Newmarket Era , April 14, 1911, p. 2

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J TWO Girls Wanted At the Clothing Factory HouseKeeper Wanted On farm this office No children Apply at Card of Thanks Mrs Friend Morton and family de sire to express their sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends for their help during the fire and kindness sympathy and practical assistance in their loss Wanted at Once Girls for the Card Index and Paper Good wages by letter or per- sonal application to The Office Specialty Mfg Co Ltd Newmarket Oar Society Column i Fun of Splendid Meeting last Saturday a v House For Sale 1 That desirable cement clad House on Prospect St formerly occupied by Mr Morris Very convenient to factories and in firstclass order For particulars apply to P GARDNER Prospect Ave 2vJ3 Newmarket Notice to Creditors Public Notice is hereby given pur suant to the statutes provided in that behalf that all creditors of Richard late of the Town of Newmarket gentleman deceased who died on the day of March at Newmarket are hereby notified to file their claim properly proven with the undersigned C Widdi- representative men from all parts of the Hiding assembled at the Temperance Hall in Newmarket at the adjourned meeting the Exe cutive of the North York Reform As sociation and it was a meeting full of expectancy Mr President of the Association took the chair and the Secretary Mr J Walton of Aurora explained the action of the Special Committee to consider repre sentatives in both Houses and read several letters The recommendations of the I were favorable to the names of Mr of Toronto as a caedfriate for the minion Parliament and Mr James iMcCuHough of for the Ontario Assembly The names were voted upon separ- ately and in each case Carried unani mously Mr is well and faborahly known throughout the Riding the southern part He is re garded as one of the best criminal lawyers in the city and is a lifelong Reformer He is an enthusiastic speaker and will carry North York a majority over Mr Arm- strong who has been in the field for some time as the Conservative nominee Mr is a prosperous of Stoufiville He was not present but stated over the phone that if nominated at the massmeet ing he would accept He is an of Kay Hon Mackenzie King of Red Deer and Hon Hugh Guthrie of The following resolution was mov ed by Mayor Pearson of Newmar ket and seconded by exReeve Rams- den of Mount Albert Resolved that the Reform Asso ciation of North York believing that the reciprocity agreement negotiated by Messrs Fielding and with the President of the United States is in the best interests of the masses of the people in the country do hereby express their unqualified satisfaction- with the terms of agreement an agreement that leaves the manufacturers fully and adequate ly protected while it gives relief to both consumers and producers of na tural products and would urge its speedy adoption by tlje Parliament of Canada The resolution was supported by the mover and seconder also by Mr McCahe president of the Club at King City ex- Warden J I Davidson of North Mr Shields grain buyer at Mount Albert The several speakers quoted special cases to prove that the agreement was strongly the interests of the farmers and showed a clear compre hension of the matter The resolution was car r jell I and enthusiastically IB fc Mr George is the city over Easter Schmidt willnot more this season Mrs Harvey and baby 61 are Home for Easter Mrs McClelland of is spending Easter with Miss Mr Stuart Quick left to spend Easter with friends near Bronte- Mr and Mrs Cane left yesterday to spend Easter holidays in Hoffman of Fergus is spending Easter with her sister Mrs M Hughes Miss Dale of Pickering College and Miss Walsh visited Mrs Cuttle at Sutton one day last week By the Signal we observe that Mr- Dan McMillan has commenced a dray business Mrs Robt Cole returned home Saturday night after visiting her mother at Rochester for a week Mr Geo and wife of Toronto are spending the holidays with Mr and Mrs C Mr antr Mrs Frank Foster Toronto are spending the weekend at his fathers Mr Fos ters Miss Todd of Gilford has returned home after a pleasant visit with relatives in Aurora and market Mr A left oh Tues day to attend the funeral of his brotherinlaw Mr Y Sparrow at Mono Road The met at the home of one of the members on Wednesday ev ening April and a very enjoyable time Mr lackscn wife and baby are spending Easter at pie ton A few friends were in last i r Theres