I foot v- THE NEWMARKET The Pqlitcal Situation I am all right Women suffering any form of Illness are invited to promptly com municate with Mrs at Lynn Mass All letters are received opened read and answered by women A wo man can freely talk of her private ill ness to a thus has been es tablished this con fidence between ilra and Whether Sir Alan re considers his decision with regard to withdrawal from politics and again becoming the standardbearer or whether Mr or some other Liberal be placed in nomination by the Reformers of North York next election we make no doubt the reciprocity gentleman from King who no stands opposed to a trade pro- made in interests of the anadian farmer will have the op portunity of discovering that the of this Riding know perfectly well on which side the bread is buttered Before the contest is over Mr Armstrong will fully real ize too that rowing in still wa ter is a totally different experience from sailing against contrary winds Holmes why wont it help American dollar bills were ed in Newmarket at from to on the dollar the women of America which has Liberals and has Conservatives have been urging for reciprocity and now that Reform If shed a testimonial or used a letter without the written consent of the writer and never has the Company allowed these confidential letters to out of their possession as the The same relief is ready for you Are you sure you do not need it If Dr Miles Heart Remedy helped Char you was troubled with and alter reading about Dr Heart I pot a bote I got the Heart Remedy I bad to sit up tiot of the and felt bad stomach Whatever I would eat made feel and my heart beat very fast But thanks to Dr Miles Heart Remedy I am all right now I eat good sleep good and feel like a new man though I run almost years eld I have been a soldier in the late war of he rebellion and badly wounded CHARLES Private Co Infantry Volunteers Walton Co American Civil War was declared end ed Fifty years ago the civil war started by the revolt of seven South ern States with the of Fort In during that seige The statement made for publication that the Canadian Manufacturers As sociation is offering no opposition to reciprocity is very significant Com menting on this fact the Hamilton Herald observes It means that the officials of the Association now re alize how imprudent it is to put the manufacturing interests of the coun try in direct antagonism with th agricultural interests The Associa tion is to be congratulated on its wisdom To think about what kind of Se are going to sow this Seed Spring sua MS I RIB sua mm EMU mm Government has accomplished what a ToryOovernrhent failed to effect po liticians of the Armstrong stamp who Dr Miles Heart Remedy fret out of their possession as the of Armstrong stamp wh hundreds of thousands of them in put party first and country second is kept thousands of homes as a their will attest are making a kick long years friend always to be relied in their file3 will attest Out of the vast volume of experience our manufacturing industries are making a kick For long years friend always to be relied upon time of need been protected and while the Reci procity pact will not to any appreci able extent interfere with these In- it will give the farming community something like fair play with protection Hon- Mr Fielding which Mrs has to draw from it is more than possible that she has gained the very knowledge needed in your case She asks nothing in re turn except your good will and her advice has helped thousands Surely any woman rich or poor should be care of in a spirited address took occasion Sold by all Druggists If the first bottle fails to benefit your money is returned Ask any Druggist MILES MEDICAL CO- Toronto Can Dominion Parliament Medicine Co Lynn Mass Every woman outfit to 80page Text St is not a book or general distribution as it is too expensive is free and only obtainable by Write for it today to declare that the party always trusted the people and when the proper time arrives we make no doubt the challenge Armstrong win be accepted and Mr In Mr The Opposition in the Commons are making stageplay demands for an appeal to the country on the recipro city agreement while at the same time the Mail and Empire is pro testing and warning the people that man was likely to spring an election upon them quickly So with Mr Armstrong who was turn ed North York last his chalfenge is simply the part of a disappointed ambition Fancy- the kind of representative would make when without any par- ticular advantage he would put to the cost of