Barrister Votary Public c office Main St Newmarket to loan on good Farm Lecture curity aid of the Francis- New Hall in Toronto will be given- by prank Duncan AUCTIONEER AN COLLECTOR Bolton Practical Painter and House Decorator RESIDENCE- Corner Niagara and Streets Newmarket Dp Clark DENTIST Street Newmarket Rev J Simpson in the dist Church Newmarket on Wednes day April at oclock Ad mission lo cents i Dp Wilkinson DENTIST Office in Block Newmarket Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private Papers issued at private resi dence if desired Farm Produce Good market last Saturday Large attendance of both buyers and sellers Ruling prices as follows Butter 24c to 25c ft Eggs and Apples 50c a basket Potatoes 90c to bag Dressed Chickens It Newmarket high School A special meeting of the Board was held on Saturday evening at the Sec retarys office The Repair Committee was in structed to have certain ceilings in old school building repainted and certain walls in the basement tinted during the Easter holidays The caretaker having the Chairman was authorized to arrange with Mr Hall for temporary service i I NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- before ordering elsewhere Improvements Mr John Collins has encased his residence in weatherboard which will make a wonderful difference appearance when the painting is com pleted The Misses have had a new roof placed on their residence exterior and interior improvements were contemplated Messrs Bennett Bros have just completed thevwiring of the residence of Mr John Millard together Graduate in medicine Toronto complete set of fixtures Last University also Licentiate of the they miles of electric tea is the result of care and experience in blending must be the combination of fine flavor smooth strength and richness Because all these elements so generously included in Red Rose Tea it merits- the term Keith Councillors E Caae and RRarkpr if good tea NEVER SOLO BULK Your Grocer Will Recommend It Regular meeting Pearson did rain general throughout the West wound up in a snowstorm which driven by a strong wind made a bad break in the spring weather that had prevailed up to the twelfth As a matter of fact the storm was an ex cellent thing for the country but it put things under a wintry coating for the time Vale and B Barker Following bills passed OTlearn cleaning snow chg to lots Gar lock Packing Co supplies 975 freight on lamps Six Meters In Express on Meters and pkg Business generally was never bet- ARWilliams Co gauge glass ter- The early spring and the big Express on above fc H Eves coal and wood and charity Pay sheet of School Ab Trivett cartihg cinders NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE Dr S J Boyd Royal College of and mem ber of the Royal College o Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant In in town North York Liquor Licenses The Hoard of License College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England for York meet the Office Cor Main and Timothy Newmarket Telephone No Consultation Hours My may be had at any the day or night calling at the office or phone J f Time Card Leave Toronto GOING NORTH a p Town Hall Aurora on Saturday at oclock am for the purpose of considering applications for liquor- licenses for the license year There are no new applications for premises not now under license There were tavern licenses issued last year This year there are applied for two having been cut on in North ill bury by the passing of Local Option last January The commissioners arc Dr Steven son chairman Angus Ego Sutton Newmarket 247 7G5 a Archie King Col 1025 340 05 as Way GOING SOUTH a- p Toronto 730 We A who realise of iferfrrile Our Inventor Furnace Work Plumbing Excursions To Western Canada Via Chicago including certain points on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway May 2nd June July nth August ftth Sep tember Winnipeg and re turn and return Tickets good for CO days Proportionate rates to principal points- in Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta will also be on sale on certain dates via and the Northern Navigation Company Se cure tickets and illustrated literature any Grand Trunk Agent or ad dress A Duff District Passenger Agent Ioronto Out Marshall- A rmltage A very pretty Easter wedding took placed on Wednesday at 3 oclock in the Metropolitan Method ist Church when Flora eldest daughter of the IT age- and Mrs Armitage- was raar- riedi tor Mr Marshall of Toronto The ceremony was per formed by the Rev Arm strong pastor of the church and Mr hoe don presided at the or gan bride was given a Way by her brother Walter She wore awhito satin gown with pearl trimmingH and a veil hemmed with pearls which was caught up with a wreath of orange blossoms and carried a shower bouquet of rosea and lily of the valley She also wore the grooms gift a diamond ring The bridesmaids were Miss Battle Arrn- sister of the bride and Mius Gladys Thompson wearing of shell pink satin and large pic- with small rosebuds and carried roses and carnations The grooms gifts wore pearl lings The- groom was supported by Mr Hoy Arm it ago brother of the During singing of the regis ter Miss Nellie sang IJe- caaso grooms gift to her was a pearl crescent After the ceremony the bridal parly and guests drove to the homo of the brides mother in Geoffrey street welcomed guests rush of settlers into the West have produced a rush of business that is a even for the Wist Win nipeg bank clearings increased four million dollars for trie week April over the cjrrespond ferredto Chief