Newmarket Era, 14 Apr 1911, p. 4

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From a recent address given by Mr James lor Wellington the Whitney Government is making a record for itself in the increase of the public debt in Onta rio Dealing with the financial state- made ny the Provincial j surer during the session of the Opposition held that the receipts and By E PlHkhamS expenditures for that year would Vegetable Compound probably show a deficit of The following letter from Mrs I At the last session of the Legislature Rock will prove how unwise facts disclosed by the pub- It is for women to submit to the Advocates of reciprocity are male- has been greater in Ontario than in statements to the effect that the the adjoining state of Michigan adoption of reciprocity will In the face of such facts how increase the value of Canadian it is to indulge in wild dreams farm lands per cent more In- of a sudden increase in Canadian stead of making wild guesses let us farm values as a result of get at the facts Since the recipro city negotiations began the United States Government has had a report prepared by experts showing the com parative value per acre of improved farmlands in and in vari ous f The Price or Barley From October 18J0 to August the United States customs duty on barley was cents per bushel From August to I To think about what kind of Seed border states and in the T a princes adjoining them the duty was thirty amounted to report states that between Vegetable Compound receipts toM value of improved farm lands P a 3 July 27 the specific duty of came home suffering worse tailed now waj ci before deficit provided for Mr percent K Vegetable Compound I She and Here is her own statement- Paw Paw Mich Two ago I suffered severely with a I could not be on my feet for a long time My physician treated me for seven vou are to sow this Spring fc I in New Hampshire per J nt i and it has been continued ever since in his address clearly shows how He ft Of course during a period of years said it was provided for in this way would naturally be Consider The cash balance in banks standing Brunswick per cent in Pnnce Ed- to the credit of the Province Oct j Island cent in Quebec was The cent Ontario per cent was balance in banks Oct per cent in ls a cash j cent in Manitoba 201 the the fur- Saskatchewan and Alberta the Hon Treasurer CoUnts or in of ine Hon resource the farm prices of able variation in prices but for pur poses of comparison it will be fair to take the three years previous to the reduction of the duty the three years during which the low duty prevailed and the first three years after the duty of thirty cents per bushel was restored According to reports prices until the last moment then take any old kind without ranch relief I balance of less at in Saskatchewan and and at last sent me w at the beginning cent iSSJSS the financial vear settlers in Man- therefourweeksand Now add to came home suffering fact that worse than before on the credit of the Pro- B My mother dTJd bon issued the sum of is the explanation of the J me to try m amount alone crease in farm values in the duty o cents per bushel rm values in- In 1895 farm aDOI ten cents per busnel in the neighboring state of Maine for a unrfer a and I did Today and do all to my health Vegetable Compound and advise my from bank reserve home market has restored the health of thou- he stated that of the total expendi- aandsof women ture for that year was Hydro- everything the fa Govern- industries WANTED NOW for NEWMARKET and rounding country for the Fall and Winter it AGENT to take orders for Grown Stock Pay weekly of outfit free We guarantee strictly hardy in prime condition We grow Special- sold only by our selves on which there Is no it to sell for a reliable firm Write for PORT ELGIN NURSERY Port Elgin Ontario the time profitable been created for reasonable to draw the con- produce a result of been equally city large quantities of Canadian bar- to the fishermen As the e wheat and oats go into the steel industries are located in Nova inited it is more probable iri Scotia the influence on the price of thai the American prices will come the future- But after deducting gj prices that province hut Prince Edward ami Nonnern uwtno Brunswick who would like to Railway amounting to The development procure the series articles remains of no less a sum than t John a winter port has bg reciprocity which have appeared so heiptt to increase farm values in in this paper should send his name New and address to the chief editor of It will he noted that the increase Canadian Century Magazine Mont- of farm Values is considerably great- real and a pamphlet containing these in Quebec than Maine New articles and other valuable Hampshire and the improvement will he mailed free of charge paid out on account of th Electric scheme which the claims will be repaid by municipalities interested some in this 78 and also allowing for the capital expenditure upon the To be had and thats the Only Kind to Sow Drop in Now and Examine them any way Store