a Store Famed I T S campaigner and there is lit- Esq Newmarket solicitor for jpicton A few friends we Arrangements were hen made for lfr public meetings at Sutton Wesey fi and for the discussion the undersigned executor on or be- fore day of May as immediately after that date the ex- ecu tor assets having regard only to those claims then filed Dated of April Solicitor for Executor REV PROSSER Newmarket Executor J Newmarket seat from Mr Ixnnox It was decided to hold a Meeting in Newmarket on the first a Ml proceed to distribute the dates for both houses and several prominent Speakers were named the Reciprocity Agreement at which opponents will he invited to speak The dates will be announced as soon as speakers arc available The meeting throughout was har monious and enthusiastic and Re formers of York will give a good account of themselves when the among them being Hon A Mac- next appeal to the is made The Ball Set Rolling WHNTED Girls to work in Incan descent Lamp Factory Light clean healthy work Good steady employment Apply by mail stating The Sunbeam cent Lamp Co of Canada Limited 225 St Toronto tint Tenders for Building The undersigned will receive up to the evening of Saturday April for the erection of A series of Liberal political meet- ings have been arranged for North York at which K will be chief speaker assisted by Mr lames MeEwing MPP Mr N W Howell KC and some local Dates for the following places we have pleasure in announcing this week April I Queens April April West j April Aurora The first meeting of the series was held last evening at A 1 r I mass meeting of the party on the 1st Saturday in June will be held in Newmarket agreement But right at home we find market prices presenting sim ilar divergences For instance the News quotes the price of eggs at Toronto Farmers Market on Friday last at per dozen while on the market here the next day with half- adozen or more buyers from the city eggs fresh only brought lie to Toronto is scarcely miles away while Winnipeg and Minneapolis are hundreds of miles apart with different surrounding conditions The average Canadian farmer is too In telligent to he deceived by such flimsy twaddle home for Easter holidays accompanied by her college chum Miss Maxwell of Brandon Manitoba The many friends of Miss Carrie Robinson will bo pleased to hear she has opened dressmaking apartments on Main St south Mrs Irving and lit tle son Rodeo of and Miss of Toronto were visiting their cousin Mrs l over Sunday Word has been received here that Mr who left this part of the country for South a couple of weeks ago arrived safely at his destination Mrs Sharon an nounces the engagement of her young est daughter Miss Josephine to Dr Daniel Buchanan The mar riage will take place the latter part of this month If you Stockings that will Satisfy in Comfort Color and Price com straight to this Great Stocking Store Stockings for kind of wear and for every occasion We carry one of the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks of Stockings in the trade For BOYS AND GIRLS we have got just the right kind for schoolwear Ask to see THE BULL DOG AND PRINCESS SPECIALS Dozen Fast Black and Stainless Stockings sizes to 10 Regular pair On Sale pair pairs for or dozen 10 Womens Cotton Vests sleeveless and half sleeves fine cotton full fashioned Regular value cm sale at 5 Job Corsets White and Drab Hose Supporters attached sizes IS to Regular 7op for pair CANADIAN PRINTS 7c YARD 500 yds Canadian Prints Good Patterns Light and Dark and 10c yd on sale at yd DONT BORROW AN UMBRELLA Buy one at 5 SelfOpening Umbrellas Paragon Frames Steel Handles On sale at each Regular Horn SOFT SHIRTS 75c 10 Mens Soft Colored Shirts of fine English Percale sizes to large roomy bodies Prices up to on sale at 75c each HUNT in rnsfric to I inly annex trial ilvAnx for the dude trades except heating which bids invited The plan will tie ready April and may be seen at my office St Ccwrnarket Architect EDITORIAL Newmarket 8ale by Tender V A I I will ho received by the n- to HONDA DAY OK ion For he Purchase of all those Pr- of J and in the 2nd Con the of King own by the late De ceased containing about J Acres more or less Purchasers ma ten der for the whole or any there of The highest or any Tender not accepted is announced the I Honorable Sir Wilfrid will leave in May to imperial Conference in Lon don which May and later I he will be the guest ol Miff Majesty j the Kin for the Coronation The irony of fate which thisdfs- to