week last year Bill from Board 6200 settlers from the United referred to Finance States entered Canada to Emerson iu Committee March brought personal Application of Manning- for I to the amount of and water on Huron street referred tojiive stock at Resides L Com j a large sum of cash Applications of the Misses The rush from Great Britain is even head for water on Niagara street and greater 1iQO entered Winnipeg and on Main street granted the West on the 12th and 300C in one Application of Wright for day on the 1lth This is a record electric light current on Ontario St for a single day in the history of granted the great rush into Western Canada Request of Field asking refund which has been going on for the past of tax overpaid re- five years Chief Anderson to adjust Winnipeg is making splendid Letter from Lennox and dusrxial growth Twelve factories urging the Council to grant the rcj to he erected in one section of quest of A Evans re hospital the city nine of them being already The mayor called attention to uiider way The cost of the nine is creek undermining the road on Huron and the other three will street near Kelman property make up least In Standing Committee on Finance re- I this section of Winnipeg there are commended granting the Athletic As- industries located LIGHT FIXTU if t I You Can Money By Buying From Us Full Line of Electric Light Supplies Paints Oils Glass Et c A w Atmei NEWMARKET ti to the extent of Report adopted The standing Committee on recommended free light and water and exemption from taxation for that part of the Royal Hotel premises on the conditions mentioned in the So licitors letter- Report adopted and ByLaw Com instructed bring in a ByLaw in accordance therewith 1 of York has been appointed manager of the Winni peg municipal power business at a salary of a year Power from the plant he ready for delivery next July and this will undoubtedly do much to increase the industrial growth of the city already astonish ing for its Alberta Seeding around Edmonton is late rlZ prospects are excellent Winter 1111 wheat is in line condition and the land is in splendid fettle for farm- Moving Picture Shows reducing same from to per annum Council adjourned Make This Test HOW TO TELL IP YOUR HAIR IS DECEASED 1 Even if you have a luxuriant head of hair you may want to know whether it is in a healthy condition or not Mi of the people need a hair tonic Full a hair out of your head if the at the end of the root is white operations Mr K Cornwall member of the Provincial Legislature for Peace Riv er always enthusiastic in regard to the resources of Edmontons great hinterland has obtained permission from the City Council to pave a por tion of a city street with asphalt to he brought from some of the great deposits of the North country The asphalt to be used will he brought from the neighborhood of Fort Me- Murray 300 miles to the north of the River at cost esti mated at six cents per pound Mr Cornwalls idea is to force attention r Spring Stock and shrunken it proves that the hair ho resources of North is diseased and I and eventual to treatment its loss wearing black silk If the bulb is hair is- healthy We want ever one whose hair re quires treatment to try 93 Hair Tonic We promise that it shall not cost anything if it does not requires prompt and event would he avoid- Government to Ink pirlk and full the THIS SEASON IS COMPLETE AND PRICES RIGHT Toronto Jobbing House I steps to pro- vide transportation facilities to peril mfl these great resources to be There are homestead and pre emption entries made at Medicine Hat land during the fiscal year give satisfactory results It is of which took up altogether signed to overcome dandruff relieve acres scalp irritation to simulate the hair Calgary will make Victoria Park a 3 of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE A to More New Houses Excavating has commenced for other residence on Park Ave for I Mrs Scott at The Cedars Mr Joseph Roach has started the erection of a new house on Niagara street Mr Manning has commenced I operations for a new home on Huron St West Mr Russell has let the I contract to Mr Isaac flow for a nw residence on Queen Street just east o his fathers residence ibis makes twelve new ready started this season more are needed to meet the do- table was decorated with roses and lilies Later in the Mr and Mrs Marshall loft on a honeymoon roots tighten the hair already in the trip to New York Atlantic City head grow hair and cure baldness and other American cities it because what Rexall OS amid of confetti and gold Halt Tonic has done and our sincere wishes the bride going away in j that grey cloth with large black bat with plumes Established J you to try our risk want Two ri place of beauty and an ideal sprit for sports games and recreation by a new layout of the grounds and embellish ment of shade trees shrubbery ami lawns rounds for baseball foot ball and lacrosse will be laid out and SETTLERS TRAINS TO MANITOBA ALBERTA Methodist Church At a meeting of the Official Board Ion Thursday evening of week I an Invitation was extended to 1 I for another year be was given a months holidays The Hoard expressed their ap proval of the work of Miss Cure Mop cough curcM and Sold only at playgrounds fitted up for children our Store The Rcxul Store by J aulomobih- club has been It formed Good roads will be the School Church The Talent Sale and Tea under auspices of the Willing Workers on Thursday of last week wan a success Proceeds over by A Town Hospital Last Monday evening the NO and exams Marks