Newmarket Era, 14 Apr 1911, p. 3

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V leeks Local Hems oh Forget The recital of Sowing Seeds in by Miss Maude on April Friday evening in the Church under the auspices of the Ladies Aid Society thing points to a record breaking crowd St Pauls Mens Association The meeting last Tuesday evening was one of the best of tie season Mr was in the chair and the debate was on Resolved That Lo cal Option Success Dr H Clark led the affirmative and Mr J Robertson the negative Each side had several importers who were enthusiastically supported The decision was given by vote Our Manitoba loiter Winnipeg Man April lull The biggest of immigration into the West that ever taken place holds first place the new notes of Settlers are entering Can ada through every point of entry and when the figures for the year shall have been summed up every record will have been broken A Sympathetic Hearing List Sunday Rev Home the audience which was evenly j Figures compiled with great care by divided that it had to be counted- the immigration officers in Winnipeg show the daily average for four weeks to enter Winnipeg to have been At portal the daily negative won by one majority A short program of music and reci tations followed r I i We Have i the Upper Canada Tract About Lacrosse Sticks to a very interesting at each Hardware count of the work of the organization the churches and Sunday Schools trie town and was most cordially received Financial assistance will be given next Sunday over Wilt Visit Imperial Encampment No Toronto will visit Newmarket on Good Friday to the three degrees on the of that It is ex- that a number of grand offi cers ill be present As Imperial the largest encampment in the rage has been or more tban-50- souls who have Entered Western Canada as settlers during the last four weeks Winnipegs street car system is to be extended and improved by build ing a number of crosstown lines Al though Main street is magnificehtly street car traffic has been con- on this street of late cause of the large number of cars He i lets A flock of wild geese passed the town on Sunday evening Dont forget that Easter Monday is a Rank Holiday Tenders for the residence of the to be run to take care of the late Richard close on the lramc new line that will be built See ad Word has been received that on a parallel street wijl relieve Main and increase the traffic capa- tor will make an official CIl of the road which carried 31- to Newmarket High School passengers in an in- crease of five millions over Manitoba is out a largo- attendance is expected houses to rent in town shortly after Faster Notwithstanding the building done last ear there is a great scarcity of attention at the hands of corners than this province has had Talent Sale The Ladies will Aid the Methodist hold a Talent Sale of In baking and other edibles lie discount he schoolroom on Friday of nest Town Accounts for in this As genera rule men get the fish- The provincial govern ing fever a good deal earlier than the Manitoba is notedly behind fish do of the other western provinces Hot buns this morning advertising the good qualities of waterrates tomorrow Manitoba to the world but several sections have taken the matter up year and will direct and will be pleased pamphlet form were finished last Sat- to the many advantages of tlie dispose of the same to any per- and any ratepayer can get a of the western provinces who are disposed to favor them copy at the Town Clerks office Internal revenue returns for March a call Proceeds are for the Mr Andrew McCaffrey has bought at Winnipeg show an increase of fund The ladies have Mr brick house on over the corresponding month of rtiten to provide the stained Millard Avenue I last year Im windows and remodel the pipe- Extra late car service on the Met- is coming to the front as tonight between centre of trade for the northwes- and Toronto I district of Manitoba The A number roomers were forced to make a hasty exi on Friday morning about one ocioclc oyer the front verandah of a house in Grange Avenue The second floor of the house was gutted by fire- Joseph who was arrested in Chicago and brought back to To ronto for robbing his neighbor in the city of worth of jewellery and other articles was sent to the Cen- Prison for months to learn better manners and abstain from cov- eteousness The Transfer Committee of the Methodist Church last week made the following transfers from Toron to Rev WiE Baker of Simpson Ave to Montreal Rev Lak er Clinton Street to Bay of Rev- to British Col umbia Rev Al berta Rev Thomas to Hamilton Rev J Morrison to London and Rev to British Columbia For using the mails to defraud the public Arthur Brand and John Mark- stead two plausible welldressed Englishmen who fancied they were smart enough to gull Canadians were sentenced to days hard la bor for their misdeeds Last Friday night