ac I We have a stock Red and Timothy Seed and our Irices are Right Vegetable and Seeds for 5c now Congratulations Mr T Herbert Lennox KC Leather Label Overalls and Smocks The kind with the Big Guarantee SHOES Have you seen the New Patented Seamless Working Shoe There are no seams to rip out Dry Goods ENTERTAINMENT A musical and literary entertain ment under the immediate aus pices of the will be held in the lecture hall of the P-P- has one of the Methodist Church Mount Albert on benchers of the Ontario Law Society Monday etching April 24 1911 benchers are the governing body There will be a lecture on The Wit the organization and direct the and Humor of Early Methodism by affairs of the Law School at Rev also a program Hall consisting of quartettes duets solos j J glees and readings Program at New Department Admission cents All are cordial- Government of Ontario has invited to attend elded to establish the School for York at the the PERSONAL In the new addition Miss Mary Brooks and School is a room- which friend Mr Norman of Toron- has IB the expect to visited Miss Ada Crone over Sun- Mr A Miller of was Personal- We have just received a stock Prints Shakers Towelling etc and can save you money Why pay two prices of in town on Tuesday Mr of Ayr former- Amongst those in town over the Principal of our Continuation Easter holidays we were pleased to School was in town this week call- see Miss Minnie Francis Mr Ingram on old friends Mr Jack Abbott Mr P Mr and Mrs I Rose of New- bridge Mr and Mrs Crocker market were visitors at the- borne of Mr Mr Ross Mr Mr Crone over Sunday and Mrs Geoffrey Miss Mr Lloyd of King was in Karl Mr Allen Miss A town last week Mr Robert Dean Mr and Mr and Mrs Mrs Cochrane Miss Those city bellesMisses Jessie and Mabel Agrn spent Eastertide at They are a jolly and popular pale A young farm hand arrived at Will Airds on the I may not just at present say what his duties will be for the first year or so but probably kicking holes in his stock ings Mother and son doing elegant Our good young- man Mr Bert ram Chapman civil service spent Easter with relatives at home Miss Wolf Toronto is at present with her Messrs Wolf She will be good company for Mrs Wolf who deeply the loss of her baby Masons are now at work on in the evening owing to masonqyof Thos new barn unavoidable absence of Mr Geo Rae is the contractor for church was decorated with many April to which all arc cordially invited Tea will bet served and an interesting program is being prepared Miss Cain and Mr the teachers are spending the vacation at tbelr respective homes The Methodist Mens Adult Bible Class Banquet on Friday evening j of this week and all the members and their friends are anticipating most enjoyable evening Mrs a Miss Gertrude spent a few days in Toronto last week The Easter in the church were well attended Rev A McNeill occupying the pulpit in the morning Mr Geo Richard- the I Are from the LEADING CANADIAN MAKER You will BE DELIGHTED with them Both the COLORINGS and the PRICES from Coal Oil Newmarket were in town over Sun- Miss Jennie Miss and Miss Mr and Mrs Best American Water White gal Paint Paint at a quart should rendered to us in this our trial interest you Every can guaranteed bereavement through the loss of a wife and loving mother Mr of Watford Emerson Earl Mr Leonard in town renewing old wood Miss Blanch Osborne Miss Mr Douglas Mr and Mrs Rice Miss May Hawker CARD OF THANKS Gibbons Our friends and sympathizers Harrison of Cannington is will please accept our sincere thanks turning home after spending the and appreciation of the With her aunt Mrs Dr No- Miss Blanch Bailey has returned F W SMITH personal It is earnestly requested that every reader of paper see agent at the Bliss once and get a box of the reliable Bliss Native Herbs the best Spring med icine the good herb blood purifier for the entire family Personal experi ence proved that it will regulate the liver give new life to the system and strengthen the kid neys It will make rich red blood tablets 100 dollar back promptly if not ben efited quickly and surely Apply at once to Chas W Sedore We were indeed surprised on the evening of the when we were present ed with a hearttouching address and also a nice purse Words fail us to express our inward thoughts of thankfulness for the many acts of kindness done toward us and as such was given through love and kindness we have received it in the same spir it We humbly hope and trust that the givers and sympathizers may long be spared to enjoy the fruits of their labors ft Family The