DC ASCOT I Ecurson to Guelph The North York Farmers Institute will hold their annual excursion to on Tuesday June Fur- tier particulars later Going to Aurora On Sunday next the- visiting Aurora Lodge to attend vine service with them Rigs will named Walter Chartran of lost his life He with others was working for the Bell Telephone Company sirr ing a new wire between Newmarket and Albert They had reached the Metropolitan track and were tightening the wire one man being at the top of the pole on either side and others drawing the wire As they were pulling the- wire caught in a tehee rail three or four poles from the track who had been in the employ of the Company for some time took hold of the wire and gave it a jerk but failed to re lease it He then gave it a second jerk the wire flew up and slackened between the men of the electric railroad sufficiently to touch the driving wire and instantly fell over Others ran to him immediately Both men on the Generous Assistance The people of Newmarket and j and one of thernen men was stunned have again shown their practical Only that his leg was crossed on the in time of need towards Robinson family by the generous contribution over in cash dry goods and furniture appeal always meets with response The family will j remain in Town provided to leave the Lodge Room sharp All members- of the whether members here or elsewhere are cordially invited to attend The Did Stand Messrs Roche Co are to their old stand facing i street and open today with a assorted stock in all departments customers will he welcome as as new ones and they will find Call and see Two Others Have Narrow Escape of Their Lives A very sad accident occurred near 0 the accident Is that the two men Sharon between four and oclock nearest the live wire escaped death on Monday afternoon when a man while their companion 100 yards fur- was electrocuted was a unmarried and was well away Deceased man in bis liked The remains were brought to undertaking rooms and Coroner Scott notified An inquest was called at the same place the same day when the follow census commis sioner for Ontario has arranged to meet local commissioners at Toronto for the and County on May 5 and to give instructions Firemen had quite an exciting time at a Are in a shed on Tuesday with in a few yards of the Old Fort In which rounds of ammuni tion was in storage The shed was owned by the Government and was damaged to the extent of Upper air currents are being secur ed by means of kites flown from the Observatory at At feel the kites show only ten degrees difference in the temperature at that VIM i R IV i arm of Ihe pole or he would have fall en down to the ground The mystery Suttonand lrend his address some thought reciprocity was so popular in the country oppo- jury viewed the body the j would lie at the inquest was adjourned till oclock this evening in the Fire Hall dm SPRING PRINTS CARPETS OIL CLOTHS LINOLEUMS next election McGuck the The remains were taken to his home who stole letters in by GTR on Tues- Toronto letter carrier was sent to da morning The awfully sudden death from such thing touch the live trolley wire U year before taking up west Bicycle and Automobile Accessories Oil grease tire batteries etc at School Next Monday Public School pupils are reminded of another reopening on Monday Those a homestead jlng to start this spring should be present at the opening so as to their places in the classes being I ed the penitentiary for five years by the Police Magistrate This will be- a warning a trifling little thing shows how The Wilkinson Plow Co has made fill people must be not to let any- assignment Had reciprocity been in force the failure would have charged thereto Mr Kills has been appointed as City representative Oil the Power Co commission While crossing the street on Tues day Mrs A Taylor years of age was knocked down by a delivery wagon and severely injured Columbias Minister of Ross of this f Friday was red letter day the history if the Encampment Branch of OddFellowship in this About two oclock a Carload of some sixtyfive members from Toj arrived and were met by the local Lodge acciinpanied by the Pipes and drum Alter a march Main street and back to the lvige Room the visitors speedily down to work and to initi ate the eighteen candidates into lne ilth mysteries of the Camp After conferring the first and second de gree all repaired to the King George Hotel where they showed thai they amply appreciated the excellent din ner set up At 731 the Lodge re- when the third and crowning degree Was exemplified after speeches were delivered by Scribe Church Rev Herbert of To ronto will occupy the pulpit of the Christian Church next Sunday