a Premier in I quite unnerving to old line The antireciprocity tables have been completely turned during the two Up to that time Conservative and the party press denounced the proposed tariff agreement as certain to increase the price of foodstuffs in every urban community They played this tune so Strongly that even their own farming friends accepted their con clusions and openly declared for of Payment Jhesc same Conserva tive eaters and press More limit twothirds of COUII- lies in the Slate of Michigan have adopted local option At tN begin- nfng of there was just one dry county in the Slate at the begin ning of there were 11 at the beginning of lOlfl there were n and now since the vote on the I Hi of this months then- were During recent contest in the windows of many public places and private houses election cards were displayed with words such as This house against the saloon and loon or the hoys and girlfc In some villages almost house dis played one or the oilier of- these signs view of the recent challenge by Mr Armstrong Conserva tive nominee- to contest this Hiding next elect ion Sir Alan Aylesworlh stated in the Commons last Wednes day evening he may reconsider lis decision with respect to not be ing a candidate for reelection The announcement was received with cheers will hold a sitting in this city next Monday April to inquire in to the tariffs of the telephone com- panics and the settlement of proper forms for said companies A press despatch to Hie Toronto Star from Ottawa on Wednesday the Inst denies the story about general election next autumn it It can be said iM good authority that talk of an early Dominion election is without Toronto liettetd Coroner and on acceptan of fender and the balance in within days Tenders to he address ed to Vendors Solictor market New market mm HOW their mistake and have flop ped over on the other of the dilemma and nay We are friends of the farmer We are trying to pro tect him against the Inrush of cheap Yankee- foodstuffs My but they are clever Police Magistrates the Ju dicial County Justices of tl constables not counting those con nected with the detective service fir Jail in and about Toronto Of de tectives and police constables in the city and jail there are nearly The new list revised the first Mon day in this month show a slight change In the above figures hut not any material extent Newmarket has six constables the and only three resident Justices of the Peace foundation There will be no al election until a year from next autumn Will Mr Armslrang please take notice S J ROADHOUSE MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention THE CRADLE Vorkton on April to Mr and Mrs I Millard of New market a son Although this is not a good year for Maple Syrup have a quantity Ontario we also last got With a garden or who is planing to have- one this year will find many Useful pointers and ouch valuable information on the subject of gardening In the Harden of the Canadian Horticulturist po lished at Ontario Many of the problems which present them selves to the beginner as well as the more experienced horticulturist will Boy to Pointers are given or the culture of sweet asters dahlias Yes the farmers the country are getting into all and when ever opportunity offers will know to mark AtTotJHHcs and other popular flowers recently the farmers of page of timely hints for held a meeting just the things you want to to discuss the reciprocity agreement know at this season Pointers are Hon A J and others given on the making of window Sale in good condition and then followed boxes and the jprlng care of flower le with several slops do the parsing a resolution express- excellent service In a log their convictions of the proposed agreement reads We the of Tottenham and Information has been laid against several bakers for selling lightweight bread An old man was found lying on pavement on Lombard Street Tuesday and before he could be to flic hospital he passed away Heart failure John I lock well a lad over years of age on the railway track on Dathurat street last Tues day a few yards in front of a mov ing street car Quick as thought the In o Lor man dropped the fender and saved the boys life It was a close call A merger of the bread bakers In this city Is about being formed At a preliminary mecling this week re port has it they decided to form a at an early day with a capi tal of no less than 17000000 Whew LANK On St April to Mr and Mrs Win Lane a sou- on April 1011 to Mr and Mrs