Newmarket Era , April 14, 1911, p. 6

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mmm J I We have a Fresh stock of Red Clo ver and Timothy Seed and our Price are Right Vegetable Seeds for itit Time to and Flower Leather Label Overalls and Smocks The with the Rig Guarantee ANNIVERSARY SERVICES MANAGER SUTTON Rev James DD Pro- feasor of Church History Knox Col- left the pU morning train last Tuesday for Fort of the Presbyterian- Church morning Alberta and evening on the occasion of tbe will on Sabbath Moran late residence April Greenwood is in Mr RHEUMATISM the GUILD CONCERT in SHOES J Mr Kenton late or Maple the Grand Concert are mem- movcd amoUS town and will occupy his own Have you seen the New Patented Seamless Working Shoe There are no seams to rip out Dry Goods Francis moved to the Front St in the brick house oppo- those who are to assist in Mctfod the mu part of the program at of to choir of Sutton J by Mr Francis Mr Clarence Meyers the talented Mrs son are violinist who always delights audience his skill will also assist This is he concert at which Miss oC the resi- recites so don forget the date First of May Ad- E M3nn general health is greatly only for particulars proved and I can credit this only to see posters CURED BY BOOTHS KIDNEY PILLS- I BALDWIN BREEZES Mr and Mrs Crittenden of Muskoka were for some days doing up some bus- J and visiting old friends We Pills ihan in all else ever town- Mr the new bank manager tried for rheumatism The pajns my limbs have lessened greatly and I am better and stronger than in years previous My petite has gone up and I eat and sleep better than have in over three years have just received a of Prints and can save you money two prices fresh stock Mr C Public Inspector paid his official of Zephyr was the auctioneer Mr George Styles the agent Booths Kidney Pills or This is the Booth Kidney Pill way afford the expense their old home Baldwin Mr Ernie of New Ontario is home for a time on account of having ah attack of snowblindness is thoroughly posted on the topography of that country having acted for years past as fireranger and guide for prospeeting parties As I anticipated there nasbeen a great Nearly onethird of the populace are actuated by a moving spirit If you wish to know their whereahouts bave to ax the Owl The Palace is now vacant It is j not within the means of everybody to I of a trip to see j Shakers Towelling tlc public Schfrt on Monday and moved to Sutton the leering Co has had a very busy These wonderful Pills are sold under the coronation of but School week delivering farm implements- a guarantee to refund your money if you all may attend the coronation of visit to- Mr George Fox of Lindsay has they fail to relieve any sufferer from Baldwins queen Shell be a most Coal Oil Tuesday Mrs Morrison is on a visit to To The Ladies Aid of the Methodist ronto Church report a highly succeesful en tertainment on Friday evening last School closed for the Easter holi days on Thursday of this week Rheumatism or any trouble having gracious and handsome one Ill give in the Best American Water White H I- Joe Miss Isabel was city on Wednesday Mr George Thayer left last week for gal- I Paint A truant officer is being appointed Miss Mary is spending j to see that children of age are in Toronto i being sent regularly to school Some Viola Brooks has arrived of- the parents have been very at Calgary lee in this matter its origin in the kidneys They cure Backache dull shooting pains thick and cloudy urine gravel and stone rheumatism and all diseases of the kidneys and bladder Booths Kidney Pills are sold by all druggists and dealers 50c box or postpaid from The R Booth Co Ltd Fort Erie Sold and guaranteed Pattersons drug store Liquid Paint at a quart should interest you Every can guaranteed I FWSMITH The Ladies Aid of the a shoe Methodist Church purpose holding a Chips Mr Will Morton of Virginia- is the new stage driver between here and Jersey Mr agent for the number social evening at the home of Co has sold quite a Albert Cole on Thursday evening tickets lately to people leaving this neighborhood for the West The public schools here are closed April to the Tea served Everyone welcome from KESWICK personal- It earnestly requested that every reader of this news paper see the Bliss owing to an epidemic of the mumps amongst the children Mr men art busy put ting a new galvanized roof on the Oddfellows building The Metropolitan hank have mov ed to their new and handsome of