address is as follows Mr William Friend On behalf of Mount Albert No and many other friends we desire to present j you with an address expressive of our high appreciation oi your moral worth and of our sincere sympathy with you and your family in your recent sad bereavement We have learned to esteem you very highly for your sterling character your fi- to the principles of from a long visit to Pittsburgh Miss Sadie was in Toronto over Easter Mr and Mrs Hill are visiting their son at Detroit Mr Geo Thayer has taken a posi tion at KentIon Kails not Calgary as stated in last weeks issue Mr and Mrs Geo Hawkins arc on a visit to the city Mr and Mrs with Ross Miss Ethel Mr Robert arc on a visit to Toronto and Dimdas Messrs Fred and Decring leave here about the for the West where they will join their bro ther Jack Mr Donald McDonald spent Easter in the city We are glad to see Mrs Merchant about again after her illness frame superstructure at which he potted plants in bloom and the has no superior Tidy Tom says it choirs music was in keeping with j will take a tidv tittle sum of green- the occasion Everyone appreciated backs to foot the beautiful solo The Re- Mr John Oldham is seriously ill Morn at the morning with pneumonia I believe service and most helpful and en- Lou Draper has what Dr were the services of wood pronounces pleurisy so1 am Miss Mary Conducted the told League meeting on Monday evening A number of other residents arc ill After service in which Miss in most cases resulting from long Minnie Wright gave a paper on How neglected colds The medical we Got Our Bible a social evening are in clover was spent- After a guessing conj Yates saw mill has resumed opera- test refreshments were parsed It tions and is cutting the timber for was decided at this meeting to barn the annua league social on May 26 The famous blind pig of Baldwin and have it fake the form of an In- is dead much to the sorrow of dian details to be an- youths sowing their wild oats Death later Next Monday evening was due to shock at the sudden re- Reciprocity will be discussed by the appearance of Mammy This is a premier and his Cabinet at the great lesson on moral depravity League meeting taught at the village nightschool j The regular meeting of the Womens Some of the rising generation of the Institute will he held in the first families in our neighborhood Hall on Thursday April j ware employed in the school- instead of Wednesday All ladies Farmers arc anxious to get cordially invited Real favorable weather does not seem likely until about the mid dle of May John was here this week and stated in presence of gle that he was prepared to give a satisfactory title to his property and furthermore that the encumbrance spoken oi was not against the pro perty pro and public I IT IS WORTH YOUR WHILE TO THEM i j ShermanWilliams Products for Every finish J Items There was a large number of peo ple the Easter dance at the Town Hall on Monday There were friends honor I from Newmarket and CORNERS We arc having a few fine days now It is beginning to look like anting again Dame Rumor says that Mr 1 going to move hack on he I WESTERN There has been much said Ridge con in the matter by the There was a good crowd at Levi am glad to hear Mr Mur- Sanders sale last Thursday and rolls statement The of things went quite high tie Is What shows the true inward- ft Somebody I believe is in for to the meetings a Breeze One of our prominent pig breeders are very to hear that King has the scarlet fevor We Is completely out favor of cement has been your genial disposition and your brotherly heart The sad un- expected that has helmed yourself and family with sorrow has brought sorrow to all our hearts We wish to assure you of our heartfelt sympathy with your self and one of your much teemed family We share in the sweet consolidation that comes to jour heart from the thought that your loved one had placed her trust be The proceeds were in aid of the hockey There was a large congregation at Knox Presbyterian Church on Easter Sunday morning The church was decorated with Mowers and the min ister the Rev occupied the pulpit and preached a splendid sermon The choir rendered three anthems and Mrs sang t Alex McCue the Indian from the was sentenced by fudge Toronto to four months floors in the piggery He so unfortunate as to lose broods in succession dm yous ask his ad Vise it would dont Our esteemed friend William Edward has given it as his opinion that Squire Owl cant hit the or worth a cent Such disloval sen- are unworthy of Hilly Ed and may lodge