Canadian Express Company Baggage and from trains handled with despatch Phone The first year that he Whitney I Government came to power lie totalled but in the year it amounted to an increase in five years of This looks like a growing time yes for our vjneial expenditure Now supposing the Burn of expended up- on the proposition which the Government claim will be Montreal April in In great paid sometime he duducttd the Montreal there is an of the Province under creasing army of wageearning rule has practically are in five yean Oven during the employed in schools offices shops i IBs I 6iiiBgiegaag What might have been a was narrowly averted by n Scranton Pa April Mine in charge of the searching part- this 3 Engines for Sale action- On dead as Portable Waited Second acoidi ISeBday the Pant hand Clover Mill Mr Bert Kay Second St little girl Vera about three years Seventythree old swallowed a cuff link brought to the surface at Our Montreal Letter has yean during the past year the direct liabilities of the Province increased from to her auntie Miss May Coats it socalled Adams The large number of that of any mine disaster in Steamers of the Red Star lodged in thc throat Ihgy the anthracite coal regions in recent been transferred and will ply be- W be yean the number of dead bo d out out for verl Dont too Ooma and consult us Thoy MAY bo caved Surety matter Is YORK Dragged Half a Mock J to present interesting data for the elec torate of Ontario to ponder over What about the finances for the year IM I In brief WO give the statement made by the member or Wellington He said The es timated revenue for according to the statement of the Treasurer will amount to The mattl expenditure recording in the supply voted by the House amounts to in addition to this amount there is the expenditure under siaintory enactments and warranto amounted private homes and other places too numerous to mention They pour in The- figures lo from the country dis tricts of Canada from the smaller towns and villages They come across he ocean from the Mother land and in small numbers from the south they gather to work and to live They have to work live as best they can Further than accepting freely of their work Montreal has thus far done little for this class of her popu lation And Montreal Is just begin ning to realize that she is in debt Shortly before Sir Thomas went abroad a few gentlemen most of theai in the everexpending n office of Dr Forest where an in- ween Rotterdam and Quebec instead ffiJJ in8ertul the between Antwerp and New forced Mown into as hitherto stomach Wo learned later that it Increases to the fleets Of the passed through the system anil Dominion the Thompson Line ho little one la asf spry as Sever and the Allan have also been Wo have two deaths to record announced Peculiarly enough in althis Mrs Thompson has most every instance the vessels are passed to her eternal rowarjj after being taken from the trade weeks of lingering illness to the St small fact in Thompson wan respected i by tho the community itself but showing plainly which way nQi is blowing a to her place in social May Day Strikes because of failing health She Agitations in the labor world usu- peacefully away on head up ami become ripe on the iU first Of May of each year and this I M the year will be no exception May Bay ilt Newmarket by One a very April William A manazei of the Con- was thrown from t deficit of more than shortly after 1 1 he present year London Jackson local Coal Con carriage this afternoon sustaining Injuries caused bin death at Victoria Hospital a few hours later- Jack who came from London three years had out a colt which was training When the animal took fright i- was Jerked over the dashboard head struck the front wheel and Ms arm went through the spokes The Colt down the htret and Mr body being carried round as the wheel resolved was for half a block before the horse Was styjpp- Judging from the above we are to believe the Hon Treasurer is a dismal failure as compared with the same man as financial critic whn in opposition j Children FOR FLETCHERS 1 A over 12550000 in and there millionaire class sat In the smoking good reason to it will not Mount The he any less in making a total societys duty to the I estimated expenditure for arose The President years leaviuf an apparent 1 jumped to Ins feet paced the room a couple of times thus expresses himself fhe young men of our day have They have club they have wellstocked reading rooms they have comfortable and convenient meeting places our young women bear the hustle and business about their ears nine hours a day for six days a week The rest of the time they in the back hall bed room of a boarding house thinking about It flic more pleasant and quiet you can make your employees surroundings the more cheerful work can get out of them We con sider money well spent on the CI ft if we can eliminate noise thereby The other day I had several noiseless one hurrah day for the la boring men with I selection was by and a real or imaginary griev- J John Hogg James enh ance