of to agent at once and get Jans welcome a box of the reliable Bliss Native Herbs the best Spring med icine the good herb blood purifier for the entire family Personal experi ence has proved that it will regulate the liver give new life to the system and strengthen the kid neys It will make rich red blood tablets 100 and the dollar back promptly if not ben efited quickly and surely Apply at once to Chas W Sedore AGENT The Womens Institute will meet in the hall at Keswick on April at pm A paper will he given ion the Household Pest and DiseaseCarriers A question of hints on housecleaning will be I We notice a photograph of Art in charge of Mrs Win A vocal j and party his new ice selection by Miss Morton All last weeks Sunday World The photograph way taken by A A Grant I was The The Sunday School largely attended on Sunday quite an improvement Miss Annie King is making a visit at Sutton for a week We are glad to bear Miss I Tattle is recovering from severe attack of la grippe Miss Gertie York is making a visit to Mr iinf- is visiting his father We are glad to hear Mr Win is recovering Mumps are getting in quite a pitch They are visiting Mr John Run away True Mr Will Wright man has moved in to Mr Winchs house We v ih success Mr has landed in our midst for another summer Mr Davidson Carrie his head high lie has a daughter We glad see lift barn wall going Church Wds largely attend ed Sunday choir rial Easter music Sunday next The Bethel people welcome everyone Oddfellows hold a church pa rade on Sunday the They will march from their ha to the Metho dist Church divine service will be conducted by the W A Sin- at nut at am as pre viously stated Service will he held at the Church Easter Sunday at the usual hour of am The will preach and there be special music the choir A Mass Meeting was held in the Town Hall last Friday afternoon v hen reciprocity was discussed Mr MPI and Mr J A M Armstrong wen the speak ers The Dean also poke Jli ere were about 150 pres ent Judge Morgan attended here last Friday There was little doing MAN A TOWN you ample warning Don Cupid is not dead he only slecpctb The happy day for one of our young men has been set on for- ward in the dim future and he dont like it any too well but if he dont like it he must lump it- Keep your ears open Some of our young widowers loved their first experience of wedded so much they are anxious to their fate again and are after the fair lassies full speed Our old wid- offers are not in such a great riisli- theres no doubt in my mind what Uncle John Uncle Hilly and Uncle Robert eye on one when their present housekeepers give j them notice Hoys have faith in our own girls There are none better nor quite as j good J Mrs Grundy says One of our old bachelors is slightly hard to suit Hes spanking up and proposing and being accepted by buxom widow near here With the opening of spring the crow family came by thousands As Usual their appetites were They were feasting on folmstonCry- corn out in the field lie executed the death sentence on sever al which raised a great cawing and he removed the corn to the barn Mr William was quite seriously ill for some days but has recovered His illness was said to have arisen from the use of surgical instruments that should have Are from the LEADING CANADIAN MAKER You will BE DELIGHTED with I them Both the COLORINGS and the PRICES from J J IT IS WORTH WHILE TO SEE THEM ShermanWilliams Products for Every Finish Marsh Lands Again To of Newmarket Dear Sir Mr Watson Bradford went to a great deal trouble in his last weeks letter state his honest dealings with people outside of King which I never ques tioned Honest dealing requires no defence His honesty must be a very delicate commodity if could not bring it across the Holland into King His statement that the Drainage Committee is now de funct but constantly re fers to himself as Secretary which dont go very well together is untrue that the King options were duly executed and returned to him by mail It is also untrue that the op tions were printed in clear legible type to cover a period of five years The time was left Wank and filled in with a pen for five years after being signed instead of SIX months as agreed upon The option given by Charles that he refers to was given for eleven months not five years as shown in I he Registry Of I instruments that should have been lice Mr Watson asks the public to cleaned That would believe his bold statements The he criminal negligence- Statements I made