him in tlw jug or Sut tons King Edward The Owls friends have unwavering faith in his weather wisdom There will he prayer meeting here fil Wednesday night We hope there I to chill If will he a good attendance i There will he chdrch service here next Sunday morning evening Rosebud FOR SALE IMPROVED FARMS RAW PRAIRIE Acres of Splendid Virgin Prairie in Eastern Saskatchewan i AT 16 PER ACRE BRANDON LAND CO 30 Ninth Street Brandon Man JOHN ROSS of The Reliable Store WICK have the of Terry who i well known In to vicinity arid v ho has served considerable time In Denver and Toronto which with natural good Kives us in to the public the satisfaction She will ready exhibit her work and any customer after Wednesday April 13th COLE in her Saviour and has gone Into the Island heavenly homevhere the pure and the Denton at I good are gathering from every land for perjury and where shall Wipe away years ago Toronto talked I all tears from their eyes and there sing Lake water shall he no more death neither sor- J The Odd Fellows hold a church pa- row nor crying neither there fade on Sunday afternoon the 23rd 1ft any more pain for the former at They will march from their things are passed away hall to the Methodist Church J where We wish to assure you of our ear- divine service will be conducted by will I neat prayer that and famil may be sweetly and com- for ltd by the sufficient grace I Him who hath borne our griefs and car ried our sorrows that you be constantly surrounded by the richest blessings of our Heavenly Fathers providence and that you may at last an Unbroken family circle where there will be no severing of loving hearts and sorrow and sighing shall 1 flee away We beg you to accept address along with our unworthy acts of fieri aw expressing the sfneerest sentiments of hearts Hayes William Thomas Rodtn Hayes Mount Albert For Immediate Cement with two water Situated be tween York Cooks on road to Convenient to pott office At owner west will yritiderify reason if at once Apply to J J Keswick HOLLAND f The following spent town Messrs and ieo of with Mr Ivan Musselnan Mr and Mrs jlrofcfcer of Toronto with Mrs Joe and West of Toronto and Car man Ma and left for Toronto on Monday for a tew Weeks A little came to stay with Mr and Mrs Its a hoy We are sorry to saw that MIm Madge feeling somewhat disposed she having a severe attack of the mumps We all wish for her recovery Stock Register Mr Miss Hannah Sesbftt a few days thin week with IJell Miss Jessie I Jell left for Jon Wednesday Minnie returned a fashion- days with friends In on Tuesday evening horse will visit ftna- Wise Marlon West of spent Mount Albert Pine Or- days with friends here this chard Aurora returning to Wsown in Walter The harmonious song of the 1 bier and Nightingale sound familiar Rev A Sinclair There be in sic the choir your name Mary or If BO do not forget you have the priv ilege of subscribing towards coro nation present for their King and Queen Mary Your can be any amount from five cent to five dollar The must send their full name arid subscription to Mr the teller at the Metropolitan Bank and the Marys to Miss the Briars The names of all donorn will published but not the amounts Mrs Nell Morton has sold Morton Park Market priced butter eggs The annual Vestry meetings of St and James Churches were held on Monday The report- financial and others present ed were very encouraging MO full of promise for another successful year The rector Dean presided at both meetings The following officers were elected St Wardens Messrs and V lake lay delegate to the Synod Mr Hi James Church Wardens- Messrs Francis and ft Osborne lay delegate Mr MAN ABOUT TOWN Mr John Murrell says ft was only an excuse to say that the title to his farm was not clear It is as good as the title to any farm in East Qwlltlmhury Council Sharon April The regular meeting of the Council the Township of was held this day in the Municipal Hall Sharon All members pres ent Communications from the Township of Scott and King re Town Lines were read also from the Sewer Co After hearing several deputations re road matters the Council took lip the bills and accts presented and dealt with same as per Pay Sheet The Reeve Introduced ByLaw for the purpose of appointing Township Officers for the Kill namely Overseers roundKeepers Fence DOMINION 100000000 4000000000 JS2COO0W CAPITAL PAID UP AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS DEPOSITS BY TUB PUBLIC TOTAL ASSETS Branches and Agencies throughout Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current Rates