Newmarket Era, 28 Apr 1911, p. 4

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rjTn fc The experience of Motherhood is a trying one to most women and marks distinctly an epoch in their live Not one woman in a hun- is prepared or understands how to properly care for her self Of course near ly eTery woman now adays has medical treatment at the time of childbirth but many approach the experience with an organism unfitted for the trial of strength and when the strain is over her system has received a shock from which it Is hard to recover Follow ing right upon this comes the nervous strain of caring for the child and a distinct change in the mother results There is nothing more charmingthan a happy and healthy mother of chil dren and indeed childbirth under right conditions need be no hazard to health or beauty The thing is that with all the evidence of shattered nerves and broken health resulting from an unprepared condition women will in going blindly to the trial It isnt as though the experience came upon them unawares They have ample time in which to prepare but thev for the most part trust to chance ana pay the penalty In many homes once childless there are now children because of the fact that Vegetable Compound makes women normal healthy and strong his Patefson at Paris the past week Hon Mr Minister of Customs ad dressed the electors of Brant at in his own Riding on the reci procity agreement At the close his speech the audience rose en masse and applauded vociferously The fol lowing is an extract from ported address have been charged with our country with being concern- hi a plot to lower the flag to the United States said Mr in one of his ringing periods I dont boast of my loyalty very loud ly but it very deeply I con sider it an insult on the part of our opponents to question my loyalty but I consider also where the insult comes from I believe if you can make the farmers prosperous you will make all other classes the prosperous and when you add to that the great Ashing and lumber ing interests you twothirds not threequarters of the people Canada almost directly interested and if you benefit these you must naturally benefit the whole country I believe it will be one of the great est things that the Laurier Govern ment has been able to carry through if it is carried and the whole minion will be the loser if it is carried I was Crippled could hardly walk and had to Crawl Do- not An bachelor old i exchange states that an n Canton died worth relatives he Any woman who would like j Having no special advice in regard to this divided his wealth between ten young matter Is cordially invited to write to Mrs at Mass Her letter will be held in strict confidence WANTED NOW for NEWMARKET and sur rounding country for the Pall and Winter a reliable AGENT to tafce orders for Northern Crown Stock weeiny of beautiful outfit free We guarantee hardy stock in prime condition We grow FallSelling Special- tie cold only by ourselves on which n It pays to for a reliable firm Write for particulars PORT ELGIN NURSERY Port Elgin Ontario ladies working in offices We quite agree with the St- Thomas Times in the thought that he has done bet ter by the distribution made than by having married and left it all one woman to press despatch from London Farmers in Middle A int says County report that in their spring plowing they have found the earth teeming with millions of June bugs which do great damage to plum and cherry trees The beetles lay their eggs in the ground and af ter hatching the insects known as the white grub eats on the roots grain for three years before emerging as the June bug At an exhibition to be held in New York next Kail Sir Thomas offers a prize for the best wheat raised in America The opportunity of securing the prize is causing a good deal of rivalry be tween the farmers the United States and Canada and interest is added to the contest owing to the fact that the wheat growing reputa tions ol the two countries are at stake down stairs at times on my hands and knees My doctor told me had an acute attack of inflammatory rheumatism I was in the hospital for weeks was scarcely able to walk when I left it I read about Dr Miles Nervine bought a bottle and began to get better from the start and for the past six months I have had scarcely any pain and am able to walk as well as ever JH Sanders P O box J Few medicines are of any benefit for rheumatism but Mr Sanders tells plainly what Dr Miles Re storative Nervine did for it One ounce of salicylate of soda added to one bottle of Nervine makes an ex cellent remedy for rheumatism which is now known to be a nerv ous disease and therefore subject to the influence of a medicine that acts through the nerves as does Dr Miles Nervine Sufferers from rjicumatism seldom fail to find relief in the use of Dr Miles Nervine with salicylate of soda Sold under a guarantee that assures the return of ho price of first bottle if ft fails to At all MILES MEDICAL CO Toronto Can Dominion Parliament V i At a largely attended Liberal cua last week towards the close it was decided on the suggestion of the Premier that the debate on city from the Liberal side of the House could wisely be cut short as the agreement needs no further advo cacy The country understands it The onus of continuing the debate will now be on the Opposition It is expected a vote will be reached early in May and the session close by the On presenting his bill to amerjfl the