He waves the red flag listens on Morton and Jtev to red hot oratory and retires to rest large number of a pair of red eyes anil a burning and relatives present nhow- The next morning he is on esteem in which Die the job again with a clear conscience departed held mourning feeling thai he has done his duty by Society and relieved hit system of a lie pen Ik up bile The coal min ers in the west is of course the great topic of conversation in la bor circles lure other predicted strikes being merely local In view of observations made on the market Saturday we again lake occasion to the fact that the articles on reciprocity from Century are paid ad vertisements The comparison reference to farm lands in the Unit ed States and Canada Is deceptive There are lands in this country worth from ten to twenty times as much some lands in Comparisons are sometimes ones the sympathy of community in their sorrow Mr a cousin of our store keeper away aft Or only three I fly a Ho had been resident of his for many but had for some nude his home with Ids Mr Robert Thompson Mrs and greater part of the family have r preceded him to the great beyond Mr was quiet and of a retiring dlspOffl- Mrs Ti but kind to all lie wan taken Flora Avenue With la grippe Which el oped Into pneumonia and be fore Ills flfonds could hardly real ize it ho pausing away The service wan conducted 1y on Tuesday after noon Another landmark has been her screams brought lift removed and lime rails quickly to the spot Mr Samuel Thompson another I sent to the druggist for the best aged resident In a very critical reuiedy he had for burns she says condition and not to Sent His The peg was arranging some of her dolls washing on a clothes rack beside the stove when she fell and her band earner in contact with the hot Stove She sustained a serious burn and in the terrible Twin Shaft disaster near here some years ago when fif tyone men and boys lost their lives by entombment Children FOR FLETCHERS CASTORIA Where the Horse Fails Hone and sinew says J in an article on Motor Trucks in for April cannot match a machine During- the last few hours of a busy day the efficiency of delivery horses decreases almost to a minimum the big truck i- not so rugged as the beast The former is in the hands of the garage expert more frequently than the horse is under the care of the veterinary The great virtues of the horse in comparison with the truck are his cheapness and his reliability can usually get home The motor truck Often refuses to return and re mains stranded at the other end of the roue- Then another truck has lf be sent for it If the second breaks down a faithful must he despatched to tow litem both home FREE April the large planing mill of the Smart practicality gutted by fire a portion of the stock of deitroyed- Is thought to been the The loss is between jorontoj Morally Inspector com plains that the public school system has failed to correct the moral home training of it pupils What a terrible indictment parent accustomed Queen City and guardian of with a Minister of in the Provincial Cabinet residing in their J his charge of the Morally and by however reminds us of the lady Who With a dignified The notorious pride confided to another lady friend the ed light quarter of fine fact that she had the reel- as destroyed by fire yetterfpienl of a valued rlft My typewriters Installed Home of the and he Bent back girls because the did He said that not suit Some genlls invent- thing to equal ft an attachment which made the and ft soothed the touch similar to any standard ma- that chine a stenographer happened to he tears bound up the hand in am- to It cost us money Jk and each day applied day Many of house almost palatial In appearance thousand of them wen- burned little than three hours thousand female inmates were deed homeless afd a In she said has given rim a diamond lady then asked My My What was it you caught him doing it J the last him fcr- l H Ontario Jeans toward the side of politics sending both and minion Houses but the farmers of this fcectfon in common with the Be- rest of the Dominion showed at lat on that are not going to allow the reciprocity agreement upon iMar of parly that reciprocity is a to offer Hundred Dollar tot any cite of Catarrh be cured Halls Catarrh Cure I CO To We the hive j le such strictly upon merits The following resolution was earned with only one person to We of A Marvin secernent SBffiWIW W yreat direct Wholesale pruKUta Toledo to the of the Dominion hat It will undoubtedly i to all -fan- ad Cure it inter nally directly of the system Prices ic Hold by all for m a grated in soup if the fiivor it poor and it tost the typewriter people money to make the change but the change look a click out of life if a man would invent an at tachment that would make a train I would have It If it cost a fortune its the bumps of the days work that make weary ft Was lhf little spoken on the of moment which Sow ed the seed for larger thing A real home for working women was sug gested a home embodying all that dear word really