Newmarket Era, 14 Apr 1911, p. 8

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fes r t III PERFECT HEALTH THAWS TO BC Feb I fta well with man to thousands in Vancouver Victoria and New Westminster who for earl a year was practically a cripple Rheumatism He was so troubled with the disease that he found it difficult to torn over in bed His heart appeared to wealc that he could hardly waJkop stairs June he received a sample of He used them and He Hal LA8KAY Quite a number of our young men are going to the West this spring A POST HELP FOR THE I GIN SENT FREE We want ait sufferers from Kidney and Bladder Troubles Back and Rheumatism to test GIN and for really cure all these troubles If your Ineys are weak if It pains yoa to urinate if back aches if of J I Among them are and feel are crippled with Willis Mr Duncan and family are getting settled in their home which was lately vacated by Mr A After the regular League meeting test GIN and Cash on hand J 205721 Arrears Taxes Dog Tax Water 31000 FOR THE YEAR It soofl last Monday evening the leaguers j with such good effects that I here- give GIN PILLS a chance to prove that they will relieve and cure you It wont cost you a cent You dont have to buy them Simply write us for a free sample A short time ago I received S sample of GIN PILLS which I have Rents Licenses School Grant his recovery from that time there is no man in Vancouver enjoying better health He was building a house this fall and a good part of the roof in a driving rain without suffering any bid effects JOHN LACY fifty in all went to tire home of Mr and Mrs Arthur Wesley and present ed them with a beautiful rocking chair A very pleasant time was spent in playing games after which Mr Mills assistant postmaster at Que also writes I honestly believe that the greatest Rheumatism cure in the world Try it box for trial sire At dealers or from Limited Ottawa On Friday evening last upwards of fifty people gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs J for the purpose of presenting Miss with a handsome collection of silver ware and an address in appreciation of her services as organist in the Methodist Church The ladies of the congregation were accompanied with enclose f r a box of them I believe GIN are just the things for me River GIN PILLS are so called because they contain the medicinal principle of Juniper berries the ill inciplrof Ginybutdo not contain a- box 6 for lers and guaranteed or money refunded Sample if you write us National hrutj Chemical Co A Toronto 26400 Miscellaneous Electric Light 861121 New Walks Resident Taxes 1690705 ft V 254473 788282 238580 260213 Mr Friday for Moose Jaw Harry takes with him trie good will and best wishes of a host of friends He has resided in PAYMENTS Salaries and Allowances I 269600 Print Adv and Station 32989 Insurance Roads and Bridges Fire Water and Light tnartty Debentures New Wells Interest Wat Sup and Cap Wat Maintenance County Rate schools Market 4818 Board of Health Tim St Bridge Miscellaneous Electric Light Maintenance 58322 Light Capital Bank of Montreal 1011610 Cash in hands of sH earns its cost In apy soil on any farm the CLIMAX earns money for you every minute you use it I i Very Strong Easy Handled Two Houses for Sale In Good Town Apply 5 r to K ROBERTSON heavily laden and a very en- vjcjnil JOy able evening was spent The ad- A dress was read Miss Lena Almond and Mrs Ruttle made suitable replies Miss also thanked town lor the past seven years A pretty wedding took placeat the home of Mr and Mrs Joseph fourth line when their Cash on hand Arrears Taxes Arrears taxes prior to Arrears Water Rates Arrears Electric Light Rents Each pole fi I J and these and Uegllte ft hj pressure teamso it rank mustard gotrwr I easy be built of that bad weed and depth the teeth wont inches in the JjTotM Teeth if they strike a stone- of cut their joints unlock and crop Theior the roots of the weeds back o pass over harmed UMAX and rip out of sou up m This is the stifftooth cultivator that gets the weeds OUT of the soil not merely cuts off their tops or just tickles the roots a little On dirty land you surely need the f Two New For Sale or to Re lion Inquire of Prospect Ave New New Brick House Far Sale with all modera coavenl- also a number of Apply to AURORA Reservoir Lot Prospect Ave Electric Light Plant Machinery 9 House for Sale Brick on Millard Are conveniences V Newmarket blossoms and carried a bouquet of cream roses The bridesmaid Miss On Tuesday evening the West wore white with pale blue and Market Building and Lot of the birth of Mrs Sarah pink carnations The best j School Buildings and Grounds was celebrated at the res- J man was the brides brother Mr A School Primary of Mrs Hart mans daughter of Kingston After High School Building and Grounds Mrs Geo Smith street dejeuner Mr and Mrs iarvis left I There were present her son L L Tottenham for and teel and Cement bridges Hartman and her daughter Mrs oh their return will reside near I Water Cart I Geo Smith three All Misses Jennie and Lizzie Smith Box arid Miss Laura one grand- FOE SALE Fire Wood in any form suit the purchaser Must be sold The on the farm Apply to