a sou- SPA NO At to Mr and Spang a daughter On April Mrs Harry Maple Syrup And to arrive gallons of Quebec Syrup which a Govern ment Guarantee of Purity Leave us your order of Different Kinds Lettuce rani pa Turnips Toma toes Onions Cabbage Carrots and Potatoes Wanted At Clothing Factory a learn seam pressing House Organ he solved by consulting I Premier Whitney and be at a Time en or atlsfactory Apply the the Ontario Assembly address A to Karl of amateurs j Canada at Mouse In this city on Tuesday last Tile King bus got In the way of a Parliament street car last Tuesday and the driver Chan Smith thrown to the pavement sus taining a fractured collar bone The City will he attractively In Albert on Tues day April to Mr and Mrs Hayes a son Mount Albert on April to Mr and John j a son- At Toronto Hos pital April to Mr and Mrs 1 Barker a daugh ter and granddaughter Mr and Mrs of New- market Til 11 TOMB Marie on April 2nd I Ml Hiram Lloyd brother of the late David of aged nearly I j NUTTING At Oxbridge on Sunday evening if pneumonia Marshall Nutting public school principal T Canned Raw Fruits of different kinds Phono r I NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE r I- I SflVKPv ArsU at J l thirds at Toronto 2 seconds third at According to a bulletin recently of the In- Illuminated the occasion of the the termen the re- land Department at Ottawa Inauguration of the civic electric by A Chief Ana- light and power plant the evening of and firmly convinced that reciprocity will dated the middle of December May 2nd Speech prove of and lasting lnefit not only to agriculture but to all Canada Not a man opposed the resolution in Commons and the grillman from King aspiring to a forth Toronto Kg- for Hatching j seat In Canadas Is North from lot my mating PKCK Mount fefls touching the purity of cream of Tartar sold by druggists and grocers and from the use of which a baking material Cream of Tartar has acquired Its vogue from samples purchased from various drug gists throughout the country samples from grocers some Hi will be delivered by the irtinUr Hon Adam Heck and Mayor Geary from the front of the Hall The date for the annual games of the school children of the city at Grounds has been his year EH At Sunday April 2 lull Sarah widow of the late Christopher Hoover aged years PR Suddenly or April David of Toronto form erly of Tennesec relative of Crone aged years Interment at Newmarket Cemetery on Saturday afternoon I All and Family Receipts personally attended to and nothing but the BEST AND PUREST DRUGS USED I Agent for CN Telegraph Co Agent for Huylers House Phone Phone Number All Calls cheerfully Attended to To Rent Write Yorks representative next election can now have some idea of the kind of awaiting them farmers ire speaking right out in meeting standard and average of these days all over the country of the whole Nine druggists and for Saturday un t pies from druggists and from who after an accident in At th ov 3rd trick boose ill veriiercs Apply to ii were found dp to commercial the yards of the held per last Tuesday night Charles from house the switchman stated Yes An Ottawa correspondent of or on to has mad a discovery He and from saysPassfng through Winnipeg on other positively adulterated March I noticed eggs fe grocers show- I was to blame It was a case of the from the former and ft from the forgetting all about it Th Jury re- a one and from the THE LEADING Undertaking You your Toronto News to fancy he latter to be FOf Next rites elevator in coat of metal In St Paul or were quoted at fouruVn look much better This fact was given as an was shot and killed by a hlK at war at Belleville I argument fty the accident was caused by the neg ligence ol The military authorities have en steps to put the Avenue burial grounds In a proper state of repair UNDERTAKING A EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to residence John Millard and THAT REALLY you the things you to know In you cm Our which will tent free upen tells all lor Home publish There i priced on the of and work machine tie Inf power engine tie winrlinr dynamo J electricity telephony pantry and architec ture concrete plumbing and and Louie etc etc No matter ambition or for knowledge may be we publish liact that will yot the and Information thai you want and need Write today tor aiid Illustrated arl popular pi free DRAKE Ac Btoki It Chicly- ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO

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