morn- and evening Large congregations attended the British services St ndin Field Crop Competition The Newmarket Agricultural Socie ty is adding a new feature to their work this year by offering prizes for The flowers were beautiful and city was Standing Field Crops Fields enter- for competition must consist of not less than five acres nor more WINDOW SHADES POLES AND FITTINGS LACE CURTAINS AND DRAPERJES SPRING STOCK COMPLETE I Every man- women and child should buy their Shoes from us Ev ery pair bought for spot cash at low est prices and we guarantee every pair J W A BRUNTON than twenty and the directors have Barley as the variety of grain for this competition and for which the following prizes will he awarded 1st 15 2nd 3rd is in st IS Entries to- be in the Christian Church last Lands and Mines Hon R The Girls Choir in the was in the city the fore part morning sang three pieces with spleh- week did and the Church Choir rend- A despatch from Delano California their program in the evening states that Harry Carpenter of this shot and killed a rail- way constable in a box car where he The Christian Endeavor Society others were found sleeping the Christian Church will observe the Four more bakers had their names a Feast of the Seven Tables in the before the Police for selling light parlors of the church on Tuesday weight bread They will learn evening May 2nd A good program is being prepared and a unique en- After doing her East made with the Secretary Keith Newmarket not Jater than visi for at those who Newmarket Mrs of come while on her way iice Thespecial offering by the Sabbath daughter School last Sunday towards the new was knocked down an el Sale Register FRIDAY April Sale of stock implements etc at Morton Park belonging to the estate of the late Neil Morton 7 credit Sale at one oclock W Kavanagh Allot THURSDAY April Mortgage sale of property in Cedar Brae at King George Ho tel Newmarket See ad Ask to See our NEW SPRING A CORSETS W C standard patterns The Store of Newmarket Library Site Wanted suggestions have been mad pipe organ Mind to nearly livery wagon and injured n The SS has promised morning Mrs out the 1400- already subscribed I In stepping a street car Work will commence next week to was struck from behind Her face which Grand for the new Public Library site I Main nortl the Open Street Street and place it on corner Corner of Main Street and Park ready for will be placed the Memorial lo South the new organ which in the East end and window moved to the Past G Patriarch Avenue where the present library is raw and Patriarchs Robertson of Hughes Atkinson and Newmarket Encampment and Brimson of and others visitors left for home by spe cial Metropolitan car about greatly enjoyed the day Contract The Trustees of the Methodist Church met on Monday afternoon and opened the tenders for the enlarging and remodelling of th Church There were five tenders for the whole work ranging from to and properly tenders or different parts of the work The tender Mr John I Macin tosh for all the work heating plumbing and wiring was ac cepted Mr had the con tract for the new addition to the High Schofil and his work was located which will necessitate the purchase of two occupied lots but is a firstclass site Between the Christian Church and Parsonage which would be in a position and a detriment to both church and library I Purchase the whole of the va cant Millard Property between Hots- ford St and Park Avenue alongside of the Metropolitan track which would make a small park on the south end and place the building in the centre of the north half a pret ty good suggestion as all is vacant Aurora Woman is a Centenarian satisfactory that the Hoard felt make no mistake in placing the work in bis hands I tenders for the Other trades are higher anticipated and changes will probably be made in the specifi cations to bring the finished building ftonjewbere the The following were selected as a aiding Committee If Cane fackson Dr Scott p W Pear- Aubrey Davis Dr Wilkinson It Dr Scott Pearson and Aubrey Davis ft is expect that the at and that the church Remove the Fire Hall which is an unsafe condition and erect the Library in its place This is an ideal location in Ihe centre of the town is said there Is suffi cient room the Clerks Office to accommodate the fire apparatus arid the building could be arranged bo as to provide further hall accommo dation over the Clerks office An other suggestion is to build a new Fin- Hall opposite he Temperance Hall purchase the west hall of the Royal Hotel property and creel the building fronting on Lot Street ad joining the lawn of the new Hospi tal Purchase the properly between Dr Hntts residence