Juvenile Delinquents Act Senator explained that it was in tended to provide that where the children parents other than Pro testants or Catholics bad to be plac ed in such an institution as an or phan asylum they could be sent to an institution provided by- the people of their faith On Thursday of last week Sir Wil frid presented no less than twentyseven memorials and resolu tions favoring reciprocity and of the seventyseven already presented only about a dozen opposed At the Liberal caucus last week the Government intimated that legis lation authorizing the construction of the Hudson Bay Railway and the supplementary estimates covering the preliminary costs would he introduc ed before the end of the session A It Hi Our Field and Garden fireall No warn O 1 I f sua RED MAMMOTH YELLOW INTERMEDIATE YELLOW GLOBE GIANT SUGAR MANGEL scti nan DCS Sim rani GIANT YELLOW OVAL JUMBO SUGAR BEET ROYAL GIANT YELLOW INTERMEDIATE ANY OF ABOVE PER POUND LARGER QUANTITIES AT A BETTER these weapons without complying with the law There is also a further clause in said Act requiring that of any of the offensive weapons are found the fact shall be reported to the Provincial Secretary who shall take action towards hav ing the man deported Two recent murders in Toronto demonstrates the importance of enforcing the Act to its limit Herbert Fasted and Died from Weakness Pear of having tooth la r our Wo often four fcnd five ott bio at- by pain NEW YORK Pen- Corn by Tender FARM I I Tenders 1c by the dertlgned up to DAY OK APRIL ML the Purchase of all por tions of J1 arid In 2nd Con of the Township of King own ed by the late Richard Kir ton about Acre more or less may ten der for the whole or any part there- tii IU or Tender accepted Terms of Payment Ten per cent Cash on of fender and the balance In ash 10 days Tenders to be address ed to Vendor Solictor Newmarket market Home people to have been born under a lucky change of the moon and others the reverse Chief Mat- son of a of weeks ago pleaded guilty to fundh to the amount of 11246 About the tame time Dan McOurk a Toronto postman pleaded guilty to opening a letter and stealing Ma twin was given one years in the County Jail and was Kent to tent far five years is unneccsftary The Toronto York Co Metropolitan Division applied to the Ontario Railway Commission for approval of plan and profile of deviation the south end of the track on Street westerly from the It tracks northerly to within a few Balmoral Av enue Under previous ruling the Board this change cannot be without the consent of Council which originally granted the charter Will County consent the Countys opinion been What dots the change should get busy An Ottawa press despatch states that Prof appointed by the Dominion Govern ment to represent Canada at the great International Fisheries Con gress in Rome next month The Congress is held every three years the last one taking place in Washing ton Prof Prince is vicepresident of the Congress and will leave for Home in a few days Delegates from every civilized country in the world will he present We clip the following from the To ronto Star Mr was a na tive of Herbert Deverill took sick with the grip this winter and refusing to give to bed continued work ev ery day in grocery store in street east On an occa- sion of a former Illness due to dia- has had obtained good results from a prolonged fast of days and he had become firmly convinced of of that treatment He tried It again for this grip and after fifteen days during which he grew steadily weaker he died at his home at Chester avenue The funeral will be from his widowed mothers Worn ens SHIS SO Egg A cable London states states that a party of young sent out by the Colonial and Continental Church Society sailed on Friday last from Liverpool for Canada The ma jority have fine spheres of mission ary labor among settlers in Saskat chewan and Manitoba so the Society house at avenue on Monday Herbert was well known In New Ontario He was the manager England Brothers store at Chutes for some time and con ducted stores of his own at Crossing and at Corcoran It Is said that he strained his vitality by too heavy and too prolonged Work When the prospectors carnc in for outfits they were always in a hurry and would frequently work Store ISO BAB Canadian Company Baggage to and from trains handled with despatch in as The Schombtrg Meeting ALMOST UNANIMOUS TOR RECI PROCITY and Armstrong Meet labor leaders and local detectives arc in San Diego in connection with the case From an official source it was learned early today that at- least twenty more arrests are expected Washington April 21 The entire American Federation of Labor with its membership of nearly and vast funds will rallyto the The public meeting at at which both K and James Armstrong met on Port of John J the la the same platform to talk politics- leader accused of being implicate and- especially the reciprocity pact believes and are first of several to jail night He worked all day carry- be sent out this spring and summer No doubt they will find opportunity for plenty of useful labor in the mis sion fieldschosen Kid pound bags of flour and sugar half a mile to the boat from Mr store or from the railway station He was never a heavy or robust man but on the termination of his former long fast he became very so for a consid erable period He came to Toronto on the death of his fa the about a year ago to settle the estate and he still owned a general