an election and the electorate to the inCOnveni8Bl the last moment then take any old kind tLz5 mm To lc had thats Only Kind to Sow Drop in Now and Examine them any way reply to Ir main Peel Hon stated that such an event would be admitted free involves just to give him a chance to pose as a candidate for political Mr into Canada under the proposed of in tween Canada w the United States Mr bill to amend the Canadian Shipping Act was given a i 11 WANTED NOW for NEWMARKET and sur rounding country for the Fall and months a reliable AGENT- to take orders for Northern Grown Stock weekly fee of beautiful outfit free We guarantee Strictly hardy in prime condition We grow Special ties sold only by ourselves on which there Is no competition It to sell for a reliable firm W Vrite for PORT ELGIN fort Elgin Ontario the people and particularly North York will be fully realized The old lire of Liberalism will be kindled to an enthusiasm only equalled fifty and sixty years ago when reform nominees were elected by decisive ma jorities J distinction Without any possible gain to the country 5 mm Sir Allan Aylesworth May Reconsider Mis Decision despatch from Ottawa The growing prosperity of the Do minion as- evidenced by receipts of second reading and sent Com- 1 Customs revenue continues to sfcag- mittee on Marine and Fisheries exFinance Minister Foster A where those interested could few days ago Hon Mr Fielding on heard la question of privilege took to refer to Mr Fosters L Borden asked what of the budget speech in which Government proposed to do about the the member for North Toronto had Hank Act In reply Mob Mr Field- declared that the rate of taxation in Store Canadian Express Company Baggage to and from trains handled with despatch Phone ing said it was neither probable or essential- that the revision of the Act should be undertaken at the present political situation in session A pre touching the North York and Sir Alan future relation the con stituency will be read with more I Senator Forget He was fiftyeight than ordinary interest Referring years of age and passed away in to challenge Mr Armstrong was higher than in when the Government came to power SIS mm ill Bill m MB ma SMS SfeiT ran mtB sss had fallen into very simple but extraordinary error He had vacancy has been created j posed the figures placing the in the Senate by the demise of Hon j of under Mr Foster intimated that he would look into Government anticipated Here have a constituency through its voicing- both sides i a Mr Fielding said Mr 1 very important issue The farming community of make the situation interesting for the Premier when he next appeals for their votes I It is li EVERBLE it Tavistock April Mr James has heen 1 morning about oclock a strange pointed cheese maker at the cheese man walked into the Tavistock factory here the Woodstock branch On Tuesday evening of last week a tasked Charles Sibley the clerk for large number of friends and neigh- a ticket to Tillsonlmrg The ticket met at the residence of Mr wrote the and told that the Queen will who Is leaving here and the fare stranger picked up the recently given by hearl j was a man of much influence in oh political and industrial spheres nominee for he election ln Senate in land published in a Conservative paper at Toronto Mr for South Toronto asserted that the Government dare not vacate he seat healthy kidneys one has a at and test rural sen Urn en on 1 chalice to live long but weak matter and if in error would wear gold embroidered gloves the corn We have coronation presented by the Clours any further re- reaching almost to her matter They will be made in the finest white kid and will he at finished at the top by a band of gold the rose he reciprocity issue The senior Conservative organ Toronto is fond of drawing inferences embroidery representing but sometimes this tendency is over done lake this one the Hon A is of meetings throughout usual points favor of reciprocity The the shamrock and thistle The crown and cypher will be worked on is announced to address I back of each hand instead of the at the Printed Mr Kinnell with an ad- Me ticket but refused to pay for it- dress accompanied with a gold with an oath demanded all Ike and Mrs with a silver fruit in the till When the ticket stand Mr Kinnell has had charge is only years old the cheese factory and creamery l lo an here for the past seven years Volver and shut has secured a more lucrative u the ticket window Both Mr and Mrs Kinnell The burglar then a series Hon Mr kidneys age with great in I Fielding answered Mr