were verified on oath and the North York Registry Office that l very highest grade farms oil their options were obtained by mis- a most beautiful representation and fraud or manipu- indeed The purchase of the after being signed He states farm was thrown up on the agitation has helped our of unsatisfactory title scheme which am pleased this gave rise a big blow hear lint it has not helped him locking of gates etc to drain the people removal of effects If he has any better name for his tells me thai a sable with Hie King people than man fit Keswick ambilotis an attempt to swindle I will be rifle medal has sent pleased to Call it by that name is rifle to a Toronto expert in- WESTERN CANADA LANDS FOR SALE congratulate Mr on his by a whole neigh- est speculation ie lie purchase of of people and registered homestead Morton one IMPROVED FARMS RAW PRAIRIE Acres of Splendid Virgi n Prairie in AT 16 PER ACRE WIUTK I BRANDON LAND CO 30 Ninth Street Brandon Man 1011S I President The Reliable Store We have he of Miss V Terry who ft well known in tins vicinity who ha served in and Toronto which her natural good every confidence In promising to the public the satisfaction She will ready exhibit her and serve any customer On and Wcdntfcday April W C COLE I April Fire In a brooder at the home of lame- a Holland destroyed pur the property of Holland fancier The lamp by which v exploding Mr Hollands naiads idiy burned In to j name IjeUrtey April A yesterday destroyed the a norbestead owner Mr and Mrs of Aurora spent Sunday in the village Misses and Annie Wright were in Toronto over the weekend The Institute gave a on Wednes day evening of last week Mrs Al bert Milne the president was in he chair and the program of solos by Cain Milne Mildred Weddel duet by Misses flara Mill and Stephens fin numberh by Mr I Milne and recitations by Mrs Frank Milne Miss McKaland Mr fay and Master MaeKenzie and two dialogues these interesting numbers refreshments warp served Save thei King brought the evening to a close was skating on day night which breaks the record for latest skating of the Season on the rink The Ice was in govl and if the cold weather It may not yet be too late to have the annual masquer ade Mr has accepted of New market and his family will short ly be leaving the village for near- fire J town Mr Cody spoke on the subject for Study at on Monday night and the contributed a flUar- has gone to London to visit her brother time Mrs has returned from Toronto where she has been visiting for the past mouth Mr Imes A of Marie is visiting his father Mr Al bert Mr Winch of Owen Sound is his brother Mr Washing ton Winch and other relatives Mary Smith has gone to to spend the holidays Mi A dele Winch has been on the sick list for the past also Mamie Mr Herbert Winch and family have moved into their new home Mr we 1 1 Dales preached a fine sermon Sunday evening from the text Almost Thou me to be a Christian MiSS Mahoney has returned from Toronto The V tf of the Church has been Invited to their meeting at Mrs at oh Friday evening All will be welcome sons their letters appear who are ashamed to name not worthy in his defend of notice Yours truly SHIMONS arc Ala April hundred state convicts are reported killed in an explosion in the Manner at Littleton miles from here Tvvo hundred men are known to have been in the mines at he lime of the explosion and most of mines are in the western part of I tiler Hon County They arc owned by the Iratt Consolidated Coal Co which employs hired from various Counties through the state Victoria April III The Iroquois which plies Mm lo put it in order that be may blackwash C Cringle Our Dr Charlie wisely Observes It isnt all in the rifle Or Graham perhaps would say isnt all the man lie has had experience Miss Flora Crawford Detroit has been her relatives and friends hereabouts Is a sweel little hod one who wins friends by her pleasant social nature Shes one of Baldwins noble girls has 1iingle does quite a little Iff as agent DOMINION CAPITA PAID CP AM UNDIVIDED 5 53000000 THK PUBLIC TOTAL ASSETS Branches and Agencies Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current Hates of Interest allowed Sale Notes Collected Blank Forms supplied free of charge MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH I driven there fish below the Delhi ami Power dam Ialer on was leading his to the pond when I be animal being blind the A here closed tonight a day earlier than originally in tended and the results have