Newmarket Era, 21 Apr 1911, p. 8

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M I A I am a seventynineyearold man and a great believer in and of Stricture of The Bowels was the I suffered from and I I that did me more good than any other remedy My doctor advised me to stick to Fruitatires and I have done so with best result I have been in business here for a good many years and have been a resi dent of Otterville for over fifty years PARSONS OST July fiEXJXBLK COR- tjc wutay CEDAR BRAE ana good come when the stomach is up to work the liver and bowels active and the blood pure Better conV Robert shipped a fine lot of stock from here last week They j were of the choicest kind being a carload of cattle and one of hogs for which he paid out the nice sum two thousand dollars rr bought a fine pair of steers Doughty fetched a cow that weighed thirteen hundred and ninety George fetched one that tipped the scales at lbs OAK RIDGES always follow the use of if ML V9h 4 r Everywhere la We her collar bone and from the effects of that and the consequent shock to I her system she never fully recovered Her husband died some years ago while in the days before the dis covery of the antitoxin cure for diph theria a daughter Lizzie and a son Harry died of that dreaded disease She leaves to mourn her loss a iJ J It soon earns lt8 COSt 5T1 On Friday March 31 the friends and neighbors of Mr and Mrs las Stewart gave them a pleasant of four daughters and two sons prise the occasion being their de- all married Of these Mrs James from the old homestead Mrs J Coombs and I their new home in The Mr las Webb still reside ia evening was spent in dancing and ford and are all held in high social intercourse and after teem of lunch Mr and Mrs Stewart Dr Donald Sutherland the dean were called to their dining of the Veterinary profession of Here an address was read by Mrs and one of the known Vet- Hutchinson while Mrs Case presented a beautiful- mantle clock in the state died at Sagi naw General Hospital as the direct result of injuries sustained in a run away accident Dr Sutherland was born in Bradford May He is a cousin of Messrs Alex and and the exhibits of a vers a mild gentle yet effective laxative and liver regulator a box for trial size At all dealers or from Limited Ottawa Two Houses for Sale In Good locations in Town Apply to ROBERTSON New Brick House The was fine Sutherland was a public spirited m were numerous and fS his high quality In the pubhc poultrv department were some very wl charitable and benevolent objects fine specimens The butter exhibit i heW genial to a was out of the ordinary for both his friends quality and quantity there being 9 Tim thou- f is Natures laxative Fruit lives is made of the juices of apples fifth Annual Easter Market oranges and prunes Fair sUc from onM Sutherland of this town Dr lives acts on the human system like tilrIoH fresh fruiteasily and gentlyyet just j effectively the oldtime pill does not gripe or irritate the intestines It regulates the bowels and cures Constipation became Fruitatives directly on the liver Just try vhcn you need hi quaiitv and quantilv there beine to him a large number exhibits The show of horses was COSe as would do credit to any coun ty town and speaks volumes for the farming community The various classes were well and the prizes keenly contested I Among those worthy of special j mention was the ladies driving a class filled by seven entries and every lady managed her horse without a mistake but of course the coveted For Stale with all modern coaveni- prize could only go one Miss also a number of build- rence Way of Wilfrid filled The Metropolitan Railway are Every mother should realiza that tai skin of her baby is so tender th secretions of the bod often lead rashes erup tions eti of which in ha rVrnjvd by and Ihe use of Boat restless crying babies a are fount to bo suffering from sme of skin irritation or heat Use soap fur the and j to the sores and trouble will soon vanish- Mrs Hood of Alexander Ave Winnipeg sores unl my month all ilia ttier refused lo heal I him to St Ho pital arid ho remained there for two week At the end of lhat hi no and ere him home en ad- to try andohlafned a The effect of the flrt few application very and I continued with use of the halm- A little rti fever resulted In a cora- cure Soap fa by all at per tablet an 1 Aam link at