the time some one gets the board- tired of rehearsals or marries or parlor and moves away Ill have your voice girl at the placed and he glad to take you on And so commenced the musical ca- a true reer of Miss Amy Carter aged and she residence a second class A statement appears in todays pa per giving the emoluments postmas ters received in North York in I860 We will mention afow Newmarket Aurora Holland 16595 Sharon Keswick now Mount Albert Stouitville Oak Ridges loskay King and now Sutton West Spring Show and Plowing Match is announced to take place on the on the farm of Job Hughes Esq near Sharon city muuioTpal men were active in opposing toe separation of Peel from York but the ratepayers of Peel knew their own business too well to pay dearly for continuing a connection with Toronto for judicial purposes and they separated IVm McMaster makes a large ad vertising display this week announc ing new goods in all departments Newmarket has a Sewing Machine manufacturing company Alfred is president 25 YEARS AGO mm I A 4 h but quite untrained voice sang in commonplace goutiness fash- boarding bouse occupation spending stamped fori the air of a four part the small inheritance which bad come heifer hence they song Wasnt it shivery and grand where the bass took up tlie tune The girls hands came down on the keys with a crash She hud not dreamed that Miss Amy had come in to the room Most of the hoarders lid not come downstairs until the bell had rung Miss almost as startled as the bad been in the house five never exchanged a word one save the landlady hack to very ancient times in to and the worship of the Goddess the Roman Diana as Queen of Heaven with offerings of cakes a custom which is also found in China ancient Mexico anil many other lands Curiously enough the modern custom is not abscrved on- the Continent of In ancient the cakes were with horns of the sacred were called 1 From Bra April IB 3 ft it to her suddenly after a life of which is one of its cases drudgery and unrelieved s was girl She weeks and with any row fiCe At first her lessons opened and bun Closed with almost monosyllabic con- is that versa ion but in time the musician delved beneath the surface and found the heart which for years bad al most starved for music It in her she thought but there had spoiled noun obviously modern Another interesting point the name of the is by some philologists with the word The custom seems to have had its origin in I he Counties of Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire where at the meeting of the old Ho- YOUR PHONE J J MAIN afternoon the girl swinging around on the piano stool Oh yes replied Miss Amy sim ply Ive been there every Sunday since I heard von sang there in the choir Im sure it Is awfullj kind of to say so I dont do much you know just one of the chorus but its SI 50 per week and you meet real nice people Id have joined I lie Musical league loo only youve got to re port rehearsal lose tickets for the Inst concert Miss Amy Sal like one entranced Hire was a girl who did not buy admission tickets and listen to others She Was in it all in the world of music from which Miss Amy had always excluded the Iron key marked doty Hon how do you manage get Into a choir or a league or anything of thai sort The girl felt flattered as she looked into Miss Amys kindling face always looking good sight reader with fresh char Voices in big choirs Sometimes you gei paid Sometimes you dont I I gel anything last year Hut tin easiest way to get In Is to lake I from the private lessons I hen Air Weston will put j you in the choir to jolly you along whelhei yon sing or Youre new New York and you wouldnt believe the The clang oflhe bell drown- latter part of the sentence and the girl abruptly Miss Amy followed her down to the din- ling room but scarcely knew I Was before What mat tered fowl or drink or sordid land- Indies or gossiping boarders When A forgery i stole a been work to do so heavy that her hands had grown ton rough and stiff roads called Ickneild street arid to play the old fashioned organ the- street stood alter There were two invalids to nurse of Diana of the worship- Were you at St- Augustines this when the village choir would have by the Romans with offerings of been glad of her services And she counted loyeas dead and buried until the inheritance had come and then so sacred cakes The history of the idea connects it also with the Jewish Passover cakes and later with the crossmarked she said with a whimsical wafers mentioned in the smile I thought Id come to New liturgy St York and the best of music A writer In The for while money lasted would April 1 mentions an ancient have a taste of real life what have piece of sculpture in the people the joy of living J at Home depicting the to himself She of the live barley loaves which Called this seeing life I And indeed is in that each of the these days she was quite in a flutter loaves is marked with a cross of excitement all the time Weston I Crossmarked buns have also Men hail tickets lie could not Use for concert and that- Matinees c just when lie had pupils and it a shame to waste the tickets was tremendously diverted by delicate flowerlike woman who this was He this felt exhumed from the ruins of the ancient buried City ol which was overwhelmed in the same eruption of Vesuvius hat destroyed in AI An obi superstition is that bread baked on flood Friday ami kept the family through year would grated Into water prove a specific for almost any ailment especially di- that she wa Indulging in a mad orgy of music lie learned to look for ward with keen interest to her com- on the concerts she attended Self played So small a pari In her enjoyment It was always not know she fell but the audience covered thai he had of criticism which ids guidance Something he knew too that his rival pupil of thityone not discover- Chelsea is estimat ed the magic of indulging the Id thai at least persons were he demise of Mr Alex Williams of Sutton is announced He passed away on the aed years Deceased was a Free Mason and had occupied the position of Master of Thome Tuscan and gina Lodges He was burled with Masonic honors The P exhibition cars with cereals etc from Manitoba and the arrived here yesterday and will remain a couple of days It attracted a large number Of visitors During the past week Mr Joshua Davis of Fast bad a quantity of wheat stolen