f It ARMSTRONG For 8ale- Mr Lome A and three great grandchildren two sons and daughter of fcir Lome There were also a number of lhc wedding Mr and Mrs Road Planer and Tools Clerks Office Scales Hospital and land Band Instruments Mr and Mrs J Malloy attend- Coal on hand Electric Light Supplies mi ft i f a i I friends from Toronto Newmarket Wells at Temptranceville on and Aurora present last The funeral of the late Thomas the Davis whose death occurred at the Pastor of the Memorial Christian residence of his daughter Mrs Mc- Church has arrived in town and Toronto on Monday the on place from Strasler Dunhams Sunday next taking rooms on Wednesday residence amongst us of New Brick House Park Ave to the Aurora and Lira St house Kirn St Deceased was the son of rft Apply to MRS SCOTT The Cedars House for Sale Street brick glass a rooms domestic water good garden easy terms PKPPvACLT Newmarket New House for Timothy Street with furnace bath and electric wiring cemetery sixteen years Mr John Mr Jhos rath one of the best horse shicrs I Davis and brother of the late fohn Toronto intends to start I Davis married Miss Maggie I for himself at McKinley and resided on lot 21 in Gordon Duncan has Ithe fourth concession of King where Passed his final examination in they resided until the death of Mrs theological college Montreal and Davis about seven years ago For was licensed to preach lie also some time he has been residing with the prize of twentyfive dollars his daughter in Toronto Four as elocutionist in his class survive him two girls and two J boys Frank Davis who resides on the ar number of the members of fifth concession King Mrs Ire- llift Christian Church dale who resides in Hamilton and Came to the borne of their pastor Mrs MclvWon who resides in To- iV last Friday j Water Works Supplies LIABILITIES ByLaw Water Works debenture do- do do do Water Works debenture Ill Public School debenture High Schrtol debenture Bridges debenture 200 Electric Light debenture 231 Office Specialty Mfg Co 253 Electric Light debenture Davis Leather Co deb Water Works and Electric Light 301 Permanent Improvements 310 Electric Light and Meters High School Cement Walk Crossings and Bridges 100000 375000 20000 5000 25001 25000 20000 You can have your choice of points or inch You ought to learn all the merits of this moneymaking May we send you Catalogue The Frost Wood Co Ltd A Few or Many Promineit Users of the Climax Cultivators r a f ft I 3660ifl 385726 225003 1030515 Frank Lloyd Henry Wesley Joseph Penrose Edgar Dennis Harry Henry w Rogers William Walker Bros Webster William Stick wood Henry Webb James Parr Thomas Brown i If I Newmarket do do do do do do do do do do do Sharon do ft William M John Smith William Huntley Bros Seymour J I Moore John A Wright Roy Peter Morrison fohn Hodge J Henry Ralph Draper William Miller I Sharon do Queens do do do do do do do do do do do do do Agent Main 8t Newmarket f ronto Banner The Mechanics Hall evening After fairly well spending a social Accounts in joying refreshments Overdraft at Bank of Montreal Balance due High School on debenture it 66622 Have Hand a Large Steele of Total Idled on Friday night the j l returned to their several homes tons raids immediate- of recinrocft was discussed by having the pastor anil his wife much Andrew P Duncan Mar- j their kind tokens of COLLINS Shall V H and the varied gifts they Box Newmarket J M Armstrong Conservative Sf much appreciated by candidate in North York A nor tt labor for he spiritual I The addess of KWl of others MP re- A very was held on as won- those of Mr Arm- VC residence of Mrs favey on Apply to House for Sale Wafer Works debenture mater Works debenture CURRENT LIABILITY No No- if Heating also strong and other J Thursday last March irate frontage McKay of I cuing hid farewell to Por quick Sale over the meeting PHILIP MORGAN Prospect Ave Newmarket BRADKORb For Sale Drilling for gas is apparently to have no practical result ttC are Hon of the late A J for those gentlemen who had suitable I to invest in he boarders Hard soft aad domes- vilH Plained in tic Large lot good garden quantities lot of fruit Apply to tin- host and merrv thai It or to Miss the home of Mr Richard Walker To- on night last 9 presided tf- farewell Mr Fred previous to his departure for There a full attendance the Young Mens Bible and all heartily sorry to part with their fellow member A address signed by the teach er Mrs and the President Mr fien was read express ing the appreeiation in which Fred was held tbe class and wishing him every success in the future J Overdraft at Bank of Montreal Sundry r film AVAJLAlifJ- ASSETS ash on hand Arrears Taxes Arrears Taxes prior to Interest arrears Taxes prior Arrears Water Kates Arrears Light Bents Accounts Debit Bal PI a ft i M r i r f and look possession by way of surprise April Fire which broke out at oclock to- House for on the West of Im but And they all enjoy- 1 Insurance The plant consisted Ave formerly the properly immensely taking full three buildings two Richard possession can Party The Very largo party loss to the led of young and old married and of the Kensington Furniture I and old enough