box The quickly cures ulcere ringworm eruption pimple heat piles cuts burns and all skin injuries an I in the in Apply to House for Sale ZEPHYR New Brick conveniences on Millard Ave All Box A number of people attended Fair and Wm won the prize for the best driving team in he three townships We were sorry to hear of Thomas Arnolds house being destroyed by fire on Tuesday last Nearly everything burned Fire in any to suit the fold Hayes and purchaser Must be sold The tirn- 1 four of the best is the farm Apply to on the Toronto SALE placing a large water tank A yard at Mr Fred Sutton has severed his connection with the Queens Hotel Messrs Milton Pearson John Fos ter and Charles Russell have recent ly installed telephones in their resi dences Mrs A Weaver and children visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Freeman Widdiheld at Pine Orchard Master Harold Davis who has been I suffering from a complication of diph theria and scarlet fever is holding own nicely Miss Belle Porter left on Wednesday evening for New Ontario whore she has accepted a position as school leather A PRAYER H of- love forgive our listless dreaming Our futile to extol thy grace that our souls firefiUd like opals beaming Might glow with greater fervency of praise our eves of disclose thy glory As when- oer earth the morn unveils her light I Moved by thy splendor may our souls adore thee by thy force exert our feeble might In ministries of mercy to the lowly In words of cheer that the that hopelit ray May we dispense gifts of service holy And live our Lords ideal dav by flay New coinage from the mint of teaching Help us scatter wide with lavish hand In costlier gems of reset our preaching And with the impress the land Use thou our heartlove strong in pure emotion IJsc thou are soullove blent with will divine Use thou our mindlove reasons high devotion Till heart soul mind for use in love be thine J In any soil on any farm the CLIMAX earns money for you every minute you use it Very Stroofi You can rip land with the CLIMAX and a horse teamso it MUST a CLIMAX on rank with wild mustard got be built Strom Yet of that the teeth wont smash in the if they strike a stone weed in their joints unlock and fly crop Th back topass over unharmed CLIMAX does destroy weeds Each pole has a tilting lever and these with the pressure lever all in easy reach of operator- exactly regulate depth of cut Teeth go right for the roots of the weeds and rip them out of the soiL 1 This is the stifftooth cultivator that gets the weeds OUT of the eoil not merely cuts off their tops or just tickles the roots a little On dirty land you surely need the You can have your choice of points 7 or inch You ought to learn all the merits of this moneymaking weed hanisher May we send you Catalogue The Frost Wood Co Ltd A Few of Many Prominent Users of the Climax Cultivators All have to do my sorrowing sisters is just simply trust our heavenly Fathers Wisdom in this as Whitchurch To Officers else- and He mil lead us heights of joy and peace that could not possibly he reached hy any Other I years old weighing For Sale Brick House corner Park Ave St also house Kirn St to MRS SCOTT The Cedars pounds Quite a number from hen- attended the sale of Sanders or Satur day Wm Ash A Gideon Baker Williamson John George Oliver Fred Stephens Fred Frank Oliver Miller George Forrester Thornton Hales Fred March Joseph Cherry Frank Ward William lames The many friends of Mrs Jonas Lewis will be sorry hear of her death which took place at her late residence hem on Saturday evening when seven horses sold or from bloodpoisoning following the hammer a Besides sorrowing husband larshall and sister of pine Or- to mourn her loss chard visited friends here over Sun- our small children Mrs lewis New House for Sale Timothy Street with furnace also hath and electric wiring connec tions made Possession Immediate ly Apply to ij Box House for Sale Rooms and Bathroom Ho Wa ter Heating it frontage For quick sale- Prospect Ave Newmarket House For Sale day Frank Cook had the misfortune lose a faithful old work horse AURORA to on That cement House Prospect St fornerl occupied by Mr Morris Very Convenient to factories and in Oralclass order For particulars apply to Prospect Ave Newmarket For Sale of the late A J Street House suitable Hard soft domes tic I lot good lot of small fruit Apply to WMdifrM