from his driving house The Farmers Club hold a meeting in the Court House tomorrow Mr Luke ribbons is named as one of the speakers His subject is The ne cessity of more thorough organization among farmers The- Lodge of F will attend Divine service in the Christian church next Sunday Mr and Mrs Nelson Jorham re turned from the States yesterday- Col 01 North was in town this week Mr f S and removed from Aurora to Toronto this week Miss Pearson over Sunday With her sister in Toronto Mrs Dan- ford Roche Mi Hear has gone into the bak ery business at Mount Albert The services of Mr Armitago have been secured by Mr W A while the latter is engaged in opening a branch store on the North Shore which will be under the man agement of Mr Win The scheme of taking water from Lake to quench the thirst of Toronto is being agitated Yes ami is si ill under agitation Swift mentions the rate Chelsea how the music affected in his iournal it SluHa and gradually ills- In and in the early part of the a decided gift last many people used to developing tin- Walk miles to get hot cross buns I The Chelsea linn house- 01 The Hear Old Original great longing of lifetime she wont gather on Was cheating old Father Time Chelsea lor den list at last it was graft Same a perhaps the girl next morning very early Miss Amy went chopping She told the hat to lik- had on so me younger and she described quite accurately to worn Rough Lumber and Inside Trim it tor Trim- i Short fir or i til gold from a and swallowed the proceeds day hat less and with a dilapidate shawl about in- shoulders a woman In the dock a picture of wret chedness Her left eye Was almost milliner she wanted a brown closed with bruises and her luted cut match her suit No not a the result of of a person who ought been her protec tor Indulging fn intoxicants which girl had the whole cause church the afternoon before- Two women bad a little diversion this she said up avenue some days ago one When one of the fair threw to the nearest of over the other the to court on a Claim of damage to clothing The fh not nettled yet The procession on to he accompanied by all the i bands of the City Mrs triers tone A Irs worth and I her ulster Hilda are Spending a short time In New York pages back and not forward faint Color was always in her chirks da j and the voice rising her bird like throat was fresh as a girls lifting like lurks in flowered And watching her development the tired man began to Wonder what had come over him lie his work in fort yielded to the infectious a new light The sense wasted 011 the favorite above runs purpose it reel Friday at A variant cry quoted One a penny two a penny lot cross nuns If you have no daughters live Diem to your sons Hut if you have none of these ry little elves Then you may keep them all ourselves of his pupil thoughtless- And so dawned Faster morning Murdoch ClUlvht over St Augustines Outside the the mob of sightseers the absconding while the regular parishioners claim j right to pews Then came probably have never ken the inrush of strangers the it nol been for his own took lily plate Mr Weston raised fl feavipg Canada pur- and of white robt Iwo drafts the name of for and and W H EVES t M CASTOR I Hue 4 The Kind You Hsu Always Bought tb fligftatort of drug store and studied the directory Weston Albert singing teacher West And as she Ihe drug store spied a florists window ami She I Stopped for a bouquet of vollcU j Then again she hesitated The crisis I of thin her life was hand She allowed three earn to pais and then With firmly compressed naled for a At the boarding house every one said that New York one must keep up appearances Perhaps if he thought she could afford to ride In he would over look her vocal Albert Weston worn strug gles with an indifferent- pupil wan standing at the window of his studio v men and women hied into the choir loft Out to the rolled the waves of perfectly balanced a hundred volcew admirably selected thought the con gregation and yet to the man who had trained them there came but a single Iter face was uplifted her eyes dewy and tender as With clearness the wonderful wofds reached him the heads of the other singers The strife Ik oer the battle done The victory of life I won The song of triumph has begun Alleluia alleluia alleluia I To the man It came not an a paean of triumph but of peace and she hud him the way He wanted t tell her how this minute I The stretched ahead of him interminably Alleluia alleluia I for and lively Shortly after arriving in he visited Attorney and Induced the latter to identify him at the hank when he cashed the smaller draft When he went to cash the large draft the attorneys Suspicions were aroused and he came to Hamilton subsequently communi cating with the Crown Attorney at and the Ontario police The arrest followed The draft For Constipation A THAT NOT COST ANYONE IT The active medicinal ingredients of ItevuN Orderlies which is odorless tasteless and colorless is an entire ly new djscovery Combined with other valuable ingredients it forms a perfect bowel regulator intestinal and strengthened Orderlies are oaten like candy and are notable for their to the palate and gentleness of ac tion if icy do not cause griping or any disagreeable effect or inconveni ence Unlike other preparation for a like pjirposo they do not create a habit but Instead they overcome the cause habit acquired through the use ordinary laxatives cathartics and harsh physic and permanently re move the cause of constipation of ir regular bowel action We will refund your money without argument If they do not do as we Store by if It they will Two sizes and Sold only at our store The S ai am -hi- say Store by It Y A tenyearold girl in New York skipped times the other ihxy on the walk In front of the school and died shortly afterwards as a result- This should he a warning to others not to overexert themselves In a mm foolish attempt to beat somebody will probably be available to pay on Ottawa April A young girl of some of the people he swindled remove sewing machine oil on garments soak In turpentine and well In cold water with soap fourteen appeared in Hull Court yesterday on a charge of orderly conduct She gave her name as Mrs A and on enquiry magistrate discovered that shy was married at eleven years of age and was deserted three months after- I AW OF Jim

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