two men were conveyed to the hospital in an un conscious and critical condition from internal injuries as the result of a fight on Queen and streets Both men were under the influence of J I A R R I SPRING POINTS CARPETS A OIL CLOTHS LINOLEUMS WINDOW SHADES POLES AND FITTINGS LACE CURTAINS AND DRAPERIES 1 SPRING STOCK COMPLETE Every man women and child should buy their Shoes from us Ev ery pair bought for spot cash at low est prices and we guarantee every pair f W A BRUNTON Canal The York Construction Co is ready to resume work on at the two nearest locks to Newmarket The lock of Town will be completed this spring and ttlien the water gets low he summer the basin at Huron will be This will the canal more of a appearance and will be then for as soon as the lock at T Landing is completed and Toronto ine cus- Logs are coming into Canes yard tf returns for the year ending at the rate of several cars a day March SI show the value of goods It- over the Metropolitan Wio and duty collected is running better this For mil the value of goods are drying S38H7 duties collected Barleycorn During tlie Highlanders parade on night a lail years old was knocked down by a passing hack He was taken 16 the Sick Childrens hospital where it was found he had Concussion of the brain An auto containing four joy-rid- two men and two women ran into a Street car a Few nights and was overturned The occupants were not seriously Sunday April and 30th arose in this city in regard to the sale of wine to be used in connection with lhe services in the Jewish Synagogue during Passover week I has been settled The Passover Feast commenced last Wednesday and is being observed by Hebrews gener ally Another seizure of obscene hooks has been made by the authorities It has been decided to use the gift of SI of Miss for the equipment of a playground and the erection of building to be used as a social cen tre on the Brock Avenue property near Avenue The Gideons have arranged to hold their first annual convention in building on Saturday Ask to See our NEW SPRING A CORSETS W C LUNDY STANDARD PATTERNS The Ladies Store of Newmarket mm in an unrivalled collection of distinctly charming a fits re your wall soft velvet fin- and better than paper Hardware expect to work next week Main Street has scrape this season and be tor The walls are up to the factory the new Specialty addition The old home on Water has been completely removed 15 new get at- spring Two hundred and eighty had its first will be put on the map of looks much Western Canada this year The Grand Trunk will put on but the driver was arrested on I charge of disorderly conduct The corner stone of a new Baptist Church was laid on Saturday on Avenue Mr 1 handled the trowel and short ad dresses were delivered Shields Dr Norman and on Methodist Church Special floral decorations next Sun choir are preparing new I music and the sermons by the will have the glad message The trustees meet next When Thinking Of paint or Varnish remember SherwinWilliams make i pro per paint for every purpose Sold at Btnns Hardware the anadian Northern and the Canadian Pacific Most of towns will he located on the prairie Saskatchewan is to have man ings this year The mils for March went by Prof Rev The corner stone of the new Toron to General Hospital was laid i GovernorGeneral Kan on Tuesday last There was a great Crowd in attendance Dr Beat tie who is want- in connection with the Farmersi Dank trouble on alleged charges forgery and of making false returns In Detroit an about the Mill in- A cousistencv of daintiness There is something hist right cry that is strikingly impressive which will strike a responsive cord with the most discriminat ing women of today It most interesting to review our stunningly varied profusion of colors and shapes and note manner in which we have anticipated the requirement a of the season Come and see I he bright display new build- 4000 last Friday night J year students he said A great big merger of four electric Tuberculosis The ladies and the children our town were out in considerable r to hear the Tuesday arid if the tenders are with- last architects estimate the work Secretary of tin of remodelling the church will begin the 1st of next month by Mr Watson the National Sanitari um Association It is to he regret ted that more of our townsmen mour Toronto University is worth was recently seen annually to the city acquaintance President Falconer at annual Carl ion Street Methodists have de meeting of the Alumni Association continue together for Then- are may be safely estimated to companies with capital building Pr- spend each per and hence is being formed in this city and will over on a gymnasium rival to the HydroElectric Moose Jaw will have its street nothing complain about for lighting purposes The merger railway running in six weeks and will j Sabbath was Palm Sunday will embrace the Toronto Electric