slock of goods in the north country He is survived by a wife ami three children The Ottawa Cilizcri is the Conser vative party organ at the Capital fiesny and continued hut takes an opposite stand in regard to the reciprocity pact to the Con servative journals at Toronto t On this question the Citizen thinks the people of the Dominion should rise above party and says At any or effort we must learn to rise above such sectional How ever long our forebears may have been good Conservatives or good Lib erals it is absolutely that In the moment of decision concerning our national policy as in these very days shall be able to realize that whatever political lines may divide us them all is fhe fact that are all Canadians ami that above we all other considerations we must place the interest of Canada Unless we do that we have not yet devel oped the soul stuff out of which na tional greatness is made Under all Canadian above all Canada Sew York April Almost one on a lo cal Jamaica train on Railroad were thrown Into a panic today a number were by flying Kla two to thai they required t to attention of an am bulance when the two the i cars Jumped the track A the train card from the An man about year old was standing on the carting for A wv have the rail di- from heart failure The adoption the menu card arose an Dukes meth od of listing dishes At a given i Duke Henry In he was observed consulting I a long slip of paper lying at the side his plate A guest ventured to ask what paper was for The Duke explained hat it was a sort of program or catalogue of the dishes he had commanded from the cook To intent that if some delicacy which especially appealed his tile were marked for a later stage in the repast hemight carefully re serve his appetite for it This took ft is pretty evident from the tenor of the resolutions passed by the On- I Association that the present contract system of Pub lic and High School and Trustees allowing teachers to resign or he dismissed as the may he upon a months notice is no more acceptable to teachers titan to trus tees At the recent convention In Toronto the Association adopted the following I That all contracts be tween teachers and trustees shall uniform throughout the Province That contracts shall terminate at midsummer vacation only That White Buying a Hat Pro poses to the Milliner New York April William Christian described as a Cleveland millionaire bad a mighty happy lime on last leg of his sea honeymoon Nfrs who was a milliner of Chicago when she be came bride of Mr ad mitted that It was true she had he- come acquainted with her husband when he went her store last No- and asked for the finest and dearest hat she had He confided to her that hat I was for women he was going to marry and that he Mended lake her on a honeymoon that would not him less than She said that she looked upon that as rather a too gorgeous expenditure even for la 60yearold widower He asked her what idea was about the expense of a honeymoon A she said she her Idea Was about the expense honeymoon and she she thought she could have the time of a what page the amended School Act shall be cancelled This latter clause relates termination of contracts for cause ap proved by Inspector no teacher should he dismissed or allowed to ro ller Then him went guests and In the middle or a term a term are always that date an in- Spring Assie Court opened at on Tuesday at The docket consisted of two tosex civil and one criminal The Jurors were notified not to last year in various parts of the Province had similar experience onjy three or four days taken up with Court business and thin Ik just what would be the experience of North York were the Riding separated into an Independent county What it more the Coun ty all instead County and M hot- of the city where our ritt Courts Cannot Cured by tius w llt only on fco of Si to Tube v fa foflamed yon md or fceartnc toUrtly closed ttt be OT aoout the The iz Wg where a It of County laxa- of tit up fsxAtUfj qp proclamation of the the Art passed last We i ifrrrf I the Ontario for say of I the Kale of tttaot be cared v Into force on Saturday Cure for Act a penalty of JPlonmeftt up to six months SP in the middle attended with more or not only but to pupils a a Hon life on or even less he proposed and she accepted and selling out her Store she to Cleveland and they were married Mrs said it was true that the bridegroom had popped the in manner related and that Knew name of the other lady but would not it Sold Take a0 certain weapons enumerated without a permit A similar penal ty Is for anyone who sells Sickneas la caused by the accu mulation of waste matter and impurities the body Dr Morses Pills enable the kidneys the lungs and the pores of the skin to throw off these impurities Thus they prevent or cure a box Calgary April The worlds record jump by a lady rider was made the show night when Miss Walsh of Heaver Dam bars at ridin a little western pony The little ridden by Walsh ban for a years pant car ried records among the cow non being handy on its feet and an expert In art of cutting out Hirers This only the second time Miss has ridden the pony Oiled the Town Hall to its capacity indeed many were unable to gain ad mission The Club irom Kins City to the number of perhaps one hundred were on hand to hear the champions headed by their Mr The antireciprocity candidate got a terrible chill whcn he discovered that only a dozen or so the yeomanry and business