to he married The loss covered by of and one advantage of the fine ballroom to brick The two former were wiped given May 1011 Written tend- trip the light fantastic During and the latter badly damaged will receive up to th I5lh j evening a halt for a brief space he fire started iri the top floor of the highest or any called and Mr Crake was requested tender not necessarily accepted to come to the front when a per cent on acceptance well worded address Lite ltndr and balance Is of his neigbborH towards gier him was rend by Mr T W Ev il I ana and Mr Wood of Solicitor Dated March one at the wooden building as a packing room and spreAd rapidly to the second WOOd building where were stored rket et on behalf those same neighbors and friends presented him with a pair of bee easy chairs Mr Crake in a neat speech heartily hanked the donor for tlie handsome present and also the honor the had done htm by gathering he- bis roof in such goodly Hi hoped they were having and Would have an enjoyable time He Hit linn In- replied that If they would tell him jhy had given chair then lie- would to Mr Bernard MeCabe lot Bin the rear of the Concession Hoi King last consisting of 1 to Col Sir Henry of Toronto for the of Sir Henry all land surj whSt known as Rales Bo Every I chair then hewould The par broke about JO am Mr Company Hamilton about to take up der- town while hi successor Jo been busy moving onto that he is no agent but joint farm and now fairly tied to Monday consult specialist on there lure to Suffering suffering to vill followed the neglected But Buffering will gotteOf and the4 ho no after If It obtained natural corrective medicine flaK07 J i77U jriori White Pine Norway Hemlock etc to Order Special Sizes u Doors Sash Flooring Moulding nd All Kinda of work Ash and Georgia Run to Order s Dressing Sticking Turning and AH Such Work i mm lt I AND public Libra per meter Town Hall per meter Pump Room per meter Pickering per meter Street Lighting per meter Halfway Lights Fire Hall Council and office tuff i r 4 f it f J2SI 11861 hydrant each cost water at College cost drinking water at factories I f I It Mf If 180000 Receipts and arrears fwalcr and arrears flight KXPENDITURES Salaries Including Clerks and Chiefs insurance Printing and Postage Fire Water am Light Water Work Maintenance Light Maintenance Debentures Fire Water and tif I I I I I f Ol i Water Works Capital Capital if M 1201000 f a I proprietor of the which backed by a capital of This oldest lighting firm fa Canada We give a for tle throat trouble which has good for five year a with each order if any building with rri on get burned by ligfjtnfng or if any damage Is lone by lightning horning we repair it sixty This is the only lightning rod company I know of tocorporatl by the Addrei all orders and In connection OUilncas to Warren VemarM vented hi taking hit service for the three used for rollk or milky substance should always 1 in cold water In preference to hoi as the latter Is to have appearsnea necessitate a two a great deal mora labor the Wash ing The rule applies In new glasses have not been used ought to ho on band In every home for use at of trouble This famous family remedy has In and of tj correct physical trouble off disease Try for your If or In your home few doses and how the bodily strengthened and refreshed and surely and effectively they Credit Balance f 1201304 tlV To the Mayor and Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newmarket We have examined Collectors Roll for the year which the following Is a synopsis OF Total Assessment ft mills Watering Main ft ProsPCCt Snow cleaning charged to lots Poll fax i fin ROLL 10116 j 1 50 i Total on Roll if it r 12 I Taxes including 17101 Arrears of Taxes Rebates order of Council Arrears of Taxes prior to Interest on arrears to 1 roo Mti a Ol t J Ofi to As by the Municipal Concho has been examined and the minutes of Council or authority for payment of same The Treasurers books vouchers and accounts have examined and the annexed statement found to be correct Treasurers bond Ik In the hands of the Mayor for Issued by he London and Co We have also examined the of the Public and High School Hoards and lhc Public Library and found be same correct Dated at Newmarket Ibis day of K I Auditors Finally audited and allowed this of March P J HUGHES Mayor f Town Clerk r i Receipts fin I from last audit Legislative Irani County CI rant Municipal pupils Resident pupils Nonresident pupils Miscellaneous Overdraft at of Mont HIGH SCHOOL ACCOUNTS expenditure Teachers salaries I Caretaker and trance Reps Ac Insurance Fuel Lib ami Miscellaneous 8546Q 1100 KM 15202 I W It I 8820 ill 17 PUHLIC SCHOOL ACCOUNTS Receipts from Pioo Grant Municipal Taxes leih Expenditures 170105 Teachers Salaries S439020 Permanent improvement 500000 Maps HO I 04i 57000 Caretaker and SecTreas Miscellaneous Balance on hand PUBLIC LIBRARY Receipts Cash on hand from last and I Grant from Town 27500 Government grant 10221 Tickets and Catalogue Dr at Mont 707 Expenditure Rent and Salaries Rooks Magazines Papery Printing Catalogues 2035 Miscellaneous 3710 A

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