use power from the civic power plant many people of both Anglican Light Co the Electrical- Develop- until the companys powerhouse is ready for work Saskatoon is to add a street rail- fi the citys other conveniences Power was turned on this week at the new power plant This plant will supply power and light and Will he used to run pumps for the city sewer system The plant Will also furnish power to run the EASTER NOVELTIES in a wide varied assortment Pretty Belts Jabots Eas ier Bows Collars Ac id many ami Roman Catholic faith carried Co the Toronto and Niagar emblems of the palm to and from Power Co and the- Toronto Street Church Railway Co Sir Henry Pel la 1 By the first week in April last and SirvWilliam Mackenzie are year many gardeners in ami near the cials in two of these companies City were busy planting but this Geo Owens aged years on year they were only planning what day last 1 lo do first as the frost was not out flight of the ground Depart- I n a runaway accident on 1 j fell headforemost down stairs and was instantly remodelling the church will begin Association It is to regret- T- It of next month t more of our townsmen ground killed I- Word Is rn re v not present for the lecture was one power he the Fishery Depart- In a runaway accdent on ran I Pumps of the water works lne Government are- trying the horse crashed mo a Mr Atkinson one of ourselves Alberta to account for the depletion of fish killing the driver I 111 110 III lantern and slides The Oily of Calory will spend at and how to apply a tttl W 4 I The has kindly Notwithstanding least 470000 on park or drown the poachers who kill fish other men the free use of their lodge the double quick rapidity of Hie during In spawning season seems the most Which a scouring powder package is m to the Adult Bible Classes for on Sunday afternoons during- the progress of the work The have Concert Sew market people showed their our Volunteer Fire by packing the Town Hall night The HowWow Toronto came up strong ii car arriving here about oclock and the program well on time The first liptop as nigger- show The vere bright and hits enjved the audi Ji lake oil on was done to perfection The ftrH Chorus hinging was all right I speaker the lecture took about an hour and half for delivery have approved of the proposed J rami I all accounts received in the The first fifty views dealt with the Trunk Pacific entrance into this city I as lo success of the prime cause and he care The terminus and station will be strong Lennox Conservative should be experienced to prevent on the Live Stock Market I CtS its spread A picture of the late Dr given as that of one of lh who in the year made complete and Koch was permits issued for the worlds month of March numbered call- in the for an expenditure of over ate discovery of the tubercle bacil lus The four institutions established by and now under Control of the above association viz The ot- Sanitarium for pay patients in the incipient stage ThnsMuskoka harem Free Hospital for Consumptives fo those in the incipient stages but un able to The Toronto operations were star led the Value r I the ii was an important the second part of the program the Dai ley was the vanced and far advancetl cases The step- J without means and The King ward for- advanced cases Ied great The have means but are wftflout ill receive about I of homes and are refused at hotels or hoarding houses Pictures were fchoWN of a number proceeds firemen provided refreshments before leaving for home the hunch were well pleaded with rid trustee- of the Ji Police Court Saturday afternoon a man fohn was brought he- Col for housebreaking caught in the act of breaking a Mr floes v lib a crow i evidence of the constable ore witness taken and the adjourned till for fur- At the adjourned home character evidence put in to that trustworthy and reliable man Ihe him on on serf- him that if he W before him Oft a charge he would him for years- evening a tlbert who has been giving on the Melropolltan considerable wis the Colonel Ujtyj j disorderly conduct ft J that he ha ging to for booze and re turn I would endeavo to get without ia taken case adjourned till Monday by time Inter- was aroused the fcourtrooni wa by white the Toronto do by V traffic manager Mr pressed nard for a vktion charging that Company wa defermfAed an exarnptf with a vie- to putting a to rowdyism on their lines deal and giv- accused a lei Of the officers a Direct appeal was made lor aid to he Mujkoka Free Hospi tal which depends upon charity for and In At present patients are in taking the cure about whom pay nothing though it lake- over per month to keep it going Ills Worship Mayor I ear Son filled the chair Duilding thin week on building- Of 000 The Hudsons Day Companys new building was one of these The spring of settlers has he- gun and every day the trains from the south crowd of the looking lor improved farms and