men of his own Township present sympathized with Ms views Mr received a splendid reception as he reviewed carefully the arguments against the trade agree ment and produced facts and figures to show the benefits to the farmer and consumer under the new arrange ment Mr Armstrongs statement that Ontario could not grow barley was resented by the audience many Of whom had raised last year the best barley that could be produced which commanded the highest price in the market lie attempted to Show that Buffalo prices were lower ham in Toronto but the farmery were better informed upon sub ject than Mr Armstrong Mr closed the meet ing with a thorough reply to Mr Arm strong who had advanced no real argument against the proposals and niter Mr sat flown the audience arose with the exception of nine or ten out of an audience of over 1 00 and with cheers adopted a strong resolution In favor the trade agreement Cheers or Mr and God Save the King sung by the closed the opinion of oldtimers best meeting ever held In Henry Norman made an excellent chairman the best ever and presid ed throughout and near midnight the meeting was over in the Los Angeles Times dyna miting plot nan HE WAS GENEROUS Master Walter aged five had the soft portions of his toast st breakfast and piled the crusts on Lis plate When I was a little boy remarked his father I always aie the crusts of my toast Did you like them asked little fellow cheerfully Yes replied the parent You may have these replied Master Walter pushing his plate across the table The Delineator When washing redbordered covers or quilts dissolve a in the water in order to preserve the color Sows Seed In Dirty Fields If you own a Champion you can now need In dirty Heidi whore corn and straw manure are In edged discs make a through such The cut Bern per a keep the scrupulously clean never choked FOR FLETCHERS I A Both drain find Gram Seed thoroughly before lonve factory You can the Index you pOW to fraction ft pint Ball In Frost A Wood easiest running disc- drill in and ex amine construction excellent machine us have the f a chut with you always enjoy a with uptodate farmer 2 MORRIS Agent Newmarket Itching Scalp jot op lit a tow nobbing made that win rid scalp ft and Patterson to cure stop fccalji and falling hair or money back and only large bottle it vitality Into Ihe hair and It a radiant it Is the favorite hair dressing of worried It quickly and not being ktlcky or in to fjnd of Reign of Terror Tiffin Ohio April IMicltvo who of the blowing Up of tin Times build ing Angeles by the arrest of James Mc- and two other men declared today thai the I reign terror under building contractor hav lived for months is at an end Hums raided the home of McManlga here and found stored in a went compartment a 100 pounds dynamite The Is in the heart of the city There was enough dynamite ln the store room to blow almost every house here The dynamite li a rough wooden ho and Aan tin directions who confessed to Barns Us Angles April 21 The Detective William i Burns who auccecded in rounding yp evidence Wit men accused dynarriltlng The Angeles Times on the morning of October 1st last with a of more than a score of lives expected to he the signal for many arrests men prominent In la bor circle throughout Canada Mayor Alexander and of say that nothing he done until the return of Hums hut the police- of Man have been to watch for at leant oUr and 2SoU BU8INE88 EDUCATION Such as you may obtain under the very best con ditions at the Central Business College ol To ronto is a sure pass port to success Thous ands have proved it Why not Investigate for Our free catalogue explains Write for it SHAW Principal ffdILWAV TORONTO RETURN From Newmarket fifty cents lor to Canadian National Horse Show Tickets good going April 2Mb 20th 2fth Return limit May 1st Low Rates to the West Ask nearest Trunk Agent about and Settlers or A I p Toronto Full particulars and tickets from J Depot Agent For Sale Driving More old good sin gle or double Mclaughlin and one cutter Dick JowTii St Newmarket 3 Engines for 8ale 14 hp Portable Second band Clover Mill and Traotioa En gine Apply to E Second St House Organ For Sale in good condition large size with Several stops Would excellent service in a Sabbath school will be at a bargain Time on satisfactory Apply at the Era Office SILVER LACED WINNERS of 3 firsts Seconds at Newmarket second 2 thirds at Toronto firsts seconds thirds special North Toronto Eggs for Hatching from these Grand Layers my GEORGE PECK Mount Dennis Eggs for Hatching From Zephyr Poultry and Fruit Farm From winnors of nearly In White Brown and Bull Leghorns Anconas Dorkings Golden and White Wy- Barred Hocks SO Rhode Island Reds Orphingtons Black and Rouen Ducks and varieties per setting or settings lor Satisfaction guaranteed STEPHEN SELLERS Zephyr PO Phone few 12 Notice to Creditors Public Notice Is hereby given pur suant to provided that behalf that creditors Richard late of the Town nf Newmarket gentleman decease who died on the day of March at Newmarket are hereby notified to file their claim properly proven with the undersigned Widdi- field Esq Newmarket solicitor lor tlie undersigned executor on or be- fore the day of May as Immediately after that date the ex ecutor will proceed to distribute the assets having regard only to those claims then filed Dated of April Solioltorior Executor REV Newmarket Executor v- f to SLa

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