or to Hiss If A To- A of the members of the Klalng Sur pale I a fraternal visit to Tuscan Lodge Newmarket Wednesday evening Allan Mr Public School Inspector leaves Saturday for Al berta From he will y north into Great Slave District department pi Indian to he condition of the herd that district The had big time On evening the District Deputy made an official visit a number of were also was in her year and was the eldest daughter of Mr T of this place A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mrs Hoover on Wednesday April 1 when her daughter Mamie was united in marriage to Mr Arthur Roper of Toronto being perform ed by Rev I v of The bride was given away by her mother and won- a Grecian gown of blur fcta carrying shower ho of cream roses The bride was accompanied hv her sister Addle he and Florence sister of and Mr Norton his ted the groom The worth league workers sue- i Richmond Richmond Hill and Tuscan Af ter the work had exemplihed In the lodge room the brethren retired to Trinity Hall where a sumptuous their regular meeting last week The being Resolved that a is of more benefit a country than a spendthrift Miss was leader for the and Mr Robert Brown for repast was partaken of followed by the negative Judgment wan- speeclies and songs The supper was prepared by the ladies of Trinity Guild and they are to be congratu lated or the character of the same A wry delightful surprise was giv en Miss at her home to favour of the affirmative by two points Mrs Mr i and Mr Stephenson acted as fudges Mr and Mrs Jvil eel stat ed the twentyfifth anniversary of R Full Iff PS lfUS lher Stives were present and presented Mr and Mrs Wells with many eoS J departed wishing their esteemed Hudson Bay district the verge of starvation and have bid to- assisted by the Hudson Ray officers ii terribly severe plate with the scarcity of furs In the around Churchill Kelson and Trout fv Is the reason tl atate of affairs by Rev Wright of U with Mr falng from Churchill and Messrs Revlogton from Fac tory from Cam from bay arrived the city si a Lightning Rod Company Hamilton If Jenkins Inform the he srt proprietor of which it by capital of This Is oldest lights rod firm in We give a guarantee for good for ftve with each order it say gets burned by or if any sister leave here April for the to join their brother who is now residing at An address was read ex pressing regret at news of her departure and deploring the of so cheerful and agreeable a companion from their midst while all joined In wishing her a journey a sojourn In tin friends many more years of continu ed happy and prosperous life SUFFERED THREE YEARS Till Dr Monos Indian Root Fills hit BRADFORD Tlie e diseases that cause more acut Trouble The from For oyer years luttered First I thought had my back for the tii f Gas and the prospects for the Well turning out a valuable asset are no very encouraging An ex- now of gas now showing and an unexpected feature ban made The water that being out of a strongly min eral nature with a most decided salt flavoring The water will probably he analyzed to find out fust what minerals are contained in It i I of my od would Impossible for me to straighten up for minutes A dull the kidney was to and cloudy and it a burning medklnel but they failed Indian at they had cured my wife years A few I enjoy vtr old resident of vtat damage is by without but for the pan twentyfive I f to this burning we repair it Inline Of slrty Bradford In the This tU only lightning rod Waryaret Webb relict of the I of lacorpprated by George Webb passed away on ftondar April after an Illness duration at the age met dent a fey year ago when on a slippery pavement and injured Address all orders rd with the rod Warren If Out tKlet trouble Its ii too painful U family remedy Dr cured thousand sad you It effective fa and Ifldlgestlotl sod JltJi and a ouifini blood a box at you I Albert Starr George John Gray John ROAD 2No Smith I Stewart J nobis Hill Stephens ten CONCESSION No j Henry Smith Hell If a has Williamson Graham Graham W Williams George WaJey Tin A Geo Will John Geo 5 Arthur Wesley Lloyd VnivCONCKSSlON No Steckley Atkinson A lMichael Guthrie 5 Rocjfoliffe linton Hood Vincent ftWI 1 Dower Lemon iW J A 1 Andrew Clark ffaaaett CONCESSION No i 2Gldeon Baker Phillips Hill It No Maker V Alfred Apple ton John Gray 1 Geo Out it Ho I Bartholomew 2Waller Hill