pay a good price Duslness in all branches in active building operations are commencing and real estate value arc increasing materially I tall way contractor who have made their win ter quarter are very active The ratepayers of Cum rose la will vole on April on the works and sewage bylaw Cam rose in anticipating a great railway era by the month of June there is promised daily passenger service on the and lines and a through vice over the There was a last week and a foot of snow in meetings in North York last week people are not tumbling one another lo their sympathy or going crazy over any fear of an epidemic of disloyal j No less than sentences were passed on prisoners in Judge Den tons Sessions court on Saturday and duly two from tile County rest are Icily cases Count pays all the Name On Saturday fin- broke out the third Moor oi the Benjamin fac tory corner ol King Street and Avenue where a couple ol bun girls were employed Although there was quite a scare the blaze was put with only a few hundred dollars damage lo Stock It is staled that- Sir Win Macken zie hah bought tlie Toronto I trie Co for share per share more than the City Cor poration offered About L oclock Sunday morning burglars the store of Street West and got away with about 600 of goods clothing boots shirts Newmarket the lotah option can now get good and ready The I it from Winnipeg I championship spurts the Athletic cold spell in Alberta Association Ontario will be pulled of this week in hutch- cattle on Toronto Decline of in and lambs Decline of in live hogs Top priee oil cars III Toronto fold Dust Washing Powder A for lus I packages for Canned Pine Apples 10 tin Canned Strawberry per tin Canned Apples gallon- till Canned Salmon Sweet new and crisp variity lam lams and Sultana Hi per per lb lb i3 sTT PITH Vt as coukii throat unci lunKa Meal all tardsird in Kitted is with Clip Cap It to loose from the point are assorted suit guar anteed ski the jack J6fcirsnd I ft Ticket It rows Hair AKK FACTS WANT VOI TO AT Marvelous a it may seem i Hair Tonic has grovn hair On heads that were once bald Of course in none of these the hair dead nor had the SCalp taken on a shiny up- pea ranee Hair Tonic acts scien tifically destroying the which are usually responsible lor baldness It penetrates to the roots of he hair stimulating and- nourishing them ft D a pleasant I necessity delicately perfumed and will not gum nor permanently the hair want you to get a bottle Hair Tonic and It as directed If It does not relieve scalp I irritation remove dandruff prevent the hair from falling out and pro- mote an increased growth of hair and In wry way give entire limply Come back and tll us and without or formali ty we will hand back you every penny you paid us for It Two sixes and Hold only at our Store by d It oil there on the 21th of May Thin Is one of the big events of the Pro vince Mr It Hall has again been nominated secretarytreasurer of the Canadian Lacrosse Association for the current year The annual meet ing takes plate to day It Is current rumor that the On tario Is contemplating the of the property purchased some time ago for Government House On Street and purchasing other site pear the Parliament During the past week 12000000 worth of gold wan shipped to Otta wa from the office in city This gold tame from the United Stales about five years ago and has been In the vault here ever since At the evening service of the Methodist Church proceed ings were commenced by the ladles of the mortgage around the altar and burning a mortgage has been OH the the congregation standing meanwhile and singing the The Queen Street Methodist Church one of the down town churches and proving a success The Premier of New Zealand Sir Joseph Ward addressed the Canadian Club on Monday last The function was also attended by or It Is understood the trouble which TO Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta i APRIL II II JUNE JULY lb SEPT LOW ROUNDTRIP RTES d ifua J villa CARS Oft fuUf ftpplJaiUOn Ait Totov DIRECT LIME OF Crockery Department Seat clear Dinner Sets at Milk HI See our patterns A large assortment ol at a Water lasses sir stock ibis week A luted clear glass ware Phone Etchers and Water Jugs all sizes to Lots choose from A special neat design each HOWARD Toronto Markets April fi per I ATKINSON Newmarket Kali Wheal Wheal per Oats pel bush Peas per bush Barley per hush Hay per ton pir lb per do Potatoes per hag Chickens per lb Turkeys per lb per lb Ducks per lb ion SU bus 0 Newmarket Markets April ion Kail Wheat per bush 0 If f Oats per bush Barley per bush Teas per bush per ton Shorts ton per ton Butter per lb ft per do- Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb Dudes per ft Geese per lb 0 Turkeys per lb i It 075- 21 12 ft ft ft 0 16 0 20 mm Away below Regular Prices in Good Qualities MIUARD8 BLOCK Ant of

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