means same millionaires got thoir heads an architect and a contractor were summoned plana and werecalled for were made as to how other coped with the prolihm and Ihe ball set rolling Montreal is to a half- million dollar hotel exclusively for women It will be an so to speak and Just unique a box am- cover a large abscess has formed there wan no- n right Because of bis I applied this physical pain ho quickly lb child laufed through bound up the hand in am- Mr of frequcntly and liberally until the lost valuable- burn was quite cured this week Mr It I chard also The little one was Soon able to one In a very bad condition go on with her play and we had no Rev wife of ion trouble with her during the time the Monday afternoon hum was hiring healed should also he ui6d all mollmrh for babys and for skin troubles rashes pimples All druggists and sell at fifty box and Soap at tablet j Post free from am- Co ToVonto for price harmful Imitations a of Toronto ami Mr Colo were eallorn week scheduled for Mark- ham on fuly will be one it the largest gatherings of the brotherhood in Ontario for many yearn It years nine there was a celebration In and it would d cult to find a town with belter and tranquil In many ways the da lion- for such an event only and original it win grounds have been secured as be built either on street the large grandstand They are opposite the Royal Victoria sparing no pain to make every or Street not tor his or her days outing A far from the building number of speakers and a Hie Trend of Trade number hand of an increased flow the migration from foritimntal parti to Western Canada and an Increase In the use the Hi Lawrence Continental travelling to points in the Western two couch JSurt Grand Jury Presentment For Sale Driving Mare yru old good sin gle or Mclaughlin Jf and one cutter Dick Joseph St Newmarket Pnl at the o clock that vain A New Dump On Friday last the Sessions Grand fury made their presentment- It severely criticizes the treatment of prisoners at Toronto Jail and laid emphasis upon the fact that a large proposition in that Institution were foreigners The Jury further presented that they considered that crimes of should be severely dealt Any one wishing to of with- and deplored the fact that coal ashes arc privileged to do so morality seemed to to be on the as- on vacant- lot corner of Cendant They censured the Mercer and Lot streets any time up Reformatory for alleged needless to the 1st of May harsh treatment of the inmates some of whom slept under a single blanket fudge Denton concurred with the grand Jury In their statement and Bald he would Instruct the clerk of the peace to have copies of the senlto the dlflerent insti tutions fie that half the time occu pied by the was taken with foreigner and the evidence most of the Cases had been given an alien language WRITE TODAY for our LARGE catalogue Many of our Graduates are now earning from- to each year We place a large number students in good positions every year Let us educate YOU for some thing better WE KNOW HOW College open all year Enter time ELLIOTT BUSINESS COLLEGE Cor and Alexander St TORONTO Mortgage Sale Planing Mill In the Town of bridge- and by Virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Mort gage which will be produced at time of sale there will he offered for sale by auction at the Arlington Ho tel Thursday April 1 at tho hour of oclock In afternoon the following property viz All and singular those certain par cels or tracts of land and premises situate lying and being in town of in the County of Onta rio composed of Lots number and 35 In Block according to the Mu nicipal Plan of the said Town Ox bridge On said property is Planing Mill I storey high engine room Storey stock room stables for two horses and Sheds Engine about Power Said Planing Mill is properly equipped with all necessary machinery TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid on dale of sale and balance at expira tion of thirty days thereafter with out interest particular may be bad from John Ingram Lindsay or from the under signed auctioneer and solicitor JOHN IV ormiston Auctioneer f Dated at April 1st Mortage PROPERTY AT CEDAR IN SPRING TERM From April 3rd In ELLIOTT TORONTO ONT This chool vantages Open entire year j ter now Catalogue free up in I tinder and by virtue of apowcr sale contained in certain to bo produced at time of Hale there will he offered for sale by Public Auction by 1 Headman Auction- at the King Hotel in the hour of Store in the village of Cedar Id Township described as follows About acre part of SouthEast Half of lot No cession in the Township of gina In the County York and fully described Hi the mortgage in question Thcro Is a good cement block store and dwelling on Said premises Cedar Brae is a prosperous village with post office and other business places situate about miles Sutton The Northern Railway passes thru the village For particulars of sale apply to Frank Cain Cedar Brae or Vendors Solicitor Newmarket ft I ft J

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