comforts The back becomes hen Mail anil at once draws with such force that the House chronic eye- inference that it foreshadows Right fails and I enthusiastically Sir Alan then look pas- to that no man in the saes of the Cause em barrassment by The able of rates and allowances I to an for census commissioners and holy alliance between the Liberals at I tors as approved by Ottawa and Toronto against the the of March is announced I Whitney Government Isnt this a For correspondence personal studies IterrihM Indictment lint turn the instructions of etc the Ileal over What shall we infer from Commissioners of each Census district the action of the Whitney Government j will receive one cent per name for in proposing condemnatory each person enumerated and special jtion reciprocity in the On- allowance to cover all other expenses Itario House thereby ranging it- These allowances differ according to self behind the at Ottawa supposed extra work In the quick Pestion Are we under- ties York Ontario Thiy this move as the outcome of the districts arc composed of as due the people who had backache and rheumatic pains alliance the the respective Hidings for Dominion their regulate the bladder and urine Ottawa Opposition and the Conserva- electoral purposes into which they are sick Toronto people living In divided and the Commissioner are ought to he wary about each of these districts are to rc- rt throwing stones The fact that the reive as extra remuneration casjon to that no was better able than hi state the position of public sentiment in York ft was quite true day and of that he had at the ship at night meeting that unless his hearing Kid- improved he would not again ask fori ney fills bring the of the good people ol that new strength old hacks an lb felt that this frank relief to weakened kid Mortage Sale AT I yCt lhat Kidney Pills arc for fofORB FKOI ATUSPAR altogether thai kidneys in old or IN vie- eonUnued he Minister of guaranteed My the proprietors but he added amid and by virtue of power oil at cheering f must say that if there Ont Hold everywhere tale contained in a certain mortage j are that would trial sent Ontario and its support- box Jfr first opened the floor to this kind of Inference TORONTO LETTER About part of the suit the people of North York been held in the highest esteem here and their many gret their departure Miss Doyle was awarded damages for breach of promise against hiseph at the Assizes For Aged 1 FOLKS SHOULD IN TIfKfH OF MKDI- We have a safe dependable and al together ideal remedy that is adapted to the mints of aged people and persons of weak constitutions who suffer from constipation or other disorders We are so certain that it will relieve these complaints and give absolute satisfaction in every particular that we offer it with our personal guaran tee that it shall cost the user noth ing If it fails to substantiate our claims The remedy is called Orderlies Orderlies have a soothing healing Strengthening tonic and reg ulative action upon the bowels They remove all Irritation dryness They restore the head friends will re- searching for him Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS CASTORIA For Sale without reference to party po- Half of lot No Cor- cetsfofl in the of In the County of York and fully described in the mortgage in There Is a good cement block and dwelling said premium Cedar Brae is village with post office J fcrd other places itaate I have been shovercd vjth letter of approval from m letters I have been glad to receive and am glad to have for such an ex perience foes not come often to men in public life have letters from more units from families Driving Mare or J and one cutter St Newmarket old good Buggy Dick 8ale by Tender v a it i Tender will received by up to MO- DAY MTff DAY W APRff of those of Lot i4 In the the Minister of experience resulted official elation with convict He had found by he which a I way animated the desire for trial advantages from the point of of the laughter and Ho with Hon gentle men had been re Cannot he Cured by local applications a they cmiiot rcaA the diseased portion the w I and that la cotuUtuUoaal BARK IF Yflll It had many cawed and the neighboring Republic fore the days of Abraham a centre help Canada In spotn hut it of trade and travelan Isle would not prove as beneficial as In the desert presidential capital with martial and sacred as sociations extending through thirty centuries Mir j Con or the Township of before the people of by the f M containing Acre or lean Purchaser may the or any part