interest allowed Sale Notes collected Blank Forms supplied free of charge MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH TERRY MANAGER North Smh reports Viewers ami Sheep Valuators By- are damaging parlies It are liable to prosecution Mr Donald of the Law passed Moved by sec by That the Reeve and Councillor Wed- del be appointed a Committee to meet a Committee from Scott to ef fect a settlement re Town Line east Carried minion Observatory Ottawa spent the Easter vacation at home I ft Mr and Mrs T J Power who are spending this year in were ft guests at Mr and Mrs and ftonds this week Mortimer he appointed to operate In 191 Thompson Portugal April It these lovely morning Married At the Rectory April by the Rev Taylor Thomas Smith and Joanna both SECOND ST We are glad to mar that Mr Albert Mitchells little girl is better Miss Nellie Milne in visiting her Sharon Mr Will has hired with Mr at Mount Albert for seven months He will be missed of Street Mr Albert Mitchell lost a fine COW Valued at fortyfive dollars Mr Charlie was very in for a lew days last week Mr also lost fine cow MM Hugh and her son Miss Etta Stewart of Aurora Ik I the guest of Miss Ella Mr and Mrs Harvard Fife former ly Miss Sadie Arnold were at Mrs A Arnolds over the weekend Miss lough by of Kes wick and MISS Eileen Hewitt of New market visited Miss Vera Smith last Ma A number of High School pu pils attended the meeting of The Circle at Mrs Roht Fri day evening Mrs J J Terry is spending Easter week in Penetang Mrs A J is visiting her sister Mrs In Toronto Mrs Rev Hugh Rots and MI8 Jean are spending the vacation Hamilton Miss Ida is in lor a lew weeks with her sister Mrs Egbert Caldwell Mrs of Woodstock Is the guest of Mrs J McKarland Mr Will Link of Toronto spent Hood Friday in town Mrs Aylvard is in Toronto this week Mrs Rev Miss and Master Oxford and Frank the western and they be paid per day for their servicer Carried Following bills passed Scott Tp share of Roll tax C H refund lax J Council and stated that she had met with an accident while driving on Eastern town lino on the nth fay of March and that ajo ihI Councillor Duncan to confer with Brock Council and to make as to town liability In this claim Tin following payments were or dered The Clerk and won appoints iCoUicll adjourned meet at on Saturday May at am court of revision and Other business Eggs From Choice FOR HATCHING Barred Plymouth Rocks While wire fence Buff and White Leghorn Ducks per Setting Also for sale large English ail ages Jersey Bull This stock is Seed James work on Brock tojwnline A deputation from dressed the Council that Council buy ball registered township but Potatoes fcarly Rose was laid over for further SON SONS J i Little 1 cleaning ditches 12 In the city over Easter Sunday of lean were Mr Ed lark ok has purchaMd Mr Elmer Smiths house and move In soon Mr Milne has returned from pleasant visit In Whitby his old home Miss Myrtle Mifue bis ulster hack with him Marvin Rut ledge reps culvert WO Marvin Rut ledge break roads hours Williams drawing gravel Williams man and team repairing road Williams men i day repairing road Jas McKelvey cutting brush Peter Morrison refund school taxes It on 1 years J reps to road Harry Hodge reps to road Rogers damages Council to meet Friday May Kill in the Municipal Hall Sharon at am A MacKenle Clerk irn MO Qeorglnh Council Council met at on Saturday April at I Members all present Mlnutcs of former meeting ad opt A communication from Missel of and Easier at Mr Dan Rowlings LevIs Toronto came home t holidays bringing with secretary Button Public diss Spent Easter Miss Caws of Toronto was received elating that a steamer a Smith and Smith Mill spent Easter Miss pate of Toronto was received stating that all off Boat today aiof Bast at home Mr Watson of Aylesbury the free library lots of Uvea iU purpose think It would be much nicer If in visiting relatives in to residents of by holding a Social tfn scholars would to vicinity I township If a yearly ii Baa bowl May follow by In time and not wait till It The Ladles Aid are bavin an l for pleasant for al Hoard action was taken imm j f IbefhuwhWsementnextl Miss Appeared before j- A r j J rf v 5ai I HOUSE CLEANING IS ON QUEENSVILLE AOBNT FOR THE Vacuum Carpet and Furniture Cleaner Ladies wishing to lighten the burden of house cleaning can rent the Pneumatic CLEANER BY THE DAY VOIR IN NEW WALL PAPERS Up to good assortment and Paint Brushes Paints Oils and Varnish Window Curtains SEEDS SEEDS Field and Seeds Good Prices Paid for Farm Produce P MILNE Phone No i i j A