and Millards Coder taking Establishment and erect the in the centre of the lot This would an ideal location and the building would show well from all parts the town ft Duilding on lfe Waterworks lot is cut and may he internal in juries The woman is being attend ed at St Michaels Hospital It has been decided by the local military authorities not to hold a military parade on Coronation Day June Part of the force made other arrangements A man named H IValdhrdm with a A resident Aurora Mrs Maria was up before the police Court Lloyd celebrated her hundredth on Friday charged with trespass and on Good Friday Mrs robbery He comes from Montreal Lloyd is still hale and hearty and I and was sent down on the trespass her intellect is undimmed She re- charge and he robbery charge will members the rebellion of per- be investigated when he serves his fectly and she was a personal friend trespass sentence of William Lyon Mackenzie During Sir Edward Iord-Iieutn- struggle her house was footed by ant of Peebleshire was the King the Loyalists who stripped it of all Edward Hotel the beginning of this compared provender but were unable to dis- week on his way home to cover the object of their search con- Sidney the man Vim cealed arms traded a maid at the Gen- Mrs Lloyd was born in County Hospital on a threat to kill her rone Ireland on April It IKiIemi- was sent to jail for sixty days It grating to Canada in and tak ing over nine weeks On the voyage She spent most of her life in King township marrying William a farmer in the district in On his death in she went to Aurora to live with her daughter Mrs with whom she still resides Mrs Lloyd hud ten children of whom lour are still living She has thirteen grandchildren and fourteen greatgrandchildren woujdnl months hurt if he had got six Live Stock Market In Toronto this week export steers sold steadily at to The average level seemed to be around to From to for choice steers and heifers For somewhat poorer cattle to was paid while very common butcher cattle went at to 550 per hundred pounds load of butchers hulls sold at from to 5 Thin butchers cows and canners changed bands at to 350 while really choice butchers cows solo up to The average good butcher cow however sold at from to per cwt There is a very fair inquiry for grass feeding steers and but the supply at present is rather lim ited For animals weighing from to market values are said to range from to 510 cattle tipping the scales at to W0 lbs are valued at to while light weights of to lbs are going at SI to A few stragglers in the milch cow line sold at to per head Veal calves of rough stud Is corn ing in and quotations have been low ered to per hundred pounds Sheep Ewes to per bucks and culls to Lambs yearlings f to per lambs to fi each The drop in live hogs week with last is comparatively trifling only but it is lower than two weeks ago and is 320 bo- low this time last year Top price off ears in Toronto this weejk is fi- in an unrivalled collection of distinctly charming There is something just right that is strikingly impressive which will strike a responsive cord ing women of today It is most stunningly varied profusion of colors and shapes and note the unique manner in which we have anticipated the requirements of the season Come and see the bright about the Lundy Millin- consistency of daintiness with the most teres I to review our EASTER NOVELTIES in a wide and Varied assortment Pretty Belts Jabots Eas ier Bows Ruchings Collars Our List of Snaps for This Week v Which a scouring powder els per Ammonia or Star for Gobi Dust Washing Powder for cts I us packages for Canned Pine Apples tin Canned Strawberry per tin Canned Apples gallon tin Canned Salmon Red package I Sweet Biscuits new and crisp a variety fain lams and Sultana Itiscuits per PORK US AG I2lc lb per lb lb at the foot of Main Street and heal Ml Kinds Sewing Machine Needles at reopened about Lit of the premises by exhaust steam from the Waterworks From the above It Is evident that there are plenty of sites available The Committee appointed by the Council should obtain options on Farewell at Palermo all of the above fcltt and then they tit clip the following from the would In a- portion to hay which iV Star relative to Hope be the most advantageous In the with No 5 VALLKY It looks as though were not to gel any hummer this sea 01 Mr Skinner the Misses k inner and other lady friends visited parents over flood Friday Miss Gertie rtibnson spent Friday at Toronto A large crowd tended the ibUa- at Mr Lehman h Wednes day evening a big smile these days Whats the matter with him Hes all right a large Crowd attended the pie S0ci1i at the Disciples Church on Sunday