there- iot the whole or part of The highest or any not necessarily accepted Terms of Payment Ten cent or of Tender In Gash within JO from a five wreSr visit to Island Dr v W of Toronto declares that there seem be only one opinion In that country with to and thereafter to be addiresf- Vendors I Kxecwtw A Nov Dump that is to join bands of Canada with the by of the lin ing the Eustachian Tube When I this in Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect betlfna and It Is entirely is and out arid tube to normal condition hearing be forever nine out of ten are caused by Catarrh which fs but In- of the mucous ur- We will give Hundred Dojlan we rot ay case of caused by He arrived In cannot be cured by capital for the public meet- cuius fr by the Canadian tc but in the be said J CHENEY ic CO Toledo by passed almost unanimously Tate Hails Family for resolution the Imperial to agree to of the of Ufid coal tabes are to do tt Lot it up 1st of May- fceU aJ Threc men dropped Into the canal at Iroquois when a scaffold on they were working collapsed from fiimpf box on vas drovned the Other request Drug nd lvo managed get out A Toronto ARE NOT SATISFIED PILLS ARE GUARANTEED PILLS is sola a pot guarantee of money back If til to relief and to effect cure if properly used We know Just what Of hare done for and do for yu Ve know that have Bold all part of for tit the popular and most effective kidney remedy in the world We know that GIN PILLS will promptly soothe the Irritated Bladder relieve of the ay the In the Hack and through the hips and completely euro Kidney Trouble And Ve positively guarantee that will do and we to return money we claim forthem Buy on this Kuarantw backed largest wholeaals drug bouse In the a f iot at springtime Is coming Hooray for the The wild geese honking and the eardrums doth ring The violet blooming and the trees are awake and you feel every bone In the catalogue ache- The wind is Sighing in yon budding trees and rheumatics have settled In both of your knees the thin fee has melted away from the rills and mankind Is striken with fever and chill and up bundles of powder and pills and this life when he looks at the bills The daffodils lift up I their heads to the and the rest of us lift up our thought tanks and BU8INE8S EDUCATION a you may obtain under the very best con ditions at the Central Business College of To ronto sure pass port to success Thous ands have proved It Why not Investigate for your Our free catalogue explains Write for It SHAW Principal 3 Engines for Sale hp Portable Wanted Second hand Clover Mill and Traction En gine Apply to Second St Newmarket House Organ For Sale in good condition size with several stops Would no excellent service In a Sabbath will he sold at a bargain Time giv en on satisfactory security Apply at the Bra Office 2w WYANDOTTE seconds second firsts 2 WINNERS of firsts at Newmarket I first 2 thirds at Toronto seconds thirds special North Toronto Eggs for Hatching from these Grand Layers Write for my ma tings PECK Mount Dennis TORONTO RETURN From Newmarket plus fifty tents for admission to Canadian National Horse Show Tickets good April 20th 20th Return limit sneeze the bluebirds are thrilling j with vigor you bet ami meanwhile Low Rates to the West our food works are badly upset The Irmger out there in the and groWS the pain It the front of the and the larynx sore from the cyclonic hack and theres ten doen pains In the small Ask nearest I rand Trunk Agent about and excursions or address A puff I P A Toronto of the hack springtime Is with us Hooray for the the wild I particulars and tickets from geese are and the eardrums doth ring J Depot Agent Eggs for Hatching from Zephyr Poultry and Fruit Farm Prom winners of nearly prize A In White Brown and Ruff leghorns Holidays Dull and White sndottfs Barred Rocks Rhode Island Reds Hun fcJU Black and Ducks Bantams and other varieties per setting or settings fee 1500 Satisfaction guaranteed STEPHEN SELLERS Zephyr CM Rhone Notice to Creditors Public Notice Is hereby given pur suant to the statutes provided that behalf that all creditors of Richard Kir ton late of the Town of Newmarket gentleman deceased who died on the day of March at Newmarket arc hereby to flic their claim properly proven with the undersigned C Widdi- Esq Newmarket sojicitor for the undersigned executor on or be fore the day of May as Immediately alter that date the ex ecutor will- proceed to distribute the assets having regard only to those claims then filed Dated of April 19UV Solicitor for REV Newmarket Executor I 1 A S