Ira a Quanta Robert Davie CONCESSION No WaKK Farrow Hartley Paisley TOWN LINKBOUTH No Joseph Farmer Smith Law J Mitchell LINK NORTH No Millard Marsh Vernon road So let us Take with solemn thankfulness Our burden tip nor ask it less And count it joy what even we stiller serve or for Thee Whose will be done Learn to he patient and never for get watchful care and love Him expressed so beautifully in the following lines lie patient suffering soul I hear thy cry The trial ires may glow but I am I see the silver and will refine Until my image shall upon it shine Fear not for am near help lie Greater than all pain my love for thee A Frank Lloyd Henry Wesley Joseph Penrose Edgar Dennis Harry Henry Rogers William Walker Bros Henry Webster William Henry Webb James Thomas Brown Newmarket do do do do do do do do do do do do Sharon William Fegg Kitcly Fred John Smith William Huntley Bros Seymour J I Moore John A Wright Morrison John Hodge J P Cowieson Henry Ralph Draper William Miller Sharon do do do do do do do do do do do do do do I do W NORRIS Agent Main St Newmarket NOTKS If the money on whiskey anil kindred evils by was put into Christianity would conquer the world in a decade Heres a pod good ps in prevents protnotes peace produces plenty iroiides pleasure procures progress perpetuates pros perity prophesies paradise The option and prohibition movement in this country is the re volt o human nature against the deadliest foe of humanity Those Who arc predicting a reaction in Ibis movement have another surprise com ing them we trust The more prohibition is studied and tested the more it will prevail The reaction ary are destined become more and more lonesome Have on Hand a Large of White Pine Norway Spnce Hemlock etc to Order Special it a It is said thai Michael Angelo cor rected his pupils mistakes not by criticizing his works but by simply sketching more perfect picture be side it How much easier it is see faults In others than present the perfect picture ourselves Much the faultfinding in the home Is simply an expression of selfishness the highest expression of It Where It rules love Is not there is nothing much harder to bear than to be continually corrected and told of flaws and shortcoming of which perhaps the offender has been all too conscious before ft Is depress ing too and has a tendency to exag gerate the fault ox create a worse one The seeing of faults becomes almost a disease with some people and they grow In time to be scarcely able to anything else One fee I J like running from them ah from the plaguesmitten One such will spoil any home or household and kill any love is not the way to reform the world even the little world of home No tongue can tell the power of a soul that lives In an atmosphere of beauty and Ik actively Itself says A or a woman with the real Inner ty the beauty of soul do much more for the world than the best iKKjks that ever were written if we could but probe to the bottom of things we would discover it Is by the of some souls that arc beau tiful that others are sustained In life What a woman can do In a by the subtle Influence of her own life In beyond the power of words to ex press What can undo and spoil makes the worlds tragedy Love still continues to be great est thing In the world and the lack of It an Irreparable loss Selfishness and love are let ever against each otheri and cannot exist together The mother of when reviewing her life at age Doors Sash Flooring Moulding and All Kinds of work Ash and Georgia Pine Run to Order Dressing Sticking Turning- and All Such Work mm LTD I mportanl Notice Having Leased the premises now occupied by the TELEPHONE COMPANY Builders IWIah to announce that they are opening up a fully equipped and- Modern Real Estate and Insurance Office Parties having Houses to Rent or Sale Farms to Kent or Sale Properties they wish Insured Or MONEY TO LOAN Will find It to their advantage to with the above MAIN STREET NEWMARKET seventy Bald If I had life to live over again I would praise more and blame less George Vanstone who beat his little son to death was sentenced at to life Imprisonment Tea kettles should bo turned up side down every time after use It Is generally tho drop of water that is allowed to stand in the bot tom ol the kettle that causes the rust and rust makes Its a hole follows

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