evening Mly who lave Urn at A In fine Or hard VaCat- connection with No a new building would erection of to tt pleasant rClal Into consideration evening was Palermo Method church What He got Ik the shot In matter with the Cap the other Frosty dipped anil fell into the water He was rescued bill said the was cold The frequent Stabbing and boot cases among the element of the city especially Italians in likely In result in the authorities applying to the General for permis sion to make a general search for un lawful weapons like this must I done to impress foreigners lhat under Dominion laws they cant indulge in the pastimes of Italy The Post Office Inspector of Prince Island who is in the Ibis week the notion that air ships will he utilized to carry the mails between the Island the main land before many moons Mr A 1 is now on a charge of wanton and furious autocar driving- and will al so probably called to lace a Mr Is In California The wife of Mr Maclean P for South paused away KKTTLKHY evening March friends from Palermo j gathered to wish Mr t John Hope 2nd family Jo Speed err their departure to home Mr Boyd the chair ard a hort program was acceptable by the rierolytr of bias expressing AUt leaving after long faithful and accompanied by a fountain pen and note if ope suitable replied An Hope was then presented with of a dozen sterling and butter knife from Aid third Was tir i- read by W for board and Mr Hope was presented a of gold by If Jn art a member the first fuady class in Palermo Speeches were to Mr aid Hope years of faithful wTvice as friend Mr their regret at leaving by at ar4 a time eyes will need help from time to time and We urge you to here US optician make to order lenses for Defect of We the Best of Material rd Mainlal a High ardi but our Moderate 1 here always and opticians p it of note the following visiting in oUr burg over Sunday Messrs Mr Watson and Mr at Mr Mr I Mitchell of and Mrs G Hnghey at her home here Mrs Hunter and Wal4oclc of Mr and Mrs Baker Newmarket at Mrs Jos Bakers Mr and Mrs Grif fith Aurora Mr Pratts Ball Mr Stanley Mall and L at the parsonage Misses at Mr Mr Hll bom spent the boll- days with friends in Toronto The Womens Institute meet the home of MrSi C Walton on Wed April at pm Mrs Leonard will give a paper on Ditties to Prepare when the Appetite Needs ICoaxfng and Mrs Tat ton one on Salads A program Will I be given All are kindly to attend Misses Kola Mint fnrv land Dolly are the this week visiting In on the Pith Inst in her- year Dr Moore of the Methodist department of social and moral reform left Toronto yesterday for the West After spending some lime in the KooWnay District he proceed to British Columbia to attend the annual conference I here was a grxd attendance at the Ladles Aid meeting held on Wed nesday afternoon of this week at the home of Miss Cook public school It being holi days Miss Cook took privilege entertaining the Ladles Aid and a very pleajnt and profitable time Was Mr Wesley It White and Bister Miss of Toronto visited on Good Friday with their grandmother Mrs L Miss Cook who has spent some time In the city was home on flood Friday and on Saturday left for where we Understand she has taken a position as milliner Mr and Mrs Wlnterslcln of Sand- ford were at Mr EKE EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba Saskatchewan idsi fait to K1L It It JUNE at aa sect I LOW ROUNDTRIP RATES 1 J to v TOURIST SLEEPING CARS tmlfl aUff l mult ask t I ToiA 0HLY LIKE OF CAR I I Neat I clear Crockery Department at Best of ware our 7pIccc Dinner Sets patterns A large assortment of Milk and Water lugs all sizes to at a sacrifice Water Masses see our slock Lots to choose from line this week A fluted clear glass neat design each A special Phone HOWARD ATKINSON Agent Newmarket Toronto Markets April per bush Fall Wheal loose Wheat per Oats per bush Peas per hush Barley per hush Hay per ton Putter per lb per Potatoes per beg Chickens per Turkeys per lb per lb Ducks per lb bus JO 82 7K 10 ft IB no 2fi IB it Newmarket Markets April 1911 Fall Wheal per Oats per bush Barley per bush 0 bo Peas per bush Bran per ton OS Shorts per Hay per ton flutter pel it per do Potatoes per bag Chickens per Ducks per lb Geese per lb per lb 2 21 If IB IB 14 IB- 20 I pi Miss Pali who recently pant led the of the University a i Ida tt rove if the Church at the evening fcrvlc which greatly jprKiaM by all Balls Voire Iron chiffon with tissue paper over and of vol- a moderately hot iron Fifty Thousand Dollars Worth of Clothing Hats Boots and Shoes Furnishings Dry Goods Millinery Skirts Furs Carpets Oil Cloths Wall Papers and Groceries S5J I m mm fe hi mi- UPS vt v mm mm SB ss In the Old Stand