sur passed the most sanguine the elge of the bank llitoj The first proposal was to about twenty feel of water It Is make it a sevenday campaign ami supposed Unit Murphy was jerked raise fifty thousand dollars but So into the water and was drowned prompt and generous was the must have been killed The Han- nt7 I nwmij has lost several commissions by the hackdown of The advent of season Is always balled with delight here Nowadays contrary to laws of na ture nickers go down stream to da- TWO boys noticed the horse that the amount aimer at was ruing around in the pond and secured exceeded several days before the boat and out where the pur- lading him to Mutphyls body was recovered this forenoon steamer Iroquois plies Sydney la miles of ft and the Islands was wrecked shortly after oclock this morning L a s locality are I several in this ami number ol and mem- 1 hers of the crew were drowned to raise April The building fund for limit had expired In view of this encouraging state Of affairs it was decided to raise the sum to be col lected by ten thousand dollars and to lop a day off the Allotted period Tonight the collecting learns were able to report a total of varying from eluding between lo2 women There were to and passengers aboard and the crew numbered apt Heaps ashore with a numkr of others who were saved on a raft which was part of the wreck Clad il in a on United States boundary mile east burn- PI are M made for the death three children Mrs J spring to he held Brook and her baby were May 26th and the the may die The old- soon formerly fet attempted j Preparing for their unique entertain- a Ore In a with kerosene the exact nature of which has not been decided an explosion followed For Immediate itev A occupy I pulpit morning Miss Gertrude haw together felndly ting at that two lots water and the choir who have lag ard be- j preparing special frill York gong eryjce In the Cooks filmcoe on evening road to Convenient and pott At owner It oCei at J Miss was visiting her Mrs of Whitby Mrs 1 Proctor making ex- tensive improvements to the Infer jot bis Mr Albert Blizzard St has moved to new the farm The Poplar Hank Sunday School have erected a new shed for the venlenfe of the public Mr Marry Manning of Second St has moved on the Powell homestead Mrs fared Black under the We lor a speedy recov ery near at hand only two more of the Second of King ban been ploughing this What wrong with having another shadow social Oh you Covered with Eczema DDI On March McMillan us Mr Angus of port flood NS wrote Hi April 121 he get the Duma today approved the grant of or the of and boy three years Id was covered from head foot With ec zema tried over twenty different kinds salves and washes but could not Sec any fact it seemed to be getting worse was about discouraged and had lost faith In all kinds eczema cures when saw an ad tell ing about I I I I sent lor sample bottle and the third application convinced me that I had to hear per Society Col umn- from our old friends Nelson Taylor and J Was the Albert Taylor referred to some time ago inheritor of fortune a brother of I have thought so I have a great respect my friend f Dickson lor his scholarly acquirements lie was very clever Cone Bill Not Forgotten Three more of my old and rejected friends have bade this world adieu They I re John Davidson Holland Cook Ohio and Mrs Ifagerman formerly of Sut ton pleartant memories of all of them John Davidsons obitu ary contained some Interesting rem- to which I might add could I spare the space I believe amongst his personal effects Is a Stradivari violin made in Italy They are held high esteem by dealers in articles virtue worth perhaps maple syrup will be scarce Ibis season a poor season Dr a last got a sure cure for the Stock ROYAL ablebred Stallion and reliable slock hore vlalt ron Holt Mount Albert Pine Or- chard Aurora returning to his own in Newmarket Walter Thompson nfannger Ilea effected a complete cure What did for this little hoy It will do for any skin sufferer A wild soothing liquid made up of Oil of Thymol Glycer ine and other Ingredients It pene trates to the root of the trouble and the dlReaae germs out Why not get relief Simply write today to the Laboratories street and they will send you a free bottle For sale by all druggists Delhi Out April drowning accident yesterday afternoon at the Pond about two miles from here Mr Albert Murphy and a couple of other young men had 1 I w

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