taken WO great Kenneth Powell Delia Cecil Jr Prank Albert Wilton Henry Oliver i I own ic Chief object of the new club The prairie provinces are ideal country for automobiles and new cars will be between Lakes and the Rocky Mountains this Reason Then Is project for a road over the mountains to the coast Calgarys bank clearing figures show an Increase for the week ending March of nearly three millions ov er the same week last year CAPITAL ALL PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS I at all important in Canada and In London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Hanking INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customer of the Ontario Dank will be accommodate heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS t have twelve shades in Marhleine also white io between MOO and year and he On Senior at rice Proctor for with hlsjflrant wilder West al scheme He expects to Lillian Calvert Lillian a Ir win organist by Increasing her lary a year from SASKATCHEWArt I Service on Easter Sunday scheme he premises res the premises ready for business about in the 1st of May The place certainly I Bel lOOkS better with the Shutters oil Roy lilizard i i Tablet Vera fountain and is being put to a letter use than when contalnlhg a licensed bar Mr Evans for the sympathy and co operation of the citizens to make venture a Success only line LOW C0L0HIST RATES win if Special Trains fiHrkit TUESDAY Ann KM I M Regular Trains Colon Car on all Ho tot I trough Toronto to Vinnipeg Send Your Evening downs it ma rib- It ff fci a to if VOU Wit o4t iw MY VALET St were attended Excellent by the pastor and the choir ex celled themselves with Raster music Besides four anthems there were Mr by Miss Miss Maud and Mr I The flower were beautiful being blooms of lilies Mr was badly at Cane factory ore day last The lyjnnlr of last week one of the workman fell on the new building broke his who Is now three houses on Charles Hi will the erection three more In various parts tit the town Mr Davis has bought the residence of Mr on Victoria Avenue Mr and family now own bouses In Mrs Wilson has bought the of Mr A on Joseph Avenue and Mr In to another this A and brood chickens in the window of Drug attracted down town Watch for the of the nun next Frid f tU KJtA to friend Talent Sale The Methodist Ladies Aid hold a Talent ale in the Schoolroom this Oldham A afternoon at I h public are Court last Sunday morning It J Adam street saved the life of him- self and wife but contents bis went up in smoke Awak ened by smoke In his room to avoid suffocation he tied a couple ol sheets J Tablet- tother and let his wife down out Fountain Calvert the windowthrew out some of Garnet Calvert Vclma bis wifes and his own clothing VOrt Lulu land then got himself by sibling down the sheet from the second of No storey examinations ftlloCiir CornPr and streets nearly ran into a crowd playing on the street One lad was slightly In- lust mix the powder with hot water and let cool and then apply with a whitewash brush Gives a beautiful velvet finish that will not rub off A- Martin Hour In qualities Paints are celebrated for their lustre and wear- ftif Hart a reformed convict the prison farm was released the other day on Ihe ex piration of his sentence lie at once went to and evidence of his Complete reformation stole a watch and lb was ar rested the same day and hack to be rereformed A Womans Hair A hair dressing Will it luxurious and by J Today ha radiant hair Why Because Is ever on the alert to germ carries sure rrtaln death to the Martha Bain on Amy Brooks III Class Lovell Stiver Brooks JAgger Oldham Pearly Brooks John j jury to tho children against a fence post Class Nor man Oldham Viola Johnston Class Laura Oldham Kenneth Marlon and Daisy Murray Donald Stiver Bain Austin Corner Jr If ClassJUIIo Class Daisy Broad Gladys Brooks Kenneth Gladys Stanley Cain Cornor Tabled Kiln lured but Mr damaged his machine in his endeavor to avoid running And Get Dandrud term and the one reliable remedy that will eradleaU It drops of ammonia added once a week to the water with which they There la no reason why any person- should fall advantage of this offer as we bate such confidence in this Hair Dressing that we pro- pared to refund the coat of same fifty cents to any one satisfied with it A Urge bottle for cents Drug and your back if it does not give satis faction it Is estimated that about people visited the Zoological buildings Park on Sunday Though the weather was cold the ladies were out In their Easter finery since Easter the number of mar riages In this city has been more numerous for this season of the year The clergy dont object las the fee comes in useful In spring of the year Boy Teacher Dan 1 lettercarrier On a by Inspector Sutherland was arrested on Monday for a money letter The money was marked and in his posses sion The Festival the Lilies was Monday even ing with many features pome children took part Toronto Ministerial Association embracing all Protestant churches have passed a resolution declaring In favor the of all performed according to lav by any person authorized by lav to no and condemning the Tt- decree of the Roman church tf Hardvare Newmarket j P1IONK landslide on the branch of the covered the line tied up traffic Plants will grow more quickly If are watered The water should bo lukewarm not colder than the at and Ihe leaves of the plants should be kept free from dust hy being sponged syringed Children FAR FLETCHERS A EXPERIENCE ami Tradc Marwa Ac nfllDf a J 9 Maw Co Newmarket nnn a nrrhl